Marvel's Mage

Chapter 62 Test Success

Chapter 62 Test Success
Steve and Carter looked at each other. Although Carter didn't know what the Time Gem was, she believed that Dawn would not take risky methods. Since he said it, he must have great confidence!

Carter was a little excited, a little expectant, and opened his mouth on impulse, just about to agree, but Dawn stopped her from speaking!
"Of course, this is the first step. If this step is successful, I will go to the prison to find some death row "volunteers" and test it on them. I will not act until everything is safe. You don't have to rush to agree! "

Then Dawn nodded his head to the two.

"Calm down, think about it!"

After finishing speaking, walk over and look at Tony who is operating at the workbench!

Dawn looked at Tony who was tapping on the screen.

When Tony heard this, he didn't speak. After tapping the screen a few times with a pen, he looked at Dawn and said:

"All right!"

After speaking, he walked back to the place just now, leaning against the wall, holding his chest with one hand, and holding a pen by his mouth with the other.

"Okay, then let's go step by step, water, bring a little white mouse first, let's start with the smallest one!"

Hearing this, Shui nodded, reached into the cage, grabbed a mouse, then walked to the middle of the laboratory, put it on the table prepared just now, and then took the cage next to it and covered it!
After finishing all this, she nodded to Dawn and stepped aside!
Dawn didn't talk nonsense, he took out the gem box from the ring, put it next to the little white mouse, opened the box, and a green gem appeared in front of everyone's eyes!

The five people of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth didn't respond. Dawn sensed that the moment the gem appeared, Steve and Carter obviously paused for breathing.

Even Tony, who was leaning against the wall and hanging around, stood up straight unknowingly!
Dawn smiled secretly, did not speak, and drew a formation directly. After inlaying the gems, he controlled it to fly above the mouse. With the activation of the formation, an adult mouse slowly turned into a Cub.

The people who saw this scene were a little shocked, Tony was expressionless, hiding the shock, Carter covered his mouth, and Steve yelled out.

"Oh no!"

Dawn glanced at him, he quickly held his chin in embarrassment, covered his mouth with a finger, and signaled that he would not make a fuss!
After finishing all this, Dawn withdrew the formation, held it in his hand, and looked back at Tony at the same time.

"The vital signs are normal, and all the indicators are normal. The brain degeneration is serious, but this is normal. Now it is a cub, and it has not yet developed well. Fake..."

Although he knew these things in advance, he was still a little unbelievable when he saw it with his own eyes, so that he couldn't hold back the swearing.

"That's fine, just put it aside normally."

Then he turned to the water and shouted:
"Water, bring another one!"

This one Dawn turned him into an old man, and the next one, Dawn first turned him into a cub, then into an old man, and finally back to middle age again!

There was no problem during the period.

Then came the sheep, and finally the pigs. They were "surprised" when they saw a 200-jin pig turn into a piglet!
After all, pigs have changed more than mice!

Relatively speaking, these people's hearts are still good. If some ordinary people saw this scene, Dawn would guarantee that their jaws wouldn't even close!
After all the experiments were done, there were no accidents. Dawn was quite satisfied. He felt that there should be no accidents.

After all, nothing happened in Doctor Strange in the previous life movie, but the time span was relatively short, so Dawn had a little bit of worry, and he couldn't be too careful when applying it to his own people!
Think of it as practicing your hands!
Next, Dawn was going to go to a prison, where he was going to find a few prisoners on death row to practice their skills. As for their "not cooperating", Dawn had a lot of ideas!
Steve and Carter waited anxiously until it was almost dark, and they still didn't see him back, so they felt a little anxious!
Just when Steve couldn't sit still and stood up and turned around on the ground, Dawn walked in with a blank expression!
When the three of them saw this expression, their hearts skipped a beat. Steve and Carter also looked serious, and even Tony was the same. They didn't say any sarcastic remarks, after all, it was related to their wealth and life.

"Did something happen? Dawn!"

Steve smiled stiffly, trying to ease the atmosphere.

"It's okay, Dawn, don't worry, we can bear it!"

After he finished speaking, he stretched out a hand to embrace Carter, and gave her an affectionate look.

The meaning in the eyes is clear, no matter what you are, I will always be by your side to take care of you, and accompany you through the endless days!
Carter returned the same look, and the two looked at each other affectionately.

Dawn couldn't hold back for a moment, and his face showed an expression of disgust between friends who were fed dog food. The moment they looked at each other, they disappeared in an instant, and returned to their original expressions!

But at this moment, the expression was seen by Tony sitting next to him, and his tense body relaxed, then he turned his head and rolled his eyes, muttering a reminder:
"It's really a child's bad taste. Is it possible to make jokes at this time? It's about people's wealth and life!"

The other two didn't hear it, but Dawn was a little embarrassed when he heard it.

Indeed, this kind of time is not suitable for joking. Dawn didn't have many friends in his previous life, so he is not very skilled in these ways of the world.

I have to say that Tony taught him a lesson today. Although Tony is a venomous and unforgiving man, he is an outsider. For your own people, you can find that he still has a venomous tongue and often stings people, but in his heart In fact, he is a person who digs out his heart.

For example, Rhodes gave him all the steel armor. Although there are various reasons, why is it Rhodes and not someone else?

Because he's Tony's friend!
For example, Harpy, he is a big fat man, and he is not qualified to protect himself. Can Tony not find a bodyguard?Why did you ask him to be the captain of the bodyguard?
Because he's the director... ahem, too, because he's Tony's friend, brother, brother as much as kin.

In Steel 3, it had nothing to do with him, but for Happy, he resolutely declared war on the Ten Rings Gang!

Just these two people can tell his attitude towards his friends!

It is impossible for people to be perfect, and the protagonists of Marvel are the same. The protagonists of Marvel have all kinds of shortcomings, because those with shortcomings are more attractive and earthy!

For example, Bucky is the shortcoming of Captain America, and the shortcoming of Hawkeye is his family (it can also be said to be an advantage). He kills all directions for his family, but he also has a bottom line in his heart.

But it's these flaws that make them all the more likable!

(End of this chapter)

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