Master Druid at Hogwarts

Chapter 29 Lively Breakfast

Chapter 29 Lively Breakfast

At this time, the culprit who caused the sharp drop in Gryffindor's score was still sleeping soundly.

"Fish, Fish, it's time to get up!"

Seamus Finnigan, the first to wake up, woke everyone up one by one.

Fish opened his eyes and glanced at him, then stared at the unfamiliar environment around him, only then remembered that he was tricked by Minerva into living in this place called Hogwarts.

Fisch in the form of a cat stood up from the pillow, stretched his two front paws forward, raised his buttocks, stretched his mouth wide, and then jumped off the bed, and when he landed, He also transformed into human form.

At the same time, Harry and the others woke up one after another, rubbing their eyes and sitting up from the bed.


After waking up, Neville looked at the messy cat paw prints on his bed, sighed helplessly, and then patted vigorously.

The others didn't have Neville's troubles. After they jumped off their beds, they immediately moved to Fish's side.

"Fish! You're back!"

After Fish left last night, they worried for a long time. If they were not so tired yesterday, they probably wouldn't be able to sleep well.

Several people chattered around Fish asking about what happened last night, and even Neville, who was beating the quilt, pricked up his ears.


Although he didn't understand what they were asking about these things, Fish was very cooperative and briefly talked about his experience of night travel.

For example, I met a cat friend named Mrs. Norris, met a strange and noisy ghost, there was a secret door on the third floor, and I could go to the sixth floor at once, and the kitchen was behind the fruit painting in the basement.

As for being caught by Minerva, there are points deducted and so on, these are irrelevant things to Fish.

After chatting for a while, the young wizards changed into wizard robes and walked outside.

As a result, as soon as he left the boys' dormitory, he saw a group of people gathered in the common room, and rushed over after seeing them.

Who let them have two celebrities in their dormitory.

Just like yesterday, Fish was surrounded by the girls, and the boys could only move closer to Harry Potter.

Compared with the legendary savior, the cute and lovely Fish is indeed more attractive.

Fish looked around the common room, and found that the claw marks and footprints he left last night were all gone, so he couldn't help curling his lips. It was like this at home, and the claw marks he scratched the day before were pushed to the ground. The next day, under Comey's spell, it will all be restored to its original state.

Fish didn't know what was going on at first, but now he understood that it was the effect of the two spells of restoration and cleansing, and he had learned both spells.

It's just that Fisher's original intention of learning these two spells was not to make trouble for himself, but to use this spell to restore half of the food he gnawed to its original state after learning to restore it to its original state.

Unfortunately, he failed, so the spell lost its meaning and was left behind by Fish.

On the contrary, it can replace brushing teeth, and Fisch is very proficient in using it. He doesn't need to make his mouth full of bubbles, and he can get it done with a single tap of a magic wand.

Of course, he would not use this spell when washing his face and licking his fur, that was Fisher's habit and hobby.

The first-year freshmen surrounded Harry and Fish and walked towards the auditorium just like last night, but it was the first time for everyone to come to Hogwarts, and there were so many secret passages here that they couldn't remember how to get to the auditorium. After walking two steps, they started arguing with each other.

In the first week, the first class of freshmen is half an hour later than that of senior students, which is specially set aside to let them get acquainted with the road.

Fisch didn't bother to pay attention to those little wizards who were arguing, and walked towards the auditorium on his own. Even if he didn't leave any smell or claw marks, he still remembered where to look for food.

As a result, the Gryffindor freshmen quickly found the auditorium under the leadership of Fish, and everyone took their seats and began to enjoy breakfast.

Just as Fish stretched out his hand, imagining how he would directly grab the food like last night, Minerva's cold voice sounded in his ears: "Fish! You need cutlery when you eat!"

Fish turned his head, and saw Professor McGonagall standing behind Fish and looking at him seriously when he came to the auditorium.

The human form is not good at this point, and the senses in all aspects are not so sensitive.

"I didn't eat any cutlery last night either!" (ΦДΦ)
Fisch poked his neck unconvinced.

"That's because I couldn't argue with you at the dinner yesterday!" Professor McGonagall picked up the fork on the table and stuffed it into Fisher's hand, "Give me the cutlery!"

"Just use it, why are you yelling so loudly..."

Fish pursed his lips, took the fork that Professor McGonagall stuffed, and still held the fork with the reverse grip he was used to, grabbed the fork in his hand, forked a rib, put it in his mouth, and began to bite.

Professor McGonagall glanced at the group of silent students next to him, and told them: "Keep an eye on Fish, don't let him grab food with his hands again, and..."

She turned her gaze to Harry and the others again, "Keep an eye on him at night, and try not to let him slip out for night tours."

Professor McGonagall also knew that Harry and the others probably had no hope, but there was an insurance policy.

Harry and the others, who had the same understanding, glanced at each other, nodded with a wry smile, and reluctantly agreed.

Then Professor McGonagall urged Fisher not to be absent from class, and gave special instructions to other freshmen before leaving in a hurry to teach transfiguration classes to students of other grades.

After she left, Fisher really put down the fork immediately and planned to continue grabbing with his hands.

"Fish, ah—"

Without waiting for others to dissuade, Lavender Brown, who had been prepared for a long time, picked up the grilled sausage he had cut and brought it to Fish's mouth.

Naturally, Fish would not be polite, he took a bite of the sausage on Lavender's fork, and began to chew. ( ̄~ ̄)
This scheming girl!
Her actions immediately attracted the glaring looks of the girls around, and when they saw that Fish accepted Lavender's feeding without hesitation, they immediately picked up their knives and forks and quickly cut them on their plates, Then he forked up the food on his plate imitating the example, and stretched his arms to send it to Fischna.

Fish's line of sight was instantly filled with all kinds of food. He sniffled, picked his favorite flavor, and stretched his head to eat one by one.

The girls who were selected were all excited, while those who were not selected looked disappointed.

"Harry... why do I feel that Fisch's treatment is more like a savior than yours."

Ron clutched his chest, sour in his mouth.

Harry was somewhat grateful for the existence of Fish. He had been neglected since he was a child, and he was not used to being the focus of attention for a while. The existence of Fish at least distracted him from a large part of his attention.

"Actually, I really want to feed Fish. He really feels like a cat. I can't help but want to get close to him."

Dean Thomas tells the truth.

A group of people, including Ron, nodded in agreement. They also felt the same way, which was why they turned bitter, but did not feel bad for Fish.

"You said, if I become an Animagus, will I also be treated like this?"

Ron asked the same question as his brother Fred.

"Professor McGonagall is also an Animagus, and even the transformed animals are cats like Fish."

Harry didn't answer directly, but told a piece of information that Hermione mentioned yesterday.

Ron recalled Professor McGonagall's stern face, and the overwhelming army of animals at the sorting ceremony last night...

"Okay... so this is a natural talent of Animagus?"

"I think that's probably the case."

"Or does Fish have some special bloodline?"

The boys whispered their guesses.

"Hey...why wasn't I born an Animagus?"

After a brief discussion, everyone finally thought that this guess was more likely, and they all lamented.

"I'm jealous!"


Recommended monthly ticket

 In fact, I also want to be friendly with animals, nothing else, simply because I like small animals.


  Ready to go back... I will have to ride the car for several days...

(End of this chapter)

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