Master of Exotic Planting

Chapter 243 - Disaster is just around the corner

Seeing that the sky was getting brighter, Zhang Xiaofan was worried that he hadn’t gone home all night, so the groom looked for him everywhere.

“Rhubarb, stay here to heal yourself. I will come to see you at night.” Although he swallowed a first-order spirit grass that could heal, it was interrupted because of one of its hind legs.

It is not easy to completely recover.

After only one night, it was still too short.

Before leaving, Zhang Xiaofan fed rhubarb with a spirit grass that can increase soil power. His parents are no longer there, Zhang Xiaofan doesn’t want Rhubarb to happen again. The only way to keep Rhubarb amidst dangers is to make it stronger.

Ordinary first-order spirit grass is nothing to Zhang Xiaofan.

Based on his current Mu Yuanli cultivation, he can grow more than 30 plants a day.

However, he must not use all Muyuan forces for the cultivation of first-order spiritual grass. He must also take care of many aspects. For example, the vitality of fairy grass will drop a little every day.

They must be supplemented.

There is the star grass, Zhang Xiaofan always feels that he should do his best to cultivate it. As long as it can be upgraded to 10,000 years, it should be able to bring huge surprises.

In addition, there are mutant pythons that need to be cultivated as much as possible.

Now that there is enough fairy earth, Zhang Xiaofan is not hesitant to take out a large pot of fairy earth and transplant it into it. Every day, a part of the wood source force is specifically reserved to add years to it.

At present, the mutant python is a secondary demon tree. With its strength, it is basically no problem to deal with the ten star source warriors.

If it can be promoted to the third level, it should be able to face the martial arts strong.

When returning to the inn, it was already bright.

The groom packed the carriage early, waiting for Zhang Xiaofan’s order.

“Well, Master Gong, are you going out to buy grass tea? You already knew that you directly ordered the villain to do it for you!” Ma Fu is a 37-year-old young man who speaks and behaves fairly.

When should the watch be loyal and what shouldn’t be asked more, he is very well placed.

At least Zhang Xiaofan was satisfied with the groom.

“I won’t go out this morning, you can move around freely. In the afternoon, we will visit the Lingtian around Pingxian.” Zhang Xiaofan, as the Secretary of Nong, is responsible for the cultivation and management of medicinal herbs in each county.

In terms of timing, it is relatively free.

Zhang Xiaofan didn’t know how many sibling envoys the rebels sealed. He just needs to do his job well.

Pingxian is the birthplace of the rebels, and there are also the most Lingtians here.

King Zhou Ling also had the deepest affection for Pingxian.

He intentionally made this place his old nest. I heard that a large area of ​​Lingtian was specially set up to grow some scarce herbs. For this reason, many source farmers were specially hired to do this for him.

Just plant the herbs.

At that time, he can continuously provide healing and increase healing herbs to frontline rebels.

Zhang Xiaofan entered the hotel without a face, returned to his room, and fell asleep.

After training all night, the Iron Man couldn’t hold it.

The necessary sleep is still necessary. Can help him regain energy quickly.

Strangely, Zhang Xiaofan had a dream.

Dreamed that Dad was standing under an old locust tree in Baicao Township and smiling at him. Keep waving, “Son, rest assured! Your mother and I are having a good time in the prefecture. I specifically came to tell you that the Zhang family will have an emperor!”

Zhang Tiezhu waved his hands with a smile, and his body floated back.

“Dad, don’t go! Don’t go!”

Zhang Xiaofan desperately wanted to stay.

But Zhang Tiezhu’s figure became more and more blurred, and he did not speak again. Just looking at him with that kind of gaze.

“Dad, is it true that we will have an emperor in Zhang family? Who will be the emperor? Is it my future son?” Zhang Xiaofan asked.

“You! Smelly!”

Zhang Tiezhu grinned and suddenly changed his appearance. His bones were sensational, with a long tongue in his mouth, and his teeth turned into cavities.

Then, his smile became increasingly weird and very scary.


Zhang Xiaofan screamed in horror and was directly awakened.

Sitting up on the bed, he found himself sweating a lot, and there was still a daddy-like skeleton in his head.

Is what Dad said in his dream true?

The Zhang family wants to have an emperor.

What else did he say was Zhang Xiaofan.

Open the window and look at the sky outside. The heavy snowfall for several days finally stopped. The scent of meals floating around the street at this moment should have arrived at noon.

Zhang Xiaofan got up, took a bath, and changed into clean clothes.

Then went downstairs and ordered a few favorite dishes, and ate it by myself. I practiced all night yesterday and fell asleep without breakfast after returning.

Already hungry.

He has eaten and has important things to do.

While eating, the groom came in from the outside.

