Master Fu’s Prideful Wife

Chapter 368 - Mr. Fu\\\'s helicopter has crashed!

The intercontinental border, where the four oceans are connected, is a no-man’s land where Continent H, Continent S and Continent D are jointly bordered.

The vast expanse is now a haven for wildlife, the only untouched place on the entire continent.

This is a forbidden area for human beings, rich in natural resources, including vast land and grasslands, rain forests that are evergreen all year round, and mountain tops that are covered with snow all year round.

Groups of scientific expedition teams enter here throughout the year, and top animal and plant experts come in batches after batches.

However, these people eventually left with nothing. The rich natural resources make this a lonely and independent area on the whole intercontinental, and the central area that no one can go to makes this the most mysterious place.

No man’s land, the cost of mining is huge, and it also plays a certain role in protecting the natural scenery here.

Since last month, troops have entered here one after another. Military fighter jets of different colors take off and land here. Soldiers with medals from various countries have set up camp here.

These soldiers come from different countries, have different skin colors, and speak different languages. Many of them do not know what their purpose is in coming here.

Which country did he fight against, and for what purpose, but no one backed down and followed the team here.

Every soldier who came here received the same medal in batches, and replaced it with his country’s emblem medal on his cuff.

The formation of an intercontinental alliance was something that no one could have expected. Before that, the battles, big and small, in the world had never stopped.

Local wars are emerging one after another, and there is also a lot of friction between countries. Games between big countries have led to turbulence in small countries.

Now that countries large and small have formed a unified front alliance and come here, there is no news among the troops, and the superiors are tight-lipped to the subordinates.

No one except the high-level people knew what the purpose of coming here was, but no one asked the question.

The special black fighter jet landed in front of the huge command post, and it took only three days for this temporary command post to arrange everything.

In order to ensure the absolute safety here, the induction system is buried 50 meters underground, which is already the place with absolute NO1 for safety.

Before the fighter could stop, Quan Yanling jumped down, and Shen Qingyi behind him landed on the ground with him.

Both of them took off their straight military uniforms and wore black combat uniforms. After getting off the helicopter, they went straight to the combat conference room.

After the pupil recognition technology identifies the identity, the heavy iron door is opened, and the walls of the entire room are very thick, with special material settings, with absolute security and confidentiality.

In the huge room, a miniature version of the entire Intercontinental map is displayed on the sand table in the middle.

A lot of small red flags are densely crossed above, only the same color, all over the mountains and fields, occupying half of the map.

“Marshal, except for the K390 unit, the rest of the troops have arrived at the designated location and waited.”

The planned hundreds of thousands of people have already arrived at the original location on standby, and the logistics supply transportation line is not also continuously delivering supplies and weapons.

Quan Yanling stood in front of the sand table, looking at the sand table full of small red flags, the stick in his hand pointed to the front of the dense forest.

“Let them speed up and mobilize the G45 troops that were supposed to defend the coastline here, and they must all be moved before dark.”

Shen Qingyi stood beside Quan Yanling and watched his formation, “In this case, our defense in the northwest will be very weak.”

The biggest problem now is not knowing from which direction those people will attack and in what form.

These are still unknown, so all-round defense is required, and it must be done in all aspects.

“Integrating all our data, these are not ordinary people. To fight against such an enemy, we must quickly seize the initiative.”

Quan Yanling raised his hand and pointed the baton in the northwest, “There is a pure natural reserve here, with a strange climate, swamps and beasts, surrounded by valleys, an excellent sniper spot, and the best place to hide. The place.”

Shen Qing understood what he meant in an instant, and clicked on the valley made of the model, “You mean, please enter the urn.”

Quan Yanling gave him a positive look. The general selected by G country is also a smart person, so he will not let him point out everything.

“But is it necessary to do this?” Shen Qing said.

Now the entire continent is united, which means that this is the most powerful force in the world.

