Master of Exotic Planting

Chapter 27 - Three old and one, can you help me?

Because the locals think that they are away from their daughter, they must marry. If it is abandoned halfway, it is unlucky.

Zhang Xiaofan did not see Ma Qing’s new movements these days, and thought that Ma Qing was finally settled. It seems that he is far underestimating the shamelessness and hegemony of the Ma and his sons.

“Zhang Xiaofan, don’t say that I didn’t give you a chance, come down and fight one. Who won, who will marry Wang Yuanyuan!”

Ma Qing’s strength is not weak, at least with more than eight layers of gas.

He can have such a high level of cultivation, not a source of talent, not enough hardship, but a wealth at home. I have eaten a lot of herbs that increase my source. It is even possible to eat the grass.

“This Xiongtai, there is something to say! Today is the big joy of my cousin’s parents, naturally it is not appropriate to hurt and anger.” Cousin Huang Wei quickly went forward to say good things, hand in hand.

“Roll! There is no part of you to talk here!” Ma Jia is the local Hao Kun, Ma Qing’s father has a knighthood.

The average person is not in the eyes of the horse.

Huang Wei’s strength is unswerving. When he encounters the Ma Kun’s flying and sturdy Hao Kun, there is no way.

Wang Fuyi behind the team looked at the momentum is not right. If you don’t help the three women, today most of the relatives will change hands.

He immediately stepped forward and said with a calm face, “My Wang family volunteered to marry her daughter to Zhang Xiaofan. It is better for the Ma family not to be strong. Otherwise, my family will never agree.”

Wang Fu dare to take such a tough attitude, naturally relying on the big daughter-in-law and the second son-in-law.

The Wang family itself is also an ordinary source farmer’s family, and it is incapable of confronting Ma Hao and so on.

“Hey, the Wang family does not agree to also promise. Half-way interception, this is a custom. This young master is stronger than Zhang Xiaofan’s waste, naturally more suitable for the son-in-law of the Wang family.” Ma Qing sneered, without any compromise.

The big brother-in-law was originally dissatisfied with this family member. Now I can see the sacred festival. I immediately yelled at the yin and yang. “I said Zhang Xiaofan’s mouthful of cowhide. You don’t believe it. Now it’s time to show up. You look at Zhang Xiaofan’s look. In front of the horse house, only the girl’s head. For mercy, how can you be happy if Yuanyuan marries such a person?”

When Zhang Xiaofan encountered a problem, the big brother-in-law did not help, but he still said that the wind was cool and fell into the stone.


In the future, it is best not to ask for Zhang Xiaofan, otherwise he will be told to touch a nose.

On the contrary, the second brother-in-law was very affectionate, and stepped forward to glare at Ma Qing and the Majia people who blocked the road.

“I have listened to Laozi, and I will let the road go away, otherwise don’t blame me for being polite!” The second brother-in-law was a source warrior, and he screamed and frightened that the horses had repeatedly stepped back.

Ma Qing seems to have been prepared, striding to the front of the second brother-in-law, laughing and saying, “Li Zhigang, although you are a source of military, but also have a military status. But my horse’s strength in the official position, can definitely be pressed I’ve had a few heads.”

After moving out of the Majia forces to suppress the second brother-in-law, Ma Qing reached into the sleeves, and his hands were golden, with one more gold coin.

“Small care, not respect, please Li brother not to care about this. How many of my horses can make a force in the military, and later you and I become relatives, and will help you in the army.”

One hand is big, one hand is sweet date, Ma Qing is the most difficult to wrap the king’s two sons.

As long as Li Zhigang is settled, no one can stop the Ma family from intercepting relatives.

Big brother, Tan Zhi, looked at all this enviously.

This is a gold coin. As long as Li Zhigang promised, he can easily earn his hand immediately.

The Ma family is very shrewd and only makes money to Li Zhigang.

“Oh, even if you give more gold coins, I still want to buy Laozi.” The second brother-in-law refused.

This is what makes Zhang Xiaofan grateful.

The character of the second brother-in-law is ten times better than the big brother-in-law.

“Two gold coins!” Ma Qing smiled and added a gold coin.

If you have money to make a ghost, he will not believe that Li Zhigang is not heart-warming.

Li Zhigang is still unmoved and has a clear attitude.

“Ten gold coins! This is equivalent to your two-year military squad!” Ma Qing bite his teeth, in order to be able to get this difficult Wang family two son-in-law, but also the blood.

“Okay, deal!”

Li Zhigang was looking for it, but someone took over the gold coin for him.

He looked back and found that it was the groom’s official Zhang Xiaofan.

Suddenly face B, “Three brothers, are you stupid? People buy silver for me, in order to be able to steal your bride!”

“White gives so much money, why don’t you? Take it!”

Zhang Xiaofan put the gold coin into the hands of the second brother-in-law, and then looked at Ma Qing, who was in doubt.

What kind of evil wind is this kid sucking?

Ma Qing can’t believe this is true.

Only Wang Yuanyuan’s second sister knows Zhang Xiaofan’s strength, but she is the most relaxed one among all.

This horse family is so bad that it will soon be badly moldy.

“Ma Qing, don’t you want to single-handedly? Don’t squat, hurry up, I am still rushing home to worship the family.” Zhang Xiaofan actually took the initiative to accept Ma Qing’s challenge.

Everyone is shocked to see him.

Even Wang Yuanyuan, who is sitting in the sedan chair, is also shocked. She secretly confessed that Zhang Xiaofan really didn’t know the height of the sky, why did his head cramps, and promised to single out with Ma Qing?

