Master Druid at Hogwarts

Chapter 781 The first battle of the cat club...?

Chapter 781 The first battle of the cat club...?

Umbridge let out a shrill, ugly scream.

The others subconsciously raised their wands and cast spells at Fish on the tree.

Fish lay back, turned over and jumped off the tree, then raised his hand suddenly...

"Look at my thunderbolt explosion meow!"


Umbridge and the others ran away in fright, but...

Nothing happened?
They looked over at Fish and found that the cat-eared boy had no wand in his hand.

"Meow ha ha ha ha..."


Mao Mao rubbed the back of her head, smiled embarrassedly and said, "Fisch forgot to bring his wand, meow."

A group of criminals who escaped from Azkaban couldn't bear this. Originally, they planned to be passive and sabotage their work, and then they would be captured obediently. Now that they were provoked by Mao Mao, one or two of them yelled at Fish Launched a series of powerful spells.


"Eh~ I can't hit it~ I can't hit it again~ Eh~ You can't hit meow~"


The nimble cat was running around in the woods, and none of the spells could hit him.

"Now it's Fish's turn to fight back, meow!" Maomao shouted after dodging for a while.

Then Umbridge and others saw him make another movement of drawing out his wand.

"Thunderbolt Explosion Meow!"



Accompanied by a deafening explosion, Umbridge and the others, who thought that Fish was deceiving them this time, were instantly disgraced by the blast.

This trick was learned by Fish from Grindelwald. When he competed with him in Nurmengard before, the first generation Dark Lord used this false fighting method, which caught Fish by surprise.

It's just that the spell Grindelwald fired was different from the one he uttered, or the wand's casting didn't move, and he was quietly preparing other spells with his empty hands.

If it weren't for Maomao's reaction speed that exceeded Grindelwald's expectations, Fisher would have been hit by the spell before he could use all his strength.Of course, after being cheated a few times, Mao Mao stopped being fooled, and even learned to use it on Grindelwald in reverse... Unfortunately, it failed.

This kind of method is of little use to powerful wizards. After all, a single armor curse can block most of the spells, and because of the need to focus on two purposes, the power of the spells is also greatly reduced.Grindelwald didn't take it seriously at first, and only used these methods when he wanted to have fun with Mao Mao.

However, what he didn't expect was that this kind of playful fighting style was particularly in line with Maomao's appetite. After Fisher came back, he immediately used this fighting style on the members of the Maomao Club... The result was also unsuccessful. .

After all, Harry and the others knew that they would never be able to beat Fisch, so they put the Iron Armor Curse on themselves from the very beginning, leaving no room for Mao Mao's tactics at all...

Now that Fish has finally successfully used it on Umbridge and the others, this gave Mao Mao a great sense of accomplishment.

"Meow ha ha ha ha ha! You are so stupid!"


Fisher, who was in a happy mood, did not continue to attack, but pointed at the fugitives who were in a panic and laughed loudly.

Originally, Fish wanted to wait for them to get back together before continuing to play with them, but Maomao's ears keenly picked up the distant sound.

"Oops! Someone is coming meow!"

Fearing that his prey would be robbed, Fish hurriedly waved his wand, and bound Umbridge and the others with ropes.

As soon as Fish subdued all those people, he saw Flitwick and Professor Snape rushing over.

"Umbridge?!" Professor Flitwick saw the highly recognizable "former colleague" at a glance, then he quickly scanned the intruders lying on the ground, and exclaimed: "They are all Prisoner of Azkaban!"

"And a group of people went to the Quidditch pitch, meow."

Mao Mao pointed to the distance and said, "The Dark Mark was created by those people."

"What?!" Professor Flitwick was shocked, "Fish, watch these people, don't let them run away! Severus, let's go there!" After he explained to Fish, he immediately pulled Si Knepe ran towards the pitch.

After the two left, Fish immediately untied Umbridge and the others.

"Get up! Continue to play meow with Fish! Fish doesn't use his wand this time!"

Mao Mao kept his word and threw his magic wand far away.

The fugitives who had already resigned to their fate immediately launched an attack on Fish without saying a word.

"Cruciatus!" "All petrified!" "Quickly imprison!"

Although they were angry, they didn't intend to really anger the professors and students of Hogwarts, so they didn't use any powerful spells. The Cruciatus Curse was already the most vicious method.

Of course, Umbridge must be excluded here.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Umbridge cast a Killing Curse at Fisch with a vicious look on her face. She just wanted to take this opportunity to kill this half-human, half-cat monster!
Naturally, these spells were emptied again, and Fish turned into a tabby cat, and then jumped into the crowd, leaving claw marks on the crowd with his little claws.




While Fish was playing happily with the fugitives from Azkaban, the battle on the Quidditch pitch also came to an end.

Accompanied by Harry's "enemy attack", the members of the Maomao Club in the auditorium immediately took action.

"Students in the lower grades stand back! The defense team steps forward! The others use the transformation spell to create beasts to hold back the enemy!"

The senior students quickly gave orders to the students around them, and the others also skillfully found their usual practice partners, and formed combat teams each performing their duties.

"Destroy weapons!" ×N
Before the werewolves recovered from the shock of being "eaten" by a cat's head with the Dark Mark, a large cloud of spells flew from the direction of the court, beating them dizzy.

Immediately afterwards, a large group of animals transformed by the students rushed out of the field, throwing the werewolves who hadn't recovered from their senses to the ground.

As werewolves who often attack ordinary wizards, Greyback and his men are actually much stronger than Umbridge's, so even though they were caught off guard, they adjusted quickly. and counterattacked.


They were beaten on the ground by the furious Professor McGonagall.

When he saw that the animals transformed by the members of the Cat Society were not as many as Professor McGonagall alone, and the animals she transformed were even stronger, Harry suddenly felt that Dumbledore's confession to him There's no need at all...Professor McGonagall should be able to handle everything without his prior warning.

When Flitwick and Professor Snape rushed to the Quidditch pitch, what they saw were werewolves lying on the ground, and tigers, lions, black bears and other ferocious beasts on top of them.

And Professor McGonagall stood majestically at the top of the auditorium, and the students around her looked at her with admiration.


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 According to what the twins said in the original book, "Many people in the Ministry of Magic don't know the Iron Armor Curse", these non-Death Eater wizards are probably not much better.


  Zhongyuan's adaptability is still quite strong. The smell of the bottle of over-scented shower gel before, it could not avoid it, but now it doesn't care. Now after I take a bath, it not only does not run away, but also actively Come and lick me.


  Thanks to Eno from Sand Sculpture and Cat Island for your tip.

(End of this chapter)

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