Master of Exotic Planting

Chapter 259 - Strong Lord of Lark

She found that the mysterious woman not only looked very beautiful, but also revealed her noble nature. The kind of temperament like a princess is by no means ordinary ordinary ladies.

This young woman knew her husband, did the husband slap flowers and grass outside again, and provoke her daughter?

Wang Yuanyuan looked at the mysterious woman’s eyes, and immediately became hostile.

“Zhang Baihu seems to love your wife!” Said the mysterious woman profoundly.

“Lark Lord, what can you do to me, but you must not hurt my wife.” Zhang Xiaofan stood in front of Wang Yuanyuan, staring coldly at the Lord of Lark.

If you could, Zhang Xiaofan didn’t want to see this woman in her life.

“Ha ha! Zhang Baihu is assured, as long as you hand over the Phoenix Spirit, the Lord of the County will certainly not embarrass you and your family.” The host of Bailing County laughed amazingly.

It is undeniable that this woman has a beautiful appearance that upsides all beings.

She is also extremely capable.

There are very few geniuses who can master Dawu Xiu as she is so young.

Zhang Xiaofan had long guessed that the woman was squatting in front of her house to get the true spirit of the Phoenix.

That is the treasure that Zhang Xiaofan grabbed after his death. How could he hand it over honestly?

Wearing a mask at the time, this was the best cover.

What if the Lord of Lark knows his true identity? Does she dare to reveal her identity as a Bailianist demon girl?

If she had that courage, she would not have to sneak into Zhang Xiaofan’s residence.

Just take someone to catch Zhang Xiaofan.

“I don’t know what the Lord of Lark is talking about. I have no injustice with the County Lord in the past, and I have no revenge in the past. I believe that such a distinguished and powerful person as the County Lord cannot embarrass me as a small Qipin official.”

Zhang Xiaofan focused on mentioning his identity.

As for what happened to Phoenix Spirit, he would never admit it.

Can’t admit it.

Taking the Phoenix Spirit is actually treason.

“No pay?”

She was still old and turned over when she didn’t agree. Hearing Zhang Xiaofan refused to surrender, he changed his face on the spot. There was a cold and frosty killing in the beautiful eyes.

“I don’t know what the Lord Lord is talking about?” Zhang Xiaofan secretly warned.

With his current strength, it is still too weak to kill the Lord of Lark.

“Zhang Xiaofan, everyone is a smart person, and the owner of this county is too lazy to talk nonsense with you. If you don’t hand over the Phoenix Spirit, you will die.” Her momentum rose steadily, and the storage bracelet on her right hand lit a blue light.

Immediately afterwards, a sword appeared in her hands.

Zhang Xiaofan stood still without moving. If he had only one person, he wouldn’t be afraid of the Lord of Bailing County.

Relying on stealth is enough to move forward and backward freely.

Now with his wife, Wang Yuanyuan, this makes Zhang Xiaofan a little jealous. He didn’t dare run away because Wang Yuanyuan couldn’t run away.

Zhang Xiaofan’s eyes narrowed into a line as he watched the Lord of Bailing County approaching step by step.

He was thinking of a solution.

First of all, this is the Department of Agriculture of Yuanwu College, not a place outside the law.

It’s not the kind of wilderness and nobody.

If the Lord of Lark truly kills him, she will be implicated. In her capacity, and her wisdom, it was impossible to do such a stupid thing.

In this case, what else is Zhang Xiaofan afraid of?

This woman, like last time in the box of the Hejiang Tower, intentionally threatened Zhang Xiaofan by this violent means.

In fact, she was only testing Zhang Xiaofan’s reaction. Want to confirm if Phoenix Spirit is really on Zhang Xiaofan?

The Lord of Lark’s County stared at Zhang Xiaofan’s every move, not letting go of any subtle expression changes. Originally, I wanted to peep at some information directly from the bottom of Zhang Xiaofan’s eyes.

Unfortunately, Zhang Xiaofan was so old and hot that her eyes narrowed into a slit, making it impossible for her to see the depths of Zhang Xiaofan’s eyes.

“Are you really not afraid of death?”

The Lord of Bailing County found that Zhang Xiaofan had no intention of resisting, and did not escape.

This kind of performance is completely fearless.

On the contrary, she felt a little uneasy, and did not dare to act lightly.

Because of her understanding of Zhang Xiaofan, Zhang Xiaofan has always been resourceful in his actions and will never sit back and wait. Originally, the Lord of Bailing County waited for Zhang Xiaofan to take the initiative to use her identity as the owner of the White Lotus Church to threaten her.

In this way, we can be sure that the mask person is 100% Zhang Xiaofan.

Now, Zhang Xiaofan said nothing about the day. It made her feel like a dog biting a hedgehog and had nowhere to talk.

“Cunning guy!” She could not help cursing, but her murderous strength had faded.

