Master Fu’s Prideful Wife

Chapter 248 - When we arrived, Wen Xuqian and his wife were already in a pool of blood.

The medal found at the scene where Wen Xuqian and Hua Yan were killed was indeed organized by snakes after investigation.

It’s a pity that the police station in the small town was investigating the case at that time, and the investigation effort would be much lighter.

It would not be easy to know the origin of this medal if it hadn’t happened to have a dark line on the road.

In addition, the technical means of fifteen years ago cannot be compared with the present, so that medal was not regarded as a specific evidence.

It was only considered that it belonged to the Wen family at the time and put it away.

Su Jingjing was not at leisure during this time, and she was busy tracking these people.

The tattooed man’s words successfully attracted everyone’s attention, and Wen Li stepped on the black snake and stopped.

He looked sideways at the man beside him.

“you know?”

The black snake grinned on the ground, and the bones on her face felt like they were about to be crushed. This woman’s feet were really ruthless.

The tattooed man glanced at the black snake on the ground and carefully discussed with Wen Li.

“Let go of our leader first.”

Wen Li stepped on the black snake’s face and moved his feet away, staring at the person opposite, “I hope you can give me a satisfactory answer.”

“Yuan De.” Black Snake rubbed his face and looked at the tattooed man.

He chuckled softly. In this situation, since the Li family announced the return of the eldest young lady, they have already concluded that this will be the case.

The girl who could not be found at the murder scene back then was the daughter of Wen Xuqian and his wife.

After returning from Fangxi Town, they were waiting for relevant news, but the news that came out was Wen Yanxing’s death.

Wen Yanxing is dead, I’m afraid that child will not live long.

This is the general knowledge of all.

“Back then, the organization directly received an order to kill Wen Xuqian, and the other party bought your father’s life for 50 million.” Yuan Fei looked at Wen Li and said.

Fifteen years later, I did not expect that the case of that year would be brought up again in such a situation.

“Then what?”

Wen Li sat back in the chair, Su Jingjing could feel the low air pressure on her body like a dark cloud.

“Then we took people to Ningzhou.”

Wen Li stopped turning the bracelet with his head down. They were Ningzhou who went there later.

According to her investigation, the father brought his wife and daughter to Fangxi Town because someone was chasing him.

But the time when these people received the task was a bit wrong.

“Did you go after they arrived at Fangxi Town?”

Yuan Fu was taken aback by this question, and he nodded, “We are near Ningzhou where we set off on the third day after receiving the mission.”

That is to say, when these people received the entrustment case, their whole family had already moved to Fangxi Town.

“What hands did you move?” Wen Li glanced at him.

Yuan Fu was dazzled by the gloomy eyes, and a chill rose from the soles of his feet, as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

“No, when our people set off to Fangxi Town, Wen Xuqian and his wife were already dead.”

This is also a completely unexpected answer.

Su Jingjing glanced at Wen Li, feeling restless in her heart.

Wen Li stared at the person opposite him for a long time, then suddenly laughed out loud, “I have interrogated countless prisoners and captives, and I can tell from the expression and body language of the person whether this person is telling the truth or a lie. If this person doesn’t tell the truth for five minutes, then it’s of no use to me.”

As soon as she finished speaking, Xia Chen, who was behind her, had already drawn out a gun, and the black muzzle was aimed at the person on the opposite side.

Su Jingjing chuckled, Wen Li had seen all kinds of people over the years, and naturally he had developed a pair of eyes that could see people.

These little Jiujiu, don’t even try to deceive her.

Accompanying the old leader for so many years, Yuan Fei had never been frightened like this by a woman.

But the person in front of him, no matter how he talks or looks, can make people sweat coldly behind them.

“I didn’t lie to you Miss Li, you should listen to me first!!” He hurriedly explained.

Wen Li raised his hand, and Xia Chen withdrew the gun expressionlessly.

Why the boss can be so fearless, the most interrogation method in the whole Evans is the boss.

As long as it is in her hands, there is no prisoner who can’t open his mouth.

“Our people did arrive at Fangxi Town at that time, but when we approached Wen’s house, we found that someone had been there before us. When we went to Wen’s house, Wen Xuqian and his wife were already in a pool of blood.”

This is also true.

