Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 580

Chapter 574 Hagrid’S Love


Seeing this, Jerry just waved his hand:

“It’s nothing, Hagrid, you’ve helped me a lot before and taught me a lot about magical animals.”

Indeed, for Jerry, Hagrid helped him a lot before, and he also took a lot of magical animals from Hagrid, so he gave him a space box that he could make at his fingertips, really A piece of cake.

“What the **** is going on, what happened to this box?”

Harry and Ron, who were on the side, saw Hagrid’s huge head approaching the box, and was suddenly sucked in by the palm-sized box, and then spit it out again, also confused.

“Idiot, it’s a high-level spell, the Unmarked Stretch Charm, a spell that can be used in a vast space. Those tents at the Quidditch World Cup camp before were enlarged by the Unmarked Stretching Charm.”

Without Jerry speaking, Hermione had already made mopps for the two of them.

In fact, Hermione knew very well that whether it was raising a dragon, or the box that had used the Unmarked Stretching Charm to expand the space, it was actually a violation of the laws of the Ministry of Magic.

But she didn’t say much.

Because her own small schoolbag that she carries on her body every day has also been secretly expanded by her using the Traceless Stretching Charm.

Hermione, like Professor McGonagall, is sometimes very concerned about the rules and some rigid rules and regulations, but they are not really that rigid, and she also likes to break them occasionally.

Maybe that’s why she’s Gryffindor instead of Ravenclaw.

“so big!”

After a while, Harry and Ron were also full of curiosity and went to the box space that Jerry gave Hagrid.

What surprised them was that there was not only a large area, but also lawns, woods, lakes, and a wooden house similar in shape to Hagrid’s hut.

Even if they had seen a luxurious magic tent before, seeing such a scene shocked them for a while.

Apart from lamenting Jerry’s greatness, they no longer knew what words to use to express it.

In fact, for Jerry, it’s actually a matter of minutes.

Making this kind of box space is simply too simple for him, and at most it is a waste of some magic power.

The real difficulty is the ring world he is perfecting now.

It has been more than two months now, and he has not even filled the rule of 1/10,000 of the ring world. If he wants to complete the most basic 50%, he still has a long way to go.

After helping Hagrid in the box space, placing the three little dragons in their own nests, and preparing enough food, it was noon.

In order to thank Jerry and the four for their help, Hagrid used his big iron pot to cook a large pot of meat with his own hands.

However, looking at the big claws of unknown creatures rolling with the thick soup in the pot, everyone lost their appetite in an instant.

In the end, Jerry, who is proficient in cooking magic, made an improvement, which turned it into a real delicious food.

After lunch, it gradually started to rain outside, and the temperature dropped a lot.

Hagrid’s hut seemed extra warm because the stove was burning all the time.

Several people excitedly speculated in the hut, who has the greatest possibility to be selected as a warrior at Hogwarts at night, and who can finally win the top three cups.

And what are the three contents of this year’s Triwizard Tournament.

In fact, for the first question, everyone still has some ideas in their hearts, but sometimes it is like this. Before seeing the results, we always hope that some miracles will happen.

It’s like buying a lottery ticket, knowing that 99.99999% of the time you won’t be able to win the lottery, but you will still sit in front of the TV with anticipation and wait for the lottery to be drawn.


“It’s almost time for us to go back!”

At 5:30 in the afternoon, Jerry saw that the sky outside the window was getting darker, so he reminded him.

“Yes, there will be a Halloween dinner in a while!”

Hermione nodded.

Harry and Ron also jumped off their chairs, with a little excited tone:

“It’s more important to participate in the announcement ceremony of the school warriors!”

They remembered what Snape had said last night, that three warriors would be selected for the Triwizard Tournament tonight.

“Okay, I’m with you!”

Hagrid put down the food he was preparing for the three little fire dragons, quickly took off the moleskin jacket that would never be changed, put on a rare suit, and smoothed his hair with magic smoothing agent. , and took out a large bottle of perfume and wiped it all on his beard.

Suddenly, a pungent smell filled the entire cabin.

“Hagrid, what did you put on, the moisturizing perfume you put on after shaving?”

Hermione pinched her nose and asked in a choked voice.

Hagrid also seemed to realize that he was wearing too much perfume, and his face turned slightly red:

“Well… this is cologne. I bought it when I went to Hogsmeade to buy brandy this morning. Maybe I rubbed too much. You wait, I’ll wash it!”

After speaking, he immediately left the room and cleaned it in the bucket in the yard at the entrance.

“It’s wrong, it’s so wrong, I’ve never seen Hagrid use perfume in three years!”

Harry watched Hagrid go out with a puzzled look on his face.

And Ron also said:

“And that hair, and that suit, it’s just… so not his style.”

“Maybe it’s because of love. You know, Hagrid is still single.”

Jerry was not surprised, because he knew that Hagrid at this time should have fallen in love with Maxim, who was also a half-blood giant with him, and the headmistress of Beauxbatons.

You must know that hybrid giants are also very rare in the wizarding world. Generally, wizards cannot have feelings for giants that are more than ten times their size and have offspring.

Therefore, Hagrid fell in love with Maxim when he first saw Maxim, who was a half-blood giant like himself.

“Look over there!”

At this moment, Hermione suddenly pointed to Hagrid’s position outside the window.

It turned out that when a few people speculated about Hagrid’s abnormal behavior Two hundred meters away from Hagrid’s hut, Maxim was also getting off the carriage with the students of their college and walking towards the castle. past.

And Hagrid, who was washing his beard, seemed to have been sucked out of his soul the moment he saw Maxim, and then completely forgot about Jerry and the others in the hut, and took the initiative to run over and walk side by side with Maxim. .

“It’s really a friend!”

Harry looked angry when he saw this.

And Ron exaggeratedly said:

“If they have kids in the future, it will definitely be a world record – I’d say each of their kids weighs a ton.”

“Actually, it’s not bad. If you think about it, our Hogwarts professor of the protection of magical creatures married the headmaster of Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Jerry raised his hand and smiled to comfort the three Harry who had been completely ignored by Hagrid.

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