Master Fu’s Prideful Wife

Chapter 320 - Why did you have to pay back the sins of the year... 1 more

The hustle and bustle of the day has dissipated, and the night has returned to silence. The Yun family yard is brightly lit, and the people who come and go are busy cleaning up.

It’s been a busy day today, and the sanitation of the entire yard needs a good cleaning.

There are also many relatives in the Yun family, and the collateral lineages have been flourishing in these years, so big happy events like the Yun family will naturally come.

After the head of the Yun family and his wife were assassinated, the sixteen-year-old Yun Sheng and nine-year-old Yun Xiao brothers were left alone.

The collateral line stared at him, how much pressure Yun Sheng had to withstand to hold the Yun family down. After that, all the collateral relatives were not allowed to enter the Yun family’s old house.

This time was an exception. After many years, the Yun family was willing to accept the collateral lineage and the blessings of the collateral lineage.

Su Mengyi stood under the porch, looking at the round moon in the sky, the warm white gauze dress could no longer stop her bulging belly.

In a few months’ time, new members of the Yun family will join, and Su Mengyi’s eyes fell on the servant who was cleaning on the opposite porch.

The architectural style of Yun’s old house combines traditional and Western styles. They are all two-story buildings, but they are also unique in style.

It combines the graceful elegance of the Jiangnan water town with the grand atmosphere of the imperial capital.

The valuation of this old house in the entire imperial capital once broke the price of 1.5 billion.

It is indeed a place that many people yearn for.

The place where Yun Xiao and Li Li lived was in the east, and it was estimated that the lights were about to go out at this moment. After returning home three days later, the two should set off for their honeymoon trip.

A warm wind came over her back, and a dark red shawl was placed on her shoulders.

“It’s cold outside, you should rest too.” Yun Sheng hugged her and turned around.

Su Mengyi raised his hand and took his palm, “Are you done?”

Her body started to become heavier and heavier, and she couldn’t do many things in person, but she still stared at the servant and finished it.

This is also the heart of the newcomer.

“An Yue is asleep.” Yun Sheng hugged her and turned back to the house.

Yun Anyue was picked up from the hospital yesterday. Although she was not able to become a flower girl as she wished, the little girl was very unhappy, but luckily she didn’t miss Yun Xiao’s wedding, which was a good thing.

“You have been fortunate enough these days.” Su Mengyi held her husband’s hand.

She has to discuss about the wedding and take care of her. Yun Sheng is a very good older brother and protects his younger brother very well.

The two brothers came together from the most difficult time, and Yun Sheng had a deep affection for this younger brother.

“Are you tired?” Yun Sheng squatted down and massaged her legs carefully.

“It’s alright, it’s not a big month now, and my legs aren’t swollen.” Su Mengyi said.

The servant brought the hot milk, and Yun Sheng held the cup to test the temperature.

“A Sheng, do you want a son or a daughter?”

This seems to be a question that every man will experience, Yun Sheng seems to think about it carefully, and answers very seriously.


“Don’t want a daughter?” Su Mengyi raised her eyebrows and gently caressed her stomach with her wedding ring.

Under the warm orange light, the woman’s face is gentle, and the thin light is plated on her body, making her look extremely gentle.

“Don’t we have An Yue?” Yun Sheng raised her head.

Su Mengyi was stunned, listening to the man’s next words.

“Furthermore, our family can’t be all girls. There has to be one on my side. If you make both of you angry in the future, someone can share the burden for me.”

Su Mengyi was amused by his words and laughed out loud, “Haven’t you heard that my daughter is my father’s little padded jacket? Maybe you will bully me together in the future.”

“No, you are always the biggest in this family, and we all have to listen to you.”

Su Mengyi looked at him and suddenly said seriously, “Husband, thank you.”

Yun Sheng stopped and squeezed her face gently, “It’s me thanking you.”

Thank you for her willingness to ignore anything, to believe in him, and to step into this chaotic place.

Su Mengyi’s eyes blushed as he looked at his ears so close to his stomach, and he gently stroked the man’s cheek.

It is she who has always been grateful to him for giving her so much love in every possible way.

The housekeeper hurried over from outside the door and crossed the stone road in the yard.

“Mr. and Mrs., Miss Wen Li and the young master are here.”

Su Mengyi and Yun Sheng looked at each other, Wen Li must have come here for An Yue’s business.