It rained heavily in the second half of that night, and between lightning and thunder, they crossed the flower field in front of the door and approached the white wooden structure building.

Under the heavy rain, the sunflowers that had grown vigorously in the flower fields were also beaten and bowed their heads.

At that time, Yuan Fei led people to the vicinity of the floor. It was twelve o’clock in the evening, and there were no lights in the whole room.

The second-story building looked so weird among the lightning and thunder, and what was even more strange was that the second-floor one seemed to be lit up, as if it was burning something.

On a July day, it is impossible to burn a secret fireplace for warmth.

The fire also caught Yuan De’s attention, and the dormant man turned over and entered the house under his command.

But the strong smell of blood attracted the attention of several people, and scarlet blood dripped down from the edge of the stairs.

Yuan Fei raised his head and glanced at it, ordered the people around him to guard him, and took the two of them up the stairs by himself.

Sure enough, what echoed the strong **** smell were the two corpses upstairs.

Yuan De still remembers that scene, the man who was shot several times guarding his wife.

Yuan Fei stood on the spot and swept around the room expressionlessly.

Judging from the struggles in the house, the woman had struggled, but it was a pity that the absolute suppression of her strength finally killed her.

This should be the fastest commission case the organization has carried out since its inception, and they didn’t spend a single shot.

Halfway through the mission, Yuan Dei stared at the dead woman on the ground, thoughtfully.

But it’s not so easy to explain.

“In other words, when you went there, you found that the person was already dead?” Su Jingjing frowned.

She didn’t quite believe this answer.

“It’s true!” Yuan De hurriedly explained.

“How do I know that this isn’t something you’re hiding on purpose?” Wen Li raised his eyebrows and stared at the man opposite.

Yuan Fu hurriedly shook his head, “The commission case we received was to kill Wen Xuqian and bring his wife back to the imperial capital, so how could we kill them both!”

If you fail to bring Hua Yan back to the imperial capital, this mission will be considered a failure.

“Bring back Hua Yan?” Su Jingjing was stunned.

As soon as this requirement comes out, I’m afraid I can get it.

I’m afraid it’s a murder.

“Could it be that someone who had a crush on your mother sent someone to kill your father and wanted to take your mother with you?” Su Jingjing leaned over to Wen Li’s ear and spoke.

After all, now, this possibility is the greatest.

“If you didn’t do it, what were you afraid of when you saw our boss?” Xia Chen asked Yuan Fei.

When the man saw the boss stepping on the black snake on the ground, the fear and panic in his eyes were not fake.

“That’s because I…”

“Xia Chen.”


At the same time as Wen Li’s voice, the muzzle in Xia Chen’s hand was emitting black smoke.

The people present widened their eyes, watching Yuan Fei fall to the ground with his legs in his arms, and the gushing blood splattered on the ground.


Before Yuan Fei could even shout, Xia Chen was already in front of him, and the muzzle of the gun was pointed at his head again.

“If you don’t tell the truth, I don’t have to keep you.”

Yuan Fei explained to Wen Li, “I’m telling the truth!”

Seeing Yuan Di like this, the black snake rushed up to stop Xia Chen, but was stopped by someone on the side.

“Leader, don’t be impatient.” The man advised him beside him.

This little girl is the eldest Miss of the Li family, and it was Master Ning who asked them to come here.

One can imagine how powerful the people who dared to move the Ning family so blatantly in the Ning family’s field.

If the leader couldn’t help rushing up at this time, I’m afraid the consequences are not something they can bear.

The black snake had no choice but to give up, watching Yuan Fu fall into a pool of blood.

“You still have one last chance. To be honest, I count to three.”

The girl in front of her was unmoved and started to count.



The sound of Xia Chen pulling the trigger came, Yuan Fei hurriedly stopped, “I said!!”

This woman is terrible. Those eyes really have the ability to see through people.

If it weren’t for years of experience, how could it be possible to distinguish between true and false at a glance.

Wen Li walked up to him and squatted down, and stabbed the silver needle in his hand, stopping the gushing blood and reducing his pain by half.

“When I arrived at Wen’s house, Wen Xuqian was still breathing. He was dying to grab my trouser leg and let me save her wife. I shot him…” Yuan Hui continued.

This is the truth.

“But I didn’t kill Hua Yan, and Wen Xuqian couldn’t live anymore…”

He lay on the ground sobbing.

