Master of Exotic Planting

Chapter 116 - Fukuzawa

When Zhang Xiaofan took the person back to the county, he was going to be dark. I saw a number of carriages parked outside the county gate. It is not the horse but the source beast. Among them, there are several prison cars.

Keeping the official position next to you, each face is indifferent, and the momentum that comes out is also heart-rending.

These official differences are definitely not what Ping County can have.

“Don’t you come over?” Zhang Xiaofan was shocked.

He took a few men to prepare to enter the county, and did not expect to be stopped.

“I am Zhang Xiaofan, the clerk of the workshop. At present, it is the vanguard of the county magistrate. They are the official differences of my men.” Zhang Xiaofan showed his identity.

The county’s Tuen Mun was directly controlled by the official difference from above, and it is not the enemy who hopes to come.

“The county magistrate is carrying a heavy crime inside, no one can bother, you are waiting outside!” The clothes worn by the head of the official are the military uniforms that the nine military officers can wear.

His tone is cold and ruthless. These acts can be said to be very overbearing.

Zhang Xiaofan, with his official position, waited outside.

Isn’t the county a Zhou family?

It seems that Ma Dashan people are not aware of this, and this has rushed to the back of the mountain for help.

In the morning, I arrested people, and the senior officials of the county town came to pick up the prisoners in the afternoon. The action is really fast enough.

I don’t know how Yang County will deal with it?

Zhang Xiaofan saw that the forces behind the enemy were so powerful, and they made up their minds. They would never easily take out the crimes of Ma Dashan. Otherwise, it is equivalent to confessing the crimes that are hard to get to the enemy.

He spent a lot of time waiting outside with his men, and the prisoners who had caught the morning arrest were forced out one by one.

The crimes committed by these prisoners were the death of the head, but their faces were clearly filled with an arrogant smile like never before.

The official level is crushing people.

Directly down a county to personally commit the prisoner, Yang Xianling is no longer reluctant, and can only hand over people.

“Don’t you give these people away?” Zhang Xiaofan frowned slightly and secretly guessed what would happen if the county took the prisoner to the county.

It’s impossible to think about it directly.

At least you have to find a few scapegoats, and if you take the crime down, you can put other people.

Even so, the county has to take great risks.

For a few villagers, Zhou Junyi will put his own future into it? It is unlikely to think about it.

Lianma County can not kill Hemu ink without hesitation. The means of Zhou Junyi must be even more powerful.

Now, these prisoners think that they have come to the savior, and they can laugh out arrogantly. At that time, I was afraid that there would be no chance to cry.

Zhang Xiaofan just stood by and stood by.

At the moment, it is not that his little clerk can intervene.

After all the prisoners were pushed out and locked in the car, Yang County ordered a middle-aged man with a big ear to walk out of the county.

Ma County, who has only one arm left, is also on the side.

Even the left county, which has not appeared for a long time, is also behind. A pair of nods to look like.

The superior officials went down to Ping County to raise the prisoners, and Pingxian’s head and brains were naturally welcome.

“Yang County ordered to stay! Prisoners and all the crimes, the officers were all escorted to the county government, handed over to the county guards, and then played on the court.” County 丞 looked majestic.

Zhang Xiaofan finally understood the intention of Zhou Junyi.

In addition to Tama County’s rubbing his butt, there is even more enthusiasm in it.

It was a great achievement to find out that so many Lingtian were occupied by people. Zhou Junyi took it over and must take away most of the merits.

“The county is hardworking, slow!”

Yang County’s official rank is not as high as the other, and he can only hold his nose to eat this loss.

When Zhou Junyi walked past Zhang Xiaofan, he stopped and his eyes fell on Zhang Xiaofan’s face.

Zhang Xiaofan made a hand and bowed his head.

“This must be to find out the heroes who have been invaded by Ling Tian?”

“The hero does not dare to act, the lower official is only under the leadership of Yang Xianling to act according to the law.” Zhang Xiaofan did not dare to succumb.

In the face of a county, the pressure is particularly great.

“Young and promising, dare to fight and dare to rush, is a good thing! But still be careful, so as not to hit the head and break the blood.” Zhou Junyi said ‘care’.

“Thank you, the county is concerned about adults!” Zhang Xiaofan did not look up, his expression is still.

He will not be able to hear the words of the county, and there is a threat.

The Lingtian reform will set off a landslide and tsunami in the big peasant country. Some of the interest groups behind it must be terrified.

Zhou Jia is the largest landlord in Ping County.

Waiting until the carriage of Zhou Junyi and others left, Zhang Xiaofan looked up and looked coldly at the prison cars disappearing into sight. There is no expression on his face.

Ma County and Zuo County have also left.

This time, it was supposed that the county magistrate was also trapped, but the Yang County magistrate could not handle the county magistrate. You can only play at most. In addition, Zhou Junyi suddenly drove to Pingxian County and directly took away the prisoners and criminal evidence.

It is more difficult to play the horse county.

Yang Xianling may be worried that Zhang Xiaofan feels lost, came over and patted him on the shoulder.

“Hurry up and put the Lingtian reform in place, it is best to get some initial results. Ready to meet the arrival of the left minister of the Ministry of Industry.” This is equivalent to giving Zhang Xiaofan a reassurance.

Tell him that the dawn before the darkness is coming soon.

Just do your own thing.