“Invite them to come in.”

The butler nodded, turned around and went out to invite someone in.

Wen Li and Fu Yuxiu came over tonight, Su Mengyi felt nervous, but what happened to Yun Anyue’s examination results.

“Don’t be afraid, there were no problems with the treatment a few days ago, and everything will be fine.” Yun Sheng comforted her.

Wen Lidu looked confident during the treatment a few days ago.

There can be no problem at this juncture.

“Go and see how Miss is sleeping.” Yun Sheng instructed the servant.

Wen Li and Fu Yuxiu stepped on the moonlight, and when they entered the hall, they saw Su Mengyi looking worried.

“Wen Li, did An Yue’s inspection report come out?” Su Mengyi stood up with her arms supported.

Yun Sheng quickly supported her and comforted her softly, “Don’t worry, nothing will happen.”

If the situation was critical, Wen Li would inform them to take the child directly to the hospital, and would not be here this evening.

“Young Master.” Yun Sheng greeted the others.

The man opposite nodded in response, and sat down beside Wen Li.

The inspection report brought over was spread out on the desktop, a thick stack of documents, all that could be detected, have been inspected.

And she checked it seven times, all with the same result.

“The pathogen has been found, but I need to draw two blood tests, and I hope the two will cooperate.”

Yun Sheng and Su Mengyi looked at Wen Li in unison, Su Mengyi bit her lower lip lightly, but Yun Sheng was very stable.

“Why check our blood?”

Wen Li tapped his finger on the report and looked up at the two with a calm expression.

“The infectious toxin has been identified, but there are only two modes of transmission of this toxin, one is blood-borne and the other is mother-to-child transmission.”

In the end, these four words hit Su Mengyi’s heart fiercely, and she clenched the hand beside her without leaving a trace.

“For safety, I want to know if Mrs. Yun is infected.”

Yun Sheng held his wife’s palm and said to Wen Li with great certainty, “I can be sure that Meng Yi is not infected. We have physical examinations every year, and she is in good health.”

Wen Li nodded, but still didn’t let go.

“I’m just in case, and it’s more convenient for me to investigate. I think I can still take samples from you for detailed inspection.”

Su Mengyi controlled her emotions, calmed her mind and said, “It must be mother-to-child transmission, is it possible that the child’s father was infected?”

Wen Li shook his head, “It will only be transmitted through the mother’s body, followed by blood.”

And Yun Anyue’s virus was brought out from her mother’s womb, which proves that her mother was also infected with this kind of virus.

This virus will corrode people’s nerves little by little and then affect the body, but not very fast.

The toxins inherited from the mother can only be a small amount, which will have a certain impact on the growth of the fetus.

Yun Anyue was able to be born safely, which shows that her mother was infected in the second trimester, and she should have been born at that time.

Fu Yuxiu raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, if it was a virus inherited from the mother’s body, then the mother’s body must have been infected too.

And the mother’s reaction will be more serious, it is absolutely impossible to be so healthy and relaxed.

With that in mind, there is only one possibility.

Yun Anyue’s mother is not her.

“Mrs. Yun, is there something to hide?” Wen Li looked at her.

Su Mengyi stabilized her mind and looked at Wen Li with a calm expression, “It doesn’t matter how my body is, Yueyue is the most important thing.”

There are some things that are said here, and everyone knows it in their hearts.

Wen Li didn’t mean to spy on other people’s privacy. If it wasn’t for something unexpected, she wouldn’t want to get an accurate answer from Su Mengyi’s mouth.

But according to Su Mengyi and Yun Sheng’s words, coupled with their refusal attitude, Wen Li had already been told the answer.

When treating Yun Anyue, the little girl grabbed her and chatted. Just like the little adults, Wen Li also knew her birthday.

She has passed her fifth birthday.

Virus No. 7, this is the No. 7 virus.

“Wen Li, can this virus be completely eliminated?”

In any case, if the pathogen can be found, there will definitely be a cure.

Pharmacist Li, the well-known medicine **** in the entire Intercontinental, is not just a false name.

Her research institute produces toxins and antibiotics that are known to sell well every year.

The entire Intercontinental virus record is not more than half of her research institute, so only she can find out what kind of virus it is.

Wen Li can come to ask them such a question now, I am afraid that he has already thought of a countermeasure.