Wen Li looked at him patiently, and said softly, “Really?”

Yuan Qu did have selfish intentions. In the end, the mission was to kill Wen Xuqian, then people must die. If someone else found out, Wen Xuqian could still survive, which was also a failure of the mission.

Su Jingjing understood, that’s why there were two kinds of bullets on Wen Xuqian’s body during the initial investigation.

“Who is the employer?”

Yuan Fei propped himself up and sat up, panting, “The employer who negotiated at the beginning only said his surname was Li. I didn’t see his face, but our people took a picture of him.”

He said struggling to find another file bag in the wooden box next to him.

“In order to convince them that Wen Xuqian and his wife were dead, I handed over a painting I brought back from the scene to the employer.”

“What painting?” Wen Li looked at him.

Yuan De thought for a while, and seemed to have exhausted all his strength, “It’s a family portrait. Wen Xuqian’s wife is a very famous painter, and the painting is of their family of three.”

It is a pity that after handing over these, the employer refused to pay the remaining amount due to the failure of the task.

Their old leader also re-investigated later, only to discover Wen Xuqian’s life experience.

No matter what, he was the young master of the Li family, and the son of the head of the Li family. If Li Langhua was held accountable, their entire organization might be destroyed.

Under such pressure, the old leader made the decision to let the organization join the Ning family and become a part of the Ning family.

It is also hoped that the Ning family, who are also the four major families in the imperial capital, can keep them from the Li family.

“This is the emerald ring that I found on the spot, dropped by your father’s side. I picked it up and made it as a pendant to wear on my body.”

Yuan Fei hurriedly tore off the necklace he was wearing around his neck and handed it over.

The ring was as expensive as he thought, so he didn’t make any changes, just put a chain around his neck.

It is impossible for this ring to fall on the scene for no reason, I am afraid it is the murderer’s thing.

Su Jingjing stood next to Wen Li and glanced at the ring, then reached out to take it and looked at it carefully.

“There are tin stamping marks under this ring, the production process is complicated, and the jadeite is of the highest quality, which is not something ordinary people can buy.”

As for the photo of the employer, the pixels were extremely blurry back then, and it could be seen that the photo was of an adult male.

He wore a black felt hat on his head, with the brim covering half of his face, and a black coat on his body.

Everything has been asked clearly, and the desired answer has been obtained.

Wen Li squeezed what was in his hand, as if he saw a man lying in a pool of blood.

Knowing that he is powerless, he still hopes to protect his beloved wife.

Reaching out that hand is giving up all hope.


A gunshot ended everything, and Wen Li closed his eyes in shock.

She could even think of how desperate her father was when he closed his eyes.

“I’ve said everything I know, can you…” Yuan De raised his hand to touch Wen Li’s trousers.

She leaned down and pulled out the silver needles stuck to him one by one.

When the last one came out, Yuan De’s eyes widened, and he suddenly raised his head and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Until they left, the people next to them dared to step forward to check on Yuan Hui’s situation.

But the blood that was spitting out was obviously not scarlet, it was mixed with some dark colors.

“Yuan Ji!”

Xia Chen turned his head and saw that the eyes fell on the ground with wide eyes, staring at the direction the door opened.

There is still disbelief in the eyes, the person has no breath, and the heart and pulse have stopped.

He shook his head, this person might think that he was not the direct cause of Wen Xuqian’s death, and he also gave so many things that were helpful for the investigation.

I’m afraid the boss won’t move him.

“I found useful information here, but what about the old leader he said?” Su Jingjing asked.

“Look at this photo first, don’t touch him first, it’s still useful to keep it.”

If you can find the original employer, at least you know who hired them.

“What about this ring?”

“Investigate in two lines. Be sure to find out who the owner of this ring is.” Wen Li held the ring tightly in his hand.

With a lot of strength, I can even see the blue veins on the back of my hand.

“Are you okay?” Su Jingjing held her hand, a little worried.


At least everything can be traced back now.

Su Jingjing sighed. Back then, Wen Xuqian and Hua Yan were able to destroy all the photos and all the people with traces of the Wen family.

What the **** is going on.

It’s ridiculous to say that, to this day, Wen Li has not been able to find a clear photo of Hua Yan.

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