It is true that the first victory is very important, and Quan Yanling’s formation is full of rigour.

Although the enemy cannot be underestimated, it is not so.

Quan Yanling didn’t refute, but looked back at him, “Have you seen the history of intercontinental warfare?”

Shen Qing nodded, and Quan Yanling then asked, “Have you read all the materials I gave a few days ago?”

Shen Qingyi’s expression also became serious. Above all the information given by Quan Yanling, except for all the data collected during the D Continent War and the various brilliant battles that had appeared on the S Continent battlefield.

There is also a war that is not recorded in any book on the intercontinental continent. It is a war that the entire continent is fighting against foreign enemies.

It was also the time when the Intercontinental League was first formed and the term was born.

In the blink of an eye, a hundred years have passed, and now it is up to those who have never heard of the war in the past to judge.

More or less, I feel that there will be fabricated elements in it, and it has even reached the level of beautifying the enemy.

No matter what, the people of the entire Intercontinental are combined, it is impossible to be weak to this extent.

“Those information are kept in the confidential archives of the Congress of the M country, and only the highest-ranking generals are qualified to consult.” Quan Yanling reminded him.

Shen Qingyi didn’t hear him talking about this, but according to the tragic level shown in the document, it completely deviates from his imagination.

“You have to know that history is written by the victors, and the people who wrote it will bring some subjective colors because of the external environment, but this document does not contain it at all.”

I’m afraid this is enough to prove how terrible this is, and the record used a word to describe the battlefield at that time.

Human purgatory.

The ground was full of corpses, and the blood flowed into rivers. The corpses that were too late to deal with were buried on the spot, but under every inch of land that was casually stepped on, there lay a sleeping soldier.

Shen Qing had a solemn expression. He had been to the S Continent battlefield and heard Wen Li mention that battle.

“We are not facing ordinary human beings like us, so we need to minimize the chance of confrontation.”

Being able to hit the enemy with the fastest speed and precision is the most useful.

As soon as Shen Qing understood what he meant, those people provoked war on the battlefield of S continent. If according to Wen Li, those people were only the vanguard, then after bringing the information back, the next step was to launch a large-scale attack on the entire continent. scale invasion.

Whether they can go on smoothly, we will see if they can survive the next war.

“Report to the marshal!” There were hurried footsteps outside the door, and Vice-General Ning quickly gave a military salute after opening the door.

Quan Yanling and Shen Qingyi looked back at the person at the door at the same time.


“Mr. Fu was attacked at a distance of two kilometers from the headquarters, and the helicopter crashed.”

Quan Yanling and Shen Qing hurried out of the door, and the group hurried into the car.

Two kilometers away, it is almost approaching the headquarters. This is the best protected place. According to the documents, these people are really haunted.

Standing in the camp, you can see thick black smoke billowing in the distance, with a burning smell, the smell of burnt gradually spreads out.

The people patrolling nearby have rushed to support at the fastest speed, and the fact that such a big smell and such a strong black smoke can be emitted already shows that the situation is very dangerous.

“I saw the helicopter burn up in the air with my own eyes, and then fell right after.” Vice Admiral Ning said.

Their observatory also did not find the attacker at all, and the helicopter really burned itself in front of everyone.

“Is there no one attacking, is it using long-range shooting?” Shen Qingyi asked immediately.

Vice Admiral Ning denied, “No, that black helicopter burned itself completely.”

No sign of being attacked.

Burning out of thin air, Shen Qing thought of what he had seen in the documents.

The ability to control water, fire, thunder and lightning is like the protagonist in the novel, and like the gods in the sky, it is beyond sight.

Where the black smoke billowed, the black smoke choked the mouth and nose, and the helicopter landed in the jungle.

The place where it fell overwhelmed a large tract of trees, the helicopter burned and the surrounding trees burned, and the fire and heat wave almost made people unable to straighten their waists.

