Master, I Need Charging

Chapter 6

Chapter 6: A low favorable impression

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Thankfully, Ace was still a little tactful and had not fastened the tail. It was just an accessory that was stuck onto her skin with a special adhesive and was not attached to the robot’s internal structure. Therefore, Chen Yuheng easily removed it.

However, the reason Ace had done it this way was that he wanted to allow Chen Yuheng to have the flexibility to switch the tails. For example, cat tail… rabbit tail… or any cute type of ears.

After the tail was removed, Chen Yuheng began to dismantle the ears.

Unexpectedly, the ears couldn’t be removed…

The fur could be taken off and swapped, but the interior was connected with a nerve response rod. If he removed the outer layers of the fox ears, two antenna-like cords would be revealed.

Chen Yuheng was thinking about how he should explain to the Old Master about the ears on the robot’s head…

A fashion hair grip?… Judging from how the old stubborn man found something like stockings offensive, he would definitely chase this companion robot out, right?

As he carefully considered it, he caught a glimpse of the look of grievance on Gu Anbao’s face, as if she wanted to cry.

“What’s wrong?” What other issue was there with this robot?

Gu Anbao held onto her own pitiful bottom, glancing speedily at Chen Yuheng as she bit her lip without making a single sound.

She was very expressive. It seemed as if she was feeling a little resentful, wronged and stubborn. It made her look rather pitiful…

Chen Yuheng was taken aback by Gu Anbao’s look. Was this robot… angry with him?

All because her tail was removed?

When tamed cats and dogs have their tails shaved, would they have the same resentful look?

Chen Yuheng’s expression turned for the worse… Ace, this fella, really went beyond reasonable limits. For the sake of winning over SOL11, he had not only added huge breasts but also given the robot such useless designs! Was it because he had touched her special area earlier, thus activating the robot’s emotional reactions?

He heard that SOL11 had an impression system. If it’s sensitive areas were touched by someone whom the robot did not have good feelings for, the robot would react by screaming or blushing. It would even say, “Please don’t be like that.”

Such a design was to cater to humans’ boring kinky interests. If they tried a few more times, the robot would no longer reject them.

When he finally remembered this, Chen Yuheng held himself back from the impulse of sending someone overseas to bring Ace back. He took a deep breath…

Calm down, calm down… Do not get angry… We can make changes to a computer program. As long as the hardware is fine, we can find a technician to resolve the software…

Chen Yuheng tried to diminish the fire in him. Grabbing onto Gu Anbao’s arm, he said, “Let go.”

Gu Anbao wanted to cry but there were no tears. She held onto her butt and shook her head vehemently!

Chen Yuheng sneered in his heart. Look at that, it was rebelling against him. Clearly, it was that kind of program design…

When Lu Lu walked in with a vacuum cleaner, she witnessed the scene before her. Their dear boss wanted to look at the robot’s buttocks, but the robot refused to let him do so. And lying on the floor… was a foxtail?!

Ah ah ah ah! Devil king, how could you pull off the tail!!

Lu Lu’s heart was broken…

After failing a few times, Chen Yuheng gave up. The robot constantly had an expression as if she was about to cry, making him unable to bring himself to take action… Every time he pulled, he avoided using much strength so that it wouldn’t seem as if he was bullying her.

Was it necessary to bully a robot?

However, Gu Anbao looked at Lu Lu as if she was a savior. She ran over to her in small quick steps while holding onto her buttocks, speaking in a soft voice, “He… He pulled out the tail… The skirt has a hole…”

Lu Lu was overwhelmed by the favor the robot had for her. She hurriedly responded, “It’s okay, it’s okay. Don’t cry! I will bring you a new set of clothes.”

Chen Yuheng watched them in shock. After a while, he finally figured it out. The reason the robot was being so uncomfortable the entire time, was because she didn’t want him to see her buttocks?!

Did it think that he wanted to take advantage of her?

Wasn’t it just a f*cking piece of polyester composite material? What was so strange about that?! D*mn!… These were the kind of things that Ace did!!!

However… She hadn’t said a word to him the entire day, why was she so willing to spontaneously speak to Lu Lu?

Did it have a connection to favorable impressions?… He had actually included such a system…


Chen Yuheng closed his eyes and cursed a thousand times at the man who was having a vacation overseas, before slowly opening his eyes once again.

“Director Chen, shall I head over to the inventory and get two sets of clothes?” Lu Lu bravely volunteered herself. RK Corporation’s main business was the sale of robots. Naturally, there would be many costumes meant for human-shaped robots.

Chen Yuheng returned to his seat in frustration.”Take her along with you.”

Lu Lu’s face lit up with delight. “Alright, alright!”

Gu Anbao held her bosom and butt with her hands as she walked away with Lu Lu.

Chen Yuheng sat alone in his office in deep deliberation, thinking about the possibility of this robot model serving the Old Master…

Not only did she dawdle, but she was also uncomfortable and sluggish. Her efficiency was slow as well… She definitely did not qualify to be a nurse.

However, perhaps her being this way might allow her to slip through. The Old Master was old and had always rejected science and technology. Robots that were too rigid would easily be exposed. As long as he came up with a mournful history, like being an orphan for example, perhaps… The Old Master might really keep her…

After all, the Old Master wouldn’t touch her sensitive areas either. If she had emotions, so be it. As long as she could take care of the Old Master’s living conditions, and could converse casually with him, there wouldn’t be any issues.

She was also strong. This way… If the Old Master’s illness were to act up, she should have enough strength to carry him to the stretcher…

Now that he thought about it, this robot model was miraculously suitable… Even her flaws were her merits. She was perfect.


He still needed to inspect her technical ability when it came to nursing.

Since she had a self-learning functionality, he would let her practice for about… one month? Yes, one month should be enough. The learning speed of robots was extremely fast…

As for how she would learn——

RK had a huge amount of robot study materials. He could let Cheryl pick out a few teaching resources specifically for nursing and key them into the robot’s internal storage database. After practicing a few times, it should be fine.

After going through careful deliberation, the devil king came to a decision.

One month! He would train this robot to a passable level and then send her to the residence!

Chen Yuheng decided to give Ace another call, only to realize that the telephone on his table had been smashed. He furrowed his eyebrows and took out his cell phone to dial his number.

It was still the persistent noise, with no one picking the call up.

Each one of them… All of them were worrying…

With a gloomy face, Chen Yuheng sent out a voice message:

“… Ace, I know you’re there. I am informing you now that your holiday is over. Two weeks. I am giving you two weeks to fix this robot’s internal system. Remember, this is a companion robot for the elderly. Do not add any of your boring single-man fantasies to it!”

Pressed and sent.

He lay his head against the back of his chair and sleepily closed his eyes.

He knew that Ace was just trying to escape… The three of them had started RK together. Getting to where they were today, he had thought that they would continue on together. Who knew that… Pei Lijun would part ways with them?

Was it sudden?… No. Perhaps the damage had been done earlier on, but no one had paid attention to it, that’s all…

There was a knock on the door. Lu Lu carefully opened it, with a newly dressed Gu Anbao trailing behind her.

Chen Yuheng glanced over and was stunned.

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