Master Fu’s Prideful Wife

Chapter 136 - Bai\\\'s Manor, five people were poisoned! (Wen Li\\\'s little secret)

The black car went along the national road to the center of the Imperial City, and the two people in the back seat sat side by side, their movements ambiguous.

The tall man hugged the little girl in his arms, lowered his head and said something in her ear.

Wen Li yawned, with a thin layer of water mist on his eyes.

Seeing her like this, the man chuckled and bit her ear, “Are you tired, we’ll be home soon.”

“Why are you here today?” Wen Li asked.

This man has been gone for two or three days, and he suddenly appeared at this time, so he couldn’t just watch her play in the past.

“Naturally, I have to be there for our baby competition, but I didn’t expect the contestants to become the presenters in the end.” Fu Yuxiu said softly.

Wen Li raised his eyebrows, and there seemed to be some complaints in those words.

“NIO Research Institute, is Pharmacist Li right?” Fu Yuxiu bit her ear, bit by bit.

There was a sharp pain in Wen Li’s ear, and she understood that this person might have started to settle accounts after the autumn.

“Explain what’s going on with the toxins in me?”

Sure enough, the man asked.

When Lao Bu sold the toxin to ASI, he didn’t necessarily hide the information. If it wasn’t for the three words of pharmacist, he might not have sold it for such a high price.

And after Fu Yuxiu was poisoned, he must have found someone to investigate carefully. Since it is the toxin flowing from ASI, it must be traceable to the source.

With Fu Yuxiu’s ability, it is not difficult to find the ultimate source of the toxin ASI.

“That’s my discarded toxin, which was sold privately by the person who was disposed of when the institute was closed.”

The man’s delicate eyebrows were stained with a smile, and his fingertips lightly touched her cheek, “How can your things be stolen?”

This little thing can still be calculated.

“Didn’t you also get poisoned?” Wen Li raised his eyelids lightly.

Fu Yuxiu hugged her, chuckled softly, his chest vibrated slightly, and he could hear that he was in a happy mood at the moment.

This little thing will never admit defeat.

“Who did your poison? Did you find someone?” Wen Li looked at him.

This man does everything well, and he is surrounded by 24-hour bodyguards like Fei Ran and Lu Min.

How can people find loopholes and poison this.

Hearing her words, the man’s eyes darkened, and he reached out and hugged him tightly.

“It’s not important.” Fu Yuxiu tightened his hands. “There are many people in this world who want my life. After all, they don’t have a chance, so don’t worry too much.”

“What do you want to eat, I’ll let them prepare.” Fu Yuxiu said in her ear.

“Whatever.” She yawned, her small face pressed against the man’s chest, and rubbed gently.

The intimacy without scruples, and now she has been able to approach him subconsciously without any qualms, which is a good thing.

“Sleep when you’re tired.”

It’s true that Wen Li hasn’t slept very well these days. She never said that she couldn’t sleep well after changing the environment.

But after moving to the Lishan Mansion where Fu Yuxiu was located, she always felt as if her sleep was not very good.

I can wake up in the middle of the night, open my eyes and stare at the ceiling for a while, but I can’t sleep well.

Fu Yuxiu raised his hand and moved the soothing incense next to him.


There was the sound of two cars colliding in front, and the man looked up.

The car’s wide front glass could see the two cars in front collide, sparks colliding in the dark night.

It was followed by the screeching sound of tires rubbing against the ground.

Fu Yuxiu lowered his head, gently moved the little girl’s head that was leaning on him, and covered her ears tightly with his big hands.

She closed her eyes and moved, frowning slightly.

“Good.” The man coaxed softly.

I’m used to a life full of bullets. As long as I’m in a safe environment, I won’t wake up the sleeping Wen Li when there is a lot of noise.

“Bang Bang!!”

Followed by the sound of bullets hitting the car body, Feiran glanced in the rearview mirror, and four cars chased after him.

Half-persons stick out from the windows of each car, and the submachine guns in their hands are aimed at their cars.

“Master.” Fei Ran called back.

Through the thick black baffle, the man’s calm and magnetic voice came.

“It’s resolved, no need to stay alive.”

In this imperial capital, there is no need to think about who will attack him.

Fei Ran took the walkie-talkie and gave instructions to the people over there.