“Master Gong, the carriage is ready. Just wait for your command and leave immediately.” The driver gave Zhang Xiaofan a car, except he could get a good salary in the government. During Lingtian’s inspection below, he was able to follow to some extent.

Some source farmers would secretly give him money and ask him to help him say something in front of Zhang Xiaofan.

He’s just a coachman, don’t count on his high moral character.

For the benefits that the source farmers secretly stuffed him, follow the instructions.

Therefore, the coachman really hoped that Zhang Xiaofan would go out to inspect the Lingtian of the townships. In this way, he will have the benefit.

“Let’s go! There is only one place to go today. I heard that the King of Ling has specially set up a acre of land in Pingxian to plant herbs that are in short supply of war. Let’s go there and see.”

Zhang Xiaofan stood up and threw down a gold coin.

The man immediately nodded his head, came over with a smile on his face, and picked up the gold coin.

“The rest, keep my account. It is estimated that you will stay in your inn for a few more days.”

“Okay, sir, please walk slowly!”

Dude respectfully sent Zhang Xiaofan out. In the eyes of such a small person, the status of a farmer is definitely not low.

In fact, the status of the Secretary of Agriculture is higher than that of Code History.

And it is a fat, the benefits can be softened.

Sitting in the carriage, there is no need for Zhang Xiaofan to worry about the rest. The driver drove the carriage out of the city all the way and went straight to the outside.

Zhang Xiaofan inspected the important spirit grass and fairy grass in the hundred sketches in the carriage. It is time to add them to the year. When vitality is added, vitality is added. In short, it’s good to serve them well.

They can increase Zhang Xiaofan’s combat power tenfold.

“Oh! Here, this golden branch and jade leaf, I didn’t expect to finally come alive!” After Zhang Xiaofan handled all the important spirits, he opened the jade box and checked it.

It was unexpectedly discovered that the golden branches and jade leaves soaked in the holy water of life had emerged a bud eye, and the branches had even formed several fibrous roots.

Can’t wait to use its super powers to see its properties.

[Name: Golden Indus, Yipinxian grass]

[Age: 1 year old. 】

[Life: 60. 】

[Attributes: recruiting phoenixes and attracting phoenixes, controlling fire, increasing the speed of the fire source force ten times, and the speed of the fire source force recovering ten times. 】

After reading the properties of Jinwutong, Zhang Xiaofan was almost stupid.

I can’t believe my eyes.

This ability is too abnormal. Can even crush all his other fairy grasses.

Whether it is the ghost fairy grass or the skin fairy, compared with it, they can only be the younger brother.

Fire control!

Simple two words are worth a thousand words.

Fire and water are ruthless.

Among the natural forces in the world, there are four kinds of the most terrible. Landslides, floods, floods, lightning strikes.

Each of these four can be life-threatening.

Floods can flood the sky, and you can build ships to save your life. Landslides can fly into the air to escape. But the flames burned, there was no way to resist, they could only be burned to death and turned into ashes.

Lightning strikes, although dangerous, are not common.

The chance of being struck by lightning is very small, and it is a fight with buying tickets.

Fire alone, everywhere.

Since humans have learned to drill wood for fire, use flames to cook food, and use flames to drive cold and beasts, flames have become indispensable.

With the ability to control the fire, not only can he enter some extreme environments without worrying about being burned to death. And in turn, you can control the flames to burn the enemy.

In addition, flames are used everywhere in life.

Control fire smelting equipment, or make elixir …

The benefits are endless.

Golden Indus was called the Emperor of the Woods in the ancient times, and it really wasn’t called for nothing. It can not only give its owner the ability to control fire. It can even increase the speed of fire source training and recovery ten times.

The Qing emperor’s scepter is already a very good piece of equipment.

It can only double the recovery speed of Muyuan force. Jinwutongxian grass is ten times that of it.

“Such a treasure is no wonder that Gao’s ancestors left their legacy and need to pass it on from generation to generation.” Zhang Xiaofan now finally understood the preciousness of Jin Wutong. “Well!”

He immediately took out a pot of fairy earth and carefully planted Jin Indus into it.

Then, start to give it crazy life.

At present, only 60 of its vitality is left, which is very dangerous.

All the holy water of life has been consumed by it.

It can be resurrected, it is a miracle.

This also made Zhang Xiaofan realize that the holy water of life is a good thing. It’s a pity that nothing is left. If I have the chance, I will catch a few white lotus demon people and grab a few bottles of holy water from them.

As for grabbing more holy water from the hands of the White Lotus sage, that’s fine.

He wants to live longer.

“This Jinwutong has such a powerful ability. If the star grass can be cultivated to the level of fairy grass, I believe it will not be bad.” It can absorb the power of the stars and store it. Based on this, it can be concluded that its Extraordinary.

In addition, Zhang Xiaofan’s intuition has always been accurate.

