Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 618

Chapter 612 The Rule Of Thumb

In the evening, the Queens borough of New York Police Department.

Sheriff John Foster, who had just returned from duty, parked his police car in the yard of the police station, and was about to clock in and get off work at the station when he suddenly saw a ten-year-old on the lawn of the yard. little girl lying there.

“Children, wake up, you can’t lie here like this, you’ll catch a cold, what about your family?”

The girl was shaken awake by John, with a confused look on her face.

John said softly:

“Kid, what’s your name? Why are you lying here? Are you lost? Where do you live, I’ll take you back.”

“My name seems to be Lily, police uncle. I don’t know why I’m lying here, I don’t remember where my home is, and I don’t remember my family.”

Lily opened her eyes, looked at the policeman in front of her, and tried to recall the memories in her mind. Except that she remembered that her name was Lily, and she was eleven years old this year, she couldn’t remember anything else.

John was stunned for a moment, then lifted Lily and said gently:

“It’s okay, let’s go and have a rest first. It’s cold here. Uncle will help you find your family.”

In this way, Sheriff John took Lily into the police station.

Half a month later, at Sheriff John’s house, John and his wife Mary said nervously to Lily sitting in the chair:

“Sorry Lily, we checked all the records and couldn’t find your family. Mary and I would like to adopt you as our daughter if you want.”

Since John picked up this amnesiac girl named Lily at the police station that day, because she could not find her family for a while, she took her back to her home for temporary care.

Want to wait to find her parents, and then send them back.

However, after half a month of investigation, and even all surveillance cameras near the police station, no trace was found. Lily, a little girl with amnesia, seemed to have fallen from the sky.

Originally, according to this situation, Lily would be sent to a suitable family for adoption, but after half a month of getting along, both John and his wife Mary had feelings for the well-behaved and sensible Lily.

In addition, due to physical reasons, the two could not have any more children, so they felt that this might be the daughter sent to them by God, so they wanted to officially adopt Lily as their daughter to make up for their regrets.

Looking at the nervous couple, Lily nodded in agreement without thinking much.

The first person she saw was John, and her memory of the past was blank, and John and Mary were also very good to her during this time, so of course she would like to have such a pair of parents.

So the next day, John and his wife took Lily to go through all the adoption procedures.

Half a month later, Lily was helping Mary clean the house when an owl suddenly landed on the balcony of the house, dropped a letter and flew away.

Lily picked up the letter curiously.

The envelope is rarely made of parchment and reads:

“Miss Lily Foster, 277 Grand Street, Queens, New York City.”

“Write to me?”

Seeing that the recipient of the letter was actually herself, Lily suddenly had a puzzled look on her face.

She didn’t know anyone except her adoptive parents and neighbors.

Turning the letter over, a striking wax seal appeared in front of her eyes. Around the wax seal were painted a water snake with long horns, a strange bird, a six-legged cat, and a goblin?

Opening the envelope, Lily began to read the specific letter inside:

“Headmaster of Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: Agilbert Fontana

Dear Miss Lily Foster:

We are pleased to inform you that you have been approved to study at Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and enclose a list of required books and equipment

The semester is scheduled to start on September 1st. I will visit your home in person at 9:00 tomorrow morning and get back your reply.


Sincerely, Danielle Peck”

“Mom, mom, I got a letter from an owl that a magic school wants to admit me!”

Just when Lily was shocked to receive an admission letter from the magic school, Jerry, who was above her house, nodded in satisfaction.

“It took so much effort to finally complete most of it, and the next step is to revise the law of time.”

Jerry created a clone of Lily and sent her to the United States to attend a wizarding school, so that she could freely grow into a truly complete human being.

The Lily that Snape met in the future, although not Lily Evans but Lily Foster, was a real witch with her own emotions and experiences.

But in order to prevent Lily Foster from falling in love with someone else before meeting Snape, he deliberately left two hints in Lily’s mind.

The first inner hint is that Lily will not fall in love with anyone until she is thirty-four, and the second is that she needs to receive certain information at thirty-four to be triggered.

Of course, all of this is not difficult for Jerry. What is more difficult is what effect he would have on the law of time and the future world by adding one more person out of thin air 23 years ago.

You know, the effect of a butterfly flapping its wings can create a storm.

Not to mention that he added a person alive.

Although it is said to be added to the United States, not the United Kingdom, but it may have a great impact on the world.

According to the time law of this world, history is not allowed to change, and once it does change, it will also cause some more catastrophic consequences and powerful backlash.

As Jerry once saw from the book, there was a wizard who had a very in-depth study of time magic by himself.

Some things were forcibly changed during time travel, resulting in a series of chain reactions, some people disappeared inexplicably, some people appeared inexplicably, including the wizard himself, who disappeared in this world directly because of a powerful backlash after time recovery .

However, with the current level of Jerry’s understanding of the laws of this small world, this kind of backlash can be minimized, and finally, relying on his powerful strength, he can easily resist the insignificant aftermath.

In fact, he used the laws he understood to connect with the world, and then simply dialed the laws of time, relying on his powerful ability to correct some of the butterfly effects caused by Lily’s appearance.

Then let the trajectory of the world continue as it was before.

The process of this is very complicated. For example, there was no Lily, and the Johns would adopt another child. Now, because of Lily, that child will be adopted by someone else.

In this way, history has changed.

(End of this chapter)

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