Marvel's Mage

Chapter 57 Kama Taj

Chapter 57 Kama Taj
From Dawn's point of view, Modu is a person who accepts death and has a single tendon. In the movie of his previous life, his heart collapsed because he knew that Gu Yi was secretly absorbing dark energy!
But because of Dormammu's invasion, he suppressed himself until Doctor Strange didn't care about using the Time Stone, which made him completely disappointed and left completely!

Turned into a villain!
But this has nothing to do with Dawn. In his opinion, it has no effect on him, and he thinks this person is still good!
Where did such a big temper come from, he turned into a villain at every turn, he must have received less beatings, if he gets stabbed in the future, he should clean up more and be good!

So Dawn also treated him normally, neither alienated nor close.

In Dawn's view, the important thing now is that Gu Yiyou has taken a fancy to his trend. If he disagrees with him and changes his plan, what should he do if he decides to be the next supreme mage and runs away? Do you think it is in charge or not?
So Dawn didn't get close to Karma Taj's mage either!
After entering Karma Taj, Mordo took Dawn to a living room, which was the living room where Doctor Strange was received by Ancient One in the previous movie.

Similarly, after entering the living room, Modu also stood by the side, not intending to leave!
But there is no mage missing a hand in the hall, what is his name Dawn has forgotten!

Entering the hall, Dawn saw Gu Yi making tea!

Dawn said hello to Gu Yi, Gu Yi turned around and smiled at him, and arranged for him to sit down!
Dawn obeyed the arrangement, sat on the chair, turned his head and looked around, and then his attention was attracted by the pictures on the top of the hall. In his opinion, these pictures had extraordinary power!

"This is just a picture that records some of the history of Karma Taj!"

Gu Yi came to Dawn with a cup of tea and handed it over!

Although Gu Yi said that it is a basic operation for him to make tea to entertain guests, Dawn still feels a little flattered.

This is the most powerful person on earth, the tea made by the top person in the universe, can ordinary people drink it?

Dawn quickly stood up and took the tea respectfully!

Dawn's understanding of Gu Yi is relatively shallow. He has never read comics, but only what he has learned from Marvel movies and some Marvel novels!

I used to read novels, and I heard from book friends that the ancient one may have some connection with the eternal god. After he died, he actually faked his death, just to throw this mess into the hands of Doctor Strange, so that he can travel the infinite universe with eternity and study endless Mystery!

Dawn didn't know if this was true, but even if it was, it didn't matter, the two things didn't have much to do with each other.

Relying on Gu Yi to protect the universe for so many years, he deserves Dawn's respect!

What he blocks are other planes, other dimensions, and this block lasts for hundreds of years, allowing people to experience cross-latitude shuttles at will. Most people in the universe can't compare with him, so you can think about how powerful he is.

That's why Dawn couldn't stab him in front of him, he couldn't beat him!
But even though he can't beat him, he can't run away, but according to his estimation, he can still pass two hands!
Moreover, Gu Yi is relatively gentle towards his own people, that's right, that's right, Dawn already regards himself as Gu Yi's own people.

So Dawn can still let go in front of him, there is no way, the traverser is blindly confident!
"Record the pictures of Kama Taj? I'm afraid it's not that simple?" Dawn said meaningfully after taking a sip of tea.

Gu just smiled and said nothing!
According to Dawn's observation, the combination of the picture on the top and the pattern on the wall on the surrounding pillars has some meaning of defense and illusion.

Although it is not a system, he is a formation mage, so he can still understand the functions of these magic lines in a simple way!

There was nothing to say for a while, the two just drank tea, Dawn was a little restless, thinking about what Gu Yi meant by calling him to Karma Taj?
Just when the tea was finished, Gu said to Dawn while packing his things:
"Don't think about it, there is no other meaning in asking you to come here, it's just to make you "familiar with" Karma Taj!"

Dawn felt bad when he heard this!
"Uh, what does this 'familiarity' mean?"

Gu Yi looked around and talked about him!
"You can take a look around in the next period of time. If you are interested, you can give me advice and see if there is any problem with their cultivation. Of course, if you have anything to do, you can leave at any time!"

Speaking of this, Gu Yi stood up straight with a smile and looked at Dawn!

"Guess, let's forget it, I haven't just started for a long time!"

Hearing this, Dawn became more and more uncomfortable. It seemed that he really wanted to throw the mess at him?
"No, it can't be like this!" Dawn thought!

"My lord, do you have anything to help? Tell me, I will definitely help if I can, as for those who can't..."

Gu Yi just kept looking at him and smiling, without speaking, the two stood in a daze for a while, and then Gu Yi said:

"Master Modu, take Master Dawn to the room!"

"Master Dawn, if you are interested, you can visit the library in the next few days and learn more about "our system". I believe it will be beneficial to you!"

After Gu Yi finished speaking, Modu stepped forward and took him to the resting room. Dawn had no choice but to follow Modu when he didn't speak!

Looking at Dawn who followed Modu, Gu Yi had a lot of thoughts in his heart. His operation was actually meaningless, and he didn't mean to let him inherit the supreme mage!
In fact, from the first day Dawn came to this world, Gu Yi discovered him. This was because Gu Yi happened to be in the New York Temple that day and felt a very slight shuttle fluctuation!
It took Gu Yi a long time to find the location where this fluctuation occurred, and this was with the help of using time gems many times during the period!
So this caused Gu Yi's great curiosity. Their lineage is to resist the invasion of alien planes and dimensions, and they have a great say in this aspect!
Unexpectedly, this time it took so much effort to find the intruder, or the soul!
The moment he found Dawn, Gu Yi actually had the idea of ​​destroying Dawn!
But just as he was about to make a move, a huge sense of threat suddenly appeared in his heart!

Then his soul was pulled into a space of a different plane. In this space, he saw a scene that made him feel terrified. Two "magic circles" destroyed countless universes, and it was irresistible!

From then on, he felt a little fear of Dawn, and he didn't dare to do anything, but he paid attention to him all the time, and slowly found that this kid was not bad!

He didn't follow until he found out that he had left the United States, and he didn't understand everything until he heard Dawn's words.

It turned out that the scene he saw at the beginning was a warning given to him by the powerful people of their inheritance!
So, that's how the misunderstanding deepened!
(End of this chapter)

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