Master of Exotic Planting

Chapter 228 - Shocking conspiracy

Zhang Xiaofan can’t get rid of it, but he has to promise.

Slightly prepared, he set off on the source wolf mount. All the way out of the county town, went straight to the red robe township. I don’t know why, he always feels a little restless in recent days. It seems that something bad is going to happen.

“Don’t it be dangerous to go to Hongpao Township to deal with tea trees without growing buds?” Zhang Xiaofan was wary and acted with extra caution.

He has a family who has a mouthful. If the tea tree is killed, the emperor blames him and kills his head.

The family will lose his pillar.

Along the way, Zhang Xiaofan did not care about the scenery, but carefully thought about the troubles that might be encountered.

After about an hour, Zhang Xiaofan finally entered the boundary of Hongpao Township.

I saw both sides of the road, full of tea trees.

“no problem!”

Zhang Xiaofan also deliberately jumped from the source wolf mount and walked to the tea trees for a closer look. These tea trees are clearly sprouted, and many have been picked.

Whether it is alive or a leaf, it is normal.

He continued on, and there were villages in front of them, and the houses were beautifully built. Blue brick buildings can be seen everywhere.

It seems that the people in Hongpao Township are very wealthy.

There is an old man on the roadside who leads several local villagers and waits for a long time.

Seeing that Zhang Xiaofan arrived, the old man immediately led the crowd to the front, and he said, “Is the person who is a farmer?”


Zhang Xiaofan went down to the source wolf and smiled.

The old man looked at Zhang Xiaofan, and then looked at the way behind Zhang Xiaofan, the old man’s eyes flashed disappointment.

“Excuse me, is the name of the adult? Is the Sinong only sent you alone?”

Obviously, the other party is seeing Zhang Xiaofan very young, so he doubts his ability.

“My surname is Zhang, the other people in the farm are very busy, so I sent you to solve the problem that the tea tree does not sprout.” Zhang Xiaofan explained.

“Zhang Daren may not know that the tea trees in Hongpao Township have been in trouble for a long time. During this period, not only people who have visited your farmer, but also the famous source farmers in Wuyi County. They all claimed to be more powerful and more powerful than Shennong. But none of them cured the tea tree problem in our red robe township.”

The old man said these words, that is to tell Zhang Xiaofan, the problem of Hongpao Township is very tricky.

However, Zhang Xiaofan did not agree. He did not seem to understand the deep meaning of the old man’s words. He still smiled and said, “The old man, I am here to solve the problem for you, lead the way.”

Come here, Zhang Xiaofan can only rush forward with a hard scalp.

If you don’t solve the problem here, you will definitely be punished when you go back.

Into the officialdom, some rules must be accepted. Peng Tang is the deputy head of the farm, and the official rank is half a step higher than Zhang Xiaofan. Naturally, there are powers to order him to do something.

The official level is to crush people, but it is not to say that they play.

The old man stood still, but his eyes flashed, and his face was as deep as “Zhang Daren, you can solve the problem that the tea tree does not sprout for us in the red robe town. The little old man is grateful for zero. Just you may not know, in Before you, the farmer had a total of two people. The first time I sent a disciple of the farmer’s school, I couldn’t find the problem. Later, I came to a big man, who was the deputy head of Peng.

“Unfortunately he still can’t solve the problem.”

“The tea trees in our red robe township are the royal teas that need to be tribute. Now dragged on for so long, the palace’s house of government is also extremely angry, and directly gave us the last pass. If this month can not solve the problem Not only the source farmers of Hongdou Township, but even Zhang Daren, I am afraid I have to follow my head!”

The old man is a real person. Seeing Zhang Xiaofan is a young man, like a girl, he does not understand the stakes.

He immediately gave the details of the inside.

“Rely, the old thing of Peng Tang has already arrived. He can’t solve it, but he sent me. It is clear that I want to take me as a scapegoat!” Zhang Xiaofan’s face changed slightly, but Datong Pengtang was a Old traitor.

“Zhang Daren, it is a matter of many people’s lives. You see… or will you please bring the first seat of your farmer’s house, so that everyone is good.” The old man carefully advised.

Zhang Xiaofan could not help but smile.

“We just left Wuyi County two days before the first day of the week. I don’t know when I can come back. This is good. You should take me to see the problematic tea tree. If I can’t solve it, then I can find a way to get back in the first place. Not too late.”

At this juncture, the first seat of the week is not there, do not know whether it is a coincidence, or deliberately escape?

None of the high-ranking people are simple characters.

It is the instinct of human beings to avoid evil, and it is also the way to survive.

These tea trees have gone wrong and have been around for a long time. The first week of the week is impossible to be unaware of.

Maybe, the first seat of the week has already understood that there is no way to solve it. This time I am worried that the House of Internal Affairs will ask him about his crime. Therefore, he will deliberately leave Wuyi County, and let Peng Tang deputy head.

