Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 616

Chapter 610 Back In Time

【Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizards】【】

“Are you ready?”

Jerry took Hermione’s hand and asked.

Hermione, in her evening gown and glass slippers again, nodded.

“Okay, then let’s go back!”

Jerry opened the panel and pressed the button to enter the small world of Harry Potter.

As soon as the picture changed, the environment around the two of them turned into a cave full of fairy lights outside Hogwarts Castle.

Seeing the pair of little wizards exchanging feelings in every corner of the cave, Hermione couldn’t help but sigh:

“I finally know why you are growing so fast!”

Before seeing Jerry every once in a while, she found that Jerry had grown a lot taller all of a sudden. They always thought that Jerry was growing faster.

Now that she has experienced the shuttle in the small world and spent a month in Jerry’s world, but it is still the point where they left when they came back, Hermione realized that it is not that Jerry is growing fast, but that he has more time to grow.

“To be honest, how old are you now?”

Hermione looked at Jerry with gossip on her face.

Jerry was stunned for a moment, then smiled:

“I haven’t counted the specifics, but it’s definitely bigger than you.”

“Hmph, I always thought I was my sister, but I didn’t expect you to be older than me.”

Hermione curled her lips. Her birthday was September 19, and she could be said to be the oldest among the wizards of the same period. If she was born 19 days earlier, before September 1, she should be one grade higher than Jerry. .

So according to the age of their little wizards in normal school, she is actually the oldest in the entire fourth grade now.

All are her brothers and sisters, including Jerry.

However, Jerry can travel through the small world, and he must be older than her in actual age, that’s why she said that.

“Let’s go dancing!”

Looking at the bright lights of the castle, Hermione didn’t wait for Jerry to react, and dragged him towards the ball in the auditorium.

Unlike other little wizards who are tired from dancing and go to the cave to rest and exchange feelings, they have been away from the Christmas ball for a month.

“Run slowly and be careful to fall.”

Looking at Hermione, who was wearing crystal slippers and carrying the skirt of her evening dress, excitedly running towards the castle, Jerry reminded helplessly.

After all, no matter how mature Hermione is in her heart, she is still a fifteen-year-old girl in her most youthful period.

When I came to the auditorium again, except for a few professors and students, it was not as noisy as before when they left.

The fast-paced rock was also replaced by a very soothing waltz.

Hermione pulled Jerry to the center of the dance floor, and under the colorful magic lights, her eyes met an elegant waltz.

Snape, who had never left his seat to enter the dance floor, looked at Jerry and Hermione on the dance floor, took a sip of the mead from the glass, and fell into memory.

In those days, if he could be like Jerry, less concerned about blood, less obsessed with black magic, and even get along well with Gryffindor wizards, maybe Lily would not have left him and fell in love with Potter’s egomaniac .

In the past few years, he watched Jerry and Hermione go all the way, and finally got together smoothly, and he did not reflect on the mistakes he made in the past.

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【Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizards】【】

He and Lily were childhood sweethearts who had known each other since childhood. Although they were divided into two academies, if he could ignore it like Jerry did, it would be different from being divided into one academy.

Slytherin and Gryffindor have had many classes together, and Lily is a wizard who loves to learn like Hermione. He was willing to accompany Lilith to study in his spare time, and the time spent together could definitely exceed Lily and Potter.

Just like Jerry and Hermione, the two of them were almost inseparable except for sleeping and classes that were not together.

Unfortunately, it was too late, it was too late, and Lily had already left this world.

“Severus, don’t keep silent in the sadness of the past, you are only in your thirties, you are the youngest headmaster in the history of Hogwarts, there are many witches who like you, sometimes maybe you should take a chance and give it to yourself. An opportunity for others.”

At this time, a figure appeared next to Snape, it was the former headmaster Dumbledore who had returned to rest after another dance.

He looked at Snape who hadn’t entered since the Christmas ball until now, and sighed.

As a master of potions and the current headmaster of Hogwarts, Snape’s social status in the wizarding world is not low, and witches have always liked him.

However, he completely froze his heart because of the death of Lily Evans.

Dumbledore hoped that Snape could find a new partner and untie this knot, not only because of his relationship with Snape over the years.

It was also because he felt that if Snape could find a new partner and start a new relationship, then his character flaws could be made up and he would be better able to serve as the headmaster of Hogwarts.

However, Snape still shook his head as always, his heart was already dead the moment Lily died, and could no longer hold anyone else.

On the other side, Jerry, who was resting next to him after dancing with Hermione, moved his ears.

He heard all the conversations between Snape and Dumbledore just now because of his amazing ear power.

“Maybe, it’s time to take the time to help Professor Snape!”

As Professor Snape who had helped him a lot on the way to magic, Jerry still didn’t want him to die alone like Dumbledore, especially since he was really not very old.

If it was before, of course he had no choice.

But now, through his understanding of the laws of this world, some things that were impossible before, may not be impossible to do.

At eleven o’clock in the evening, the Christmas ball officially ended, and all the little wizards returned to their dormitories.

Jerry and Hermione are no exception.

However, after Jerry sent Hermione back to the Gryffindor dormitory, instead of falling asleep as quickly as other little wizards, an apparition appeared outside the castle, and then took out the time converter after a long absence.

“Time, go backwards!”

With the help of the sand of time in the time converter, and now Jerry’s mastery of the law of time, he began to greatly reverse the time.

Not a day or two, but turning back time at the rate of years.

The fundamental law of time in the world of Harry Potter, that is, what has happened, will never change, so Lily Evans’ death, he can’t make changes.

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【Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizards】【】

But because of the understanding of the laws of this world during this time, he felt that he couldn’t do other tricks.

He wasn’t trying to resurrect Lily Evans, even if it was James Potter who he loved, not Snape, and that wouldn’t be fair to Harry.

He just wanted to give Snape a chance, a chance to start over.

(End of this chapter)

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