Master of Exotic Planting

Chapter 24 - As a herb dealer

“Rare life, good man is forgiving!” These gangsters are the masters of bullying and fear.

Now that I know the power of Zhang Xiaofan, I am in the wilderness. They are full of fear. I am afraid that Zhang Xiaofan has abolished them.

After all, Zhang Xiaofan cut off the wrists of their bosses, but it was hot and cold.

“One by one, give me a good meal, give me a thousand times, I will never dare to do bad things in the future. As long as anyone who speaks a small voice, I will let his neck grow a bowl of big cockroaches.”

Zhang Xiaofan took the Emperor’s knife in his hand and made a move to kill the pig.

I was scared that these mixed people were shocked and shivering.

They smashed into a row on the side of the road, shouting slogans.

“I will never dare to do bad things in the future. I will not dare to do it again…”

“Don’t eat? All loud!” Zhang Xiaofan screamed. I was so scared that I had a scream and shouted slogans.

Even Liu San, who was cut off by one hand, did not dare to neglect in order to save his life.

After pulling off the belt and tying the broken wrist, he followed the shouting slogan.

When they shouted a thousand times, they all shouted and became hoarse.

“Good man, can you?” these mixed people asked weakly.

no respond.

They bravely looked back and looked behind, where is the shadow of Zhang Xiaofan? People have already left.

These guys are relieved.

“The little **** of the thousand knives, the one hand of the old man, one day will kill you!” Liu Sandao body is shaking uncontrollably, his face is also very pale. Broken wrists have already been numb.

He has not eaten such a big loss.

This time I have planted a big head.

“Three brothers, you are a little sound, in case the black-hearted kid is nearby, and then kill a carbine, but it is over.” A mischievous reminder.

These people are bullying and fearful, and they have already been scared by Zhang Xiaofan.

“I, my hand is gone, oh… go back to the city!”

Liu Sandao picked up his broken hand and cried and went to the horse with the help of all the people. They swept away like a gust of wind.


When Zhang Xiaofan rushed home, his eyes lit up.

Looking at the dilapidated house from the distance, the lights are shining and the atmosphere is festive.

The faintness can be seen in the shadows, and there are bursts of laughter and laughter.

When I entered the hospital, I found that there were many pro-wealths and neighbors who came to help.

In the corner of the yard, two large cauldrons were set up, and the heat was in full swing. The master chef is cooking, and the fragrance is overflowing. The neighbors, some help with the preparation of food, some posts and couplets, layout scenes…

“Hey, Fan Wazi is back! I heard that you went to the county seat, you have to be the groom’s official, I have to buy a lot of good things?”

“You look at the doll, look at the squeaky voice, did not expect to be amazing, actually chased the three girls of the Wang family! Change the children, I have to learn from you, put the bachelor hat Take it off.”


Zhang Xiaofan listened to the various jokes of the neighbors. He just smirked and laughed twice, then entered the house.

There are also a lot of friends and relatives who help me in the house. Inevitably, Zhang Xiaofan, the groom’s official, makes fun of it. The mother is preparing to return the wedding candy and other things. The old man was full of red light in the command of the general.

“Xiao Fan is coming back, is things going to be done?” Zhang Tiezhu saw his son returning safely, and his heart was frozen.

“Well, I bought it!” Zhang Xiaofan nodded and pulled the old man into the west wing where things were placed. “Hey, this is the money I earned by selling herbs. I have left some of them. You should use them first.”

After Zhang Xiaofan bought something, he still had 1,074 gold coins left on his body.

It is a veritable multi-millionaire.

He took ten gold coins to the old man. If you give too much, it is not good.

The old lady must accompany the guests to drink, and when the time is gone, everything goes out and it is easy to do bad things.

Zhang Xiaofan wants to buy an acre of Lingtian. This is a big event and must be done with care.

Because there are only so many Lingtian in the village, they are basically held by the Ma family.

It is not to say that all the Lingtian belong to the Ma family, but the Ma family is very powerful and has the support and recognition of the government. Even with all the Ling Tian, ​​they are managed by the Ma family.

That part belongs to the official Lingtian, and the Ma family pays the rent directly to the government every year.

The role played by the Ma family is actually somewhat like a charter.

It is equivalent to renting all the Lingtian of the government and then subletting it to Yuannong. In the middle, the Ma family must definitely make money at both ends.

Otherwise, Ma’s family will not be able to accumulate huge amounts of wealth in these years.

As for those in Lingtian, how many acres belong to the Ma family, and how many belong to the government, no one knows.

Ma Jia can be a charter, and certainly has a certain relationship with the officials in charge.

Otherwise, it is impossible to get this business.

Imagine that Ma’s family relies on Lingtian to collect rent to make money. And he has a hatred with Zhang.

If you know that Zhang Xiaofan wants to buy Lingtian, Ma will definitely do everything possible.

Therefore, the pre-confidence work must be done well.

If you want to be a big thing, you have to be calm.

