Master of Exotic Planting

Chapter 162 - New wolf king


The blood of the source wolf mounts to a certain extent, and it violently screams, and it jumps up and kicks the wolf king. You can see that the neck of the source wolf mount has a terrible scar.

Two blood holes are bleeding with blood.

That was the bite of the wolf king.

“Is finally counterattack?” Zhang Xiaofan couldn’t help but be excited. He looked at his source wolf mount with joy.

Just now, the source wolf was riding a whistle, and then the strength increased greatly, which made Zhang Xiaofan think of a legend.

There are records in the ancient books. The emperor of the ancient wolf family contains the blood of the ancient silver wolf. They grow to a certain extent, and under certain special conditions, they can awaken the ancient blood of the body.

On the full moon night, the moon and the moon screaming against the sky can resonate with the moon and gain the power of the moon in the moon.

Thereby stimulating its own ancient blood, the strength has risen.

However, according to ancient records, this kind of stimulation of the ancient blood causes the strength to skyrocket and not last. At most until the next morning, the rabbit will sink to the original strength.

In fact, the effect of stimulating the blood to instantly enhance the strength is similar to the madness of Zhang Xiaofan.

However, because people have ancient blood in their bodies, they have no sequelae. For example, weakness, qi and blood loss, etc., do not exist. On the contrary, every time it is whispered, the ancient blood of the body can wake up a trace.

It will get stronger and stronger.

The Taikoo Silver Wolf is also known as the Sirius family and belongs to the most distinguished group of the wolves. The number is particularly rare, but each has unlimited space for growth.

It is not the dragon that the ancient gods used to pull, but two Sirius.

One male and one female.

Wherever they went, the gods trembled and no one dared to confront them.

Although Zhang Xiaofan knew that his source wolf was very beautiful, he did not expect it to be so powerful. It is actually a silver wolf with ancient blood.


The roar of the battlefield awakened Zhang Xiaofan.

He once again looked at the two source wolves who had fought, and saw that his source wolf mount became extremely brave. Suddenly, his strength soared and his attack speed was amazing. Almost only see a trace of blood.

It is even more than twice as fast as the Wolf King.


The Wolf King lost, and the horrified crouched on the ground, shivering. It reveals a surviving surrender expression.

These amazing sights are rare in the millennium.

Zhang Xiaofan was stunned, and then ecstasy rose in his heart and spread quickly.

He is happy to be proud of his source wolf mount.


The source wolf mounts to defeat the powerful opponent and make the other party surrender. It proudly raises its majestic neck.

“Hey! Hey!”

The wolves were all surrendered, looking at their new king in awe, screaming in unison.

“Hey! Hey! Hey!”

In the valley, including the wolves outside the valley, they also screamed and celebrated the birth of their new king.

For a group, the stronger the king, the better.

Because it can lead the wolves to grab a bigger site and compete for more food. Faced with the provocation and aggression of other powerful beasts, the powerful Wolf King can powerfully lead the underarms and defeat the strong enemy.

Therefore, the wolves are very happy to accept the birth of a more powerful new wolf king.

As for the original old wolf king, either choose to leave and leave the wolves. Either choose to surrender, be the younger brother of the new Wolf King.

After the source wolf mounts the throne, he thought that it would continue to be awe-inspiring in the wolves. As a result, it did not, but suddenly came to Zhang Xiaofan.

In front of Zhang Xiaofan, the source wolf mounts and squats.

Zhang Xiaofan could not help but feel moved for its actions. He knows the meaning of the source wolf mount, which is called Zhang Xiaofan riding on its back. It tells all the wolves, it becomes the king of the wolves, and Zhang Xiaofan is the king of it.

“Man, as you wish!”

Zhang Xiaofan leapt to its back, and it came to Zhang Xiaofan to scream again.

This is to declare to all wolves that Zhang Xiaofan is its owner.


The wolves responded, and they were all watching Zhang Xiaofan riding on the back of the new Wolf King.

This human being is deeply remembered by them. Later, Zhang Xiaofan will have the power and majesty that the Wolf King can have in front of them.

The source wolf was riding a camel and Zhang Xiaofan went all the way and entered the depths of the valley.

This valley, perhaps called the Wolf Valley, is more appropriate.

After a while, it stopped.

Along the way, Zhang Xiaofan saw the cliffs on both sides of the valley and dug out caves of various sizes. That is where the wolves live.

In front of the deepest cliff, Zhang Xiaofan stopped.

I thought that the place where the Wolf King lived, even if it was not magnificent, must be magnificent. As a result, Zhang Xiaofan found that the cave where the Wolf King lived was no different.

The wolf is blackmail, the Wolf King does this, it should be an alternative low-key.

Avoid strong enemies blocking it in the cave and unable to escape.

“Man, let’s get in touch with your subordinates. I am going around the valley and picking up the herbs.” Zhang Xiaofan felt that there must be many good herbs in the valley.

Because it belongs to the territory of the wolf, it is impossible for human beings to come in.

