Master Druid at Hogwarts

Chapter 722 The meaning of the existence of the cat cat club

Chapter 722 The meaning of the existence of the cat cat club
When Harry was notified by Fish, he was very excited. Not to mention that this matter was related to the fight against Voldemort, just being able to learn about Voldemort's previous stories is a very interesting thing...

To put it bluntly, like Fish, he wanted to read stories.

So on Saturday night, Harry and Ron put on the Invisibility Cloak again, and followed Fish and Hermione to the principal's office.

Like the previous two times, Dumbledore was already sitting at the desk waiting for them. The Pensieve was placed on the table, with steaming black tea and several different desserts beside it.

"Here you are." Dumbledore greeted Fish and the others with a smile, pointed to the empty chair opposite and said, "Sit down."

"Albus, what are we watching today, meow? Is there a memory of you fighting Voldemort meow?"


Fish trotted to the table, put his hands on the table, and asked excitedly.

"Sorry, no." Dumbledore spread his hands and shrugged.

"Didn't you say today's memory is very important meow?!"

In Maomao's judging criteria, of course, the memory of fighting has the highest priority.

Hermione tugged at the corner of his clothes, and said dumbfoundedly: "Only you think the memory of the fight is important..."

"Isn't it meow?" Maomao said plausibly: "We can find out Voldemort's fighting style from the memory of Voldemort's fight, and then we can counterattack in a targeted manner, meow! That's what Fish did when he challenged Minerva back then. You did meow!"

In this matter, Fei Xu has a great say.

He proudly raised his head, and said confidently: "So as long as you see the video of Voldemort fighting, Fish will soon find a way to deal with him, meow!"

"But...haven't you already been able to defeat him?" Hermione looked at Maomao with vacant eyes, and pointed out the truth mercilessly, "You actually want to watch others fight, right?"

"That's, that's not the case meow! Fish is trying to find a way for other people to defeat Voldemort too!"

Mao Mao retorted angrily, as if he had been wronged.

"We're going to continue Tom Riddle's story tonight," Dumbledore interrupted the communication between the two loudly, which can be regarded as a relief for Mao Mao, "last time we saw that he was about to enter Hogwarts You probably remember how excited he was when he heard that he was a wizard, and how he refused to let me accompany him to Diagon Alley, and I warned him not to continue stealing after entering the school..."

Dumbledore briefly described what happened to Voldemort after he entered school.

"As an orphan of extraordinary aptitude and very handsome, he naturally attracted the attention and sympathy of the faculty members almost as soon as he arrived. He seemed polite, quiet, and hungry for knowledge. He was well-liked by almost everyone. .”

"You didn't tell them what he looked like when you met him at the orphanage?" Harry asked.

"No. Although he has never expressed remorse, maybe he has blamed himself for his previous behavior and is determined to be a new man. I chose to give him this chance." Dumbledore replied flatly, as if he was not for the original choice And regret it.

"But you don't really trust him, do you?" Hermione was acutely aware of Dumbledore's true attitude towards Riddle.

"Yes." Dumbledore clapped his hands and said, "I don't unconditionally believe that he is trustworthy. So, I decided to observe him closely. However, he was very wary of me. I believe he felt it, and he was discovering The excitement of being my true identity said a little too much to me."

"He was careful not to reveal so much, but he couldn't take back what he said in his excitement, or what Mrs. Cole confided in me. However, he was wise enough not to try to confuse me as much Come to confuse me like my colleagues." Dumblely said, mostly distressed, half admiring.

At the same time, there was a hint of regret in his words. He regretted that a wizard as talented as Tom Riddle would eventually become such a dangerous figure as Voldemort.

Then Dumbledore told Fish and the others about how the Death Eaters were roughly formed, and the composition of the original Death Eaters.

"They have a complex composition, the weak seek refuge, the ambitious seek some prestige, and the naturally cruel are attracted by a leader who can teach them a higher form of cruelty..."



Dumbledore's words seemed to have reminded Fish, he scratched his head in doubt, turned to look at Hermione, Harry and Ron, and asked, "What are the criteria for recruiting members of our Cat Club?"

Of course, Fisher remembers the original intention of establishing the Maomao Club, but what he is curious about now is the recruitment criteria, not the reason for recruiting.

In fact, for Fish, the meaning of the existence of the Maomao Club is to bring friends together to play with him, and to teach them how to fight and watch them fight, but why they joined the Maomao Club, Fish really didn’t know. considered.

Maybe they also want to find someone to fight?

Fish suddenly thought of Zacharias Smith who had always wanted to fight Lu Wei.

But Hermione's answer was similar to what he had guessed, but different——

"Anyone who wants to fight Voldemort together in the future can be our companion!"

It was also a fight, but the object was different from what Fish had imagined.

"But..." Mao Mao said without losing face: "You are too weak, you can't beat Voldemort's meow, even in a few years, you won't be able to beat him."

Hermione didn't respond, but Harry and Ron were embarrassed.

"Having this kind of courage is already great." Dumbledore smiled and smoothed things over for them, "And isn't it our task to deal with Voldemort? They also have members of the Order of the Phoenix, as long as they are responsible for dealing with Voldemort's followers." Entrepreneurs are enough."

"That's right. When many animals compete for territory, they are fought by leaders and subordinates."

Fish nodded, agreeing to this statement in his own way of understanding.

"I didn't find many memories of Riddle at Hogwarts," Dumbledore continued after explaining Fish's confusion, "Not many people who knew him at the time were willing to talk about him, they were too scared. Those People who Ken recalled to me told me that Riddle was fascinated by his origins. Of course that's understandable, he grew up in an orphanage and naturally wondered how he got there..."

He briefly talked about how Tom Riddle traced his wizard blood back then.

"...In the summer when he was 16 years old, Riddle left the orphanage he would go back to every year to find his relatives in the Gaunt family. Now, everyone, please stand up..."

Dumbledore stood up as well, and produced a crystal vial full of swirling pearly memories.

Fish's eyes lit up, Dumbledore had been rambling on for so long, and finally he was about to get to the point.

"I'm very lucky to have collected this," he said, pouring the shiny object into the Pensieve. "After we've been through, you'll understand..."

Before his words fell, the impatient Fish had already plunged into the Pensieve.



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(End of this chapter)

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