Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 689

   Chapter 689 The Avengers who walked out of the earth (second update)

    “This is all men, you know, which man doesn’t want to be strong and big.”

    As a veteran of Huashu, Xingjue knows how “powerful” is to a man. importance.

    If it is said that a man and a woman fall in love at first sight mainly based on looks, then whether the married life is happy or not, and whether the man is strong or not is very important.

    Facing Gamora, who has always been strong, Star-Lord naturally hopes that he can be strong enough on the other hand.

    Hearing this, Jerry did not agree to Xingjue’s request, but instead patted Xingjue on the shoulder:

    “Quiel, when Ego chatted with you before, he should have introduced the nature of the power of the gods to you.”

    “The power of the gods Ego has mentioned the nature of it before, but what does it have to do with now?”

    Star-Lord has not yet reacted.

    Jerry leaned closer and explained in a low voice:

    “Ego can use the power of the gods to create a body, he can use the power of the gods to create planets, and naturally he can also use the power of the gods to change the size and strength of his body’s organs.

    And Ni, who has the power of the gods and If you want, you can do it yourself without my help:

    as big as you want, as strong as you want!

    Even if Gamora is willing, you can use the power of the gods The force will change her body to a certain extent.

    Therefore, if you have time, it is better to study the power of the gods in your own body, understand!”

    Although Jerry erased Egg’s soul, but The planet Yigo and Yigo’s power of the gods are retained, so the power of the gods in Star Lord’s body will naturally not disappear.

    And what he just told Xingjue is indeed true, but if he wants to really achieve the level he said, it will not be possible in a short time, unless Xingjue works hard enough.

    In this way, he also hopes that Xingjue can have more motivation for his god power. Xingjue will take the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy on adventures in the universe in the future, and he will inevitably encounter various unknown dangers.

    Once you have mastered the power of the gods, you will have more ability to protect yourself. There are only advantages and no disadvantages.

    Hearing Jerry’s words, Xingjue’s eyes suddenly lit up like two light bulbs, and he looked at Gamora’s chest in a lewd manner.

    And Gamora, who was comforting Xingyun over there, moved his ears lightly twice. For some reason, there was a slightly different expression on his green-skinned face.

    Just like that, Xingjue no longer asked Jerry for help, but left Jerry’s room with everyone.

    Since this kind of thing can be solved by himself, of course it is most suitable to rely on himself. He will not be embarrassed, and he can do whatever he wants. It is perfect. He can’t wait to go to the room to study his god power.


    “Quill, why are you standing still? Didn’t you agree to go downstairs for a drink together?”

    Drax, who was standing next to Rocket and Groot at the door of Jerry’s room, looked at the stopper suspiciously. The star-lord who is standing still.

    Just when they were going upstairs, they noticed that the fifth floor of the most luxurious hotel in the Void Land was a comprehensive entertainment venue integrating gambling, bars, and beast fighting.

    At that time, Xingjue proposed to wait a while to have fun after finishing everything, since it was all Difan’s money anyway.

    “Well, I think I should go back to the room to familiarize myself with the power of the gods I just obtained, so that it can play a greater role in the battle against Thanos.

    So, I won’t go, you go and play !”

    Xingjue replied insincerely, then waved his hands and turned his head and ran towards his room.

    He felt that his relationship with Gamora was not far from the last step, and maybe there might be a big breakthrough in these two days.

    Based on his experience in picking up girls for so many years, when Thanos is killed, it may be the day when he and Gamora have a bridal chamber.

    Because like Nebula, Thanos is also the most feared existence in Kamora’s life, but Gamora was not physically transformed because of Thanos’ appreciation.

    When Thanos is killed, the shackles of Gamora’s heart will be opened. At that time, as long as he does not lose the chain, it will basically be a matter of course.

    Therefore, he has to hurry up and familiarize himself with the power of the gods in his body, try to strengthen himself with the power of the gods before that, and establish the self-esteem that a man should have at the first time, which is very important!

    Seeing Xingjue rushing back to his room, everyone present, except Gamora, wondered if they were hallucinating.

    Will Star-Lord go back to his room to prepare for Thanos? He has always been the best plan without a plan, and the most confident thing is his ability to respond on the spot.

    This is simply too out of line with Star-Lord’s style.

    “He’s definitely not Quill, he should have been swapped!”

    Drax said firmly, pointing at Star-Lord’s back.

    “I’m Groot!”

    Groot pointed to Jerry’s room.

    Rocket jumped on Groot’s shoulder and laughed:

    “Groot is right, with Jerry around, Quill can’t be dropped. I think he may have called some special service. He doesn’t want us to know, Kamo I suggest you go check it out later.”

    “He told me that the service is none of my business, Nebula, Mandis, let’s go to the top floor to have a look, it is said that there is a good simulated beach there.” Gamora snorted coldly,

    bringing Watching the newborn Nebula and Mandis board the elevator to the top floor.

    In fact, when she was in the room just now, she noticed that Xingjue was asking Jerry some private words. She didn’t listen to the details, but she heard the general idea.

    So she already guessed why Xingjue worked so hard to go back to familiarize himself with the power of the gods, but how could she say such things in public.

    “Okay, then let’s go drink!”

    Rocket, Drax and Groot also took the elevator to the fifth floor.

    Jerry in the room heard the situation outside clearly. He shook his head with a smile, and opened the portal to Earth with his hand.

    Unlike the Rockets who can relax, he has to return to Earth to gather all the Avengers and bring them to the void.

    It’s not that they are expected to deal with Thanos and his army that will arrive in two days, it’s just to let them come and get used to it in advance, and by the way, make an appearance in front of the public of the universe.

    The void is the base of the future Avengers in the universe, and they are also required to manage it.

    But if they are all not well-known, it is inevitable that they will not be troubled by other forces in the universe after Jerry leaves.

    Thanos and his cosmic army are just side dishes for Jerry now, so at that time he will mainly play the role of sitting in charge and finishing.

    In the early stage, it is still necessary for the members of the Avengers to show their respective strengths, and let the major forces in the universe know that the earth has a powerful organization called the Avengers.

    Not only defeated Thanos, but also acquired the land of nothingness, and the wizard is also one of them.

    Only in this way, even if he goes to other universes to collect laws in the future, nothing will happen here.

    After one night, in the early morning of the next day, a portal appeared again in Jerry’s room.

    Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Thor, Doctor Strange, Ant-Man, Mahjong Girl, Spider-Man, Black Panther Prince, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Winter Soldier, Hawkeye, War Machine, Black Widow, etc. One by one appeared in the room.

    Finally, Jerry put away the portal and smiled at everyone:

    “Welcome to step out of the earth and come to the largest black market in the universe, and also the future base of the Avengers universe, the land of nothingness!”

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