Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 46

Chapter 47 Water And Fire Invulnerability Mantra


“Shen Feng has no shadow!”

Jerry waved his wand at the apple on the coffee table.

An invisible sharp blade was fired from the wand, and the cup on the right side of the apple was instantly popped out.

“This accuracy needs to be improved!”

After looking at the intact apple, and then at the cup next to the apple, Jerry shook his head helplessly.

After continuous practice, he can now successfully release the Shenfeng Shadowless Curse, but due to his magical strength, the power used is not very large.

So if he wants the Shenfeng Shadowless Curse to be more lethal in a short period of time, he must practice more to master his accuracy from the other side.

A slash on the thigh and a slash on the neck, even if the force is the same, the lethality is completely different.

He needs to use the invisible blade issued by the God’s Edge Shadowless Spell to hit wherever he points. It is best if a fly flies over, and his invisible blade can accurately cut off the fly’s wings.

Of course, it will take time and a lot of practice from him over a long period of time.

“Fixed as ever!”

He threw a repairing spell at the cup next to the apple to restore the cup to its original state, and he practiced the Shenfeng Wusha again.

However, just as he was getting more and more precise in controlling the Shenfeng Shadowless Charm, a series of fire truck whistles suddenly came from outside.

“So many?”

Feeling that there were at least three or four fire trucks passing by on the road outside the community, Jerry thought for a moment, and immediately took out a guitar bag from the room and rushed out.

Fire, then maybe many people will be trapped. Once rescued, there should be a lot of little red stars in the account.


abandoned warehouse,

Jerry quickly took out the wizard suit from the guitar bag and put it on, then chanted a spell on the broom he took out, and rode it quickly out of the warehouse.


Flying high in the sky, Jerry quickly spotted the seven or eight fire trucks speeding on the street, and then his broom accelerated and followed closely behind them.

“Oh God, what is that?”

“Mom, look at someone flying!”

“This world is so crazy that someone is flying on a broom!”

A group of citizens who were attracted by the sound of the fire truck’s whistle on the street also found Jerry flying not far above the fire truck, and exclaimed.

Jerry had acted at night before, so the only people who could see him were those near the crime scene or the police who called for surveillance afterwards.

Therefore, although most people have heard of a character like “Wizard”, they have not really seen it, and many of them still do not believe it.

After all, everyone knows that in order to attract traffic, many media like to exaggerate the facts. What kind of wizard, what kind of magic, is probably just a powerful magician, using a trick.

Magician David Copperfield has also performed magic tricks related to flying.

But today, on this sunny day, they were really shocked when they actually saw a man dressed as a wizard flying through the sky on a broom that had no high-tech components no matter how it looked.

This speed is not like magic!

Jerry glanced down at the shocked crowd on the street below, paying no attention.

It was only a matter of time before the public learned that he was already mentally prepared.

The key is to earn more Little Red Stars and quickly improve your strength. As long as your strength is improved, nothing else is a problem.

He’s not one of those real superheroes, there are always those concerns.

Of course, it is better to try to maintain a positive image in front of the public, otherwise it will be troublesome to be regarded as a big villain and be beaten by other superheroes.

To put it more clearly, at least on the surface, he must stand on the highest point of morality, so as to be more secure.

For fire rescue matters like today, it’s good to have a high profile.

Thinking of this, Jerry deliberately lowered the height of the flight, and waved kindly to the shocked New Yorkers on the street.


After flying for about ten minutes, Jerry finally saw the thick smoke rising in the distance, so he lifted off and accelerated, and rushed directly from the air to the place where the thick smoke rose.

The fastest speed of sweeping Samsung is 60 miles per hour, which is about 100 kilometers per hour, and the short-cut from the air quickly leaves the police car of the fire brigade behind.

Two minutes later, Jerry finally came to the scene of the fire.

A six-story building along the street here caught fire for some unknown reason. At present, patrolling policemen have already arrived at the scene early to maintain order, and some reporters are carrying cameras to broadcast live.

Among them, Jerry also saw an acquaintance, it was the reporter Lucy who liked to sit down and photograph him before.

Lucy is a little-known news reporter. Since Jerry expanded the scope of earning little red stars during this time, her squatting plan gradually went bankrupt.

Today, during the day, she received a live interview with a street burger shop. Unexpectedly, she was only halfway through the interview task, and unexpectedly encountered a fire nearby.

So she immediately took the camera brother and rushed to the scene of the fire as soon as possible, and started the live broadcast.

“Here on Oak I am your favorite Lucy. There was an accidental fire here just now. According to the current situation, it should be caused by the fire on the second floor. Now the fire has burned to five building.

However, in addition to some residents who were lucky enough to escape, many residents were trapped in the building. The fire brigade has not yet arrived, and the situation is very urgent! ”

“Oh, God, there seems to be someone in the sky!”

Lucy, who was reporting **** the camera, heard the exclamation of the onlookers in her ears, and immediately looked up.

A short figure in a wizard’s robe, riding a broom, somehow floated above their heads.

“Quick, turn the camera on that kid, he’s the wizard I’ve been looking for all this time!”

Lucy’s eyes lit up and she immediately shouted at the cameraman.

The cameraman responded very quickly. He lifted the camera and aimed the lens at Jerry in the air.

At this time, Jerry didn’t waste time, he quickly took out his wand from his arms, and first cast an invulnerability spell on himself.

This is an older spell that he learned earlier in the “Guide to Medieval Witchcraft”.

The main function is to prevent being wet by rain and prevent being burned by ordinary flames.

It is introduced in the book that many wizards in the Middle Ages often cast this spell on themselves when they were caught by Muggles to be burned to prevent being burned to death.

With the invulnerability spell, Jerry accelerated and rode his broomstick into the burning fourth floor.

Looking at the fire on the second and third floors, those who could escape must have escaped, and those who couldn’t have been scorched, and now they go in to save their bodies.

There are only people on the fourth and fifth floors, so there might be some help.


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