The facts, as he expected, there are really many good herbs in the valley.

Even Zhang Xiaofan accidentally dug two herbs that could increase the talents of the soil source. His earth-sourced cultivation talents have not been filled up until now, and this time, after returning, he can finally get it.

Looking for a circle, even a grass is not found, this is not scientific.

Obviously no one dares to come here to dig herbs, how can there be a grass?

According to Zhang Xiaofan’s previous thoughts, in the depths of such an inaccessible mountain, it must be a spiritual grass everywhere. It’s just a matter of countering, not a spirit grass.

It seems that the source beasts are very intelligent and they know how to recognize the grass.

As long as the grass is found, they will be eaten.

Although there was no digging of the grass, but the property of the good herb, Zhang Xiaofan dug a whole basket. Less than a few hundred.

Suddenly, his gaze was attracted by a strange herb.

On the cliff in front, there is a huge rock out of the cliff. There is a very common herb on it. At least, I don’t see anything strange about it.

What really makes Zhang Xiaofan feel strange is that its leaves are like stars.

It is late at night, and the sky is starry.

It is particularly active in the light of the stars, and it is moving in the wind.

Instinctive, he thinks this herb should be very extraordinary.

[Name: Star Grass, Third Order Grass]

[age: 38 years old. 】

[Life: 100. 】

[Attribute: absorb the energy of the stars. 】

“What do you do to absorb the energy of the stars? Is it cultivated like a human being?” Zhang Xiaofan has long heard that everything in the world is spiritual. Even a plant can be cultivated.

However, the way plants are cultivated is different from that of humans.

Humans and other animals are cultivated by absorbing the five elements of the world.

Plants are cultivated by absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon.

Zhang Xiaofan took off his back and climbed the cliff flexibly to dig up this interesting herb. Although this star grass is now only a third-order grass, there is no place for any property.

But Zhang Xiaofan is still very optimistic about it.

Take it home, raise it to Lingcao and see.

The time passed so long, the source wolf mount successfully revenge, took the position of the wolf king. It is also time to go back.

“Man, are you going home with me, or stay here?” Zhang Xiaofan called to the source wolf.


The source wolf mount chose to go home with him. For the position of the Wolf King, it is not in love.

I saw the source wolf mounts screaming at the old wolf king who surrendered, and the other party responded constantly. The source wolf mount seems to be telling something about it.

After a while, it was completed, and it was only when Zhang Xiaofan was around, squatting down and let Zhang Xiaofan ride on its back.

Camel Zhang Xiaofan came out of the mountain.

The wolves are sent behind them. These scenes are even spectacular.

For the first time, Zhang Xiaofan also felt the wonderful taste of all the people.

The group wolf always sent Zhang Xiaofan and the source wolf to the mountain, and they returned without reluctance. Even if Zhang Xiaofan rode away from the source wolf mount, the wolves still whistle on the mountain.


Back home, Wang Yuanyuan and Zhang Xiaofan’s parents and others are somewhat worried. They did not sleep, but sat in the courtyard waiting for Zhang Xiaofan to return.

I thought that Zhang Xiaofan could come back before dark.

I didn’t expect to go to the late night until 12 o’clock, and I rushed home.

However, they saw Zhang Xiaofan returning safely, and they were all very happy.

“Bad boy, I will not object to the next time I go to the mountains to collect medicine. But I must go home before dark.” Zhang Tiezhu scolded his face with black face.

Zhang Xiaofan naturally accompanied his smiling face and promised.

He can’t dare to provoke the old man to be angry.

After the four old people went back to sleep, Zhang Xiaofan looked at his wife.

“Yuan Yuan, tonight…”

“Know what you want to say, I am going to Lingtian to accompany the husband?” Wang Yuanyuan looked at Zhang Xiaofan’s large basket of herbs, and he knew that his husband had to fight for the lights.

She said that she would also accompany Zhang Xiaofan and help him share it.

It is a blessing to see a beautiful wife who is so considerate. The husband and wife went to the field of Deling and planted a strain of herbs, so they did not mention it.

With one more person to help, Zhang Xiaofan is also a lot easier.

Otherwise, a large basket of herbs, light will be planted, it will take more than an hour.

A small strain of Zhang Xiaofan filled their vitality and helped them to survive quickly. Look at the three herbs that can increase the source of cultivation talent. The first thing to improve is them.

After the busy work, it should have arrived at about 2 in the morning.

Looking at my wife’s eyelids can not lift, Zhang Xiaofan is very distressed. I had to take her home to sleep. If you are tired again, you can’t get tired of your wife. Go ahead tomorrow and continue to grow the herbs.

Anyway, it’s useless.

“The new home of the family has been built almost, and the speed is very fast!” Zhang Xiaofan came out of Lingtian with Wang Yuanyuan and saw that his new home had already been covered. I started to build the wall.

With money, someone is good at it.

When the new house is built, it is very close to Lingtian. Zhang Xiaofan wants to cultivate the grass, which is certainly convenient.

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