Master Druid at Hogwarts

Chapter 788 "Transfer"

Chapter 788 "Transfer"

Although Fish couldn't answer Harry's question, he didn't wait too long.Because soon, the members of the Order of the Phoenix arrived, including Sirius, Lupine, Hagrid and the Weasley twins.

Sirius walked in first and gave Harry a big hug.

"Good morning, Harry!" He looked very excited. "You can finally get out of this damn place!"

Harry waited until Sirius released himself, and asked again, "How's the situation? When will our operation begin?"

"Don't worry, Harry." Lupine stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Our people are casting a spell on the nearby Muggles so that they can stay at home obediently no matter what they hear. Kingsley and the others couldn't come over, so our manpower is a bit short."

"Is this the battlefield?" Harry asked in surprise.

"No way," Sirius shrugged, "after Snape 'revealed' to Voldemort that we were going to transfer you in advance, Sinix made a big move during this period and issued several new decrees, including several It is allowed to connect to Muggle fireplaces, throw portkeys here, etc..."

Lupine took over the conversation and continued to explain: "And you are not yet an adult, as long as you use apparition or other magic to transfer you, you will be locked by Zongsi. We can indeed use this method to move you away." The Death Eaters were lured elsewhere, but that would be too big of an opening, and Voldemort and Sinex didn't think the Order of the Phoenix would be stupid enough to take you 'escape' in this way."

While they were talking, Fish was peeping out by the door.

"Fred, Minerva and Hermione are here meow?"

Cat turned around and asked.

"Professor McGonagall should be casting a spell on the Muggles now, but neither Hermione nor Ron came over." Fred spread his hands and said, "Although they are both adults, everyone thinks they are still too young Some, my mother even wanted to keep me and George at home, but with the help of Bill and Percy, she finally agreed... Ron is probably still throwing a tantrum at home."


When he heard that Professor McGonagall still followed, Fish was a little unhappy... He was mainly worried that Professor McGonagall would prevent him from going to fight Voldemort.

As for Hermione not coming, Fish still agrees... She is so weak, what if she gets hurt.

Then Maomao understood Professor McGonagall's feeling that he didn't want to fight with Voldemort.

Of course, understanding is understanding, the fight still has to be fought, and Fei Xu does not think that he will lose to Voldemort, the defeated opponent.

After a while, Professor McGonagall came over, and she was accompanied by Mad-Eye Moody and other members of the Order of the Phoenix, as well as Bill and Fleur, but it was just like Mr. Weasley and Percy who were in magic Those who have positions in the Ministry are not here because they have other tasks.


Fish went up to meet her immediately, looking at her with a pair of big green eyes.

Professor McGonagall naturally knew what the little fur cat was trying to do with such diligence, she patted the cat on the head angrily, and said, "Okay, I won't stop you, but you have to promise me , can't take risks."

"No problem meow!"

Fish agreed without hesitation.

How can it be called an adventure just to fight Voldemort?
After getting Professor McGonagall's approval, Fish followed her to everyone's side.

"Originally, we planned to let some people drink the compound potion and pretend to be you," at this time, Sirius was still talking about today's arrangements with Harry, "this will make Voldemort more convinced that we are going to kill you." Moved away, but Mad-Eye thinks that we are going to confront Voldemort and the Death Eaters head-on. After changing the body, the battle will be somewhat difficult, so we simply pretend that we are escorting you to leave. it is good."

Harry nodded, "I don't want others to take risks for me either."

"Actually," Moody said inappropriately, rolling his magic eye, "it might be safer to pretend to be you, because according to Albus, Voldemort is going to deal with you himself, so other food Dead Apostles will not lay hands on you."

Mundungus shrugged his shoulders and said with a grimace, "But I'd rather face a large group of Death Eaters than be targeted by a mysterious man."

"Voldemort is Fish's prey, meow! Don't snatch it!"

When Fish heard that they had given Harry the task of dealing with Voldemort without authorization, he immediately quit.

"No one is robbing you!" Professor McGonagall knocked his head angrily, "But if Voldemort finds Harry himself, he can't blame others."

"Don't worry! With Fish here, that coward Voldemort will never have a chance to trouble Harry!"

Mao Mao crossed her arms and said solemnly.

"Very good!" Moody said gruffly, "Let us deal with Voldemort's minions!" As he spoke, he took out a map and spread it out in front of everyone.

Taking a closer look, Harry saw that it should be the map of Little Whinging.

"In order to ensure the safety of innocent Muggles as much as possible, we waited and pretended to break out in this direction." Moody pointed to the park that Harry used to go to when he was a child and said, "This area was already used by our people last night." The Muggle Repelling Curse was cast, and the surrounding residents were also sent to visit other places by our guide just now."

His fake eyes turned to Harry, "Next, just like when we escorted you to the Order of the Phoenix, go to the backyard to ride a broomstick, and Hagrid will ride that flying motorcycle."

"Arthur made some repairs." Hagrid said with a grin. "Now there are several mechanisms on its handle, one of which is my idea, and George and Fred also helped."

"You will be surprised then!" George raised his eyebrows triumphantly.

"Also!" Moody interrupted the twins roughly, "Voldemort invented an anti-Patronus Charm, and while it's as difficult to learn as the Patronus Charm, we're not sure how many Death Eaters have mastered it. Therefore, if any dementors really appear, we can only hand them over to Fish. During this period, we must protect Harry and land immediately, and stop those including Voldemort during this period of time. other people in the

Mundungus shrank his neck and muttered, "Let me tell you first, I'm only responsible for dealing with Death Eaters."

The others ignored him, Bill twitched the corners of his mouth, and smiled fearlessly: "This is really a difficult task."

Fu Rong stood beside him, looking at him with tender eyes, "Honey, you are so brave."

Mundungus's expression changed in an instant, and he yelled: "Isn't he the mysterious man? Actually, there is nothing to be afraid of! I can finish him with one hand!"

"Really? Then I'll leave it to you, Fletcher." Moody glanced at him and sneered.

"I, I was joking just now..." Mundungus, who had woken up from Fleur's charm, had a mournful face, not daring to look in Bill's direction again.

After this brief farce was over, everyone came to the courtyard outside. Harry glanced enviously at the Firebolt in Professor McGonagall's hand, and then stepped on his Nimbus 2000.

While the others got on their broomsticks, Fish changed into a tabby and jumped into the sidecar of Hagrid's motorcycle.

"I count to three," Moody called. "One...two...three."

The motorcycle let out an earth-shattering roar, and together with the surrounding broomsticks, it rose into the air around Harry, and while continuously climbing to a higher place, it also flew towards the park in the distance.


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 When I was writing this plot, I suddenly thought... Since the original book uses the method of seven Potters to transfer, why not let Harry use Polyjuice Potion to turn into other people to escape, but let other people become Harry?

  I feel that if Harry turned into a neighbor's Muggle, and then swaggered away on a bicycle, the success rate might be higher...

(End of this chapter)

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