Master of Exotic Planting

Chapter 126 - Glory hometown

This is the unsuccessful weapon that pulled down the left county. At that time, it happened to pull down the left county and Maxian. Estimated, the assistants of the workshop should also come down.

When Zhang Xiaofan arrives, he will definitely give these enemies a big surprise.

In Zhang Xiaofan’s life, the body of the four-headed family was transported back to the county’s Tuen Mun, and Zuo County took the team and rushed over.

“Where is the body of the four-headed family?” Zuo County rushed into the county’s Tuen Mun and went straight to the morgue.

At a glance, I saw the body of the four-headed family. Zuo County, regardless of identity and image, began to search for the body.

Unfortunately, I searched it all over and found nothing.

Only one iron fan was found.

The face of Zuo County’s face suddenly became as gloomy as a dead man.

“Who took the item on the body?” He snorted and asked the next servant.

Those servants who fight one after another are just shaking their heads.

“The county asked you, who took the body of the body?” Zuo County twitched a face and screamed again.

“This is the county’s Tuen Mun, but it is not the county camp. Zuo County wants to be awesome. It is best to change places.” Zhang Xiaofan came out and his face was cold.

The history of the county’s Tuen Mun did not dare to be like him.

However, Zhang Xiaofan’s clerk in this workshop is dare to marry the county.

“Is you taking the things of the four masters?” Zuo County’s eyes were slightly stunned, staring at Zhang Xiaofan.

“The rice can be eaten indiscriminately, but you can’t talk about it. Which eye of Zuo County’s eyes saw that I took something from him?” Zhang Xiaofan naturally killed and refused to admit it. A total of 3,400 gold tickets were found from the four homes.

Plus, I got a thousand pieces from the lame old man, and there are 4,400 pieces.

Zhang Xiaofan’s net worth is also exploding.

Zuo County wants to pick peaches again? I am afraid that I am used to the spring and autumn daydreams.

“Zhang Xiaofan, invading the property of the gangsters, is a violation of the laws of the Great Powers. Your future is infinite, there is no need to self-destruct the future for a little profit.” Zuo County did not dare to come to the hard, can only bitterly persuade.

“Hey, Zuo County has taken people outside the city to kill me. I can’t wait for my early death and early life. Will I care about my future?” Zhang Xiaofan looked ridiculed. “The county’s kindness, I thank you! But I really didn’t take it. After killing the four masters, I found nothing in him.”

When it comes to this, it’s useless to force Zuo County.

If it is another servant or clerk, Zuo County may still threaten one or two.

When I encountered Zhang Xiaofan’s hard battle, I had to fight but the power could not be pressed against Zhang Xiaofan’s head. He has no way at all.

“Zhang Xianfeng, you have found three porcelain bottles from the four homes, as well as gold, gold and silver coins. The county has already known. Everyone is mixed in an officialdom, and they should take care of each other. Those possessions will be gone. If you have found other things in the four homes, please hand them over to the county. You should remember your feelings.”

Zuo County took the first two steps and lowered the voice.

This is to clarify the words.

There is a compromise, the meaning of exchange of interests.

Zhang Xiaofan was shocked. The means of Zuo County was so good that he was able to find out the situation on the spot so quickly. Among the ten servants, some people must have vented their secrets.

As for who? Zhang Xiaofan does not know.

This matter is left to the Yang County magistrate to trace it.

Don’t look at the Yangxian Order. It seems to be very suffocating. It is suppressed by the county magistrate and the county. It is like a smug little daughter-in-law. In fact, the ability of Yang Xianling is very powerful, and the wisdom is also very powerful.

In order to get back the evidence of being in the hands of the four masters, Zuo County’s name changed even the name of Zhang Xiaofan.

“I said, I have never taken anything on the body of the four masters.” Zhang Xiaofan will be with the thief?

If you have an interest exchange with Zuo County, you will be a true self-destructive future.

“Zuo can give Zhang Xian some time to consider! Will also come up with due sincerity, please Zhang Xianfeng wait and see.” After that, Zuo Xianyu actually arched Zhang Xiaofan and left with his men.

He is the third person on the official website of Ping County. He is so respectful to a clerk, and really let the official servant of the scene be shocked.

Watching left county to leave, Zhang Xiaofan was looking for Yang County to check the ten servants.


剿匪 continued until the next morning, and all the embers were annihilated.

Zhang Xiaofan’s first home was the first to kill three big daggers.

On the contrary, Zuo County, who is responsible for the bandit, only killed some of the Jurassic, which made him very faceless.

Zhang Xiaofan saw that the county town had returned to calm, and he also remembered his wife and parents. He and Yang County ordered a vacation and hurried back home.

When I got back home, everything was fine.

The old Zhang Tiezhu commanded the craftsman to build a house in the new house. After the father-in-law Wang Fu’s leg was hurt, he followed the help on the construction site and did something he could.

Wife Wang Yuanyuan and her mother-in-law, as well as Zhang Xiaofan’s mother-in-law, are busy in the kitchen.

The food of dozens of craftsmen is managed by three women, which is not easy.

