Master of Exotic Planting

Chapter 205 - Became a liar

It was only that he took the observation that the Qing Emperor’s scepter turned over and over, and studied it for countless times, still could not find its secret. As if, this scepter has only one use, that is, double the rate of recovery of the wood source.

Zhang Xiaofan reluctantly re-accepted it.

If it is so easy to find out the secret of this scepter, it is impossible for the Treasure House to take it out for sale.

You must know that Zhenbao Building has a group of professional appraisers, one by one.

There are not many treasures that can make them look away.

This Qingdi scepter was bought by Zhang Xiaofan at the price of 900 gold coins, which is a big leak.

Now he dares to be absolutely certain that the Qing Emperor’s scepter must hide other secrets that are unknown. Perhaps you will be able to unlock the secrets if you are strong in the future.


When the sky is dark, Zhang Xiaofan and his wife finally arrived at Wuyi County.

Standing in the city’s exterior, I saw a strong wall of up to 20 meters, surrounded the entire county. The city wall is equipped with heavy-duty guarding devices such as guns and arrow towers. The entire county town is like a giant beast, entrenched in this land.

Hundred feet is shaped, thousands of feet.

The majestic atmosphere of the bursts.

There are heavy guards at the gate of the city, which is much more advanced than the city guards in the county. These defending soldiers, one heavy armor, armed with guns, face indifferent, sighing and suffocating.

The timid people, passing by them, must scare a fine sweat.

Zhang Xiaofan showed out the tokens of the level. These soldiers looked at him indifferently and then checked Wang Yuanyuan’s identity. This is passed.

You should know that when Zhang Xiaofan enters the city level at the county level, as long as the tokens are displayed, the attitude of those city guards will become extremely respectful.

But when it comes to the county, it seems that it is not so good.

These city guards are regular troops, and their status is not low. Coupled with one strength and strength, at least one star source, so their attitude towards Zhang Xiaofan is just polite.

Entering the city, the weather is too late, Zhang Xiaofan decided to find a hotel to rest for one night, and then go to Yuanwu College to report tomorrow.

“Fu Jun, we should look for the inn of the accommodation, you should look for Yuanwu College. Can not be too far apart. In this way, you can enter the college early tomorrow.” Wang Yuanyuan proposed.

“It makes sense!” Zhang Xiaofan was the first time to come to Wuyi County.

Not familiar with the city.

And the county town is ten times bigger than the county town.

If you have a slap in the face, you may not find Yuanwu College on the day. He decided to find a passerby to inquire.

Looking for pedestrians on the street, he quickly locked a middle-aged man in his forties.

This person seems to be more sleek and temperamental, and should have a small position in the county. At least the family will not be too bad. It is estimated that the county should be familiar.

“Uncle, ask, how does the road of Yuanwu College go?” Zhang Xiaofan went to the middle-aged man to salute.

“Go along this street and go straight. When you cross the sixth intersection, turn left and go straight. You just have to look at the left side and it will be easy to find.” The middle-aged man looked at Zhang Xiaofan and saw Zhang Xiaofan’s age. Very light, it should be a freshman who came to Yuanwu College to report.

He patiently pointed out the path to Zhang Xiaofan.

“Okay, thank you!”

Zhang Xiaofan quickly thanked. He saw a middle-aged man holding a pot of herbs in his hand, and instinctively used the super power to check it.

[Name: Variant red palm. First-order grass. 】

[age: 120 years old. 】

[Life: 70. 】

[Properties: cold poison +100, fire source cultivation talent +30, fire source +3000. 】

Hey, the property of this mutant red palm is really drooling.

Fully added 30 ignition source to cultivate talent. If Zhang Xiaofan ate it, the fire source could immediately rise to 98.

“Uncle, you have a problem with this variant of the red palm, you have to find a way to find out the problem, or it will be dangerous.” Zhang Xiaofan grateful to the other side pointing the way, since it is seen that the other side’s variant has a problem with the palm, it is also smooth Remind one sentence.

“Nonsense! My red palm fostered in the Shennongge for two months, only to get it back today. It looks very good, how can it be a problem?” The middle-aged man’s face emerged with anger.

“I thought you were really asking for directions. I didn’t expect to have a purpose. Just hurry! I want to lie to Zhang, the door is not.”

Middle-aged man thinks that Zhang Xiaofan is a liar.

There are a lot of scammers, and they are really swindling on the road. Grab some people who hold the herbs, they will find ways to get together, and then deliberately say that the other’s herbs have problems.

A frightened and deceived, waiting to seize money.

There are many examples like this.

Being treated as a liar, Zhang Xiaofan is not angry, and there is no need to explain too much.

“When this is the case, it is best to pay more attention to the uncle after returning. The property of this first-class grass is very good, and it is a rare spirit. It is extremely rare. If there is an irreparable problem, it is a pity.”

After that, Zhang Xiaofan arched his hand and rode straight on the source wolf mount, leaving with Wang Yuanyuan.

