Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 590

Chapter 584 The Secret Of The Golden Egg

【Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizards】【】

, Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizards


“No wonder I didn’t see you that night, so you and Jerry were showering in the bathroom together…”

There was something meaningful in Harry’s tone.

Although he is relatively insensitive to emotions, he is not stupid. If a man and a woman soak in the sink in the bathroom, something will happen naturally.

“What happened in the tent that day has already surprised us. We didn’t expect your progress to be so fast!”

Ron also let out an exclamation at this time, obviously his thoughts were the same as Harry’s.

To be honest, although Hermione and Jerry were a couple, they had already figured it out, but what happened in the tent that day still shocked them.

Until now, the fact that Jerry and Hermione fell in love with a kiss is still a hot topic among the school wizards.

That day at Hogwarts and Beauxbatons, many little witches secretly left tears in the quilt after hearing the news.

It’s just that they didn’t expect that the progress between the two was faster than they thought.

And here, Ginny stared at Hermione with a look of admiration:

“Hermione, you won’t, that night already…”

To be honest, although she and Hermione were best friends and knew her well, she was still shocked when I heard that Hermione had kissed Jerry directly in the public that day.

At the same time, she also admired Hermione’s courage, because she did not have the courage to treat Harry that way.

At this time, when I heard that the two had entered the bathroom that night, it turned from admiration to worship.

And Hermione also noticed something from the words between the three, and immediately explained with a flushed face:

“You misunderstood, it’s not what you think, we didn’t do anything that day, just… just solved the secret of the golden egg together, we…”

However, the more she explained, the more meaningful the eyes of the three of them were, obviously they didn’t quite believe it.

“Okay, let’s not talk about this, the Christmas ball is about to start, have you found your dance partner yet?”

Seeing Hermione’s blushing explanation, Jerry hurriedly spoke to help her out.

Although Hermione with a blushing face is very cute, but as an official boyfriend, it is time to make a move to make a move.

And that night, nothing really happened to them.

He is an adult, he has lived for so many years, and he knows how to restrain his desires. It’s okay to hold hands and kiss, and he will at least wait until Hogwarts graduates.

In essence, he is still the kind of man with more traditional thinking.

Here, when they heard the word Christmas ball, the faces of Harry, Ron and Ginny suddenly collapsed, and they were no longer in the mood to joke about Hermione and Jerry.

“Not yet, I’m really worried that if there is no dance partner, it will be too embarrassing!”

Harry sighed first.

In fact, as a boy who survived, although Harry’s reputation at school is not as good as Jerry’s, he is still very popular with girls.

More than a week ago, when Professor McGonagall announced the Christmas ball to everyone, many girls took the initiative to invite Harry to become his dance partner.

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【Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizards】【】

For example, a third-year Hufflepuff girl with curly hair he never knew, a second-year Ravenclaw girl, and a fifth-year girl in Gryffindor who was a foot taller than him.

But they were all rejected by Harry without thinking.

In his heart, he didn’t want to go to such an important Christmas dance with a girl he didn’t know.

In fact, what he had a little idea of was a Chinese witch named Qiu Zhang, who was also the current Seeker of the fifth-year Ravenclaw Quidditch team.

Because the two had several matches, he recognized each other’s strength very much, and thus had a little goodwill.

It’s a pity that just when he mustered up the courage to make a move, Jerry told him that he saw Cedric Diggory invited Qiu Zhang to the dance, and Qiu Zhang agreed.

So until now, he still hasn’t found a suitable dance partner, especially after so long, basically all the girls he knows have been invited.

“Me too, but I’m even worse. I invited me once and was rejected. I really don’t know why I did that. It’s still in the public eye!”

If Harry was just sighing, then Ron’s expression was nothing short of regret.

“what is the problem?”

The topic changed, Hermione finally returned to normal, and asked curiously.

And Ginny, who was still a little melancholy at first, laughed very unkindly:

“Hahaha, yesterday… he actually went to invite Fleur Delacour. It was still in the hall. There were a lot of people there.”

“You know what? She looked at me as if I was a sea cucumber or something, and didn’t bother to answer at all.

Well, Ginny, I know I’m overthinking it, but I’m trying to find the prettiest one for the prom, what’s wrong?

Don’t forget, this dance can only be attended by fourth graders and above. You still need to think about how to find a wizard who is above fourth grade and willing to take you to participate! ”

Ron first covered his forehead, and then said angrily to his sister who mocked him.

This time, only the wizards above the fourth grade are eligible to participate in the Christmas ball of the three schools. The wizards under the fourth grade are not eligible to participate unless they are invited to be the dance partner by the wizards above the fourth grade.

Ginny’s laughter froze, and then she looked at Ron in dissatisfaction and said:

“ I have no shortage of dance partners, Neville, Dean, and a fifth-year Ravenclaw boy all invited me, but… I just haven’t decided which one to choose. .”

After speaking, she glanced at Harry subconsciously, and then looked back very quickly.

And Hermione obviously noticed this, she coughed and said:

“Actually, Harry, I think if you don’t want the Christmas ball without a partner, you might consider Ginny, who just happens to have no idea who to choose as her partner.”


“I think it’s a good idea, Harry, sometimes you can’t be too hesitant, or it’s too late to regret it if you miss it.”

With a slight smile in his eyes, Jerry nodded in agreement.

He knew that if Harry refused at this point, it would be years before he wanted to be with Ginny again.

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【Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizards】【】

At that time, Ginny, after a few love affairs, was already a master of love, and could easily handle Harry to the death, letting him experience the pain of not being asked for.

“That…seems…not bad, Ginny, would you like to go to the dance with me?”

Harry originally wanted to refuse, because Ginny was a very shy child in his eyes, but when he looked up and met Ginny’s eyes, he subconsciously changed his mind.

Because he found out that Ginny didn’t know when she became so beautiful.

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