“Mother! Mother-in-law! Yuanyuan, I am coming back!” Zhang Xiaofan smelled the smell of the food, and there were some mouthfuls.

Still the cooking skills of my own wife and adults.

The dishes that are made are full of color and flavor, which makes people appetite.

Wang Yuanyuan is really a rare wife and mother. She is on the hall, enters the kitchen, and knows the book. I never complain about doing things. After I marry Zhang Xiaofan, I will pay for this family with one heart and one mind.

“Fei Jun, I didn’t return yesterday, everyone is worried about death!” Wang Yuanyuan threw down the spatula, and greeted her with joy, regardless of the mothers of both sides, and directly extended their arms and Zhang Xiaofan.

“I am not very good? In the future, don’t think about it.” Zhang Xiaofan feels warm and cares, and some people care about it. “Mother, you help the palm of your hand for a while! I will say a few words with Yuanyuan!”

After that, regardless of Wang Yuanyuan’s shyness, she took her hand and went out of the kitchen.

In the room, Zhang Xiaofan put all the two-handed machete and the moon-cutting knife into her hand.

“Look, is it satisfactory?”

Zhang Xiaofan looked politely.

Wang Yuanyuan is very happy, holding two scimitars, and can’t put it down. She is a girl’s house, using the cumbersome nine-ring thick back knife, it is not elegant.

With two dexterous ten-fold scimitars, it is more consistent with her beautiful image.

“In the future, you will practice the law of the moon. The wind knife method may be more suitable for men to practice.” Zhang Xiaofan smiled.

During the speech, he took out a hundred gold coins from his arms.

“At home, you don’t have to be frugal.” For Zhang Xiaofan, 100 gold coins are really nothing.

He has a gold ticket of more than 15,000 gold coins.

Also, now Zhang Jia controls the Lingtian of Longcao Township, earning a spread every year, at least more than 100 gold coins.

This is a huge sum.

Therefore, the current Zhang family is not short of money.

The wealthy family, no longer have to worry about food and clothing, but also makes Wang Yuanyuan more confident, temperament is evolving towards the lady.

“Master, it’s good to marry you!”

Wang Yuanyuan suddenly hugged Zhang Xiaofan and kissed him, and smiled like a butterfly ran out of the room.

“Haha, I love to listen to this! It is my pleasure to make my wife and adults feel happy!” Zhang Xiaofan also laughed and walked out of the room.

He was thinking about when to bring Wang Yuanyuan to a county town and buy the phoenix-woven inner armor.

Mainly worried about not fitting, but also afraid that she does not like it.

That is a valuable item worth 10,000 gold coins.

Donate a nickname, only 10,000 gold coins.

Zhang Xiaofan handed the equipment to his wife. He also remembered the herbs in Lingtian. A few days ago, Lingtian reform, he took the opportunity to start a lot of good properties of the herb.

After taking a shower, I opened a small stove and ate a meal. Zhang Xiaofan went straight to Lingtian.

When the craftsman saw him far away from the new house, he greeted him with a warm smile.

Zhang Xiaofan is not in front of these relatives and artisans. He is very modest. Because these people are always close to Zhang’s family when Zhang Xiaofan has not yet made a fortune. Very concerned about blood and family.

“My family built a new house this time, and I have worked hard. When I finish the day, I will sneak into the water table and entertain everyone. The meat is enough and the wine is enough!” Zhang Xiaofan smiled loudly.

“Haha, that’s good, everyone is waiting for that day!”

Relatives are happy laughs.

Zhang Xiaofan helped them all to Lingtian, and the rent was very cheap. They are grateful to Zhang Xiaofan.

This also directly reflects their attitude towards work. When I opened a new house to Zhang Jia, no matter the relatives or the craftsmen hired, they were especially attentive. Just like working for yourself.

Quality and quantity are considered for the home.

Zhang Xiaofan waved his hand and turned and walked toward Lingtian not far away.

“Zhang Tiezhu, it’s a good life, I have a son who is so promising!”

“Why isn’t it, if the two disappointing sons of my family can have a half-life, I can wake up when I fall asleep.”

Zhang Tiezhu listened to the praises of the relatives, and smiled his nose and brows into a ball.

His son was not optimistic about anyone at first, and his performance was average. Recently, I suddenly skyrocketed, and I really felt Zhang Tiezhu’s surprise.

Nowadays, Zhang Tiezhu is proud of his chest.

Zhang Xiaofan entered the Lingtian, first looked at the more important nearly 100 herbs, the growth is not bad.

The most important thing is the grass.

It has grown to 64 years old, and the role of the fairy tales is very good. Fucao is not beaten every day, growing a year.

Zhang Xiaofan has not given Fucao a year to improve, because it has not been mutated for a long time, and all aspects are not stable.

If you rush to raise it to the level of the first level of grass, in case of bad results, or even degenerate into ordinary auspicious grass, then it would be stupid.

Zhang Xiaofan is particularly cautious in the face of these important herbs related to his own future.

Right now, it is mainly based on stability.

Never dare to rush.

He took out the chicken blood jade box, pressed the excitement in his heart, and prepared to broadcast the ghost grass seeds inside the fairy soil today.

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