“Zhang Xiaofan, it is useless to hold the Phoenix Spirit. As long as you hand it over to the county master, you can promise that you will be promoted to the top three ranks within three years.”

Three or four product officials call them key members, and one or two product members call them clerks.

This woman’s energy is really not small, and she easily promised Zhang Xiaofan an official position as a top three member. This also shows that she has a strong influence in the DPRK.

Even when the imperial emperor wanted to promote a small figure to be an official in the third rank, it took a lot of effort.

Need to go through multiple procedures and departments.

The appointment of all officials in the Great Peasant State can be decided by the emperor. This is especially true for officials with more than four products.

However, in terms of official appointments, the emperor and the multiple powers of the Great Peasant Power balanced and coordinated their work.

To appoint an official of the third grade, the Ministry of Officials must first evaluate the person’s merits, political achievements, background, qualifications, and so on. Only after the assessment by the Ministry of Officials felt that this person had met the requirements for promotion to Zhengsanpin, and this was reported to Sangong.

Then there was a vacancy in the official third grade of the North Korean Central Committee. After discussion, the San Gong decided to recommend this person.

This will write a recommendation list, which will not be handed over to the emperor for the time being.

Instead, it was widely publicized in Chaotang’s Baiguan, asking for your opinions.

If there are many people who oppose this person’s vacancy as the official third-grade official, then I’m sorry. Can only change others.

Therefore, every time there is a vacancy in the official rank of more than three products, San Gong’s recommendation list is often several. Recommend multiple people at the same time, only those with the highest votes can get the referral qualification.

After the recommendation list was announced, the civil and military officials’ approval rate was quite high, and there was no major problem. San Gong would then begin to write a discount and report it to the emperor for approval.

The emperor usually asked the **** to find the profile of that person first, and this profile would be detailed to the eighteenth ancestor.

After understanding it, the emperor would summon him into the palace to talk if he felt that this person was worthy of a heavy task.

This process is almost equivalent to an interview.

After passing, the emperor will issue the decree and direct appointment. At the same time, the Ministry will cooperate with the imperial edict.

Because of such a strict mechanism for appointing officials, even the emperor could not promote talents at will. Unless it is some non-essential idle position, or an official position below five grades.

In the case where the emperor particularly appreciates someone, it may be directly assigned to a county seat below as a county order, or a small official in a department of the imperial capital.

This is called test water.

If you perform well, you can be promoted and continue to shoulder the burden.

If the performance is not good, then exercise again, it is really impossible, you can only enter the cold palace. Since then, he has spent his entire life in an unimportant part-time job.

The Lord of Bailing County directly promised Zhang Xiaofan an official of three ranks, stating that he could speak well in the civil and military hundred officials of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Three Gongs, and the court. Only in this way, she has the confidence to dare to make such a package ticket.

Zhang Xiaofan couldn’t help but be more frightened by this woman.

Ruthless and ruthless, he still controls a terrible force.

He really didn’t want to be against such a woman.

“The lord, you said a thousand times and asked ten thousand times, and I still said no. At all, I don’t know what the Phoenix Spirit you said is.” Zhang Xiaofan refused again.

“Okay, since Zhang Baihu did not admit that he had the Phoenix Spirit, the Lord of the County did not reluctantly.” After that, the Lord of Bailing County shook his cloak and disappeared.

So easy to leave?

Zhang Xiaofan couldn’t believe it.

Based on his knowledge of the Lord of Lark, this woman has never spoken so well.

Watching the Lord of Bailing County come without a shadow, go without a trace, Zhang Xiaofan secretly guessed, does this woman also have a fairy grass that can be hidden?

“Fu Jun, she is the amazing woman you had premised on … prematurely!” Wang Yuanyuan was relieved to see the Lord of Lark Ling leave. I was about to ask my husband-in-law, but Zhang Xiaofan quickly covered his mouth before he finished speaking.

“Don’t talk nonsense, she may not be gone yet.”

Zhang Xiaofan lowered his voice.

In terms of wisdom and means, Wang Yuanyuan is ten thousand miles behind compared with the sophisticated women such as the Lord of Lark.

Even Zhang Xiaofan asked himself if the means were inferior to that woman.

“Yuanyuan, let’s go in!”

Zhang Xiaofan walked into the room with Wang Yuanyuan in her arms, entered the back room, and quickly fused the Phoenix Spirit with her wife. As long as the fusion is successful, you no longer need to be afraid of the Lord of Lark.

As soon as they entered the house, they heard the barking of rhubarb in the yard behind them.

“Any guest coming again?”

Zhang Xiaofan’s brows were slightly wrinkled, people were afraid of famous pigs and strong.

He used to live very quietly here. Only Vice-Peng Tang always annoys him. Now that he has made a little fame, the people who came to him are also wave after wave.

Opening the gate of the courtyard, Zhang Xiaofan could not help but change his face, but he did not expect to be the same woman.

