Master Fu’s Prideful Wife

Chapter 394 - Your Majesty, you have to make plans early 5 more

As dusk approached, the entire palace was quiet and peaceful, and there were still three days before Hatas’ birthday banquet.

The preparations in the entire palace are getting more and more meticulous, and the preparations are not missed, and the bright lights are waiting for the good day to come.

The most lively event held in the palace last time was Hattas’ sixty-fifth birthday banquet. Hundreds of envoys from various countries came, and the scene was magnificent.

But it’s been five years now.

The red from the setting sun on the horizon burned through the entire sky. From the top floor of the palace, you can see a very beautiful evening painting.

The servants who were cleaning the courtyard lowered their heads and meticulously sprinkled water on the ground. The common sight was not enough for them to stop and watch.

Near the council hall, after Yin Sa was attacked, the security in the entire palace was strengthened.

In particular, the number of guards near the king’s bedroom and the council hall more than doubled.

The people standing at the door, without exception, looked around in high spirits. In just half an hour, a lot of people entered the meeting room.

They are all very important people.

When these people get together, they can know without their guessing that something big must have happened.

In the conference hall, the glazed dome cast a red light, and the crystal chandelier in the hall was already turned on.

Hattas sat on the throne and listened to the reports from the people below.

“Your Majesty, the seventeen coastal cities were submerged by the tsunami, causing countless casualties. According to the meteorological department’s detection, there will be more severe tsunamis in the future, and the affected area will be even wider.”

“The east is dry. It has not rained for seven consecutive months. All the crops planted have died due to the high temperature. I am afraid that there will be no economic income this year.”

Not only that, but several well-known fishing grounds along the coast also have no fish to catch. Half of country K’s GDP comes from fishing.

If there is a problem with the fishery, it will have a great impact on the economic development of that year.

“The Intercontinental Alliance has formed a team to be stationed on the border. At present, everything is relatively safe, and there is no war on the intercontinental border.”

Hearing this, Hebrew looked at the man on the throne, “Your Majesty, should we fight again?”

The people around him echoed, “Your Majesty, the situation on the continent is now tense, and we should consider the overall interests more.”

If they do not participate in the intercontinental war at this time, their lips will die, and once the Intercontinental Alliance is defeated, they will also lose.

“No, our top priority is to solve the urgent problems of people’s livelihood today, and we must not break the root cause.”

At present, the fishermen’s economy is facing the crisis of collapse, coupled with the frequent domestic natural disasters, investing too much combat power at this time will have the opposite effect.

“Protecting ourselves is the most important thing at the moment, and other situations can be put aside.”

Political officials have different opinions. As for the issue of the Intercontinental Alliance, it has been quarreling for several months.

From the initial whether to send troops, to whether to add more combat power later.

These are the issues that are arguing in the council room every day.

From here, many state politicians set off from here to intercontinental countries to conduct interviews with important officials from various countries.

Because in the war of the first intercontinental alliance, the K country played a very important role, and this role even overshadowed other countries.

What all countries want to see now is the attitude of country K.

Listening to the noisy movements of the lawmakers, Hattas lowered his head with his forehead, “First, give certain subsidies and unemployment benefits to fisheries and agriculture. This year’s proportion can reach the highest level and stabilize people’s livelihood.”

The most urgent task is to stabilize the domestic situation. If the domestic situation has not stabilized, the rest is nonsense.

“Yes.” The member of the financial department nodded, “The detailed economic report will be presented to Your Majesty within tomorrow.”

Hattas followed closely to look at Hebrew and Ni Chang, and now the military and political affairs are in the hands of the two of them.

How about the military, we still need to listen to what these two people have to say.

All the ordinary members withdrew from the conference hall, and the number of people in the hall was reduced by more than half.

Now the rest standing in front of Hatas are all wearing straight military uniforms, with uniform golden tassels hanging down, and the stars on their shoulders are also more than one.

“Your Majesty, although the Intercontinental Alliance has reached the border, there has been no news of firing, and there is still a stalemate there. At this juncture, it is the most important for us to deploy our country well.” Ni Chang took a step forward. Open your mouth.

After listening to his words, the people behind him also stepped forward, “Your servant thinks what the count said is right. Of course, the most important thing is our defense.”

What the intercontinental war will look like is also supported by the Intercontinental Alliance. Now they have not been able to solve their internal worries, they don’t need to be swollen and fat.

The most important thing is to take care of yourself first.

“I don’t agree, Your Majesty! My lips are dead and my teeth are cold, and the fire at the city gate will bring disaster to Chiyu. If the Intercontinental Alliance fails, I don’t think I can protect myself by relying on my country’s military strength. What is needed now is to defend against foreign enemies with the enemy.” The general next to Hebrew stepped forward. step.

