Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 563

Chapter 557 3 Grand Tournament

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“Jerry, thank you for coming to pick us up, now you don’t have to worry about being late!”

In front of the Burrow’s house, Harry, who had packed his luggage long ago, saw Jerry and Hermione walking out of the fire ring with a relieved expression on his face.

He has experienced the procrastination of the Wesley family in recent years. Every time, he can barely catch up with the train before it leaves.

After everyone made an appointment to go shopping at Diagon Alley two days ago, Harry lived in the Burrow.

On the one hand, he couldn’t resist Mrs. Molly’s warm invitation. On the other hand, it was also because his godfather Sirius Blake, who was recently invited to become an Auror by the Ministry of Magic, was really busy and had no time to take care of him.

Since the horrors of the Quidditch World Cup, the Ministry of Magic has been in chaos.

As the hero of the First Magical War, Sirius has no doubts about his strength. It can be said that most of the Aurors in the Ministry of Magic are not his opponents.

So after he was proven innocent, the Ministry of Magic always wanted to invite him to become an Auror of the Ministry of Magic.

Mainly, Fudge felt that if Sirius could work at the Ministry of Magic, the reputational loss of the Ministry of Magic could be slightly compensated.

After all, imprisoning a war hero as a Death Eater in Azkaban for more than ten years is really damaging to the image of the Ministry of Magic.

At first, Sirius refused, but since he knew that the suspected Death Eater remnants appeared and made a scene at the Quidditch World Cup camp, he hated the Death Eaters so much that he agreed to the invitation of the Ministry of Magic.

“It’s okay, it’s not a problem for me.”

Waving to Mrs. Molly who was helping Ginny sort out upstairs, Jerry laughed.

“Jerry, Hermione!”

At this time, Ron also came out with his suitcase.

“Good morning, Ron, why didn’t you see Mr. Arthur?”

Jerry asked curiously.

As soon as he arrived here, he sensed that there was no Arthur’s magical aura in the house, which was rare.

“He was too busy. He was called by his colleagues from the Ministry of Magic early in the morning. It seems that because of your portal magic, you need to formulate relevant regulations. You know, my dad is very good at this.”

Ron shrugged.

Jerry’s heart suddenly understood when he heard the words.

Since that night, he used an oversized portal to transfer the wizards in the camp to Diagon Alley, without the need for newspaper propaganda, everyone knows that the magic of portal is indeed achievable, and they have also witnessed his practicality.

So his magic book about explaining portals was sold out the next day.

During this time, there were really some old wizards who were knowledgeable and good at space magic. With the study of Jerry’s magic book, they could open the portal in the same way.

For this situation, the British Ministry of Magic, and even the entire International Confederation of Wizards, takes it very seriously.

After all, if there are more wizards who can teleport in the future, then a lot of things will really change, and the scope is very wide.

Therefore, while there are not many people in their hands, they need to discuss and formulate relevant regulations in the shortest possible time.

These are not important to Jerry, no matter what the regulations are, it is impossible not to let him, the inventor, use the magic he invented.

“Let’s go!”

Seeing Ginny, Mrs Molly, Charlie, and Bill appearing one after another at the door, Jerry opened a portal leading to platform nine and three quarters of King’s Cross.

In fact, he could have directly opened a portal to Hogwarts Castle.

However, the school stipulates that everyone rides the Hogwarts Express to school, and his behavior of opening the portal is obviously not in line with the school rules.

And everyone went to school by train together, which seemed to him to be an interesting thing.


“I may see you all soon.”

Before leaving, Charlie hugged Ginny, then winked at Jerry and the others.

Because the portal opened by Jerry went directly to the platform, Mrs. Molly, Charlie, and Bill naturally didn’t need to go to the station to see them off.

The farewell began at the door of the Burrow.


Fred and George were puzzled.

They also heard from Charlie yesterday that they were going to return to Romania in two days to do some dragon hunting. Why did they say such things again today.

But Charlie showed a mysterious smile:

“You’ll know, don’t tell Percy that I mentioned this… You know, this is top secret information, and it won’t be released until the Ministry sees fit.”

“Ah, I wish I could go back to Hogwarts this year.”

Bill put his hands in his pockets and looked at the train opposite the portal. His expression was a little melancholy at first, and then he seemed to think of something, and some light flashed in his eyes:

“You guys are going to have a really fun year, I might take time off to watch part of…”

Charlie and Bill’s words were veiled, but they didn’t say what they were talking about, and everyone except Jerry was scratching their hearts like cats.

“Go ahead, you’ll find out when you get to school, and you probably won’t be back for Christmas this year, because…for one reason or another.”

“Fairy Wood”

When Mrs. Molly spoke of the key points, she also used other words instead.

The most curious brothers Wesley felt that they were going crazy, but no matter how they asked, Mrs. Molly, Charlie, and Bill just didn’t say anything, and pushed them to the other side of the portal with a smile.

In the end, when Jerry closed the portal, they still got no news.

Because of the portal, they arrived at the platform more than an hour earlier than the departure time, so there were basically not many people on the platform and on the train.

The advantage is that they no longer have to look for vacancies, they can choose a most satisfactory location.

However, since Jerry’s celebrity face is too eye-catching, in order to prevent serious harassment on the train, they finally chose the last box at the back of the car.

After everyone put all their luggage and sat down, Hermione suddenly asked Jerry:

“Jerry, do you already know what’s going on?”

Hermione’s question instantly attracted both Harry and Ron’s do you think I would know? ”

Jerry did not deny it, and looked at Hermione next to him with a smile on his face.

Hermione raised her head proudly:

“Because you were the only one who didn’t respond to what Mrs. Molly and the others said, and you know people from the Ministry of Magic, and you’ve been living in the Leaky Cauldron, I guess you must already know something.”

“so smart!”

Touching Hermione’s head and looking at the staring boss Harry and Ron, Jerry didn’t hang his appetite like Bill, Charlie and the others, and directly stated the reason.

“Because, this year Hogwarts will host the Triwizard Tournament!”

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