Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 555

Chapter 549 Jerry’S Hidden Secret

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“Of course, Ludo, what are the odds now?”

Seeing Ludo coming, Arthur was immediately interested.

Ludo carried his big bag full of Jin Galleons and explained with a smile:

“Right now the odds are 1.5 and people still think that Ireland has a better chance of winning, and if you choose England, you can get more if you win.

But for whoever catches the Snitch first, most people choose Jerry Carmen.

Of course, there are options with higher odds, and it’s all about the time Jerry Carmen takes to catch the Snitch, twenty times in five minutes, ten times in thirty minutes, twice in one hour, and one hour later.. …”

In a normal international Quidditch match, the Snitch is usually released half an hour after the game, and Jerry will choose when to catch the Snitch based on the score on the field.

It doesn’t matter if England have the upper hand.

If you are at a disadvantage, it will be determined according to the difference in points, but it is usually between one hour and two hours. The odds set by the ruble are calculated based on Jerry’s usual performance.

According to his years of experience, at the level of the Irish team, the probability of Jerry’s catching the Golden Snitch within an hour must be very small, so his odds are very high.

“I bet one Galleon on England and one Galleon on Jerry’s catching the Snitch in an hour and a half.”

Arthur thought about it and took out two gold Galleons.

Seeing that there were only two Jin Galleons, Ludo looked disappointed, but soon regained his interest and turned to look at Jerry and the others.

“Very good, very good… Is there anyone else who wants to bet?”

At this time, Jerry was wearing a mask, and Ludo did not recognize him.

“They’re too young to gamble.”

Before Arthur’s words were finished, George and Fred took out all their savings:

“We put up thirty-seven gold Galleons, fifteen silver sikos, and three bronze nuts. You can buy Jerry within an hour…”

“Wait, Mr. Ludo, we need to discuss it first.”

Jerry suddenly interrupted at this time, and then pulled everyone into the magic tent, leaving only Ludo standing in a mess outside the magic tent for some unknown reason.

“What’s the matter, Jerry?”

Arthur asked suspiciously with two Jin Galleons in his hand who had not had time to hand them over.

And everyone else looked at Jerry at the same time.

“Do you want to make a fortune?”

Jerry looked at everyone with a mysterious smile on his face.

“Jerry, what’s big?”

George and Fred instantly became interested. The two of them always wanted to open their own magic joke shop after graduation, so they were very concerned about making money.

As soon as you bet all your money, you just want to make a small profit. After winning, your assets can be doubled immediately.

“Actually, I never told you, not only in school games, I can catch the Golden Snitch as soon as it is released, even in World Cup games.

Only, in order to prevent the game from ending so quickly every time, causing future Quidditch matches to change the rules, I will deliberately delay the time to catch the Golden Snitch. ”

Jerry slowly revealed the truth that had been hidden for a long time.

And everyone who heard Jerry’s explanation instantly became petrified on the spot.

Ron, who pays attention to the game every day, kept muttering:

“No wonder, no wonder every time you can turn the tide of the battle at the most critical moment, so… it turns out to be like this, oh, Merlin, this is just too…”

Before Ron’s words were finished, the Wes Lai twins laughed excitedly:

“This is simply awesome!”

Because they already understood what Jerry meant, that is, buy all the money, and buy him the bet that he can catch the Golden Snitch within five minutes, and then the assets can be doubled 20 times in an instant!

At that time, they will be able to get more than 700 gold Galleons.

“Jerry, what you said is true!”

Arthur was also excited at this time.

Although Percy has graduated now, their family still has four children studying at Hogwarts, and the shopping list sent by the school this year also includes a party dress.

Four sets of banquet dresses, that is not a small expense.

Therefore, their family’s current funds are quite short, and his wife Mrs. Molly has decided to use cheap second-hand dresses to barely cope.

However, if what Jerry said is true, then their family’s assets will instantly increase twentyfold, and all problems will be solved by then.

“Don’t worry, I’m not kidding about this kind of thing.”

Jerry nodded affirmatively.

If someone else said this, Arthur really wouldn’t believe it, but from the steady and mature Jerry’s mouth, he left a sentence that he wanted to go home to get the money, and disappeared in place with Apparation.

“We also need to leave for a while!”

Bill and Charlie looked at each other, and also Apparated to withdraw money.

Both of them have been working abroad for a few years, and naturally they have some savings. How can they miss such a great event at this time.

Exactly, if the assets can be doubled 20 times this time, they will have enough money to marry a wife and start a family in the future.

“Unfortunately, I only have one silver xike.”

Ron looked disappointed.

“I have two.”

Ginny and Ron are brothers and sisters.

Unlike the Wesley brothers, the two often earned some money at school by selling gadgets they invented themselves. Their mother, Mrs. Molly, was responsible for their study and daily necessities.

So naturally there is not much pocket money.

It’s the three silver xickles that I have added up in my pocket now, which my mother Molly gave me extra because I was going to watch the Quidditch World Cup.

As for Harry, he wasn’t as excited as the others.

After all, his parents left him a huge legacy, and he is not short of Jin Galleon at the moment.

Little Book Pavilion

“I also have a hundred gold Galleons to vote.”

After Arthur, Bill, and Charlie’s father and son left, Hermione seemed to think of something, and took it out from her bag in her room. Her father taught her to go to Diagon Alley tomorrow to buy school supplies for a hundred gold Galleons. .

When Harry and Ron heard the, they showed unbelievable expressions.

They thought that according to Hermione’s character, they would tell them that gambling is not good and shouldn’t be gambling, but they did not expect to get involved.

In this regard, Ginny, who had a high emotional intelligence at a young age, was not so surprised.

Because she knows that it is not normal for a girl in love to do some abnormal behavior.

If Jerry wasn’t here, and the content of the bet had nothing to do with Jerry, even if she knew she would definitely win, Hermione probably wouldn’t take part in the bet, and she would even lecture Harry and Ron like a teacher.

It’s a pity that now it’s all about Jerry, so the natural result will be different.

When you truly fall in love with a person, everything related to him will be beautiful.

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