Yun Mu, who was standing beside the king, sighed involuntarily when he saw this situation.

These days, because of this issue, the two groups of people have quarreled again and again, with different political views and different interests and even stand on the opposite side of each other.

Several times, His Majesty the King clapped the table.

But now that the Intercontinental Alliance has been formed, they have to make a decision on this matter anyway.

The situation is so turbulent, it is impossible for K country to be immune.

After staring at them and arguing for a long time, Hebrew stepped forward and said to Hattas, “Your Majesty, the general marshal of the Intercontinental Alliance this time is Quan Yanling of country M, and the deputy marshal is also Shen Qingyi of country G, There are also people from the three major organizations who are working together, so it is better to invite them to come over to discuss this matter during the time of your birthday banquet.”

Although none of these people will be here, at least they will be able to meet the core characters.

Moreover, if they are familiar with the war histories sealed up by various countries, the person these people want to see most now is probably the king of the K country.

“Your Majesty, this is also a good way.”

If you invite Quan Yanling, you can have a more detailed understanding of the current intercontinental border deployment situation and what the enemy is like now.

It is also more helpful for Hatas to make a decision.

“No, Your Majesty, when you see them at this juncture, isn’t it the same as agreeing to the conditions of defending the enemy together.” Ni Chang counterattacked.

This is a good time for K country to seize the opportunity to make a fortune, and this opportunity must not be missed.

Listening to the thoughts of the people below, Hatas squeezed his eyebrows and waved, “You all go out, let me think about it.”

Seeing this, the people below all bowed out of the meeting room respectfully.

His ears suddenly became much clearer, and Nilon came in through the door, followed by a gorgeously dressed man.

He looks to be in his 60s or 70s, with white curly hair and a white beard that is well groomed.

The old man saluted Hattas and stood still, his dark eyes looking at the people on the stage.

“His Majesty.”

Seeing his appearance, the serious and impatient expression on Hatas’ face changed, a little more relaxed.

“Fengzhi, I haven’t had time to ask you how you are staying in the guest hall these days.”

The Marquis of Fengzhi smiled, “Your Majesty doesn’t have to be so polite, Prince Pei takes good care of us, there is no shortage of food and clothing, and you feel at home.”

Hearing this, Hattas also relaxed a little, “Do you have anything to tell me when you come here now?”

The Marquis of Fengzhi looked around, looking at the guards standing in every corner.

Hatas understood what he meant and made a gesture to Yun Mu.

The clear man withdrew from the meeting room with all the guards in the hall.

“Your Majesty, the “realm” has been loosening more and more frequently recently. Combined with the recent events, it must have something to do with this.”

Hattas listened to his words, slowly got up and walked down from the throne, his face was gloomy.

“Is there any possibility of repression?”

Feng Zhi shook his head, “The stele has cracks, and the cracks have gotten bigger and bigger as time goes by, and now they can’t be controlled. Please send “Secret Realm” to take a look.”

Once the stone tablet is broken, the consequences are unimaginable.

“Keep an eye on it. If there is any change, send someone to tell me immediately, and don’t act rashly.”

After listening to Hatas’ orders, Feng Zhi nodded and bowed.

“Your Majesty, can we still hold sacrificial activities this year?”

K country has preserved many things in traditional culture, such as sacrifice, there are sacrifices to pray for good weather, and there are sacrifices to long for the longevity of the elders.

It’s not superstition or anything, but a spiritual sustenance.

Every year, the sacrificial activities held in various parts of the K country are very grand and lively, and this time it involves the king’s birthday banquet.

According to the old rules, there will be a small blessing ceremony on the day of the birthday banquet, that is, a small sacrifice.

Hatas thought for a while, “Let’s do it.”

If we don’t follow the previous process, I’m afraid it will cause unnecessary speculation from the outside world, which is not good for social stability.

So everything goes as it is, which helps stabilize people’s hearts.

“In addition, please allow Your Majesty to allow me to visit His Highness Yin Sa in Ming’an Palace.” Fengzhi’s etiquette was very serious.

Hattas agreed, “You can maintain normal contacts with the royal family, and you don’t have to ask my opinion.”

If even such a small thing can’t be delegated, it won’t let this organization manage the most important things for so many years.

“Your Majesty, you still need to plan ahead.” Feng Zhi reminded.

Once the stele shows signs of loosening, it is the time of the change of thrones. Hattas has been sitting in this position for fifty years, and it is about time to abdicate and let the sages.

Thinking of this, Hatas himself smiled.

After leaving office, he did not necessarily feel so relaxed.

But what he reminded was right, after so many years, it was time for an update.

No matter who it is given, this position is always given.

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