Master of Exotic Planting

Chapter 275 - Shadow Court

When Zhang Xiaofan asked this question, the big bearded man clearly showed his struggling look, especially his eyes, and he was fighting hard. Seems to want to get rid of the magic mushroom and grass control.

The magic mushroom fairy grass that has been promoted to the second-grade fairy grass cannot actually confuse the person completely. It can be seen that this person’s will is much firmer than imagined.

It can also be seen that the question asked by Zhang Xiaofan should belong to the core secret in the county government.

The woman in Lord Bailing County was very careful, fearing that Zhang Xiaofan would have been prevented from coming to save people. Therefore, the opponents strengthened the precautionary measures early.

It can also be seen that these diners should be particularly loyal to the Lord of Lark.

“Say, where is the beautiful woman brought back by the Lord of Bailing County?” Zhang Xiaofan sealed the main points of the big bearded man in order to prevent the big bearded man from resisting.

The big beard Han was still rebelling. At this time, the girl Xiangxiang suddenly came to the big beard Han and smiled.

“I know you like me. As long as you make my master happy, I will be happy too!” Her voice is so soft that it can melt people directly, and her eyes and expressions are especially able to melt the mind of a man.

The Big Beard Han has been stubbornly resisting the deception of the magic mushroom fairy grass. It can be regarded as a rival to the magic mushroom fairy grass.

He couldn’t escape the confusion of the magic mushroom and grass, and the grass didn’t do anything to completely subdue him.

At this moment, the girl Xiang Xiang helped from the side to resolve the rebellious will of the big bearded man by words, and immediately became the last straw that crushed the camel. In the big eyes of the big bell of the big bearded man, the look of resistance weakened a little and eventually disappeared completely.

After a moment, his eyes cleared.


Kneeling directly in front of Zhang Xiaofan.

“Cheng Wantong meets his master!”

The original name was Cheng Wantong.

Looking at the big bearded man kneeling in front of him, Zhang Xiaofan knew a little more about the magic mushroom fairy grass.

After being promoted to Erpinxiancao, it added a slavery function. Each time a person is successfully enslaved, the other person’s eyes will recover from sluggishness, and his behavior is no different from that of normal people.

How Xiaomoxiancao controlled these people, Zhang Xiaofan didn’t know.

How long they can control these people, Zhang Xiaofan is not clear.

Everything is in the groping stage.

“Get up!”

Zhang Xiaofan did not venture to remove Cheng Wantong’s acupuncture points. Seriously, even he himself didn’t know whether Cheng Wantong had been enslaved?

If the other party is pretending, as long as the restrictions on Cheng Wantong are released, the other party will definitely attack Zhang Xiaofan.

They will fight in time.

Zhang Xiaofan was exposed.

“Is the beautiful woman the owner wants to inquire about, is it Wang Yuanyuan?” Cheng Wantong stood up and stood up.


Zhang Xiaofan was also secretly observing Cheng Wantong’s every move.

At present, it seems that Cheng Wantong is not abnormal, and his performance is no different from that of Xiangxiang Girl.

“After the Lord of Bailing County brought Wang Yuanyuan back to the county government, she was known as a sister to the outside world, but actually put Wang Yuanyuan under house arrest in the backyard. Later, a diner liked Wang Yuanyuan …”

Zhang Xiaofan heard that he was nervous, and hurriedly asked, “What happened later?”

Wang Yuanyuan is his wife and no other man is allowed to think of her.

What he was most worried about was the vicious woman of Lord Bailing County, who directly gave Wang Yuanyuan to his men to buy people’s hearts.

“The host doesn’t have to be nervous. Nothing happened to Wang Yuanyuan and the diners. Because Wang Yuanyuan is gentle and kind on weekdays, she is also clean and self-love, and never has too much contact with other men. Even if she talks, she only talks with some normal people. Things. If she wants to joke with her or chat, she often just laughs. “

“After that diner liked Wang Yuanyuan, he always went to see her secretly and tried to find more ways to get in touch with her. This matter was discovered by the master of Bailing County, and then a ban was put in place. No one was allowed to talk to Wang Yuanyuan. Wang Yuanyuan moved to the backyard of the county main house. Since then, we have never seen Wang Yuanyuan again. I just heard that the host of Bailing County put Wang Yuanyuan under house arrest in the shadow court. “

Cheng Wantong said everything he knew in one go.

Zhang Xiaofan nodded, this time can be considered a lot of relief.

When he learned that his wife was under house arrest, there was inevitably an outburst of anger in his heart.

The hateful, vicious woman of the Lord of Lark, she will find her someday. The most important thing right now is to rescue Wang Yuanyuan.

“Is it easy to want to enter the Shadow Pavilion?” Zhang Xiaofan asked again.

“It is a forbidden area where the county owner lives. Outsiders are strictly forbidden to enter. Even diners and guards in the house are not allowed to enter the backyard. I also heard that there are twelve shadow guards guarding the backyard.”

Although Cheng Wantong is a diner in the county’s main government, he knows very little about the backyard.

But finally provided Zhang Xiaofan with some useful information.

Now I know where Wang Yuanyuan is being held.