“Bad boy, where are you coming so much?” Zhang Tiezhu was scared. This is ten gold coins. He and his wife are tired and tired for a year, earning up to two gold coins.

The herbs that Zhang Xiaofan planted, he had all seen it, could not be worth so much.

Adding up to sell one or two gold coins will top the day.

And you need to wait until they are mature before you can sell this price.

“Daddy, this money is bright and upright. You can use it with peace of mind! I have bought more than 20 herbs from the county a few days ago. Do you remember? The passion fruit is a variation herb, I also take it. Go to the county to find someone to identify.”

Zhang Xiaofan explained a few words in a half-truth.

“Oh, no wonder I saw the passion fruit at first sight. I felt a little different. I didn’t expect it to be a variation of sword grass! Children, you can always get valuable herbs recently. It must be the ancestors of the ancestors, and protect them in the dark. In a few days I will take you and Wang Yuanyuan to worship the ancestors, let the ancestors bless you!”

Zhang Tiezhu is a superstitious person.

Recently, Zhang Xiaofan has been lucky for a long time, not only on several occasions, but also on the valuable herbs. This made Zhang Tiezhu convinced that it must be the ancestors of the ancestors, and to protect the children and grandchildren.

He would never have thought that Zhang Xiaofan could have these ‘good luck’ because he already had super powers.

After mixing the old man, Zhang Xiaofan finally took a break.

In the evening, I prepared a banquet for dinner, and the relatives and friends who helped me sat on five tables. Everyone was happy to eat and drink. At the same time, we are also discussing the issue of tomorrow’s dear.

Zhang Xiaofan holds a cup, a table and a table toast, thank friends and family for coming to help.

“Is this a Zhang Xiaofan’s home?” A rough door rang outside.

Everyone turned around and saw a strange middle-aged man carrying a piggyback and standing outside the door.

After Zhang Xiaofan saw the person at the door, his face immediately showed a happy smile.

“Uncle Niu, you are finally here! These days, I am looking forward to wearing it!” Zhang Xiaofan hurriedly greeted him, and he could see the cow’s back, filled with herbs.

It seems that it is quite fresh.

“Hey, I don’t go into the mountains every day to collect medicine. Every time I sell some money, I will go to the mountains to collect medicine after I spend it.” Niu Dawei scratched his head and entered the yard under Zhang Xiaofan’s warm hospitality.

He seems to be a little restrained when he sees so many people present.

“Is this home ready for a happy event?” Niu Dawei asked in a low voice.

“Yeah, I am getting married tomorrow, they are all friends and relatives who come to help.” Zhang Xiaofan smiled and greeted Niu Dawei to sit down. “Uncle Niu hasn’t eaten yet? If you don’t give up, sit down and eat.”

People come to the herb and come to the herb, naturally it is necessary to entertain.

Later, Zhang Xiaofan also counted on relying on the supply of the big uncle to make big money.

“What’s so embarrassing about it…” Niu Dawei looked at the delicious food on a table and swallowed his mouth. It was very mouthful.

“Nothing to be embarrassed, just add a pair of tableware!” Under the greeting of Zhang Xiaofan, he also entered the table half-push.

The friends and family who helped me were curious and looked at the big cows.

By asking Zhang Tiezhu, it was known that Niu Dazhao dug the herb and sold it to Zhang Xiaofan.

Everyone is not very optimistic.

More friends and relatives advised Zhang Xiaofan not to spend this money. If you want herbs, you have more to do in the mountains. Just dig yourself.

Zhang Xiaofan will not listen to their advice, and carefully select valuable herbs.

There are a total of twenty-six plants in the grass of more than five orders, in order to mobilize the enthusiasm of the big cow. Zhang Xiaofan has selected seven more first-class herbs and made up to thirty-three.

A total of three silver coins were paid to him.

“Hey, thank you very much!” Niu Dazheng received three silver coins, and he was so happy that he couldn’t keep his mouth shut.

He doesn’t seem to get used to being surrounded by many people.

“Uncle Niu digging the herb next time, please remember to sell it to me first. As long as the herb is good, how much, how much I want, cash acquisition.” Zhang Xiaofan said loudly.

In fact, it is also intended to publicize the relatives and friends present.

Niu Dawei is a lazy man.

He does not spend the money he earns and will not go to the mountains to collect medicine. If you can launch other villagers, you will also dig the herbs and sell them to Zhang Xiaofan. It can solve the problem of insufficient herbs.

Everyone saw that Niu Dawei had earned three silver coins. Hearing Zhang Xiaofan said, many people immediately moved their minds.

“Where is the baby, do you really buy a lot of herbs?” one villager asked.

“Nature! The friends and relatives present at the scene, the neighbors of the village, as long as they can dig a good herb, they can sell it to me. But the price is good, but it is clear in advance, according to the standard of the big cow, one hundred copper coins One plant. Buy ten plants and send me one.”

Zhang Xiaofan is a scholar. When he starts a business, he should be smart and not bad at all.

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