Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 64

Chapter 65 Cooldown Ends


In fact, I can’t blame Mr. Bailey for this.

After all, Teacher Bai Li is only in her twenties, and she has just graduated from college for three years.

For a girl of normal age, it is unrealistic to expect her to have strong housework ability.

Being able to live independently and support yourself is pretty good.

And according to Jerry’s knowledge, Teacher Bailey’s family conditions should still be very good, otherwise as an elementary school teacher.

She couldn’t drive to school every morning in a Hummer.

Although Bailey is Jerry’s teacher and future stepmother, in fact, in terms of mental age, Jerry is a dozen years older than Bailey.

So, just take care of an older sister!

“Where’s Elsa?”

Bailey picked up a crystal clear shrimp dumpling and put it in her mouth, her eyes suddenly lit up.

“Aisha, she’s still asleep. I guess she was tired from playing yesterday. School starts tomorrow, let her sleep a little longer!”

Jerry replied casually, then raised his head and said to Teacher Bailey:

“Teacher, let’s eat it. Aisha and Dad’s breakfast, I have kept it in the kitchen to keep warm, and it’s all yours on the table!”

“Oh, God, did you reincarnate an angel into the human world?”

Not only did I get up in the morning to finish all the housework, but I also made breakfast, which was so delicious and thoughtful.

This should be the legendary human full-level child!


At this time, the door opened, and it turned out that Haas came back with a tired face.

“Good morning, Jerry! Belle!

Oh, breakfast looks great today, I’m starving to death after a busy night! ”


S.H.I.E.L.D. Washington headquarters.

“That’s the way it is. The trace of Dr. Banner has always been under our control, but that little wizard, we still can’t confirm his true identity!”

Agent Hill reported all the details of the New York operation to Commissioner Fury.

Fury sat on a chair, tapped his fingers on the table, watched some videos projected on the wall about Jerry and the abomination fighting, as well as videos of rescuing seriously wounded soldiers, and sighed:

“This little wizard, although he is young, is not simple!”

Since more than ten years ago, Fury met Captain Marvel, involving the dispute between the Cree and the Skrull, and learned that the earth is not the only intelligent race, and there are many other races in the universe.

He has been preparing an avenger plan that can resist alien power.

Originally, Jerry, a little wizard who knows magic, was not considered in his plan.

Asking Hill to go to New York to investigate Jerry was actually just a casual thing to do when dealing with the Hulk. It’s like a routine, that’s what S.H.I.E.L.D. does.

However, after passing this incident, Fury felt that although the little wizard was younger, he still met the requirements of his Avengers plan.

First of all, Jerry has been doing crime-fighting behaviors from his appearance to the present, just like a police officer.

Although a little fee is charged every time, it is only a symbolic little bit. In general, the character is in line with his most basic requirements for the members of the Avengers.

Looking at his style of work, he is bold and careful, cautious, and even their S.H.I.E.L.D. has not found out his true identity, it can be seen.

The Avengers that the Avengers plan needs are, of course, the kind of brave and resourceful, not just a reckless man.

The only thing is that Jerry is a child, and putting a child in a dangerous operation is a little unreasonable.

But fortunately, judging from the current analysis of Jerry’s abilities, he doesn’t need him to be at the front, just put some kind of magic that can control hatred next to him.

Of course, the most important thing, and what Fury values most now, is at the end of the video, Jerry used magic to temporarily maintain the wounds of a seriously wounded and dying soldier.

To allow him to persist until he was rescued from the hospital, that magical healing magic was a special ability that no one had mastered among the avengers he was looking for.

“Maybe, it’s time for me to take some time to meet this little wizard in person!”


In the evening, Mrs. Bailey had already left, and Haas had been busy all night, so he slept after breakfast in the morning and hadn’t woken up yet.

Jerry and Elsa were sitting on the sofa watching TV.

At this time, some vague video was playing on the TV. It was some pictures of the Abomination, the Hulk and Jerry fighting that the news reporters risked their lives to film yesterday.

In the face of yesterday’s dangerous situation, there are still reporters who are not afraid of death, but instead of fleeing, they hid in some corners and secretly took some videos.

Jerry can only sigh at the people of this country, the spirit of adventure in their bones is really powerful, no wonder the population has not been rising very much.

The Abomination can be seen wreaking havoc in the video, and Jerry can also be seen appearing to attract the Abomination’s attention, giving the crowd time to escape, and teaming up with the later Hulk to defeat the Abomination.

After this incident, it is estimated that the name of the wizard will become famous not only in Queens, but in the whole of New York, and even the whole Aisha, you are watching TV here, I will go to the house to get one Stuff, will be back soon! ”

Looking at the notification that the cooling was over on the attribute panel, Jerry’s eyes suddenly lit up, he said hello to Elsa and returned to his room.

In view of the last lesson, he can’t make the same mistake again this time.

If something is brought out of the small world and seen by Elsa, it can’t be explained clearly.

Walking into the room and closing the door, Jerry reached out and pulled out the guitar bag from under the bed, took out the sniper rifle inside, and took out a glass bottle full of powder from the drawer.

Sitting on the bed, with a thought, he clicked the button to enter the small world.

The world suddenly came to a standstill.

Opening his eyes again, he had appeared in the Room of Requirement at Hogwarts.

“Leave this anesthesia sniper rifle here for the time being!”

Jerry remembers that, according to Ministry of Magic rules, wizards are not allowed to use Muggle supplies, and the Ministry of Magic seems to have set up a special section for this.

It’s called the Office Against Misuse of Muggle Objects, and it’s headed by Ron’s dad.

And now this item in his hand is not only Muggle items, but also a very dangerous firearms item among Muggle items. Once discovered, it is estimated that even if he is a good student with excellent character and study, he will be punished lightly. .

Therefore, he decided to hide the anesthesia sniper rifle in a special place for hiding things in the Room of Requirement, and then come over to get it when it is needed.

Placing it behind the wizard’s bust beneath Ravenclaw’s crown, Jerry quietly left the Room of Requirement with his wand and the glass bottle of powder in it.


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