The car behind was hit in an instant, the sound of the explosion hit the sky, and the surrounding vegetation was connected by the surging fire sponge.

Fu Yuxiu lowered his head, tightly covering the little girl’s ears, and gently stroked and comforted her back with one hand.

The pursuers were quickly repelled, and Fei Ran pressed the earphones on his ears.

“Master?” Fei Ran called back.

“Go on, she’s hungry.”

Fei Ran responded, in the young master’s eyes, nothing is more important than Miss Wen Li’s meal.

When the car was meeting at Lishan Mansion, it was half past eight in the evening.

The car door slid sideways automatically, and light rain began to fall in the sky.

Fu Yuxiu got out of the car with the baby in his arms, and the black umbrella in Feiran’s hand just completely blocked Wen Li.

Maybe it was just after getting off the car, the cold air invaded, and the little girl leaned into the man’s arms to absorb the warmth from him.

There were a few more bullet holes in the black body, and Lu Min held an umbrella and glanced at it.

These people are really courting death, but they chose Miss Wen Li to do it when she was in the car.

Almost as soon as Fu Yuxiu walked into the living room with her front feet in his arms, the man in his arms opened his eyes, and Wen Li blinked at the man in his arms.

“Wake up, don’t sleep for a while?” Fu Yuxiu lowered his head and touched the tip of her nose affectionately.

Wen Li let go of her hand and motioned for the man to put her down.

When I turned around, I saw the rain that suddenly started outside. The rain in autumn and winter is mostly light rain, and it will fall as the temperature drops.

“It’s raining.” Wen Li said and took a step out.

The bracelet-wearing hand reached into his pocket, took something out, aimed it in the air and started testing.

“Ninety percent humidity.”

She looked at the numbers displayed on the instrument.

The man came from behind, squinting at the thing in her hand.

Just now, this person was carried in by him the whole time. The clothes he was wearing were not very thick. He could feel whether there was anything in his pocket or something.

When did you bring this thing with you?

“Come over and have something to eat first.” Before Wen Li could turn around, she was grabbed by the man forcefully.

The craftsmanship of the star chefs in the restaurant finally played a role. The dishes on the table were full of fragrance and fragrance, and the dishes were also exquisite.

All the dishes the chef cooks are also Wen Li’s favorite.

They are also instructed to cook according to this taste.

Wen Li just sat down and picked up the chopsticks, and the man beside him began to serve him dutifully.

“eat more.”

Fu Yuxiu said that he filled her with crab roe omelette, and the chopsticks in his hand were not idle at all.

He seems to be very enthusiastic about feeding, from meat protein to fiber, and nothing is left behind.

The bowl and plate in front of Wen Li were already full.

“Enough, I’ll grab you after I finish eating.” Wen Li stopped.

The man chuckled and said very seriously, “Eat more and gain weight, otherwise I won’t be comfortable holding it.”

Wen Li stopped the chopsticks in his hand and stared at him sideways, “Did I let you hold it?”

Fu Yuxiu didn’t mind her cold eyes, and gently pinned her hair behind her ear, “Well, I volunteered.”

Wen Li tasted the steamed egg with crab roe with a spoon, and the phone next to him rang.

As soon as she let go of her spoon, the man took it.

Wen Li answered the phone and put it to his ear, and there was the sound of Xia Chen’s ear blasting.

“Boss is bad, something happened!”

Just as Wen Li was about to speak, the man here fed her a spoonful of crab yolk eggs. After she swallowed it, she raised her hand to block the man’s feeding.

“Clarify what’s going on?”

Xia Chen was panting, “An Zisu is poisoned!! Now you are staying in the room of Bai’s Manor, come over quickly!!”

“Got it.” Wen Li hung up the phone.

Fu Yuxiu blew lightly on the contents of the spoon and fed it, “That kid is poisoned?”

The Bai Family Manor was in chaos at the moment.

Originally, everyone had already packed their things and was ready to leave, but the sudden rain disrupted everyone’s rhythm.

When Bai Nanxing and Basil said goodbye to everyone, An Zisu and Tong Qi fell to the ground at the same time, and Lin Lao, Xiao Lao and Li Ruobing also passed out.

