Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 713

    Chapter 713 Communicating with Anshen (Second Update)

    “Ahem, I don’t dare to take advice, I just want to remind my little brother, in my world, if you want to take anyone away, as long as you don’t take too much, I will I won’t stop it.

    But I hope you, little brother, will be merciful to these magic powers!”

    Anxelam walked up to the Tower of Paradise and tapped it lightly, and the Tower of Paradise, which contained 2.7 billion magic power, instantly shattered and turned into The purest magic has returned to heaven and earth.

    Jerry watched Anxelam’s movements, but didn’t try to stop them.

    One is that he can’t beat the opponent, and the other is that the magic power of the Tower of Paradise is really not that important to him.

    Now that the entire ring world has been fully built, what he needs more than magic power is the further development and expansion of the ring world behind.

    If you really need magic power, the main world of Marvel can get magic power methods, which are much more than these small worlds.

    Now that Anxelam is showing up, he wants to see if he can get closer to the other party, and if there is a chance for everyone to chat about how to create and build the world.

    Although God Anxelam is a god of a small world, he is also diverse at any rate, and there are definitely many things that can be used for reference. For example, the astral world he created is very interesting.

    “Hahaha, I’m reckless, brother. Don’t worry, brother. As long as you don’t agree, I will never take away a single thread of this world. I didn’t understand this before. Offended, offended!”

    “Hey, actually Little brother, you don’t know, it’s not that I’m stingy, but it’s really not easy for me to develop into what I am now, and I’m not as talented as my little brother.”

    Seeing Jerry, Anxelam seemed really not at all. I don’t mind, I put it down in my heart.

    In fact, he has struggled for a long time whether to show up to warn him today.

    Not to mention the strength of the person behind the other party, even if the other party appears several times, the substantial growth in strength is not something he can afford.

    Maybe if he leaves this time and reappears in his world next time, the strength of the other party may surpass him.

    “Brother is humble, you see that you not only built Aslant and Edras, but also the Astral World, my brother, I have just built the first world, which is far behind you. Brother

    has In terms of time, I wonder if you would like to guide and guide the younger brother, so that we can communicate with each other?”

    Jerry flattered at first, and then tried again.

    And Anxelam also rolled his eyes when he heard the words, showing a heart-beating expression.

    In his opinion, Jerry can achieve such a great achievement in such a short period of time, which is definitely unique, and it may come from a more powerful world. If he can learn something from it, maybe he can really go one step further.

    Every time Jerry enters Fairy Tail, the panel anchors the time, but Anxelam can see that the real age of Jerry’s body and soul is no more than a hundred years at most.

    A hundred years is a long life for ordinary people, but for creators like them who can create the world, it cannot be shorter.

    How frightening it would be to be able to create a world of your own in just a hundred years.

    “That would be great!”

    Finally, Anxelam agreed to Jerry’s proposal.

    Jerry’s expression remained unchanged on the surface, but he was already ecstatic in his heart, and then he smiled and said,

    “Okay, wait a minute, bro, I’ll take care of a little thing here.”

    “It’s okay, there is plenty of time.”

    Anxelam touched his long hair With a long beard and a light wave of the wand in his hand, the time in the whole world returned to normal again.

    “It’s time to end, true celestial magic star collapse!”

    Gerald looked at Erza, who was temporarily hit by his meteor magic on the ground, pumped out most of the magic power in his body, and used the strongest celestial magic star collapse.

    He is not sure whether this celestial magic star collapse can solve all the Fairy Tail wizards in one fell swoop, but it can definitely attract everyone’s attention, let him bring Erza who is unconscious at this time back to the tower of paradise, and start the sacrificial ceremony .

    I saw that under the effect of Geral’s star collapse magic, a huge meteorite in the sky smashed down towards the location of the small island with a huge flame caused by friction.

    Seeing the huge meteorite appearing in the sky, the complexion of all Fairy Tail mages, including the mages from the Tower of Paradise, changed.

    If such a large piece of meteorite was really smashed down, the entire island including all of them would be smashed into meat paste.

    “Don’t even think about it!”

    Seeing this, Makarov, who had been cheering and cheering, stuffed the last bit of ice cream into his mouth, and was about to cast giant magic, turning into a sky-supporting giant to catch the meteorite with his bare hands.

    The other mages also used their strongest defensive magic.

    At this time, Gerald, who had succeeded in his plan, hugged Erza on the ground, and launched the space teleportation magic prepared in advance, trying to teleport back to the sacrifice magic circle on the top of the Paradise Tower.


    However, after activating the magic circle, his face suddenly changed, because his space-shifting magic circle suddenly failed.

    Turning his head and looking towards the Tower of Paradise, he realized why the space teleportation magic circle failed, because the Tower of Paradise that was supposed to stand there has now disappeared.

    Without the corresponding coordinates, the space teleportation magic circle naturally cannot be activated successfully.

    “Where is my Paradise Tower? Why is such a big Paradise Tower missing?”

    Jeff’s neck was about to twist 360 degrees, and he still couldn’t find the Paradise Tower that he had carefully planned for so many years.

    I only saw Jerry, the future fourth-generation president of Fairy Tail, and an unknown old man with a cane at the original tower location.

    “It must be your fault!”

    Gerald, holding Erza in his arms, was about to go up to trouble Jerry and the old man, when he was suddenly frightened by the old man’s actions and stood on the spot.

    “Go back.”

    I saw the unknown old man with a cane, walking and chatting with Jerry, coming towards them. He seemed to have sensed the huge meteorite that was about to come. He frowned and raised his head to the meteorite. Drink lightly.

    Then, Gerald found that the huge meteorite that he summoned with most of his magic power suddenly stopped in the air, and then flew into the sky at a faster speed, turning into stars and disappearing.

    “Hey, what’s going on here?”

    Fairy Tail and the others who also saw the large meteorite returning and disappearing were also taken aback by this unreasonable appearance.

    Why, could it be that Gerald’s conscience found out and stopped the magic?

    “Okay, let’s end the farce!”

    When everyone was wondering, Jerry had brought Anxelam back to the side of the third generation and the first generation, and then waved his hand to directly expand his field to include Gerald All the members of the Tower of Paradise, including them, stayed in place.

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