“How good are those shadow guards? Are you familiar with the topography of the county home?”

Zhang Xiaofan must sneak into the county’s main house and rescue his wife. Just need to plan well.

Killing indiscriminately is a manifestation of mental retardation.

“The strength of Shadow Guard is very horrible. I already have the peak strength of a big martial artist. I can only be promoted to the level of Wu Wang in just one step. But in front of Shadow Guard, there is no resistance. And we diners have only seen two shadow Wei shot, I heard that there are more powerful movie guards. “

This is too scary.

Just the two weakest shadow guards can kill the diners at the peak level of the big martial artist. It shows that the strength of those shadow guards is at least the king level.

Twelve Wu Kings?

Is this the true strength of the Lord of Lark?

The real spirit of the Phoenix was robbed that day. Fortunately, the Lord of Bailing County did not dare to reveal his true identity, but dared to act with the identity of the owner of the White Lotus Church. Otherwise, there is still a chance for Zhang Xiaofan to succeed?

A random king of war is enough to kill Zhang Xiaofan.

“The master needs the topographic map of the county master, and I have a pair of them.” After that, Cheng Wantong’s storage bracelet lit up, and a map appeared in his hand. “This map was not drawn by me, but by a diner who had been executed.”

Cheng Wantong handed the map to Zhang Xiaofan, with a rather low tone. “This is five years ago. A diner privately painted the topographic map of the county’s main house.

Found it, and executed it in front of all of us. I happened to be in charge of handling the body, but I didn’t expect this person to draw a map on his belly. Finally, I peeled off his belly and kept it dry. “

“I later learned that the executed diner seemed to want to enter the county main house and steal a treasure. The treasure seemed to be related to the tomb of the Qing Emperor.”

Zhang Xiaofan was still curious just now. What kind of paper was used to draw this map? How does it feel special?

Unexpectedly, it was a human skin, so scared that he almost did not throw away the map in his hand.

“The master doesn’t have to be afraid. People die like lights. There are some special marks on this map. Later, I have been secretly researching, but unfortunately I have no idea. If the master is interested, you can also study them. I suspect those special marks are related to that. Related to the treasure that entered the tomb of the Qing Emperor. “

Cheng Wantong is a python. Now that he has been enslaved by the magic mushroom fairy grass, he will never hide anything.

He seemed extremely loyal to the Lord of Lark, and did not expect to have his own plot in secret.

The topographic map of the private house of Seokgun County is not mentioned, but it is often researched, and I want to steal the treasure that can enter the tomb of the Qing Emperor.

Zhang Xiaofan resisted nausea and began to study this human skin map.

I saw that the topography was particularly clear, and even where there were dark channels, they were marked. It can be seen that the person who painted this map has spent a lot of effort.

Sure enough, there are some special marks on the map.

They may seem cluttered. After researching Zhang Xiaofan, they found that these special marks are combined like an invisible gossip array.

He didn’t know much about the formation.

No one can ask now.

After staring at the map carefully, over and over again, Zhang Xiaofan made new discoveries. Around the gossip array, there are some shallow lines that can be easily ignored. There is even a serial number.

After careful study, each complete shallow line is an adventure.

The diner who drew the map probably knew where the treasure was. But with this gossip guardian, if you want to get the treasure inside, you must break in.

Zhang Xiaofan counted. There were seven shallow lines and seven numbers.

“Well, there’s an eighth shallow line here. But it only broke into this position, and it’s gone. If you guessed right, that diner should have made the last battle. Unfortunately, his life was bad and he broke into this The location was found. Then executed. “

The eighth shallow line is obviously much deeper, indicating that the situation was urgent at that time, and that diner engraved the final line before he died.

After clearing up the clues, Zhang Xiaofan had the bottom of his heart.

The first seven items ended in failure. The last line must be correct.

Zhang Xiaofan’s main purpose now is to save people. As for Debao, he will not consider it for the time being. He began to study the location of the Shadow Pavilion.

There is only one way to break into the Shadow Pavilion, which is to enter from the main entrance, and then pass through the area where the diners live. On this way, there will be two obstacles from the escort.

After passing through, it is the area where the servants of the county main government live.

At this time, after passing this area, you can enter the backyard.

After entering the backyard, he still needs to face multiple secret whistle of Mingka, and is also guarded by a terrible shadow guard. Can be described as copper wall iron wall.

Shadow Pavilion is in the heart of the backyard.

Zhang Xiaofan found that the dead diners, the map left by him, and the location of the hidden treasures seemed to be located at Yingge. And at the bottom of the Shadow Pavilion?

As the situation is not clear for the time being, he is not good at drawing conclusions.

Right now, we can only go one step at a time. We must first find a way to sneak into the studio, and find Wang Yuanyuan to talk about.

It has been a long time since the girl Xiang Xiang and the big beard Han entered his room. They can no longer be allowed to stay.

“Remember, you are not allowed to call me master in front of outsiders, nor can you reveal the master-slave relationship with me. Cheng Wantong, you have a big fight and then go out. The saying to outsiders is to compete with me for the girl Xiangxiang and be jealous .I was frightened by you in the end. “

Zhang Xiaofan set the tone.

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