Master of Exotic Planting

Chapter 145 - Enwei is unpredictable

The main language of Braun County is very admired for her father.

It is a bit of a prodigy to say that Black Yao has not sent troops to the big peasant country for the past 12 years. This is a bit overdone.

Zhang Xiaofan lowered his head and did not say anything.

Jiang Jinnian and Zhou Gongzi seem to realize that the atmosphere is not right and they are all silent.

“It’s true that the county’s lord has been making great efforts to meet the people of the big peasants’ counties and counties in the past few years, and to be outstanding young people. It’s to work together against the weak factions. The enemy just hit the doorstep and haven’t danced yet. Under the knife, those cowards, crying and crying one by one to die. You must summon the enemy, the only way to save your life.”

She had already opened the words of the Lord of the Braun, and she could not hold it.

There are no other people in Ya’s room. Only she and two confidants, as well as Zhang Xiaofan, Jiang Jinnian and Zhou Wenqing.

Look at her posture, it seems that she is ready to talk with the three young people of Ping County about the ideal, and then pull them into the occupation.

Zhang Xiaofan was still wondering what gifts to send to the Bailing County Master? The idea is now completely extinguished.

He has self-knowledge.

I am just a small person. If I follow the faction of the Bailing County masters, I am afraid that I will not know how to die.

Because, as far as he knows, the shameful slashing of the land 12 years ago was the matter that led the dynasty.

The prime minister was the deputy of the emperor. He did not have the will of the emperor. He dared to do this?

Although the Lord of the Bailing County is a woman of the Crown Prince, it is far worse than the power of the big faction.

What’s more, the big peasant country is patriarchal.

Even the princess has no status, she is a county owner, still want to pick up big waves?

Of course, it is also good to stand up to the side of the Bailing County. In case you can find a way to save the Crown Prince from the Black Yao Kingdom, then the Crown Prince inherits the emperor and becomes the emperor.

Zhang Xiaofan is even an early hero.

Definitely able to get a reward.

Even the cracking of the soil is not a problem.

The eyes of the Lord of the Belling County swept three people. “You three are all promising young people in Ping County. The county owner needs your help. Waiting for it to pick up the father on the day, you will not forget your credit.”

She really doesn’t take herself as an outsider at all.

This tone is entirely to invite particularly good friends or relatives to help.

“Counter, there is one thing you may not know. Both of them are promising young people in Ping County. I am just a son of a source farmer, an ordinary small person. Even if you help you shake the flag, it is not loud enough. Sorry, I only Can disappoint you!”

Zhang Xiaofan has a family, and he can’t be confused into the things of the Lord of the Braun.

Stand up and slap.

Only when the county owner promised, he will immediately escape from this right and wrong.

“Bold! The county owner personally invited, it is to lift you. I dare to refuse, this is a death sin!” A palace lady behind the main body of Bailing County flashed, and went to Zhang Xiaofan.

It is like a lightning bolt.

Zhang Xiaofan only felt that there was a flower in front of him, and the lady was in front of her.

A sword with a flash of cold light pressed against his neck.

In front of this palace lady, he is as weak as a baby.

The Lord of the Belling County did not immediately stop it. The two sons of Jiang and Zhou are all face-changing. They are sitting on the sidelines and want to see what the final result will be like?

If Zhang Xiaofan is really killed, they will not hesitate any more and will immediately agree to the invitation of the county owner.

After all, it is more important to have a small life.

When death came, Zhang Xiaofan did not have much fear, and some just refused to be angry.

In his mind, Wang Yuanyuan’s beautiful and stupid face appeared. The silly woman will definitely wait in Tan Zhi’s home. Waiting for Zhang Xiaofan to go back.

Parents at home must be saddened.

The owner of the Bailing County, looking at the beautiful fairy, was just a look of approachable. I didn’t expect to turn my face when I turned my face.

Zhang Xiaofan’s newly acquired title, in the face of general-level officials, may still be a life-saving symbol. But in the eyes of the Bailing County, fear is not worth mentioning.

Members of the royal family, they will control the power of killing.

Representing Jun.

The king wants to die, and the minister has to die.

“If I can survive this time, I must redouble my efforts to cultivate and improve my cultivation. If my strength is strong enough, what about the county owner? I can shoot her backhand.”

At this moment, Zhang Xiaofan has a hint of insight.

The higher ranks, the more merits, the imperial power, are in vain.

Only strength can truly belong to you.

“Promise or die, you choose!” The voice of the palace lady is extremely cold, terrible murderous, and oppressed Zhang Xiaofan’s head.

This invisible pressure is more terrible than death.

Because it directly tortured Zhang Xiaofan’s timidity and soul.

How many people who seem to be daring in the sky, in the face of real death, scared their pants and cried. Or beg for mercy and give up your dignity. In short, in the face of death, many people are ugly.

But there are also some people who usually look timid and when they really encounter things, they can calm down.

This is the real bravery.

Zhang Xiaofan faced death and he chose to face it calmly.

“People will die, and their words are also good. Although Zhang is only a small person, there is a saying, still want to advise the Bailing County Lord.” Zhang Xiaofan looked up to control the life and death of the Bailing County Lord.

“Bold, dare to speak to the county owner with such a tone, really dare not kill you?” The palace lady’s sword slightly pressed down. Want to cut Zhang Xiaofan’s skin, scare Zhang Xiaofan, force him to submit.