Basil arranged to send the person into the room, and invited Mr. Bai to come back for a diagnosis.

It turned out to be poisoned.

The old man is trying his best to prepare the antidote, but it is not easy to judge what kind of poison these people are poisoned by.

Who is the poisoner?

After receiving the call, Xia Chen took Qingya back the same way. After a good match, the game was over, and some people were poisoned and fell down.

The entire manor has been sealed off, and outsiders are not allowed to enter except those who have participated in the competition.

I’m not sure how the other party was poisoned, whether it was the same poison among these people, or whether it was the same poison.

These are all things that need to be carefully investigated, but the top priority now is to save people first.

When Xia Chen arrived in the room, An Zisu was vomiting blood, and he was very anxious beside him, but he couldn’t help anything.

“How’s it going? Has anyone come over to see it?” Xia Chen looked at the person who often vomited blood with his eyes closed.

“Mr. Bai has just come to check the pulse, and now he’s going to someone else’s place, and other doctors from the Bai family have also come to see it, and there is no conclusion for the time being.” Gan Yi said calmly.

At this time, he must not panic, he has to look at Zisu, and must not be in a hurry.

“I called the boss, and the boss will be here soon.” Xia Chen looked at An Zisu.

As soon as the words fell, Bai Nanxing entered the room, looking at the boy on the bed, the man looked anxious.

“Zisu.” Bai Nanxing called and sat beside An Zisu’s bed, and began to check the pulse on the boy’s wrist.

The pulse is very weak, and it is already like a hairspring.

“Bring my needle pack here.” Bai Nanxing called out.

The secretary behind him nodded and hurried out the door.

“Mr. Bai, if you are not sure, don’t move Zisu first, the medicine **** will be here soon.” Gan Yi stopped him.

To be honest, I don’t like Bai’s family, especially Bai Nanxing.

Naturally, he didn’t want him to touch Zisu.

“I’m really not sure, but his blood must be stopped.” Bai Nanxing said.

Now that Mr. Bai is busy taking care of the situation over there, naturally he can’t take care of everyone.

The silver needle in Bai Nanxing’s hand scalded from the fire and slowly pierced the acupoint on the boy’s arm.

When Wen Li came over, An Zisu no longer vomited blood, but his breath was getting weaker and weaker.

Fu Yuxiu followed him into the room, and when he saw the girl walking straight to the bed, the man raised his eyebrows and was in a bad mood.

“When did the poison start?” Wen Li held An Zisu’s hand to check the pulse.

Gan Yi thought for a while, and said honestly, “Half an hour ago, we packed our luggage and prepared to leave, and Zisu vomited blood just after walking to the door.”

“Did it start to rain when he got to the door?”

Dry a little, it was raining a lot at that time.

“Air, humidity.” Wen Li lowered his head and thought.

This poison is typically accumulated over time, seemingly violent, but actually gentle and gentle.

Like a door opened with a key, without the key, it will never be opened.

“Who did he come into contact with when he went out?”

Gan Yi widened his eyes, raised his finger and pointed outside, “Bai Ziling!”

Bai Nanxing, who was beside him, was almost unable to stand, panting and looking at the boy on the bed.

“Bai Ziling gave this to Zisu.” Gan Yi handed over a cloth strip from the bag next to him.

This is the bookmark An Zisu carefully wrapped in a handkerchief. After Wen Li spread it out, the bright yellow tassels fell.

Bai Nanxing widened his eyes, reached out and touched his pocket, but couldn’t find the bookmark he always carried.

This bookmark seems to be a few years old, and it also looks like someone is often playing with it in their hands. The surface of the bookmark is smooth and shiny.

“Don’t move.” Wen Li stopped Bai Nanxing from reaching out his hand.

A faint smell could be smelled on the bookmark carefully, and Wen Li put the things on the table through the handkerchief.

“This is the problem.”

“Did Ziling poison Zisu?” Bai Nanxing took a step back in disbelief.

He thought that the daughter was just arrogant and unwilling to accept the existence of a younger brother like An Zisu, but he didn’t expect her to be so vicious.

Actually really want to put people to death.

“Now that the toxin components have been analyzed, can we make an antidote?” Qing Ya next to her stood up and asked.

