Master Fu’s Prideful Wife

Chapter 364 - Origin of the Intercontinental League

The open space behind the camp is the largest parking lot belonging to the entire camp, which can accommodate a hundred helicopters and dozens of private jets.

Today, iron-black private jets and rows of camouflaged helicopters are neatly parked here.

All the lights in the field were lit up, the lights in the field were all over the place, and the people who came and went prepared their combat equipment and waited to set off.

There were people coming and going in the entire arena, and they walked very smartly. Bodyguards and soldiers in different clothes stood at the edge of the arena.

The man with the walkie-talkie instructing the helicopter to land and take off did not stop for a while.

In front of the iron-black private plane, Fei Ran was checking the information and confirming the preparation.

There are still fifteen minutes before the departure time, and the things that should be prepared cannot be left behind.

This time they will go directly to the intercontinental border. Most of the forces in the dark palace are on several islands on the edge of the intercontinental.

In the current situation, once the war spreads, the site of the Dark Palace will inevitably be involved in this war.

Now that the momentum is ready to go, the rulers of various countries cannot afford to reconsider.

The formation of the Intercontinental Alliance army is not in a hurry, and the heads of state did not meet directly due to the situation.

But it also held five video conferences very rigorously, and finally determined the member states of the Intercontinental Alliance.

Dark Palace and Evans are not included in the scope of this plan, and the remaining twenty-seven countries have formed an alliance army.

This time, the goals are the same, and many countries have abandoned many self-prejudices to form alliances.

The commanding position of the general marshal of the alliance fell on Quan Yanling, Shen Qingyi was the deputy commander, and the other countries sent competent generals to be active on the rest of the battlefield.

The Marshal-in-Chief gave an order, requiring the troops from all countries to arrive at the station before the 27th and stand by.

Yuan Cang was walking in the crowd in a black combat uniform, and his resolute appearance attracted the attention of many people.

Fei Ran glanced at the watch on his wrist, “Fifteen minutes left, the left, middle, and right are all adjusted, and the person who will be in touch is on standby?”

Yuan Cang decided to adjust the escorts after the members of each group had arrived at their original positions.

“The boss is still saying goodbye to his wife right now.” Yuan Cang said.

The master and his wife have just finished the wedding, and now the entire Intercontinental knows that the dark palace has welcomed a mistress, and Fu Yuxiu has married his wife.

It’s a pity that no one knows what people look like.

According to the predetermined plan, they all arrived at the intercontinental border first, and it is estimated that the wife and the head of the family will not see each other for a long time.

For newly married couples, the most difficult thing to accept is to separate during the honeymoon period.

The two probably had a good time talking.

“Brother Feiran.” When Lu Min arrived in front of the two of them, his expression was not very good. “You guys are leaving now?”

Seeing his appearance, Yuan Cang knew that this kid must have a question to ask.

Although he is very carefree, the past two days are filled with people coming and going, coupled with the formation of the Intercontinental Alliance, no one can see some problems.

In the entire dark palace, Lu Min was the youngest among the people who were selected to be the personal bodyguard.

Naturally, he hadn’t experienced the bloodiest years in the Dark Palace, and he hadn’t experienced any major events since he arrived at the head’s side.

Because of his young age, the head of the family has never investigated any mistakes he made, and he has a lot of special care for Lu Min.

After Wen Li appeared, he was arranged to protect his wife’s safety. Now that they are making such a big move, this kid is mentally unbalanced.

“Didn’t the boss assign you a task? When we are away, you go to K country with your wife.”

The master’s order has been given, and it is impossible to go back on it now.

“I have a few questions to ask you.” Lu Min walked around behind Feiran.

“Can’t we change the time? Madam is busy over there?”

Isn’t Madam going to K country too?

“No, just now.”

If he didn’t figure it out, he wouldn’t be able to go to K country with his wife with peace of mind.

Fei Ran, who was setting up the task, glanced at Yuan Cang. After the eyes of the two met, Fei Ran handed the things in his hand to Yuan Cang and turned around and entered the cabin.

