Master of Exotic Planting

Chapter 10 - Martyrdom

Zhang Xiaofan constantly consolidates the Jinyuanli vortex in Dantian. He can feel that as the absorption of gold sources continues to increase, the vortex is slowly increasing. The speed of rotation is getting faster and faster.

This is a virtuous circle.

After cultivating until the second morning, he slowly recovered his work and opened the curtain of the stars.

The feeling of being promoted to the source warrior is very good, and his heart is particularly practical.

The whole person is also full of strong self-confidence.

His future is bright.

It is no longer the waste wood that was laughed at.

After washing, he was surprised to find that his father was sitting in the yard.

“Hey, don’t you have to go to the ground to take care of your herbs today?” Zhang Xiaofan asked with some doubts. I have to change to the usual, the old man has been working in the fields.

One acre of Lingtian’s herbs, it is not easy to manage well, and the workload is huge.

“It’s not that you stupid kid is not worrying. In case I and your mother are gone, how do you sneak into the mountains to collect medicine?” Zhang Tiezhu looked helpless.

Zhang Xiaofan’s heart is warm, and his old lady and mother-in-law are especially fond of him.

Parents are his greatest spiritual dependence in this world.

“There is a hot cake in the pot, and I can take it myself!” Zhang Tiezhu has no other hobbies, and he likes to smoke.

Holding the root of the homemade tobacco rod, “Bai Zi zi Zi”, swallowing clouds and spitting.

Zhang Xiaofan ran into the dilapidated kitchen and uncovered the lid, which contained two fragrant hot pancakes. Mom’s cooking is first class, he eats with gusto.

Parents care about him and can understand.

It’s only 11 days away from Zhang Xiaofan’s wedding. He must complete all the goals as soon as possible to ensure that Wang Yuanyuan can marry him with great glory.

The goal of qualifying for the source of war has been reached.

Now only the right to earn a bachelor’s degree, buy two acres of Lingtian two goals.

Buying an acre of Lingtian requires at least a thousand gold coins.

How can you make so much money in a very short period of time without picking up the elixir?

Zhang Xiaofan holds the cake and sits next to the old man.

“Hey, if one day, I can advance to the realm of the source warrior, would you allow me to go into the mountains alone to collect medicine?” Zhang Xiaofan is preparing for the potholes.

He is already a source warrior now.

As long as Zhang Tiezhu is fooled, he can freely enter and exit the mountains.

“Do you think it is so easy to become a source warrior? In the village for so many years, a source warrior has not been out.” Zhang Tiezhu glanced at his son with a sigh of relief.

When referring to the three words of the source warrior, his tone clearly reveals awe and yearning.

“Because it is difficult, I have to give my son a little motivation! As long as you promise, I will certainly be more energetic when I cultivate.” Zhang Xiaofan smiled and led the old man into the pit.

“Yes, you can promise you. As long as you are promoted to the source of war, you will be allowed to go into the mountains alone to collect medicine.” Zhang Tiezhu was planted into the pit dug by his son.

Suddenly, Zhang Xiaofan opened his eyes and smiled.

“Hey, this is what you said, you can’t talk without counting!” Zhang Xiaofan now dare not tell the truth. Otherwise, it will definitely be killed by the old man.

After having breakfast, Zhang Xiaofan took a minor tune and followed the old man to Lingtian.

But he is not here to help his parents.

Mom is fertilizing.

“Son, are two cakes enough? If it is not enough, I will give you one more tomorrow.” Feng stood inside the herb and only showed half a head.

“Two are enough, I am very full!” Zhang Xiaofan went straight to the white mushroom.

“Xiaofan, do you want me to accompany you to the county?” On the way, Zhang Xiaofan has already discussed with Zhang Tiezhu. He will go to the county with a white mushroom to sell it.

Although the Ma family also bought herbs, none of the source farmers who had dealt with the Ma Dashan people did not burst into tears.

Ma Dashan people eat people without spitting bones, sell you, you have to help him count the money.

Even if he is killed, Zhang Xiaofan will not sell the herb to the Ma family.

What’s more, he is not selling herbs at all, but is preparing to promote the white mushroom to the grass, and then to the government.

“Hey, you can rest assured, I am familiar with the county.” Zhang Xiaofan is taking the exam every time in the county.

After seven tests, he was familiar with the county.

Zhang Tiezhu did not take care of him, but worked with his wife. Take care of these herbs.

This is also in line with Zhang Xiaofan’s wishes.

He walked to the front of the white mushroom, first looked at its state. There is only 61 remaining. Also lost nine points of life.

If Zhang Xiaofan does not have super powers, this white mushroom will definitely die.

The man moved, and the tree moved to death.

Want to transplant a delicate herb, the survival rate is low and scary.

Not to mention Zhang Tiezhu, the level of general source farmers, even if it is Muzi ink, the survival rate of transplanting valuable herbs is very low.

This is a worldwide problem.

Because the herb is transplanted, it will cause damage to its roots, stems and leaves.

Especially in its roots, the damage is the most serious.

In addition, transplanting it from the wild to Lingtian, regardless of soil, environment, or humidity, illuminance, etc., is difficult to achieve exactly the same as its original growth environment.

In many cases, it is dead without waiting for it to adapt to the new environment.

Zhang Xiaofan first added its vitality to the full value.

Suddenly, the original white mushroom, re-emerged.

Just like people, they become energetic.

Wood source has consumed a part, but with yesterday’s experience, adding a year to it, there should be no problem.

Decisive click on the plus sign after the age.

Suddenly, its age changed from 99 to 100.


A small source of storms began to take shape with the white water mushroom as the center.

The surrounding water sources are all motivated, converge toward it, and absorbed by it. After a full hour, Zhang Xiaofan’s surprise found that the whitewater mushroom seemed to be promoted.

Try using super power to view.

[Name: Whitewater Mushroom. First-order grass. 】

[age: 100 years old. 】

[Life: 99. 】

[Property: Water source +4000, water source cultivation talent +5. 】

It doesn’t mean that the dark gold roots are a pair of dragons and babies, and even the effects after the promotion are so similar.

In a short period of time, its vitality dropped again.

It seems that it has not adapted to the new environment.

Zhang Xiaofan took an empty clay pot and dug it out and planted it in the pot. Then put it in the back and get the cloth covered, then bid farewell to the parents and go to the county.

“Wait! The two silver coins are holding, saving flowers on the road, do you know?”

Zhang Tiezhu chased him up and stuffed two silver coins for his son.

A silver coin can be exchanged for one thousand copper coins, equivalent to one thousand dollars.

Two of them were given in full, and Zhang Xiaofan had a few meals in the county town, which was enough.

The family is very poor, this is the hard-earned money earned by parents. Zhang Xiaofan was in his pocket, only feeling heavy, and his heart was warm.

It’s good to be loved and loved by my parents.

He did not tell his parents about the promotion of whitewater mushrooms to the grass. Because he hasn’t figured out how to explain his super power to his parents.

Very worried about scaring them.

In addition, the Ma family’s power is very large, Zhang Xiaofan is also worried about the cross section.

It’s better to use it in the dark, and wait until you can compete with the Ma family.

Zhang Xiaofan has always believed in a saying.

The low-key on weekdays is to be able to high-profile at any time.

Those who have a little bit of skill, they will show off everywhere, and people who preach everywhere will be no different from idiots.

“County, I am here!”

After bidding farewell to his parents, Zhang Xiaofan rushed to the county town with excitement.

When he returns again, he will be promoted to the aristocratic class and have a sergeant title.

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