Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 686

    Chapter 686 The Collector of the Elders of the Universe (Part 1)

    “Hundreds of years ago, the collector Di Fan discovered this head and occupied it, and asked his men to collect all the organic substances in this head, including bones, brains, etc. Tissues, spinal fluid.

    These organic substances have been found to have extremely rich functions. They can be used to cure diseases, strengthen the body and brain, and can also be used to conduct various biological experiments.

    Therefore, a large number of people of different forces in the universe poured in here, Buy those mined organic substances from Difan.

    Now the entire head has been mined out, but this place has become the largest black market in the universe.”

    After the spaceship docked at the designated place in the void, Gamora looked Looking at the densely packed spaceships of various planets and buildings of various styles flying in the air, he introduced it to Xingjue and others who came here for the first time.

    “It seems that you are very familiar with this place. The person who spent four billion to hire you to get the Cosmic Spirit Ball is this collector!”

    Jerry knew that Gamora planned to sell the Cosmic Spirit Orb for four billion. Sell ​​it to collectors, and then take the money to escape Thanos far away, no longer under his control.

    Gamora nodded.

    “Yes, so if you want to find Di Fan, I can take you there directly, but I don’t think that guy will be willing to sell this place.

    After all, he is not short of money, and his biggest hobby is collecting all kinds of rare items that are extinct. , including those races that are about to become extinct.”

    As a super cosmic spy, this is not the first time she has dealt with Di Fan, and she has a relatively good understanding of Di Fan’s situation.

    Jerry smiled when he heard the words:

    “I know he’s not short of money, and I don’t intend to open his mouth to buy the land of nothingness right now. Our task today is to sell him two things.”

    Collector Di Fan and his brother Grandmaster Gao Tianzun are all elders of the universe with eternal life.

    The elders of the universe are the survivors of the first batch of human intelligent creatures after the big bang of the universe. Their respective races have reached a very high level of civilization before their extinction.

    Each of them has eternal life and some special abilities. The powerful ones can single out a single universe-level powerhouse, and the weak ones can’t even beat the heavenly father.

    Fearful of losing themselves in eons, every Elder of the Universe has developed a hobby to keep himself sane.

    The collector Di Fan is collecting all kinds of rare items and races that are about to become extinct, and the master Gao Tianzun is gambling. He builds the Colosseum and lets the powerful in the universe fight in it.

    Caregivers like to nurture and nurse, astronomers know all the routes of the universe, builders can build all buildings in the universe, destroyers are good at killing and destroying species, gardeners are proficient in all planting knowledge of the universe, explorers explore all unknown areas of the universe, and so on.

    Jerry didn’t want to offend this series of cosmic elders with various abilities, not because he was afraid of them, but because these guys were endowed with the characteristic of immortality by death, and could never be killed.

    That is to say, unless one day his strength exceeds the death of the other side of eternity, it will be very annoying to offend their line.

    So unless it is absolutely necessary, he will not use force against collectors, and it would be better to choose outsmart.

    “Sell two things?”

    Xingjue, Gamora and others showed puzzled expressions on their faces.

    Didn’t you say that you are going to buy the land of nothingness? Why are you selling things again?

    “The Cosmic Spirit Orb and the Soul Gem, Gamora, you will tell Difan later that we are going to sell these two items.”

    Jerry turned his head and said to Gamora.

    Hearing that the things to be sold were the universe spirit ball and the soul gem, everyone was even more confused.

    However, what Jerry said next made them all stop in horror.

    “After the two gems are sold, Nebula, you contact Thanos and tell him that the collector bought the Power Gem and Soul Gem from me, and ask him to come and grab them.”

    Thanos wants to collect six Infinity Gems and destroy the universe. Everyone knows about half of life.

    Jerry didn’t want to protect the gemstones in his hands, but he even took the initiative to tell Thanos the news and asked him to grab the gemstones. Isn’t this going into the mouth of a sheep and helping the evildoers?

    Looking at the Xingjue who suddenly stopped, Jerry shook his head and explained:

    “It’s not what you think, this is just an excuse to lure Thanos over, and at the same time, it is also for the smoother acquisition of the Void from Di Fan.” “Earth”

    In fact, his operation is very simple, use two infinity stones to attract Thanos to bring his cosmic army to the land of nothingness.

    Thanos is not as easy-talking as he is, and he doesn’t have so many scruples. He will definitely use force to snatch the gem from Di Fanna directly.

    Di Fan is not famous among the elders of the universe by force, so he is naturally not the opponent of Thanos and his cosmic army. Not only the gems are robbed, but if he dares to resist, he will probably be beaten to death.

    Although the elders of the universe are immortal, they still hurt when they are beaten, and they need a lot of time to recuperate after being seriously injured.

    When Di Fan was beaten half to death by Thanos, he would take action to deal with Thanos and save Di Fan. Given his strength and help to him, it would be difficult for Di Fan to refuse his request to buy the land of nothingness.

    Because he remembered that after Thanos was killed in the movie, Star-Lord led the looters to buy the land of nothingness from collectors.

    Of course, the worst-case scenario is also possible, that is, Di Fan refuses to sell the land of nothingness. In other words, it is not impossible to find another planet as a base for the Avengers to contact the universe.

    Xandar, who has a good relationship with him, is an option.

    As for the strength of Thanos, he doesn’t need to think about it at all now. Even if Thanos got six infinite gems and had infinite gloves, he is not his current opponent, let alone two gems without infinite gloves.

    The reason why the Avengers universe base is established is actually to connect the Avengers of the earth with the universe, which will be more beneficial to their future development.

    In fact, I mainly want my sister Aisha to learn more and broaden her horizons.

    After hearing Jerry’s explanation, everyone suddenly understood Jerry’s good intentions, and continued to walk towards the collection building where Di Fan was.

    Ten minutes later, under the leadership of a red-skinned female alien named Karina, Jerry and the others went through many levels and finally came to a very huge exhibition hall.

    There are countless transparent boxes made of special materials hanging in this huge exhibition hall, and a strange-looking alien is imprisoned in each box. Jerry also saw a golden retriever dog in a space suit.

    “Oh, Miss Gamora, I thought you wouldn’t come over!”

    At this moment, standing in the middle of the exhibition hall, a man with white hair turned around, took off his special glasses, and looked fake He smiled and walked towards Gamora.

    And Gamora replied unceremoniously:

    “Di Fan, don’t be so hypocritical, I brought the cosmic spirit ball you asked for earlier, and I brought the soul gem by the way.”

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