Zhang Xiaofan nodded hard and “understood!” He did not suffer too much because Zhou Jun’s sudden shot.

The stronger the enemy, the more power Zhang Xiaofan has.

I have been in the officialdom for some time. He feels the deepest, that is, the top people in Ping County, almost all of them are officials. Or related to officials.

As Yang County ordered at the beginning, it would be very helpful for the officials to practice.

In the past, Zhang Xiaofan still did not understand.

Now, he understands.

Among the four elements of cultivation, the second place, and the fourth place, are related to the official position.

Why do you say that?

The buddy refers not to the wife but to a group of like-minded friends. This includes characters from multiple levels.

A friend who is stronger than himself, that is, a superior. A friend of your own level, that is, a peer or a social friend. Be weaker than yourself, follow your own command, or help your friends when you need it.

If you want to have so many friends to help you cultivate and improve your strength, the best way is to be an official.

In addition, the fourth place refers to the cultivation site.

This is not as simple as a quiet room.

Instead, they have a piece of their own territory.

This site is definitely the higher the better.

For example, some cultivated caves are blessed. But those sites are in the hands of the authorities.

The only way to get them is to enter the DPRK as an official and get a seal.

This is also why the ancient temples that have survived since ancient times have been supported by the government, even the emperors. Are there any temples and dojos that have disappeared into history and are like dust?

Why can’t they live forever? Because they rejected the government, they did not receive support.

Numerous temples with great wisdom and presiding over the Taoist courts will find ways to get the support of the government and teach some of the spirits to be used as a training ground.

Only in this way can the incense be strong and last forever.


In the next three days, Zhang Xiaofan, with his official position, began to implement the Lingtian reform. Implement it.

It is also considered a formal pilot.

The people of Longcao Township, each of whom sent a representative, were summoned by Zhang Xiaofan to the front of the San Lao Temple in Longcao Town. Start dividing the household by household.

He is convinced that the ordinary people can only support the Lingtian reform if they have obtained tangible benefits.

How to divide?

The first is based on voluntary principles. Those who are willing to rent Lingtian for planting herbs can be assigned to Lingtian. If you don’t want to grow herbs, but to hunt and do business, then look at the wishes of the people.

Do not force the lease of Lingtian.

After all, the rental cost of an acre of Lingtian is not low, and it takes a lot of time to take care of the herbs inside.

More need for certain planting experience and technology.

Only the active farmers in the family can grow.

What did it become before the Lingtian reform? People who really need it can’t rent Lingtian. If you don’t farm the merchants or related households, you can hold a lot of Lingtian, and then hire the source farmers to help them grow.

Imagine that the officials of the government, the county government, and other officials have exploited the source farmers once. Then the Lingtian managers of each township then exploited the source farmers once. Finally, there are some second-hand ‘ charterers’ who exploited source farmers once.

Can the days of the source farmers not suffer?

What Zhang Xiaofan is going to do now is to break this chain of interests and let the source farmers rent Lingwu directly from the government.

In the future, all Lingtian managers will have very little profit.

But definitely it’s the kind of money that lies down.

In addition, the supervision at all levels will be stricter and more transparent. This also eliminates the collusion between Lingtian managers and official officials, and secretly invades Lingtian.

In front of the three old temples, the black-pressed head.

The people who have just been assigned to Lingtian are particularly happy, but they still have a little worry about the rent of Lingtian.

Because the Ma Dashan people hold the Lingtian, they will give people a rent increase, which makes the source farmers suffer.

This time, the reallocation of Lingtian was the aide of Zhang Xiaofan and the county magistrate. After accurate calculation, this was implemented. In addition to the household, it will be flexibly adjusted according to the population of the family.

And a set of fair and transparent Lingtian distribution procedures has been developed.

Everyone can supervise.

There are also some ‘people’ faces on the field, which are gloomy and gloomy, and they are longer than the horse’s face. These people are second-hand ‘charter’ or related households.

The implementation of a fair and equitable distribution system for Lingtian will now harm their interests.

Zhang Xiaofan ignored these people, who dared to make trouble and took the prison directly.

Power is in the grip, when the Yangwei, you must not be a sick cat.

Only in this way can we live in the scene.

“Citizens, Lingtian’s rent is tentatively set to two standards. B Lingtian, rent 16 silver coins per year. A Lingtian 18 silver coins every year. As long as the court does not increase rent, I promise everyone, I Zhang Xiaofan Never rent up to everyone.”

As the voice just fell, there was a burst of applause and cheers.

Such low rents are a great news for the source farmers.

Each mu of Lingtian rents more than two silver coins.

Especially for Lingtian, B, renting four silver coins is really exciting.

“In addition to the sharp drop in rents, there is also a problem of shrinking Lingtian that everyone cares about. After the cultivation of Lingtian, problems will be discovered by professional officials. As long as I am not deliberately destroying Lingtian, I can basically achieve zero liability and no compensation. It is also possible to give priority to the new Lingtian distribution in the next year.”

The audience again burst into applause.

Some people even shouted Zhang Xiaofan as Zhang Qingtian.

Invisible invisible energy radiated from the people below, and then gathered on Zhang Xiaofan.

At the beginning, Zhang Xiaofan’s feelings were not so obvious, and the intangible energy became more and more.

He immediately sensed it.

This intangible energy is unclear, unclear, invisible, and intangible.

What is the use of these energies?

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