“No. 7 virus, all the research institutes, hospitals, and medical institutions in the entire Intercontinental have no records, and the people who have been infected with this virus are adults, and there is no record of treatment of children.”

If there are no cases, it means that there are no conditions to learn from. If you want to successfully cure, I am afraid that the problem will be very big.

“Is there no way?” Su Mengyi’s eyes turned red.

The fetus that has formed in the belly felt the change in the mother’s mood and moved in her belly.

She frowned slightly, holding her stomach and sighing softly.

Yun Sheng hurriedly calmed her down, “Don’t worry, don’t worry.”

Wen Li looked at her and suddenly said, “The reason why the No. 7 virus has no treatment in the entire Intercontinental is because it has been destroyed in the laboratory and has no chance to come out.”

“And all the researchers in that lab are dead…”,

All conditions are almost unfavorable for detoxification.

Su Mengyi raised her hand to rest her forehead, feeling depressed, “So is it difficult?”

An Yue is still so young, so she can’t just die. She hasn’t seen this vast world yet.

She also wanted to watch An Yue grow up and watch her marry.

“I will do my best, Mrs. Yun can rest assured.” Wen Li suddenly stretched out his hand and placed it on hers lightly.

Su Mengyi got a positive answer, like a reassurance pill, grabbing Wen Li’s hand and saying non-stop.

“Thank you, thank you…”

All the questions you want to ask have been asked, and there is already a certain content.

“The medicine around her needs to be changed, can I go upstairs to see it?” Wen Li took out the medicine he brought with him.

Su Mengyi nodded hurriedly, “Of course, I’ll take you up.”

“You’re inconvenient, I’ll go by myself, and I’ll be down in a while.” Wen Li refused.

Fu Yuxiu grabbed the man’s hand, “What about me?”

Wen Li looked down at him, then looked at Yun Sheng over there.

The latter understood and stood up in front of Fu Yuxiu.

“I just happen to have something to talk about with the young master. Do you have time for the young master?”

Fu Yuxiu raised his eyebrows, because he found a man to send him away.

“You wait for me below.” Wen Li touched his face soothingly.

After being ordered like this, Fu Yuxiu could only listen obediently, get up and go to the tea room with Yun Sheng.

After going upstairs, the servant opened the door, “Miss Wen Li, please come in.”

The room was full of pink, the curtains were all lace-edged pink, and the white fluffy carpet covered the room.

The milky white bed was near the curtain, and there were dolls on the floor.

The indoor table lamp is on the darkest light, just enough to illuminate the little girl sleeping on the bed with the quilt covered.

Wen Li stepped in with clean slippers and just stood by the bed when the phone in his trouser pocket vibrated.

Followed by Su Jingjing’s phone, she turned the volume to the lowest and put it to her ear.

“As you guessed it, I checked all Su Mengyi’s experience, and there was no photo of her with a big belly, but the Yun family has made sufficient preparations. All the pregnancy test reports of Yun Anyue’s birth in the imperial capital were have.”

But there is still a little bit of omission. During the period of Su Mengyi’s pregnancy, she said that she had gone to the countryside outside the imperial capital to raise a baby.

It was not until Yun Anyue was born that she brought her child back.

“After I investigated all her relationships and ruled out all the impossible people, there were only three left, you see.”

Wen Li crossed the photos one by one and settled on the last one.

It was a photo of Su Mengyi and a woman. The two were sitting on a bench and leaning on each other. They looked young and looked fifteen or sixteen years old.

Wen Li looked at the child on the bed, squatted down gently, and looked at the girl with a peaceful sleeping face.

“Born with the virus, the body is much thinner than a healthy baby, and the growth rate will be very slow.”

So even if she hides outside and brings this thin child back, no one will suspect that there is something wrong with her age.

After all, she should be almost seven years old…

“Why didn’t I think of that?”

When the laboratory was destroyed, Ding Lai was about to give birth. Under the corresponding time conditions, the child in her womb could be saved.

There is only one possibility, when Ding Lai was sent out, he was not dead, so he could save the child.

“Why did you have to pay back the sins of the past…” Wen Li looked at the child on the bed.

Obviously it is not easy to survive.

Her eyes started to get wet, and only now did she realize that Yun Anyue’s appearance was so similar to Ding Lai’s.

Especially the curvature of the corners of his mouth when he smiles, as if carved out of a mold.

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