However, the embarrassing thing has appeared.

Her sword did not cut Zhang Xiaofan’s skin. Because Zhang Xiaofan swallowed the stone grass, the film is comparable to the general source animal skin.

“If the people of the Bailing County Lord are drawn by this kind of coercion and temptation, then I dare to assert that your grand vision will be like a dream, and it must fail. Those people can never really be You are effective, and it is even more impossible to give up your life.”

“My words are finished, let’s do it!”

Zhang Xiaofan closed his eyes, leaned his neck and went to death with generosity.


The master of Bailing County applauded, and the sword that was pressed against the neck of Zhang Xiaofan was also taken away.

When Zhang Xiaofan blinked again, the palace lady had returned to the main body of Bailing County, as if she had never moved.

“The county magistrate heard your glorious deeds in the Zhou government. I still don’t believe it. Now it’s a complete eye-opener. It’s said that the hero is a teenager. This is really true. Zhang Xianfeng was shocked. You are the left of the Ministry of Industry. The servant of the lord, the county lord can not really hurt you.”

The beauty of the Lord of the Belling County has a flash of crystal, watching Zhang Xiaofan with an appreciative eye.

Faced with this woman, Zhang Xiaofan only felt four words, Enwei is unpredictable.

The royal family is really not good at waiting.

One by one is to turn your face when you turn your face.

Just now, let the palace lady under her hand hold the sword and press it on his neck to kill him. Now applaud again, say what heroes are young.

As for her, Zhang Xiaofan is the person who is valued by the Ministry of Industry, and Zhang Xiaofan is when she is farting.

“Xie County does not kill the grace, Zhang’s wife is still waiting for me to go back, retreat!” Zhang Xiaofan arched his hand, turned and left.

Now that you have determined that the Lord of the Bells will not kill yourself, then stay away from it.

“Zhang Xianfeng, I will go to meet you again!” The secluded voice of the Lord of the Belling County sounded.

Zhang Xiaofan shuddered.

He did not speak, opened the door and walked out of the elegant room. Then close the door.

He has been able to breathe a sigh of relief as he walked out of Hejiang Tower.

The back is also cool, reaching out and touching, all cold sweat.

In the face of life and death, who can not be afraid?

He took the risk of fighting, and when he was a bird, he also experienced the danger of death. It’s finally got rid of it.

Jiang Gongzi and Zhou Gongzi, who had just watched the movie with a cold eye, were afraid to have fun.

I don’t know how the county owner will accept them.

Imagine that the two men had a gift to the owner of the Braun County, and they tried their best to climb up with her. Now these two noble sons are afraid that the intestines will be remorseful.

Zhang Xiaofan will certainly not take care of the lives of the two men. He stepped up and walked to Tan Zhi’s home.

Called the door of Tan Zhijia, the eldest sister Wang Xueling has fallen asleep.

Wang Yuanyuan stared at Zhang Xiaofan with a gaze, and was afraid that he would look up with the owner of the Bailing County.

At this time, Zhang Xiaofan suddenly opened his arms and gave her a hug.

I didn’t say anything, it was tight.

“French, what’s wrong with you?” Wang Yuanyuan apparently noticed that Zhang Xiaofan was not right.

“It’s okay, it’s going through some things, so I cherish the present life even more. It’s not too early, let’s go home.” Zhang Xiaofan will naturally not tell her about the dangers of her experience.

“it is good!”

Wang Yuanyuan closed the door for her sister and left with Zhang Xiaofan.

Along the way, the husband and wife accompanied each other, watching the sunset afterglow to pull the shadows of the two people very long, but also have a romance.

Zhang Xiaofan still practiced his own footwork.

In his mind, he recalled the scene when the palace lady was deceived and killed. To be sure, the stepping style of the palace lady is very brilliant. Zhang Xiaofan has a strong learning ability and understanding, he began to learn from the palace girl’s footwork.

After you have some insights, incorporate them into your own footwork.

“Fu Jun, how did you not listen to you on the road, and then mention the things of the Bailing County Lord? Have you ever seen you, want to recruit you to be attached to the horse?” Wang Yuanyuan still did not hold back, asked.

It’s just a joke.

“What to say, I have been a wife in my life, it is already a great blessing. I will go to do those things that are going to the Qin Dynasty? You, everything is good, just love dry vinegar.”

Even if Bailing County seeks Zhang Xiaofan to marry her, Zhang Xiaofan will not agree.

He is different from other men, and some men may want to climb the dignitaries and improve their status. Zhang Xiaofan is not rare. He prefers to fight with his own hands to create.

The one who gave it to others was called alms, and what he gave out was called glory.

It really belongs to you.

When I got home, Zhang Xiaofan took the delicious food brought back from Hejiang Tower to the four old people for a little filial piety.

The altar was brewed, and Zhang Tiezhu and Wang Fu both tasted a cup and could not stop.

The two clink frequently, and they are very addicted and delicious.

Looking at the relationship between Daddy and his father-in-law, Zhang Xiaofan is also very happy.

He still has an important thing to do, that is, to quickly plant two jellyfish into Lingtian.

With the reward of one acre of Lingtian, you can add one acre of Lingtian.

There will be more grasses that can be planted.

Zhang Xiaofan learned that in the future, the land of the big peasant country will become a sought-after strategic material. If there is an opportunity, he is prepared to refine some of the earth to be stored there.

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