“What do you want to ask?” Fei Ran sorted out the things on the table in the cabin.

“Why did the master arrange ten teams to enter the K country?” Lu Min asked straight to the point.

The basic task standard of the Dark Palace is a team of four people, divided according to the difficulty of the task.

It’s just that the top killers have always been on their own to perform tasks. The level of these people is top-notch, so it goes without saying.

But this time, the master has assigned ten teams of forty top killers to sneak into the capital of country K, and they have been secretly scattered all over the place.

If it’s just to protect the lady’s safety, this is too much.

Fei Ran patted Lu Min on the shoulder with relief, “I will do this, I will grow up.”

Compared to the heartless young man in the past, now he can perceive the problems in their arrangement.

It seems that during the period of time with Madam, I have not learned anything.

“Don’t perfunctory me.” Lu Min stared at Fei Ran.

Fei Ran didn’t hide his intentions, he took his seat slowly and motioned him to sit down opposite him.

“Do you know how many countries have formed an alliance this time?”

Hearing such a question, Lu Min was a little confused, he thought for a while, “Twenty-seven.”

And they are all countries with very prosperous national strength. These countries are all located at the junction of Continent H, Continent D and Continent S.

He also thought about it carefully. If the results of their investigation are the same, the source of the transformed people is not purgatory, then another force is controlling these people.

This means that the three major organizations in the entire imperial capital have never been involved, and the capabilities of these three organizations have exceeded the combined combat power of all the countries in the entire continent.

But even if they have joined the forces of the Dark Palace and Evans, they still need 27 countries to form an alliance to resist the enemy.

Is there such a powerful organization in the entire Intercontinental?

“The earliest Intercontinental Alliance, have you heard of it?” Fei Ran asked, followed by an explanation, “Or should I ask you, how the term Intercontinental Alliance is used.”

Feiran’s second question made Lu Min ponder, and also pointed to his knowledge blind spot.

As far as he knows, there is no large-scale war in the entire intercontinental history, and naturally there is no alliance.

However, this term is used in the entire continent, and there is even an overall ranking by category.

The oldest known intercontinental alliance organizations today are the Nine Nations Alliance in Continent H and the Vito Four Nations Alliance in Continent D.

However, there has never been a detailed record of the Intercontinental Alliance. What kind of scenario can be used to unite all the countries of the entire Intercontinental.

“A hundred years ago, a war that spread to all countries broke out in Intercontinental. After the other party captured two continents, they launched aimless killings, 700,000 civilians were slaughtered, and the entire Intercontinental was like **** on earth. Under such circumstances The Intercontinental Alliance was formed for the first time, and the countries that were originally competing for each other also formed an alliance for the first time, and they agreed only to defeat the enemy.” Fei Ran poured a glass of water at the bar and pushed it to Lu Min’s hand.

This war lasted for a whole year, with huge casualties in exchange for a peaceful and prosperous world after the smoke cleared.

“Then why hasn’t this war been recorded in the intercontinental history and the war history?” Lu Min wondered.

And future generations don’t seem to remember this war, he never heard of it.

“Because it’s too terrifying.” Fei Ran took a sip of water while holding the cup. “Do you know that the Intercontinental Alliance has dispatched millions of troops from all countries across the continent. How many people are there?”

Lu Min stopped searching on the phone, waiting for Fei Ran’s answer.

“Less than ten thousand people.” Fei Ran spit out these words.

It’s like a story from the Arabian Nights. Millions of people are against 10,000 people, and there is no chance of winning. No one would believe it.

“Ten thousand people?!!”

“You are also surprised, but this is the truth, not many people want to recall that war, and those in power will not let this war appear in the history of the country under their control, all the information about this war. All are sealed up, and only high-level officials are qualified to view them.”

Of course, this is also to maintain social stability. Even if those people lose Intercontinental, they are still a time bomb, a time bomb hanging over everyone’s heads that will explode at any time.

