Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 70

Chapter 71 Midnight Encounter


Jerry was still in a very good mood when he left Snape’s office.

The original shot to save Neville was just to earn a little red star, and seeing that Neville was already stupid enough, it would be even more stupid if he fell like this.

Unexpectedly, not only did he get a free Nimbus 2000, but he also got Snape’s promise that he could come and ask for magic in the evening.

This is really going around and back, and it’s back to the original plan.

Originally, he wanted to join Gryffindor, not because Professor McGonagall could give him a Nimbus 2000, and by the way, he could also ask Professor McGonagall to open a small kitchen.

Now, although I joined Slytherin by accident, I can also get Nimbus 2000 and enjoy the benefits of opening a small stove.

It seems that this next Quidditch game, he really needs a snack.

However, don’t waste too much time on it, you have to think of a way to kill two birds with one stone.

Back in the Slytherin dormitory, before Jerry entered the door, he heard the smug laughter of the little Malfoy trio coming from inside.

“You can imagine, when the two fools Potter and Weasley went to the prize showroom to fight us at night, they saw Filch there. So happy!”

“I think after the two of them are caught, even if they won’t be fired, they will definitely be locked up!”

“No way, Gryffindor people have always been incapable of working, and they believed it when I said that!”

“So, they are all idiots!”

When the three saw Jerry pushed open the door and walked in, the laughter stopped abruptly, then glanced at each other, left the dormitory very unnaturally, and went to the common room to continue the discussion.

Seeing this, Jerry just shook his head and ignored them. Instead, he fell on the bed and started to make up for his daily sleep.

He didn’t care or stop the three little Malfoys trying to prank Harry and Ron, because it wasn’t necessary at all.

Harry had Dumbledore as a big backer, and it was impossible for anyone to kick him out of the school.

In the eyes of the little wizards, violating the school rules may be something very terrifying and extraordinary, but in the eyes of the professors, it is nothing at all.

No professor would fire the little wizards for breaking their curfew at night, and if they did, the Weasleys would have been fired dozens of times.

And every year, at least half of the students in Gryffindor are expelled before graduation, because they like to venture out at night.

Even the most disciplined-looking Hufflepuff would sneak out of the dormitory at night to get something to eat in the kitchen.

At twelve o’clock in the evening, Jerry slowly opened his eyes.

At this time, little Malfoy and others had already fallen asleep, Jerry quietly got up, picked up his wand and a jar of catnip, and secretly left the dormitory.

From today onwards, every night after twelve o’clock, he will practice magic at the House of Needs to improve his proficiency in magic.

Anyway, in the main world, he is also earning little red stars outside this time period, and he is used to it.

Filch, who turned on Superman mode and improved his five senses to prevent being patrolled, found that Jerry walked along the magic staircase and started to walk towards the Room of Requirement on the eighth floor.



Just as Jerry walked to the fourth floor, four terrified screams suddenly came from the end of the corridor on the fourth floor.

Immediately afterwards, he saw Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Neville rushing out of the room at the end of the fourth floor with fearful faces.

“what’s the situation?”

Jerry suddenly turned a question mark.

He remembered that in the movie, it wasn’t that the Iron Triangle was accidentally turned to the fourth floor when walking up the magic stairs during the day, and then stumbled into it and found Lu Wei, the three-headed dog. Why is it now after midnight.

And there’s an extra Neville.

Oh yes, this is the world of fiction.

Suddenly remembering that this is the world of novels, and maybe some of the details are not the same, he is relieved.

But then he sighed again, because since the four of Harry broke into the forbidden area on the fourth floor at this time, it means that Dumbledore is probably hiding near here with the Disillusionment Charm.

This also means that he can’t go to the Room of Requirement to practice magic today.

“What happened to you?”

Jerry took the initiative to stop the four Harry and asked.

“Jerry, there’s a terrifying three-headed monster in the forbidden area on the fourth floor, let’s run!”

When the four of Hermione and Harry saw Jerry appear, they gasped and explained in a panic.

“Calm down, calm down, the three-headed monster you mentioned didn’t catch up!”

Jerry pointed to the corridor behind the four.

The four of them looked back, and sure enough, the corridor on the fourth floor was empty, and the three vicious dogs were chained and did not chase them out.

“What the **** is going on? What three-headed monster?”

Jerry feigned doubt.

So the four strayed into the forbidden area on the fourth floor that Filch was chasing, and told Jerry that there was a huge three-headed vicious dog and a trapdoor inside.

“By the way, Jerry, why are you here?”

After speaking, Hermione suddenly thought of something and looked at Jerry in surprise.

Jerry coughed dryly, and then began to flicker:

“That’s I heard that you are going to have a midnight magic duel with Decola, but at twelve o’clock, I don’t think the three of them have any idea of getting up and fighting you.

So I came here specially to inform you that you should go back to the dormitory early, so that Mr. Filch won’t catch you! ”

“Look, I said that Malfoy and the others lied to you. You have to listen. Gryffindor almost got deducted for your recklessness, and I almost got fired for you!”

Hermione yelled angrily at Harry and Ron.

And Harry and Ron looked at each other, they didn’t force Hermione out at that time, why is it all their fault now.

Still, they thanked Jerry.

Because Jerry risked being fired, it was interesting to take the risk of telling them to evacuate so late.

Sure enough, Jerry, although a Slytherin, is a trustworthy Slytherin.

“Okay, go back quickly, I’m going back too, otherwise Mr. Filch will patrol again later, but it will be troublesome!”

Jerry looked around, and his keen five senses made him faintly aware that a certain line of sight fell on him from mid-air, so he quickly reminded him.

Hermione and Harry also thought it made sense, greeted Jerry, and ran down the stairs towards the Gryffindor common room on the eighth floor.

Jerry didn’t stay long after seeing this, turned around and went back to the Slytherin dormitory.

Although he didn’t go to the Response Room today, he also knew that Dumbledore had really been monitoring Harry’s every move.

Be careful when you’re with Harry in the future.


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