Big fish eat small fish, small fish eat shrimp.

The old thief of Peng Tang is not stupid, and certainly will not bear the big sin of this hanging head. So, forcibly pushed it to Zhang Xiaofan.

This is a two-pronged trick.

You can find a scapegoat and take the risk of losing your head for him. You can also take this opportunity to let Zhang Xiaofan die in order to avenge his son’s hatred.

Soft knives kill people without blood.

In this battle of power, Zhang Xiaofan became the ultimate victim.

Of course, he will definitely not accept his fate. He wants to attack.

The old man shook his head and sighed, leading Zhang Xiaofan to the place where he planted the royal tea.

Follow the old man through a village road, and then came to a field with the guardian of the circle. Looking at it, there is probably nearly a hundred acres of Lingtian here. All of them are tea trees, and there is no herb.

I saw that the branches of these tea trees were all old leaves, and none of them grew new shoots.

Zhang Xiaofan can’t help but sigh, the Emperor of the Great Farmers is really extravagant. Even the tea that is drunk must be planted in Lingtian.

It is certain that Hongpao Township is definitely only one of the suppliers of royal tea.

There is definitely another place for the royal tea supply of the Emperor of the Great Farmers.

The place is rich in Dahongpao. In other places, it is likely to be rich in green tea, nourishing tea, before the rain, and so on.

Anyway, the emperor’s nephew is the most noble person in the world. In all aspects of enjoyment, ordinary people can’t even imagine it. Just drink tea, fear that there are twenty or thirty kinds.

“Zhang Daren, the problematic tea tree is this. There are more than one hundred acres, all of which are royal teas that need to be tribute. Since the winter of last year, they have not smoked new shoots. At that time, they did not care, until the spring, still There is no movement. Now the summer is almost over. They are still not moving, we are all dying.”

The old man pointed at the tea tree in the ground and looked sad.

The tea farmers behind him are equally frowning.

In the past, they planted tea for the emperor, not only with rich rewards, but also a kind of glory.

Now that something happened, the House of Representatives pursued it and ordered them to pay tea on time. If you can’t pay the tea, you have to punish them. They are all panicked.

“Old man, don’t worry, let me look at it first. Right, did you pick the tea that was picked last year? Take a look at it.” Zhang Xiaofan has super powers and can see the detailed attributes that others can’t see. .

He believes that he can find out the clues.

“Yes, yes! I will get it for you right away!” The old man immediately ordered the person behind him to go and pick some of the tea leaves that were picked last year.

Even if it is the royal tea of ​​Shanggong, not all teas need to be tribute.

The house of the Royal Palace, when it came down to collect tea, was very picky. Only select the top grade, the best, for those of ordinary quality, it will not be.

Therefore, they still have a lot of stock in their hands.

Only in terms of quality, it is definitely better than the royal tea that has already been tribute.

Zhang Xiaofan did not wait, but began to look at these problematic tea trees. If only one or two tea trees have problems, they may still be well resolved.

At the same time, there are more than one hundred acres of tea trees, all of which have problems, and this is really weird.

Certainly not a climate impact.

Because when they came, those ordinary tea trees were all normal.

Zhang Xiaofan used super power to look at a tea tree in front.

[Name: Dahongpao, ten steps of grass. 】

[age: 99 years old. 】

[Life: 89. 】

[Properties: refreshing, cooling blood and detoxification. 】

There are only 89 remaining, and the problem should be here.

Zhang Xiaofan turned to look at another tea tree, and the attributes were almost exactly the same.

“Quirks! The age is the same, how is the life is also 89?”

Zhang Xiaofan did not believe in evil, and once again saw a lot of tea trees, all of them. This time it’s really a hell.

“Old man, how many years have these tea trees been planted?” Zhang Xiaofan asked casually.

“There are more than one hundred years, some thirty years. But because it is planted in Lingtian, it is also a special fertilizer. So even if it is only planted for about 30 years, the actual age of the tree is more than 100 years.”

“Oh, yes, these tea trees belong to the grass level. No matter how they are grown, their upper limit is the tenth order grass. And the tea that can be tribute must be over 100 years old.”

The old man added another sentence.

No wonder these tea trees are all 99 years old.

This is already their limit.

Their vitality has dropped to 89, which is amazing.

Zhang Xiaofan knows that if he wants to solve the problem that the tea tree does not grow new, he must start from its vitality.

Since the beginning of last winter, the tea tree has not grown up. The distance has been half a year now. These tea trees did not die, and the vitality stayed at 89. Suffice to say that they are not particularly badly hurt.

What is the cause?

Zhang Xiaofan began to examine the reasons.

The trunk is grayish white, the new branches are verdant, and the leaves are bright green, indicating that there is nothing wrong with its stems.

Go for a potion and dig up the roots of it.

Zhang Xiaofan found that the soil at the roots was very soft and strong, indicating that the source farmers who planted them were very diligent. Their roots are fresh and the roots are developed. The same is no problem.