He has already redoubled his remarks.

As for whether the other party believes what he said, it is not something he should worry about.

Looking at the back of Zhang Xiaofan’s departure, the middle-aged man shook his head, and the world was in the air. There are many scammers in this year.

How can there be a problem with the herb that has just been taken back from Shennonge?

Absolutely impossible.

The name of Shennong Pavilion is very large. In Wuyi County, it is an authority on the cultivation of herbs. The name is even louder than the farmer’s home of Yuanwu College.

Moreover, in many public exhibitions, Shennongge was defeated by the farmer.

This also makes the reputation of Shennong Pavilion even louder.


According to the guidance of the middle-aged man, Zhang Xiaofan successfully found Yuanwu College. It is really easy to find.

Because Yuanwu College covers a very wide area, the college gate is very distinctive and can be seen at a glance.

It’s just that the weather is already late, Yuanwu College has already been on the door.

He took his wife to find an inn nearby. The result was found in a circle, and many inns were full.

Tomorrow is the day when Yuanwu College officially opened the journal.

Those old students of Yuanwu College can live in the college. However, the freshmen who came from all over the country were temporarily unable to enter the school and could only find a place to stay in the vicinity. Wait until the registration begins and then enroll in the school.

This is only the first step.

After registration, you must pass the assessment to get the official admission quota.

Now I am only getting a qualification to participate in the assessment.

It is also because there are many new students enrolled, so the surrounding inns are basically full.

Zhang Xiaofan was not easy, finally found an inn with an empty room. He was relieved.

If you can’t find the inn, maybe you can only sleep on the street at night.

He is nothing, but his wife will follow him.

Moreover, Wang Yuanyuan is particularly beautiful, and the law and order at night is much worse. It is very dangerous.

Zhang Xiaofan’s strength may be called a respectable party in Pingxian County, but in the big places like the county town, the four-star source warrior is repaired, I am afraid that it can only be regarded as medium strength at most.

The old man who was fainted by the demon vine was the ten-star source.

That existence, there is absolutely the strength to kill Zhang Xiaofan.

“Small two, help me get twenty pounds of good meat to feed my mount.” Zhang Xiaofan mounts on the source wolf, very valued.

Every time I stay at the inn, I will buy twenty pounds of good meat to feed it.

“Well~!” Xiao Er quickly agreed. “Listen to the accent of the guests, it seems to be from Ping County. It’s a coincidence. We have a few guests from Ping County today.”

The speaker is unintentional and the listener has the heart.

It is also a fate to meet the fellows in this unfamiliar place.

Zhang Xiaofan secretly guessed, who are the people in Pingxian County?

It is very close to Yuanwu College. Is it the new student who is coming to Yuanwu College to register?

A total of five people were admitted to Yuanwu College this year, and Zhang Xiaofan and Wang Yuanyuan were later added. In addition, three outstanding college students have also been admitted.

And the three were all tested before Zhang Xiaofan.

They are all Zhang Xiaofan’s classmates.

Into the inn, there are many guests in the lobby on the first floor are eating. This is exactly the peak time of dinner.


Zhang Xiaofan’s eyes swept over the guests and immediately found the old dean at a table and three other students.

I saw the old dean here and three other students. Zhang Xiaofan was very happy and surprised.

Because the college is also starting tomorrow, the dean should be particularly busy.

How come here?

“Xiaofan, Yuanyuan, you can count it. The dean is still chanting both of you along the way!” A fair-skinned teenager, stood up and smiled and said to the two.

This person is called Wang Ping, who is the best student in the college.

“You two can safely arrive here, the old man is relieved. The old man is also listening to people. The area in Heifeng County is extremely unsafe. I am worried that you will have an accident. This is the purpose of chasing the escort. At that time, I also specially looked for you. It is a pity that the old man was flying in the air on a giant eagle and did not see you.”

The old dean is very caring for the students.

When I heard that the area of ​​Heifeng County was not safe, I immediately put down all the things at hand and chased them with giant eagle at the source of the beast.

At that time, Zhang Xiaofan and his wife, two people, may have entered the inn. It is also possible to play along the upper reaches of the mountain, and there have been many departures from the official road.

So the old dean could not find them.

Now that several people have reunited, both sides are very happy.

“Zhang Xiaofan, I really didn’t expect you to be admitted to Yuanwu College. Later, it was once a man of Pingxian County. It seems that the Dean often teaches us that Heavenly rewards are really true. At that time, we were high in Ping County College. Grade students, the number of your source is the worst, and you are the hardest person.”

A girl with big eyes admired Zhang Xiaofan.

There was a pure smile on her face.

Her name is Wu Shuangyu, she is a very funny girl.

“Life is different, Zhang Xiaofan has now far exceeded us. We are afraid that we can only look up to him.” The last tall boy looked at Zhang Xiaofan’s eyes, very complicated.

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