Standing in the face of the fire, a man with short red hair chuckled, constantly raising a blue crystal ball in his hand.

“Lord, these people are too weak. The Arras I raised is better than this.”

At least Arras has the ability to sense crisis, and the ability to teleport at the very least. These people are so weak that he doesn’t want to stretch out his hand and strangle to death.

“Bring back the human body, don’t burn it.”

The crystal ball flickered twice, conveying the meaning of the person over there.

“You are embarrassing me. Wouldn’t it be more direct to just burn people to death?”

They have to take people back, and they are not here to collect bones.

One after another, the heat waves came, and the people who were blowing couldn’t open their eyes.

The red-haired man shrugged, seeing that the fire was almost burning, and the fire that burned between his palms suddenly had a tendency to shrink.

The flames on the burning trees next to him suddenly disappeared. The man smiled and started. Before he could pull the flames back, the overwhelming rain poured down.

Where the raindrops fell, the flames went out very quickly, and the black water made of black smoke gathered on the ground.

The man was stunned for a while, and before he could regain his senses, the torrential rain that fell just above the flames suddenly seemed to be being manipulated and attacked in his direction.

But in an instant, he lost his ability to lift his fingers, and fell to the ground abruptly.

“How is this going……”

After the flames were extinguished, the pouring rain turned into a gentle light rain, and the man looked up and saw a figure falling from the sky.

The girl was wearing a warm orange dress, which created a sharp contrast between the bright and warm colors and the green mountains and forests.

Her long black wavy hair fell to her waist, and her palm-sized smiling face revealed exquisite beauty, and she looked young.

Surprisingly, the falling raindrops did not wet her clothes at all, not at all.

Until the girl fell to the ground, she raised her hand and waved gently, and the rain cleared and the weather returned to normal in an instant.

But the raindrops that fell on the man did not stop at all, like a natural barrier separating him.

The girl glanced at the wreckage of the helicopter, moved her fingers slightly, and the wreckage slowly flew up.

The man had no strength to move his fingers at all, and the rain fell into his eyes, and he knew what was going on in a hazy blur.

But this girl actually has the ability to suppress him.

What exactly is going on.

After the girl moved the wreckage of the plane away, she smoothly saw the man who was enveloped by a green ball of light under the wreckage of the plane.

“Sure enough, I’m here, Brother Yu Xiu, do you have to thank me for arriving in time?” The little girl stepped on the dirt and ran over.

The green ball of light disappeared, and Fei Ran and Fu Yuxiu stood there intact.

Seeing the girl who appeared, Fei Ran nodded politely, “Hello, Miss Gu.”

It seems that Miss Gu has taken action, otherwise, they still don’t know how to get out of this helicopter that suddenly burst into flames.

“Here!!” The patrol team who found it first roared.

Quan Yanling and Shen Qing walked quickly from behind the trees with a grim expression, and saw the man standing in a mess.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

“Is the black thing under Mr. Fu’s feet the fuselage?” Deputy General Ning said.

It was almost burned to ashes, and there was black water under his feet. Mr. Fu was still standing here intact.

Quan Yanling understood everything when he saw the little girl in the orange dress beside him.


Gu Ningxi turned around and smiled at Quan Yanling. The little tiger’s fangs were extremely cute and playful.

“Big Brother Yanling.”

Gu Ningxi came to Quan Yanling in the blink of an eye, and hugged Quan Yanling carelessly.

The person next to him rubbed his eyes in astonishment.

How did this man get here?

“You came here yourself?” Quan Yanling said, looking behind her.

Didn’t see that person.

“My brother said let me come over first. He still has some things to deal with. He will come when he is done.”

Quan Yanling raised his eyebrows, that person was willing to let Ningxi go out by himself.

The man who had just escaped from the dead looked down at the ring on his hand with an indifferent expression, and the fire started before Gu Ningxi arrived.

But the one who saved him was not Gu Ningxi.

But this ring.

How is this going……

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