Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 620

Chapter 614 Snape’S Heartbreak

In the past ten years, I have traveled to most countries in the world, researched and produced many advanced potions, and I feel that my potion level has reached the level of a master.

So, I went back to America and opened my own potions shop on Magic Street, Foster’s Potions.

In view of my superb potion making skills, the potions shop has been doing very well, and it is even considered a little famous in the entire magic world, and I have earned a lot of gold Galleons because of it.

After another six years, I’m thirty-four years old, and I’m starting to get tired of running a potion shop and doing business. I want to experience a different life, and I didn’t want to fall in love or get married before. also disappeared.

This year, I saw the big news about the restart of the Goblet of Fire through the magic newspaper, saw Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts, retire, and saw a professor named Severus Snape become headmaster again. .

Suddenly, I have a strong interest in the oldest Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Just after Christmas this year, when I was at my adoptive parents’ house watching the magic newspaper delivered by the owl, I saw this job posting:

“Hogwarts is hiring a potions professor, and those who are interested can come to the school for an interview after Christmas – Headmaster: Severus Snape!”

When I saw this job posting, for some reason, a strong desire to apply for a job appeared in my heart.

This idea was so strong that I sold my shop that day, registered with the Ministry of Magic to use the door key, and came to London, England.

After securing a room at the Leaky Cauldron in Diagon Alley, I immediately sent my resume to Snape, the new headmaster of Hogwarts, using an owl from the Owl Post Office in Diagon Alley.

At eight o’clock in the evening, an owl brought back Headmaster Snape’s reply.

Headmaster Snape was very satisfied with my resume and invited me to Hogwarts tomorrow morning, where he would open the Leaky Cauldron to connect to the castle’s Floo network.

The meaning of the letter is obvious, as long as there are no problems in the interview tomorrow, then I will be the next Professor of Potions at Hogwarts.

I am very satisfied with this result, I think I have found the life I want to live next.

Becoming a potions professor at the world’s No. 1 magic school, and then cultivating a large number of potions geniuses, is more fulfilling than opening a shop and earning gold Galleons.

As for whether I can pass the interview, I have confidence in my potion strength.

In this way, I stayed in Diagon Alley for one night, and after having breakfast the next morning, I couldn’t wait to use the fireplace of the Leaky Cauldron to come to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, which is recorded by countless magical materials.

December 27, 1994, the day after Christmas.

Snape came to the principal’s office early after breakfast.

The biggest headache for him since becoming headmaster of Hogwarts may finally be resolved today.

It wasn’t the much-anticipated Triwizard Tournament. With Jerry there, the matter was already a foregone conclusion, and he didn’t have to worry about it.

The biggest headache for him is who will succeed him as the professor of potions after he becomes the principal.

As a top master of potions, Snape was very strict about the selection of potions professors. In his opinion, the process of making potions was art.

And the wizard who currently sees his job posting to interview. More than 90% of it is **** in his eyes, and he is not worthy of becoming a professor of potions at Hogwarts after him.

He felt that making those people professors of potions was simply misleading his children and destroying the great art of potions.

Dumbledore recommended a person to him, that is, the former Hogwarts Professor of Potions, and the former Slytherin Master, Horace Slughorn, the Master of Potions.

However, he was not particularly satisfied with this very famous potions master.

It’s not that he is dissatisfied with his potions skills, but that he is too old, and he knows this person, and he loves vanity and power.

Of course, if he can’t find a suitable one, for the time being, he really can only invite this retired Potions Master.

According to Dumbledore, as long as he could be Harry and Jerry’s potions teacher, Horace would agree to return to Hogwarts to teach for a few more years.

This would give him more time to find a really suitable potions professor.

Fortunately, just when he was planning to leave to visit Horace in a few days, a new cover letter was sent by the owl.

To his surprise, the wizard who applied for this job was not from the British wizarding world, but from the United States.

The wizard looking for a job is called Lily Foster. Lily’s name is the same as the person he loves deeply in his heart, but he doesn’t think much about it, there are too many Lily names in this world.

He is thirty-four years old, the same age as him, graduated from Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and runs a potions shop called Foster on Magic Street in New York.

He had heard of this potions shop, and it seemed to be quite famous in the American magic world.

The resume contained many honors related to potions in the magical world of the United States. Snape felt that if all were true, he was indeed qualified to be a professor of potions at Hogwarts.

So he decided to meet in person.

As a master of potions, he would naturally be able to judge whether the other party was truly talented or not, as long as he chatted for a while.

At nine o’clock in the morning, a blue flame rose from the fireplace in the principal’s office, and Snape got up, knowing that it was the witch who had come to apply.

Sure enough, after the blue flames passed, a lady in a raspberry red coat and a wizard hat came out of the fireplace with a suitcase.

“Good morning, Ms. Foster!”

Snape stepped forward and stretched out his right hand with a question Although his expression seemed to be the same as usual, there was no expression.

After Lily heard the sound, she slightly raised her face that was covered by the wizard hat, revealing her beautiful green eyes, and then held Snape’s right hand naturally.

“Hello, Headmaster Snape!”


However, as soon as she finished speaking, she saw the Principal Snape on the opposite side. After seeing her face, he suddenly shouted her name excitedly, two lines of tears flowed from his eyes, and he hugged her. in the arms.

This sudden and unexpected situation made Lily’s whole body bewildered.

“what’s going on?”

If it was someone else, she would have immediately pulled out her wand and sent a spell to knock them away, but the opposite was the headmaster of Hogwarts.

The key point is that the headmaster had a sad face, tears streaming down his face, and it didn’t seem like he wanted to take advantage of her.

“Headmaster Snape, it’s not suitable for us!”

Lily pushed Snape with a blushing face, but unfortunately Snape hugged too hard and she didn’t push it away.

To be honest, being single for thirty-four years and suddenly being held in his arms is a very novel experience for Lily.

(End of this chapter)

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