Ma Qingyin had a pair of eyes, and he was suspicious of Zhang Xiaofan.

The heart is dark, where is the courage of this kid?

“Give me a lie down!” Ma Qing is also a hazy person, suddenly shot a sneak attack.

A straight punch, banging Zhang Xiaofan’s head.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xiaofan was more powerful than him, and his body was slightly sideways, avoiding his fist. The detective stalked and buckled Ma Qing’s wrist. “Ah, oh yeah… pain, pain…” Ma Qing only felt that the wrist was caught by a pair of iron pliers.

At this moment, he realized that Zhang Xiaofan promised to single-handedly with him.

It turns out that Zhang Xiaofan already has such a terrible strength.

“When did you become so strong?” Ma Qing was terrified to ask.

He was greeted by Zhang Xiaofan’s knees.


Suddenly, Ma Qing’s face became distorted, her body became a shrimp, and she fell to the ground and was in pain.

“On your garbage, I also want to grab my bride? Not self-reliant!” Zhang Xiaofan put Ma Qing down to the ground, turned over and rode a white horse, and the king of the king rushed to the front.

The Majia people were so scared that they rushed to the sides and let them go.

Cousin Huang Wei was relieved for a long time.

The team of the dear is going on.

Wang Fu looked at Zhang Xiaofan, the three daughters, and the more they look, the more pleasing. This kid is really hidden, but actually has a weak strength.

Li Zhigang, the second brother-in-law, also smiled.

In vain, he earned ten gold coins, and Ma Qing was stupid.

Only the big brother, Tan Zhi, looks very unsightly. He used to sing Zhang Xiaofan in front of everyone, and now he has become a jumping clown. Many people look at his eyes and look different.


The team of the deaf did not encounter the block and arrived at Zhangjia.

“The husband’s family has arrived, please ask the bride to get off the sedan!”

The matchmaker sang loudly.

The bride was helped by the sedan chair, and the head was still covered with a hijab. The bride stepped on the tiles and passed the brazier. These procedures are indispensable.

Zhang Xiaofan accompanied him.

Zhang Tiezhu and his wife saw that the son had successfully brought the bride home, and the hanging heart was also falling. They warmly welcomed the relatives of the women and called them to the hall.

It’s just that Zhang’s family is very poor, and the family is on the wall. How many women’s relatives give birth to a contempt for their family.

This is also human nature.

Laughter is not a smile, this is a good training.

If you let the relatives of the Wang family know that Zhang Xiaofan can afford an acre of Lingtian, and he is worth more than a thousand gold coins, they will not be this expression.

“A world!”

Zhang Xiaofan and Wang Yuanyuan worshiped the heavens and the earth and thanked the gods for giving them this goodwill.

“Two worship high church!”

With the parents of both sides, respect the tea, thank the parents for their kindness.

“The husband and wife are worshipping!”

The two met and bowed to each other, and since then they have loved each other and are old-fashioned.

At this step, Wang Yuanyuan really became the wife of Zhang Xiaofan. Next, you only need to exchange the tokens and enter the room.

At this critical juncture, there was a burst of exclamations outside, and then a group of people rushed into Zhang.

Ma Dashan was a gloomy face, with three imposing old men, and a large group of people directly to the Zhangjia Hall. This also disturbed Zhang’s festive atmosphere. It even brought panic.

Zhang Tiezhu looked up and looked at it, and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

If the person who comes is only a good man, he may still be able to say a few words to deal with the past.

After all, the strength of the family Wang Weng is placed there.

Now that the Ma Dashan people directly appealed to the three old people, things can be serious.

“Congratulations to Long Cao Township!”

Zhang Tiezhu directly welcomes.

In this world, government rule does not go to the countryside. It means that the official is at the lowest level and stops at the county. There are no officials in the country.

No one manages the tip of the country, certainly not.

How to do?

The people of the country elected the high hopes and implemented self-government. A total of three will be elected, called the three old.

They don’t have a rank of rank, but they are very high in the country.

In ordinary times, the villagers have conflicts and disputes, and generally they will not be dealt with through the government. Instead, please ask the old man to mediate, the referee.

Unless a serious case such as a life case is filed, it will be reported to the government, and the official will go to the countryside to solve the crime.

“Zhang Xiaofan is bullying and weak, relying on force to injure Ma’s son, and also asking the three old people to preside over justice! These wicked people will be sent to the county to sue, conviction and sin.”

Ma Dashan people hate the voice.

With the power of the Ma family, even in the county town, you can make a strong effort.

It is not a big deal to hurt people, neither to the disabled nor to death. However, Zhang Xiaofan was taken to the county for trial, and the Ma family secretly tried to force it.

The revenge of the Ma family is terrible.

Zhang Tiezhu and the couple listened to the words of the Ma Dashan people and almost scared them to the ground.

After the three old people entered the hall, the men violently pushed off the things on the table, moved three chairs, and set up the court. San Lao is also a very uncomfortable high sitting.

Each face is cold and majestic.

“Zhang Xiaofan, can you know sin?” The old man sitting in the middle of the room, screamed and asked.

“I am not guilty!” Zhang Xiaofan stood upright and despised the court.

What is the three old? Counting a fart in his eyes.

Estimated that the official sergeant can come down today. This alone is enough to make Zhang Xiaofan superior and have the privilege. At that time, he wants Ma Dashan to understand, even if you ask the three old people, it is useless. His son can only fight in a day.

What’s more, Zhang Xiaofan is now a student of Yuanwu College, and this identity is even more honorable than the official title.

Not to mention playing Ma Qing, even if his Ma Taishan people to build on this beat, only your nose Renzai.

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