Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 707

    Chapter 707 All staff dispatched (second update)

    On a small wooden boat that is moving in the Kaelum sea area.

    Gray looked at Naz, who was already throwing up, and asked suspiciously:

    “Naz, are you leading the way in the right direction? Why is there nothing here? We trusted your nose to let you lead the way!”

    Natsu: “Ouch~”

    “It’s a good thing that Lucy went to Jerry for help!”

    Juvia looked at Natsu with a happy face.

    “It seems that Natsu is seasick again!”

    Juvia’s voice just fell, a teleportation array appeared on the small wooden boat, and then Jerry walked out of the teleportation array with a face full of fun.

    All Dragon Slayers have the Achilles’ heel of fainting vehicles. Jerry guessed that it must have been caused by God Anxelam, who deliberately used laws to contain the powerful existence of Dragon Slayers.

    Thinking about it, Akunologia, the most powerful dragon slayer, even claimed to be no match for Jeff, and almost caused a crisis of annihilation in the end.

    Seeing Jerry appear, Natsu seemed to see the savior in an instant, and hurried over.

    Jerry reached out and pointed at his forehead, and added a balance spell to him, helping him get rid of the pain of seasickness.

    “Come back to life!”

    Natsu, who had returned to normal, immediately started to breathe fire excitedly.

    “Jerry, it would be great if you came to help!”

    Seeing Jerry approaching, Gray and Juvia suddenly felt a certainty.

    Jerry is a mage who can single-handedly beat the holy ten, and is also proficient in various types of magic, so he can be said to be an all-round master.

    “It’s not just me, this boat is too small, I’ll make it bigger first!”

    The corner of Jerry’s mouth raised, and he first cast a magnifying spell on the small wooden boat, making it more than ten times bigger, and then stepped aside, allowing the impatient people behind him to come out.

    The leader of the first generation, Mebis, was followed by the third-generation leader Makarov, and then Ulu, Gajiru, Elfman, Lucy, and Kanna.

    Anyway, the mages in the guild at that time, Except for Mi Lizhen, everyone followed, and there were dozens of people in the vast crowd.

    Originally, Jerry planned that he could come alone. After all, in his eyes now, even Gerald of the Holy Ten was just a matter of waving his hands.

    By the way, he can also take back the super magic crystal that Gerald has calculated for so many years to defraud the council of 2.7 billion magic spirit power, and then gather more power for his own dimensional world.

    When the Naihe guild heard that Erza’s head had been kidnapped, there was an outrage, and they all clamored to follow, and with Mebis booing, he brought them all over.

    Although everyone is a little afraid of Erza’s long-winded words, Ersha still has a very high status in everyone’s hearts.

    “Whoever kidnapped Erza, I feel silent condolence for them!” Juvia, who

    had just joined Fairy Tail not long ago, couldn’t help muttering while looking at the ship of Fairy Tail wizards.

    Just kidding, Chairman Guang Makarov is a veteran holy ten-level mage. Jerry, who is about to become the fourth-generation chairman, can be described as unfathomable. Lu.

    Not counting the others, these three alone can sweep away any mage guild on the mainland.

    At this time, Juvia didn’t know that the little loli standing beside Makarov was the legendary president of the first generation, Mebis.

    Until Lucy came out from the crowd and told what happened after she returned to the guild.

    Originally, Lucy returned to the guild mainly to find Jerry, to see if Jerry could find Erza’s trace, because Natsu looked seasick, which was really unreliable.

    “I just said that my nose is fine. Look, isn’t that the Tower of Paradise that those guys are talking about!”

    At this moment, Naz, who had been freed from seasickness, pointed to the front and yelled loudly.

    And everyone looked at the small island in the distance, and they saw a very strange strange tower standing there, and there were many wrecked warships with the flag of the Fiore Kingdom army beside them.

    “The Tower of Paradise, isn’t this the R system that was destroyed before!”

    Makarov looked at the strange tower in front of him, revealing a thoughtful expression.

    “Old man, what is R system?”

    Naz asked curiously.

    Makarov thought for a while and explained.

    “The R system, also known as the resurrection system, is a kind of super magic developed by the believers of the most powerful and evil black magister Jeref in history. The main purpose is to resurrect Jeref with a lot of magic power, so it is also called Resurrection system.

    There used to be seven such resurrection towers in the world, but they were all removed by the Magic Council in conjunction with the major wizarding guilds. Erza was one of the slaves who were captured by the dark cultists to build the resurrection tower.”

    “Resurrect Zeref?”

    Mebis was surprised when he heard Makarov’s words.

    “What’s the matter?”

    Makarov asked hastily when he saw Mebis’s expression changed.

    Mebis looked at everyone, and then slowly said:

    “I know the black magister Jeref you are talking about. He used to be the magic teacher of Hades, Volod and Yuri, but it is impossible for him to know Die. If there are no accidents, he should be in the Western Continent now.”

    Mebis knew that Jeref also had a curse, a curse of immortality, and before she was killed by Jeref’s curse, Jeref once Tell her that he is forming a kingdom in the Western Continent.


    Everyone gasped when they heard Mebis’ words.

    The rumored most ferocious black mage, Jeff, is actually a generation of magic teacher, and he is still alive. This news is really amazing.

    “Actually, he’s not as bad as the legend says, but because of unavoidable reasons, he loves life very much in his heart.”

    Mebis thought of Jeff and Zeng Jin’s self, with a look of sadness in his eyes.

    “But he made so many demons, isn’t it to destroy the world?”

    Wulu asked with a frown.

    The powerful demon Daliola, who was once frozen with her life, is one of the demons created by Jeff, and it is not the most powerful demon.

    According to legend, Jeref has a book of demons, which seals hundreds of powerful demons he made to destroy the world.

    “No, he made demons just to make those powerful demons kill him, but they all failed.”

    Mebis and Jeff had a lot of exchanges, especially in the last meeting, when the two lived together. For a while, she also learned about some of Jeff’s past, although it was not comprehensive.

    “Okay, let’s talk about this issue after we rescue Erza!”

    At this moment, Jerry noticed the movement of the Paradise Tower in front of him, and interrupted everyone’s questioning with a smile.

    At this time, on the isolated island, a large number of dark mages had sensed the approach of their big wooden ship, and began to set up magic crystal cannons to input magic power, intending to smash them all like they dealt with the kingdom’s warships.

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