Among all the herbs, Xingchen grass is the most indescribable plant.

The carriage drove to the right for half an hour and stopped.

Zhang Xiaofan is a celebrity at the border of Ping County. In order not to be recognized by others, he deliberately put on a mask.

This trick was learned from that Sima master.

Not only does it seem mysterious, but it can hide your true identity well.

“Master Bow, it’s here!” Marf confessed respectfully.

Zhang Xiaofan immediately opened the curtain and landed on the steps. His gaze glanced around, his face hidden under the mask, and a few weird expressions appeared immediately.

Unexpectedly, King Zhou Ling set up a base for planting herbs in Yinshe Township.

It is also estimated that Silver Snake Township was one of the bases when King Zhou Ling was the president of the Herb Chamber of Commerce.

Familiar with this place, and feel that it is particularly safe, this is where the herb base is located.

“Songong, His Majesty the King, brought Master Gong to his door, and he wasn’t ready to welcome him soon?” After the groom saw Zhang Xiaofan getting out of the car, those peasants only looked at them with curiosity and then took care of themselves.

No one greeted or asked.

Immediately, his face sank, and he shook out some of the power that a dog’s leg should have, screaming loudly.

“Huh, is the Secretary of Agriculture great? We have five Secretary of Agriculture and one Minister of Agriculture. No one is inferior to the Lord Gong.”

“If you want to see the ceremony, it’s also the surname Gong who came to give us the ceremony.”

A young man with a snub nose about thirty years old snorted coldly, his voice full of contempt.

Those who dare to follow the rebels are not good birds.

These people, one by one, or treacherous, or fierce, were certainly not good people before.

Zhang Xiaofan visited the counties and counties for many days, and no one dared to throw a face on him. In Yinshe Township of Pingxian, I actually met such a person who gave me no face. He was also a little angry at the scene.

The young man didn’t show his might, I was afraid that he didn’t know that Wang Ma had three eyes.

“Who is the Minister of Agriculture?” Zhang Xiaofan glanced across the six men in official uniforms.

“I am the Secretary of the Nongsong who is professed by the King of the Spirit. When necessary, we can control all the Nongsong. Do n’t roll over and scratch?” The speaker, about sixty years old. Tall, red face, thick eyebrows. There are pieces of horizontal meat on his face.

The eyes were sharp and overbearing, and his nostrils hummed, apparently not a kind person.

“What’s your surname?”

Zhang Xiaofan didn’t deter other farmers to seduce the town.

You have to find a way to force these people away.


The old man held his arms and looked arrogant.

There is no first in the text and no second in Wu, and the same is true of Yuannong. The more capable the source farmer, the more difficult it is to convince others.

This old man can be a great peasant, and he should have a good ability.

“It turned out to be the ambassador of Hongdae Secretary of Agriculture, disrespectful and disrespectful!” Zhang Xiaofan didn’t smile at his flesh, his eyes glanced from Lingtian. There are more than 200 ordinary source farmers working in Lingtian.

A lot of herbs have been planted in Lingtian, most of which are healing herbs, cultivation herbs, and a few detoxifying herbs.

As for the precious herbs with good properties, there are hundreds of them.

He was also secretly shocked at the vastness of the magic power of Zhou Lingwang. In a very short period of time, I don’t know where I got so many high-quality herbs?

“Those herbs seem to be good. I don’t know what they are used for?” Zhang Xiaofan asked, pointing to the hundreds of good-quality herbs.

“You don’t need to care about these herbs. Your husband will do the job. It’s OK to tell you that these precious herbs are used to reward important generals and officials of the Great Zhou Dynasty.”

The ambassador of Hongdae Sinong has quite a flamboyant taste in his discourse.

“You surnamed Gong, can you wear a mask, is it disfiguring, can’t you see anyone?” The young hawk-nosed young man standing beside Hongda asked with indignation.

“You’re right, look at your face, the corners of your eyes are curved, and your nose is hooked, you must be a treacherous. Then look at your Yintang darkened, the paradise frost covered, for fear of disaster. When you use fire, It ’s important to be careful not to get too close. Otherwise, it will easily burn to disfigurement. “

Zhang Xiaofan’s Jinwu Copper Fairy Grass has just been resurrected successfully.

Was thinking about trying its fire control ability.

The young man jumped up and down, gave him a terrific look, and packed one less.

“My aunt! You have a calamity coming. Lao Tzu Hong Fu Qitian, there will never be any calamity.” The youth’s disdain, even spit a thick sputum at Zhang Xiaofan.

“Oh, don’t listen to Gum, and you’re suffering!”

Zhang Xiaofan’s eyes, intentionally or unintentionally, glanced at the burning oil not far away. These oils are not used for lighting or for thermal insulation purposes, but are specifically used to exterminate insects.

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