Such high-energy creatures appear and threaten the safety of the entire continent, and they can return to the continent to destroy everyone anytime, anywhere.

This is not conducive to upper-level rule and management.

If you want a prosperous society, you must have stable people. These people can’t worry about their death anytime and anywhere, and this is conducive to promoting social development.

“The ones you said broke into the Intercontinental…are they human?” Lu Min asked carefully.

Are you sure it’s all human? Is it really a human being who can have such a strong fighting power?

“It is indeed human, but it is very different from us.” Fei Ran clenched the cup in his hand.

According to the only remaining information, those people are the so-called supernatural beings.

Unlike ordinary humans, they have the same appearance as humans, but with more abilities that ordinary people do not have.

If they must be distinguished, it is no exaggeration to say that they are gods.

No one knows how many years this world has been operating and developed, whether there will be other human beings outside their time and space, and whether there will be unknown civilizations.

But these people have actually appeared.

The parallel space-time theory someone mentioned may be able to explain the origin of those people.

They suddenly appeared in the intercontinental, and suddenly disappeared, retreating at an extremely fast speed, and disappeared without a trace.

“But what does this have to do with Madam going to Country K?”

Fei Ran looked at him and smiled, “Do you think Madam is really a person who doesn’t care about anything?”

If this war involves the Dark Palace, it involves Fu Yuxiu, or even Evans.

Then Wen Li could never really stay out of it.

“Evans had similar transformations on the battlefield of S continent five years ago, but according to Nan Gongye, the transformation troops that appear on the battlefield of D continent are far more powerful than the transformation troops that appeared in front of them at that time. And there’s a big difference.”

It can be said that the strengths are not on the same line, and at that time Wen Li concluded that those transformed people were not ordinary genetic transformers.

Now that the entire Evans has been engaged in the battle, Madam is looking for another way to solve this problem.

“The Royal Family Records of Country K has the longest-preserved and most well-recorded historical documents on the entire Intercontinental Continent. Perhaps from the Royal Family Documents of Country K, we can find detailed records of the war of that year.” Fei Ran finally gave an explanation.

After that war, there was a lot of friction between countries, big and small.

The high-level executives have a tacit understanding of not mentioning this matter, making it rotten in the long river of history.

And the documents of various countries that recorded the war were slowly lost in the wars, big and small.

The royal family of K country has been passed down for hundreds of years, and even in the midst of storms, these important documents have always been well protected.

If you want to investigate, it is best to go to the royal family of K country.

“So, Madam went to K country not only for her own business, but how did you know about such a strange thing, and how did Madam know about it?”

Are there really supernatural beings in this world? It sounds too strange to hear.

“Do you know the relationship between the bracelet the lady is wearing and the ring on the master’s hand?”

Thinking of this, Lu Min suddenly remembered.

The master has always wanted to find Vantaa, and he also cooperated with soya in order to complete the structure of molecular space technology.

But this technology lady has made it, and it is handy to use.

“Nowadays, only the lady can do things on the whole continent, but it seems to be commonplace in the eyes of those people. It is the most basic thing to take things from the air.”

But basically, they are all the same things. Wen Li must have felt some differences when he was doing the experiment.

“Besides, judging from the information we have, the original place where the war broke out was the current country K.”

If it is people from different time and space or different regions, in order to be able to directly break into this place, there must be at least a connection point between the two spaces.

And if they were those people, they would start from the connection point first.

So no matter from which point of view, going to K country is the best place to investigate the truth.

After hearing Fei Ran’s words, Lu Min couldn’t come out of his description at all.

These cognitions run counter to all his cognitions over the years and are frightening.

If Madam came to K country under such pressure, and K country is really as they guessed.

I am afraid that the place in K country is also full of dangers, and it is no better than Xizhen.

“You are responsible for the safety of your wife this time, and your mission is very important.” Fei Ran raised his hand and rubbed the boy’s head earnestly.

Now they are all thinking, in the S continent battlefield, if there is really a power user.

What method did Evans use to defeat the opponent.

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