This is really strange.

There was nothing wrong with the whole plant. No wonder so many high-ranking people could not find out the problem.

If Zhang Xiaofan does not have super powers, he will certainly not find out the vitality of these tea trees.

“Is there a problem with fertilizer?”

There is really such a possibility.

“Old man, what kind of fertilizer have you applied to these tea trees recently? Have you changed the fertilizer in the past year?” Zhang Xiaofan asked.

“The fertilizer applied to the tea trees is specially prepared by the Shennong of the Imperial Palace.” The old man opened a large tank next to him and saw that there was black fertilizer inside.

The specific formula, Zhang Xiaofan can not see.

Just by feeling, these fertilizers should be very good.

“Go and dig up ten tea tree seedlings of this variety. Be careful, don’t hurt the roots.”

Zhang Xiaofan told the old man.

Whether these fertilizers have problems must be tested before they can be known.

Soon, ten tea tree seedlings were dug up. Zhang Xiaofan saw that their branches had fresh young leaves and buds.

The vitality of these tea trees is currently 99.

Lost a bit.

It should be a process of digging them, and lost a little life.

Before this, it must be one hundred.

Zhang Xiaofan personally planted them in this Lingtian, and then filled their vitality. After doing all this, Zhang Xiaofan took some fertilizer from the big tank and then fertilized two of the newly planted small tea trees.

After doing all this, the rest is patient waiting.

“Zhang Daren, this is the tea left after picking last year. Please look over.”

The old man sent someone to take a pack of royal tea left after the tribute, and finally got it.

After Zhang Xiaofan took over, he stared at the tea in his hand.

[Name: Dahongpao, ten steps of grass. 】

[age: 99 years old. 】

[Life: 0. 】

[Properties: refreshing, cooling blood and detoxification. Chronic acute poison +1. 】

Zhang Xiaofan thought that he had read the wrong one, wiped his eyes, and once again showed his super power to see the tea in his hand.

Still appearing chronic venom +1, this terrible attribute.

He took another bag and looked at it again.

This time, Zhang Xiaofan has realized the seriousness of the situation.

“Is these teas left after last year’s tribute?”

Zhang Xiaofan asked.

“Yes, it’s all after the tribute, the House of Governments picks the rest. Don’t look at the pleasing quality, but the effect is the same. By the end of the year, these teas can be sold. Every year is particularly popular. It.”

The old man did not know at all that these teas were highly toxic.

He is still showing off the tribute tea to Zhang Xiaofan in a showy tone.

Not for sale at all.

However, since it is a tribute, it must not be sold that year. Even if the emperor picks the rest, according to the rules, it still needs to wait until the second year to sell.

“When did the last batch of teas come in?” Zhang Xiaofan’s forehead has already had cold sweat.

He is not in danger, but the tea farmers who planted the royal tea, if they are not good, they will copy the family.

The tribute tea to the emperor was actually highly toxic, but this was a great crime.

After the emperor knew it, he must be angry, and all the tea farmers could not escape. Even their family members are hard to escape.

“As early as seven months ago, it has already been collected. Is there any problem?” The old man did not understand the Zhang Daren, why should he make a scary look.

“These teas are highly toxic. You should hurry to find a way to inform the House of Representatives. As long as you have not given the emperor a drink, immediately seal them up, and maybe save all your tea farmers.”

Zhang Xiaofan faintly realized that he had accidentally discovered a terrible conspiracy.

Maybe someone wants to be a monarch.


The old man was lying on the ground on the spot, and other tea farmers were also scared.

This is how to do?

The tribute tea that was offered was very poisonous, and God just gave them a big joke.

“Zhang Daren, this, isn’t this true? After the teas were presented, the House of Representatives had multiple testing procedures. If they were poisonous, they would definitely be able to find out on the spot. At that time, the people in the House of Government checked, no problem. what.”

The old man reluctantly fixed his mind and quickly asked.

Zhang Xiaofan is so young, in the eyes of the old man, the matter is not big. Besides, the Zhang Daren just took the tea and looked at his eyes and decided that they were highly toxic. Who believed?

“I may be joking about this kind of thing? Forget it, save a life, and win a seven-level float. I will do my best to help you once.”

It is estimated that it is difficult for these tea farmers to contact the House of Internal Affairs.

Zhang Xiaofan thinks this is an opportunity for meritorious service.

He immediately rode the source wolf and quickly returned to Wuyi County, and then sent a letter to the Ministry of Industry Ding Shilang as quickly as possible by means of a bird pass. Write your own findings.

Please ask Ding Shilang to stop immediately and do his best to save the lives of those tea farmers.

This is a county town. It should be up to two days to send a letter to Ding Shilang.

After doing all this, Zhang Xiaofan was still going to go to the county government to report the matter to Wu Junshou. After thinking about it, he dismissed the idea.

When you say it, no one will believe him.

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