Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 42

Chapter 43 Room Of Requirement


Originally, when Jerry entered this time, he had stored more than 6,000 little red stars.

With his original plan, he could last for two months.

However, because the branch was assigned to Slytherin, he had to study with all his strength and absorb a lot of magical knowledge, which also led him to consume a lot of Little Red Star every day to activate the “refreshing” function.

Therefore, in just eleven days, there were only more than thirty of his six thousand little red stars.

Aside from the less consumption on the first day, since he went to school, he has turned on the brain-boosting function for about three hours every night to study.

Every day, the function of “enhancing and refreshing” is indirectly activated during the day, which adds up to four or five hours.

So on average, he starts seven to eight hours of “enhancement and refreshment” every day.

When the “enhance brain-boosting” function is turned on, one small red star will be consumed every minute, sixty in one hour, and nearly five hundred in seven or eight hours.

In eleven days, just turning on the “refreshing and refreshing” function consumed nearly 5,000 little red stars.

In addition, every day he stayed in the small world, he would consume 100 stars on a fixed basis. In 11 days, more than 6,000 little red stars were consumed, so little was consumed.

At twelve o’clock tonight, if the number of Little Red Stars is not enough, he will be forced to return to the main world.

Fortunately, the crazy study during this period has consumed a lot of Little Red Stars, but it has also gained a lot.

Not only has he learned very practical spells, but his knowledge of magic and the use of magic have also made great progress compared to before.

Now, he is short of a broom.

It’s a pity that it’s not Gryffindor, there’s no way to get a free Nimbus 2000 from Professor McGonagall, so he can only think of other ways.

At first, he planned to secretly “borrow” a teaching broom for flying lessons, and bring it back when he returns.

But later I found out after inquiries that the teaching brooms used in class were stored in the teacher’s dormitory where Ms. Huo Qi was.

Going to the teacher’s dormitory to steal a broomstick, isn’t that courting death!

So after thinking about it, he felt that he had to find another way.

I carefully recalled the contents of several movies in my mind, especially after turning on the “refreshing” function.

He finally found a place in his memory where he could get a broom for free.

That is, the House of Requirement at Hogwarts!

He remembered that in the movie, it seemed that it was Goyle or Crabbe. When the Fire Charm was cast in the Room of Requirement, the three of Harry found three broomsticks to escape.

And the Room of Requirement should be on the eighth floor.


Pushing open the stone door carefully, Jerry came to the basement corridor.

Go back down the hallway to the first floor, and then enter the second floor from the luxurious marble staircase on the first floor.

On the second floor, there are 142 moving magic staircases. Although these magic staircases like to move, their movement and connection also have certain rules.

The prefect had already told them these rules on the day the school started.

There are portraits hanging on the walls around the stairs. Most of the characters in these portraits are already asleep at this time, and there are a few who are not asleep. Seeing Jerry’s appearance, they did not do much. big response.

It happens every year that the little wizard violates the rules and visits the castle at night.

The small team that had Harry’s father in the past, the Weasley twins, and the iron triangle with Harry in the back.

So as long as he wasn’t caught on the spot by the patrolling Filch and the teacher, then there would be no problem.

Jerry also knew in his heart that the portraits on the wall were actually Dumbledore’s eyeliner, and Dumbledore probably knew everything that happened in the castle.

But he wasn’t worried.

Because Dumbledore wouldn’t interfere in the matter of visiting the castle at night, and he didn’t go to the library to steal books, but just went to the eighth floor to find the Room of Requirement, knowing that it wasn’t a big deal.

Stepping on the magic staircase, Jerry tried his best to move towards the eighth floor as carefully as possible.

However, just as he stepped onto the corridor on the eighth floor, a small figure appeared on the guardrail of the corridor on the eighth floor.

Upon closer inspection, it was Filch’s pet cat, Mrs. Norris.


After seeing Mrs. Norris calling him, she was about to turn around to report to Filch. Jerry quickly took out a secret weapon that he had prepared long ago from his left pocket and threw it at Mrs. Norris.


A small roasted and browned trout landed in front of Mrs. Norris.

Mrs. Norris looked at the grilled fish in front of her, and immediately stopped her catwalk.

“Meow~ woo?”

It glanced at Jerry hesitantly, as if to say, are you bribing meow? Am I the kind of unsettled meow?

When Jerry saw this, the corner of his mouth was slightly raised, and he took out a roasted and browned small trout from his right pocket and threw it.

Since there is no immediate rejection, it means that you are already moved. As long as the amount is added, the problem will not be too big.

After all, what cat can say no to fish?

Sure enough, after a while,

Jerry calmly walked past Mrs. Norris, who was engrossed in eating, and looked for the possible location of the Room of Requirement.

“found it!”

Jerry’s eyes lit up as he looked at the giant blanket hanging in the hallway.

At this time, a wizard on the giant carpet was trying to teach the troll to dance, but the troll was chasing after him with a big stick.

If he remembered correctly, the white wall opposite the huge tapestry should be the entrance to the Room of Requirement.

Since the “Enhancing Brain Refreshing” function, Jerry found that as long as he turned on this function and tried to recall the memories of his previous life, many of those forgotten memories would be clearly reproduced in his mind.

This also made him gradually recall all the “Harry Potter” movies he had seen in his previous life, as well as related news, small videos and some small popular science.

This is the way to enter the House of Requirement, which he saw in a small popular science in his previous life.

“I need that place to hide things!”

Jerry kept thinking about this, and walked over the white wall three times in a row.


The white wall that was originally empty, suddenly a very smooth door appeared out of nowhere.


With a smile on Jerry’s face, he grabbed the copper handle, opened the door, and stepped inside.

It was a room the size of a church, and it was filled with as many things as hills, all hidden by students who were once at Hogwarts.

However, most of them are useless things, such as bottles, hats, boxes, chairs, bats, and so on.

But there are also very useful ones, like Jerry’s main goal this time – broomsticks!


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