It was just that they changed their way to disturb him.

Previously, the Lord of Lark was quietly lurking in his home. Now, the Lord of Bailing County is grand and entertaining from the main entrance with a large number of guards.

“Little man, Zhang Xiaofan, meet the county master!” Zhang Xiaofan didn’t dare to neglect, and quickly went to worship.

In the face of this terrible woman, she must deal with it carefully, and she must not be caught by the pigtails.

“No need to be courteous! This county’s host made a special trip to Wuyi County not to see you, but to see your wife.” This woman, the host of Bailing County, is definitely a master of acting.

It seems that he completely forgot about Zhang Xiaofan’s other house alone.

She really seems to be here for the first time.

“The registrar of Youlao County is really flattered by my wife and me. It is just that my wife is in a hug, for fear of inconvenience to see the guests. In case of transmission to the Lord Lord, it is not good.

Zhang Xiaofan also talked about each other, and hell.

Never give her any chance.

“Oh, did you make your wife sick? The county chief came here on a special trip. It is also Su Wenling that the wife has a good name and wants to be a sister with her. You can rest assured that in the county chief’s house, Of the best Lang, he can certainly heal Mrs. Ling. “

After speaking, the Lord of Bailing County didn’t give Zhang Xiaofan any chance to talk anymore, and he led people into the courtyard.

Among the guards she brought, in addition to the woman in the palace costume who shot Zhang Xiaofan once in the Hejiang Tower last time, there was also a gloomy old lady, which was also extremely scary.

Zhang Xiaofan couldn’t see the depth of that old woman.

All I know is that after being stared at by this old uncle, the whole person is like an ice cellar.

“The Queen Queen Yuanyuan meets the Lord Lord!” Wang Yuanyuan did the trick enough, and she walked out of her face pale. A look of struggling to get up from the bed.

“Are you Wang Yuanyuan? Really a rare beauty. The lord of the county has always liked to make friends. Recently, you have heard that you are very virtuous and kind-hearted, so you have made friends. I heard that you are sick? Where is it? I have here an elixir that treats thousands of diseases. Take one first, and then take you back to my county seat. You will definitely find the best Lang Zhong to cure your disease. “

The Lord of Bailing County was concerned about taking out a jade box from the storage bracelet, and then taking one out to Wang Yuanyuan.

I saw that the pill was the size of an eyeball and was as dark as ink throughout the body, exuding a strong scent of medicine. God knows if this is elixir or poison elixir?

It may also be a poison elixir specifically used to control others.

Zhang Xiaofan could not help but rushed to the past.

“Huh?” The old woman’s figure flickered slightly, blocking Zhang Xiaofan.

“Let’s go!” Zhang Xiaofan was a character who wasn’t afraid of the sky and the ground, so he had to tear his face. He could never have his wife in trouble.

“Sister Yuanyuan, your husband is nervous you! Hurry up and eat this elixir, and make your husband nervous,” said the Lord of Bailing County with a smile.

On the surface, she was persuading Wang Yuanyuan, but she was actually ordering Wang Yuanyuan to eat the so-called elixir.

Looking at his husband’s desperate posture, Wang Yuanyuan didn’t want her husband to have any accidents.

When examining the situation, she and Zhang Xiaofan had no room to resist.

Because they are facing a powerful county lord.

“I eat!”

Wang Yuanyuan took Xiandan, incorporated it into the mouth, chewed it and swallowed it.

“Don’t eat, don’t eat …” Zhang Xiaofan’s eyes were cracked, and he was roaring wildly.

“Don’t be ignorant, you will be rewarded by the county lord for Xiandan. That is the fortune of your wife. Few generations have cultivated fate.” The old woman chilled coldly.

This old woman’s strength is terrible, even stronger than the Lord of Lark.

Zhang Xiaofan is sure that Lao’s cultivation is more than just a martial arts realm.

“Well, since Yuanyuan’s sister has a sick body and her condition can’t be dragged, let me go back to the county capital of the imperial capital with me!” The host of Bailing County smiled and held Wang Yuanyuan’s hand and went out with her.

Outside the courtyard, two luxury carriages have been parked.

It was the two white horses that pulled the cart. This is the Swiss beast, which belongs to the best in the source beast.

They can travel 50,000 miles a day, or even walk empty if they don’t pull a car. So it’s called Tianma.

Zhang Xiaofan watched his wife being forcibly taken away, and could not help but be angry and anxious. “Yuanyuan, don’t go, don’t go with her!” He wanted to rush over to save people, but this horrible old lady firmly suppressed him .

Just releasing the gas field made Zhang Xiaofan unable to move.

“Better be honest!” The old lady warned again.

Zhang Xiaofan cut it out with a knife. She only used **** to clamp the blade of the overlord knife. Zhang Xiaofan couldn’t move.

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