Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 691

 Chapter 691 Aisha’s Big Discovery (Second Update)

    “Cosmic Express, the latest news, Xandar has revoked the cosmic arrest warrant for Star-Lord due to wizard reasons, and posted news claiming that it was a misunderstanding.” On the

    street, foodie Aisha is Pulling the reluctant Peter, he looked around for exotic delicacies from various planets. He suddenly heard a place similar to a newsstand not far away, which was broadcasting various cosmic news in a loop, and ran over curiously.

    “Aisha, so many things, can you eat it? Let’s go to Mr. Stark’s and share some food with them!”

    Peter held all kinds of snacks and snacks bought by Aisha in his hand, and some Said helplessly.

    Just now, he actually wanted to follow Mr. Stark and Dr. Banner to the weapon building that sells high-tech weapons in the universe, but Aisha forcibly pulled them over to act as a coolie.

    “What’s so interesting about those messy toys? I turned them all into scrap iron with a single magic spell.

    Well, did you hear that? There’s news about Sister Wizard and Star-Lord over there. Let’s go and see if we can find out. The story of the wizard sister and their adventures in the universe, I will go to Mr. Stark when it is over.”

    Aisha pulled Peter to move on without looking back.

    She didn’t know much about the adventure stories of the wizard sister and the Star-Lord Galaxy Guardians in the universe, and she only learned some sporadically from Star-Lord.

    But she felt that the version in Xingjue’s mouth was obviously far from the real situation.

    Because of the version in Xingjue’s mouth, Xingjue is the protagonist of all events, and her idol and sister-in-law is understated every time.

    Now that she has finally connected with the universe, she certainly wants to know more about her idol.

    “The cosmic adventure story of the wizard and the star-lord!”

    Peter’s eyes lit up when he heard this.

    Although he is very interested in many high-tech things, as a boy of this age, it is difficult to refuse all kinds of thrilling space adventure stories.

    In particular, one of the protagonists in this story is the famous wizard lady, and the other is his best brother, Peter, who has the best relationship with him.

    “Boss, give me all the news reports about wizards and Star-Lord!”

    Aisha said to the alien boss with an octopus head as soon as she arrived at the newsstand.

    The owner of the octopus head suddenly had a smile on his face:

    “Immediately, immediately!”

    I saw his eight hands rummaging through the newsstand like lightning, and in a short while wrapped a dozen newspapers and put them on Aisha in front of.

    Aisha, who had sufficient funds, stretched out her bracelet without thinking, paid all the newspapers at once, and couldn’t wait to read them with Peter.

    The wizard was recognized as the best friend by Xandar because of his special contribution. The wizard was wanted by the Cree Empire at a high price. The wizard defeated Ronan and his fleet with powerful magic on Contraxia. For the enemy…

    a series of news reports and many specific details about the wizard appeared in the eyes of Aisha and Peter, which made their blood boil, and they wanted to join in the adventure together.

    But when they finished reading all of them, Aisha suddenly looked at the boss with some surprise:     “

    Boss, why are there no pictures of wizards in these news?”

Photos, there are photos of the battlefield, but there are no photos of the wizard sister.

    The octopus boss stretched his octopus head towards Aisha, and chuckled in a low voice:

    “Xandar and the leader of the predators jointly blocked and deleted most of the images about wizards, so in these regular newspapers, You can’t see what a wizard really looks like.

    However, this is a black market, the largest black market in the galaxy, as long as you are willing to spend money, you can not only get photos about wizards, but also get you a whole photobook! “

    Although Xandar and the predators jointly blocked the appearance of wizards in regular news reports,

    there were always some people who experienced the incident at that time, secretly using their own equipment to take pictures of wizards, and these were in turn Black market merchants bought them at high prices and resold them to major forces in the universe.

    Later, because wizards became more and more famous, ordinary people on many planets also began to worship mysterious and powerful wizards, just like many people on Earth worship superheroes It

    ‘s just that people on earth worship superheroes mostly because they save mankind, while people in space worship wizards because they are powerful enough.

    Once again, black market merchants who saw business opportunities joined forces to secretly collect photos of various wizards and make sold a photobook of wizards at a high price on various planets, earning a lot of money.

    Although it is obvious that the photobook of wizards will not appear on the Internet and the world because of the law, many sons of rich people Mrs. and Miss, they all secretly keep books at home.

    The boss of Octopus obviously regards Aisha and Peter as admirers of wizards, and also sees that they seem to be good money owners, so he released the wizard photo album.

    “Photo Album! “

    Aisha and Peter’s eyes widened at the same time.

    In their eyes, the wizard is Hermione, and the wizard’s photobook is Hermione’s photobook.

    And the photobook they imagined in their hearts is obviously different from the photobook in the mouth of the octopus boss. “

    How much money, give me a copy!

    Aisha swallowed her saliva, stretched out her hand and said to the octopus boss. The

    octopus boss stretched an octopus hand into a high-tech box behind him with a smile, and then took out a book made of unknown materials. “

    Not expensive, not expensive, five hundred thousand copies!” “

    “Mysterious, powerful, and handsome wizards are about to show up in front of your eyes. You deserve to have a photo album of wizards.”

    Looking at the words on the cover of the book, Aisha reached out and asked the boss to draw 500,000 from the bracelet.

    Before going out, each of them had 100 million in their bracelets, and 500,000 was nothing in her eyes.

    “Don’t read it!”

    Taking the book from the octopus boss with eyes full of anticipation, Aisha warned Peter who was also curious, and then turned her back to open the photo album.

    A moment later, a scream that pierced Peter’s eardrums erupted from Aisha’s mouth.


    “What’s the matter?”

    Peter hurried forward to Aisha to inquire about the situation, but when he saw the figure on the notebook in Aisha’s hand, he also showed disbelief.

    “Isn’t this, brother Jerry?”

    Every page in the book has a figure in a wizard’s robe, but that figure is not the wizard in their impression, but the appearance of Aisha’s brother Jerry Carmen.

    “Maybe Miss Wizard turned into your brother on purpose because she fell in love with him. The wizard’s magic can make her change into any shape, you forgot.”

    Peter stammered and explained.

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