Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 73

Chapter 74 Premeditated Attack


October 31st, the day before Halloween.

Early in the morning, Jerry saw Hagrid, like a little giant, and Flitwick, a professor of spells, arranging the entire auditorium with magic.

Hagrid put magic candles in the hollowed out super pumpkins, and Professor Flitwick raised the pumpkin lanterns one by one with a floating spell.

Seeing those huge pumpkins floating above the auditorium, Jerry couldn’t help but sigh that the gap between him and the professor-level wizards was really more than a little bit worse.

Professor Flitwick raises hundreds of super jack-o-lanterns at the same time, keeping them afloat for days without a problem.

And he used the floating spell to immobilize a bus before, and only lasted for two seconds.

However, compared to the average young wizard of the same grade, he is still using the floating spell to float feathers, and he is already very powerful.

It may be that he used a lot of pumpkins to make jack-o-lanterns today, so his breakfast was all the pumpkin porridge that he hated the most.

If it weren’t for the fact that many professors in the auditorium were also eating breakfast and couldn’t use magic at will, Jerry really wanted to use Transfiguration to turn pumpkin porridge into tofu brains.

First grade Slytherin, there are only classes in the morning, so Jerry took a magic book borrowed from the library and read it on a chair in the Slytherin common room after making up his sleep in the afternoon. up.

Looking at it, it was about six o’clock in the evening.

“Jerry, the dinner is about to start, if you don’t leave, you’ll be late!”

Daphne and Pansy, who passed by the common room, saw that it was less than ten minutes before the start of the dinner, and Jerry was still sitting in the common room with no intention of leaving, and immediately reminded them.

When Jerry heard the words, he raised his head and smiled gently:

“It’s alright, you go first, I don’t like too noisy environment, wait until you read the last two pages before going there!”

Seeing this, Daphne and Pansy had to leave the common room first.

Ten minutes later, he put down the magic book in his hand and looked at the time:

“The dinner is almost over, everyone should be in the auditorium now!”


Getting up and returning to the dormitory, Jerry took out the anesthesia sniper rifle he retrieved from the Room of Requirement last night from the big box under the bed, wrapped it in a cloth, and quietly left the Slytherin dormitory.

When he turned on the superman mode, he was like an agile elite special agent, and quickly dived toward the stairway that connected the first floor and the basement.

The ground floor of Hogwarts is very large, except for the boathouse near the bottom of the Black Lake, the Slytherin dormitory, the Potions classroom, the Slytherin Dean’s office, and the Hufflepuff common room near the bottom of the Great Hall, Storage room and kitchen, as well as a dozen large classrooms that have been abandoned.

And if you want to go from the first floor to the basement floor, in addition to the special secret passage, there is only the small staircase next to the luxurious marble staircase.

Therefore, Jerry, holding the sniper rifle, went directly to an idle classroom closest to the small staircase, put his ear against the wall, and began to wait quietly.

About twenty minutes later, the sound of footsteps descending the stairs suddenly came from the entrance of the small stairs behind the wall.

Someone is going from the first floor to the basement!


At present, the Halloween dinner has begun, and almost all professors and students, including Dumbledore, the headmaster, and Filch, the night watchman, must be at the dinner at this time.

At this time, the one who would come to the basement from the first floor was only Professor Quirrell, who was going to release the troll to cause chaos and go to the fourth floor to steal the Philosopher’s Stone.

When the sound of footsteps was far from the entrance of the stairs, Jerry picked up his sniper rifle, moved his steps carefully, and came to the door of the classroom.

He opened the wooden door and took out the mirror he had prepared in advance. Through the reflection of the mirror, he saw Quirrell’s back in a purple turban.

At this moment, Professor Quirrell turned his back to him, and walked furtively along the corridor of the basement towards the fifth basement classroom in the distance.

“Sure enough!”

Seeing Quirrell’s figure in the mirror, Jerry couldn’t help but be overjoyed.

In fact, this action has been planned for a long time.

When he was in the main world, he really wanted a suitcase like Newt’s small world in “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them”.

First, after having that box, he is equivalent to having a secret base.

As a superhero, especially a superhero who does not intend to be controlled by anyone or any force, how can it be possible without a secret base of his own.

On the other hand, it’s too inconvenient to carry a broom every time he goes out, and he can save a lot of worry if he has a space for equipment.

However, after his investigation and inquiry during this period of time, boxes like Newt’s are not as easy to obtain as you think. Even if you have a lot of Golden Galleons, there is no way to obtain them through normal means.

Because, for space equipment like Newt’s suitcase, the main magic used when refining is the Traceless Stretching Spell, an advanced spell that can only be learned in fifth and sixth grades.

The use of such spells is strictly prohibited by the Ministry of Magic.

Magic has regulations. The traceless stretch spell, a spell that can expand space, cannot be used for personal items because of its special nature. It can only be used for the production of individual items approved by the relevant Ministry of Magic (such as school luggage). Boxes and family So unless the wizards make their own against the rules, they can’t buy related products in regular stores.

However, with Jerry’s current level of magic knowledge, it is not an easy thing to learn even if he obtained the spell through other means, for the advanced spell such as the Traceless Stretching Spell.

Even if it can be learned, it is estimated that it will not expand much space, let alone involving advanced knowledge of alchemy.

So, he put his attention on the wizards he has come into contact with so far, who may have such items.

In fact, Hogwarts’ professor door may be available in private, but not necessarily with him, and it is difficult for him to have a sneak attack.

However, there is one person who is an exception.

That was Professor Quirrell, who taught Defense Against the Dark Arts.

This professor was once an excellent wizard in Ravenclaw, and his strength is quite extraordinary, especially for black magic.

However, during a trip to Albania, he encountered the remnant of Voldemort, who was bewitched by him to become a loyal Death Eater, and also possessed the remnant of Voldemort.

After returning to school, he used a purple turban to wrap Voldemort possessed on the back of his head all day, and used garlic and other strong smells to cover up Voldemort’s rotten smell.

He began to fabricate stories about encountering vampires and being frightened by witches, disguised as a cowardly and timid person, and lowered everyone’s vigilance against him.

This time, when everyone, including Headmaster Dumbledore and Filch the Night’s Watch, were in the Great Hall, he asked a person to come to the basement to release the trolls and create chaos. He took the opportunity to go to the forbidden area on the fourth floor to steal the one that would allow Voldemort to escape. The Resurrection Sorcerer’s Stone.

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