Bai Nanxing shook his head, “The farthest research institute is 70 kilometers away from here. It takes at least a day to analyze the toxin components, and the fastest experimental instrument takes three hours. Zisu can’t last that long.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the person on the bed was already twitching, and Yingying on the side was so frightened that she cried.

“Find me an empty room.”

Bai Nanxing glanced, “Go to the room opposite.”

When Qingya saw her like this, she knew what she wanted to do.

“I’ll accompany you, and I can help you out.” She got up with her bag and walked over.

Xia Chen also wanted to join in the fun, but his boss arranged for a more difficult person.

Looking at the man who didn’t say a word on the sofa, Xia Chen really felt a little stressed.

Did the boss ask him to accompany this man to talk?

Chat with such a man, what can he talk about!

Xia Chen, who really didn’t want to take on this task in his heart, could only bite the bullet and get up and sit down opposite the man.

“Young Master Fu, the boss said let me chat with you.” He laughed and snorted.

“I asked you to drag me.” The man didn’t lift his eyelids.

Xia Chen, who was seen through, touched his nose embarrassedly, and from the very beginning, he killed the sky.

“Young Master Fu, your clothes are very handsome, where did you buy them?” Xia Chen tried hard to find a topic.

“Clothes are not important, people are important.”

This confident, Xia Chen forced out a smile.

“I asked you to drag me here, there are some secrets that I can’t let me know.” Fu Yuxiu raised his hand and looked at the person opposite him.

Xia Chen blinked and said with a smile, “Master Fu, let me make you a cup of coffee, do you want to put sugar or not…”

Looking at the boy who was talking about walking away, the man chuckled lightly.

At the same time, in an empty room opposite.

After locking the door, Qing Ya removed all monitoring equipment and confirmed that the entire room would not be monitored by anyone.

Wen Li raised his hand, and the bracelet on his wrist emitted a burst of light, gradually illuminating the room.

As these rays of light shrouded, several experimental instruments and experimental tables appeared in the room and landed firmly on the ground.

The room was filled with experimental instruments.

Qing Ya looked at Wen Li who threw the bookmark into the container and began to soak in the liquid for analysis.

She thought it was over, but Qing Ya saw that she took out a small piece of cloth from the needle bag she was carrying and threw it into the vessel.

The transparent liquid suspended the black cloth and was put into another instrument.

These instruments are all NIO, and the speed of analyzing the components is extremely fast, and the results will definitely be obtained in fifteen minutes.

The reputation of the pharmacist has naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of various forces. Someone once offered a price of more than one billion and sent countless assassins to encircle and suppress NIO.

But there was no trace, not even a trace of it.

No one would have thought that the NIO Research Institute, a place where people from the pharmaceutical industry flock to, was carried by Wen Li with him.

Molecular space technology.

Only Wen Li and her original R&D team were the only ones who made this technology mature and used in the entire Intercontinental.

The bracelet on her wrist is no match for fifty small warehouses. As long as she wants, she can put gold and silver in it.

Not to mention some daily necessities or experimental instruments.

How many people in the whole continent are staring at this technology, as long as they can master this technology, let alone be used by soldiers on the battlefield.

Even if it is sold to ordinary people, the money earned is a wealth that cannot be imagined for several lifetimes.

“It’s better to strike first, you’ve discovered it long ago?”

Wen Li looked at the data that appeared on the instrument, “All the tablecloths at the dinner party have been soaked in potion. This toxin is neither serious nor heavy, and no one will care. I just cut a section to keep it.”

“There are so many medical experts present, and none of them can see it?”

Wen Li chuckled, “This toxin is very mild, and it can be cured anytime, anywhere, so naturally no one will take it seriously.”

It’s like knowing that being bitten by an ant will hurt, but no one will pay attention.

It’s not that they can’t see it, they just don’t care.

“A toxin is very small, but if you find the right combination, it is a weapon that can hurt people.”

Wen Li looked at the groups of data values ​​that gradually appeared on the computer screen.

“But all the furnishings here are handled by the Bai family. Soaking all the tablecloths and drying them is not something that can be done quietly.” Qing Ya said.

Wen Li picked up the test tube on the side and watched the black liquid suspended above.

“As long as you do it in this world, there will always be traces left, but it’s just a matter of the ability of the person who investigates…”

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