Master of Exotic Planting

Chapter 278 - Chuangying Pavilion

Zhang Xiaofan quickly walked through the area where the diners were located, during which several diners came out and walked, and there were even diners practicing swords there. The cultivation of these people is not weak. Can be hired as a diner by the county government, at least also the leader of the source martial arts division.

Even more powerful is the level of the big martial arts.

With Zhang Xiaofan’s current strength, it is no problem to deal with one or two great martial artists. Let him deal with it for thousands, it is estimated that in the blink of an eye, they will be chopped down without leaving any residue.

After breaking through the area where the diners lived, he went into the depths of the county main house.

Moving forward, there are two lower rows of dormitory rooms. This is the place where slaves live.

No matter where it is, being a slave can never have a high status. The treatment received is also the worst.

“These slave rooms are a good hiding place!” Zhang Xiaofan casually checked the situation of the two slave rooms. Most of them lived in maids, while the other quarters housed men.

The slaves in these county governments are not high in cultivation and are better controlled.

Hiding in their dormitory, they are less likely to be found.

Even if something happens, it’s better to control.

After crossing the slave room, a row of more elegant courtyards came into view. Twenty or so are in the form of townhouses, and the rest are similar to the houses where diners live.

Be regarded as a high-end collective dormitory.

According to the mark on that map, the guard of the county main house lives here. The number is not large, only about one hundred.

The Lord of Lark is a very clever woman. Instead of spending a lot of money to support a large number of guards, it is better to spend more money to support some diners.

Because the latter saves money.

The escorts belong to the contract workers of the county’s main government. Diners are much different. Just eat and control, and you can get them by giving them a reward.

In addition, the strength of the diners is not weaker than the guards.

Zhang Xiaofan also deliberately checked the strength of those guards when he passed through the area where the guards lived.

Basically, they are all martial arts divisions, and those guards who are eligible to live in townhouses may be stronger. It does not rule out the existence of the King of War.

After all, this is the county seat.

Just then, two men came quickly, wearing silver armor similar to pangolin scales.

Zhang Xiaofan hid in a dark corner quickly and didn’t dare to move.

Even if they were far apart, he could feel the terrible breath from those two men.

The two men went into a separate yard.

“Are they the shadow guards?”

First of all, the cultivation of these two people is likely to be the rank of Wu Wang, because each step they take is 40-50 meters away. And walking between walks like a walk in the court, just like ordinary people walk normally.

In addition, they wore special armor.

Silver glittering, like stars.

If they are running fast or moving, their armor should have a certain stealth effect.

After the two had fallen into their respective courtyards, Zhang Xiaofan stepped out of the dark and moved on.

After passing the guarded townhouse yard, a very nice garden appeared. In addition to the green grass, there are flower gardens made of masonry. Inside are rare exotic flowers.

This area is as beautiful as a royal garden, with gravel-paved paths for walking. In the middle of the garden, there is an avenue about three meters wide, covered with floor tiles.

A horse-drawn carriage passed by it was definitely fine.

The garden area is uninhabited and has no premises. This design is estimated to separate the inner court and the front yard where the county owner lives, to show the royal majesty.

After running through the garden area, I finally saw the entrance door to the inner courtyard.

It is currently closed and only one side door has been opened.

Zhang Xiaofan was also polite and broke in directly through the small door.


A cold drink came.

Zhang Xiaofan was startled, stopped in a hurry, and lurked in the dark.

He is very confident in his stealth, as long as he does not move, he will not make a sound. Even the master of the Wuwang series could not find him.

I just rushed in from the outside, so I didn’t see anything inside. Unexpectedly, there were two shadow guards guarding behind the door.

Anyway, the master of the Wuwang series, even if Zhang Xiaofan disappeared, when he rushed over, there was a noise, and they must have heard it. And when you run over, it will drive the air and produce wind.

For ordinary people, this air flow is difficult to sense.

But for King Wu, it was equivalent to someone passing by at high speed in the water. The fluctuations in the water flow driven by them will definitely be sensed in the first place.

“Brother Wang, something must have broken into the inner courtyard just now.” Said the gray-haired shadow guard on the left.

“I sensed it too. Would you like to look it up first?”

The shadow guard known as Brother Wang has begun to look around. Zhang Xiaofan lay in the shadows, holding his breath, daring to move.

He didn’t want to lose ground.

As long as he avoids this wave of searches, he can sneak into the core studio. When Wang Yuanyuan is rescued, he will succeed.

The two shadow guards searched with their torches and found nothing.

“Brother Liu, shall we ask more people to come and search?” Brother Wang asked a little uneasily.

“Forget it, just in case nothing is found, it’s so shameful. Besides, you and my cultivation are not a cat or a dog. If someone really rushes in front, you can definitely find it. Maybe we are too careful. , Mistakenly blowing wind and grass as someone invading. “

After the gray-haired old man finished speaking, he really sat on the pier behind the door and meditated.

Although the brother Wang is a little unwilling, he can only give up temporarily.

Zhang Xiaofan quietly looked at the movement of the two, and saw that the shadow guard with the surname Liu from time to time scanned the surrounding area with the light from the corner of his eye.

“It turned out that this old guy was deliberately cheating, trying to trick me into revealing flaws, and then knocking me out.” Zhang Xiaofan’s wisdom was extraordinary, and he found that the two shadow guards were both loose and tight.

On the surface, they have given up searching for intruders, but in reality, they are observing everything in the surroundings.

The king of martial arts is a very magical state, more than ten times more powerful than a large martial artist.

Especially the slight changes in the surrounding things, it is almost perverted.

“If you want to play tricks, let’s play with you.”

Zhang Xiaofan quietly took out the mutant python and let it drill from the ground.


The slight movement sounded in the distance, the sound made by the python.


The two shadow guards acted almost at the same time, and they flew past the thunderous position towards the sounding place. They are too fast. Unless Zhang Xiaofan uses the star fairy grass, they will never reach their speed.

Even if the lightness +2, speed and agility are twice as fast as the big martial artist of the same level, he is still not as fast as these martial king series.

It seems that the difference between the two is not just power, but also control of the heavens and the earth.

The great martial arts force cannot sense the power of heaven and earth.

But King Wu can.

They can conform to heaven and earth and let the power of heaven and earth help themselves to attack or move.

It’s like Zhang Xiaofan and a martial king running at the same time. Because the King of Wu knows the power of heaven and earth, he can borrow power, which is equivalent to a big invisible hand pushing him behind.

And Zhang Xiaofan couldn’t sense the power of the world at all, not only could he not use the force, but he was also hindered.

Over time, this gap has become very large.

The speed of the warlord is at least three times faster than that of the great warrior.

“Two idiots.” Zhang Xiaofan sneered out of the shade, trying not to make any noise, and moved a little to the location of Yingge.

As for the two clever shadow guards, let them dig the ground three feet and play hide and seek with the mutant python.

Hehe, it’s just that they want to catch mutant pythons. It is estimated that they have to dig down the entire inner court of the county’s main government.

Just ask them if they have the courage?

The accurate sensing range of the large martial arts division is about ten meters, and the martial arts level should increase tenfold. Probably can accurately detect slight movements within 100 meters.

Zhang Xiaofan didn’t dare to carelessly, until he was separated from the two shadow guards by more than two hundred meters, he was relieved.

The mutant python was also quietly retracted and re-inserted into a hundred sketches.

It is ridiculous that the two warlords could not find anyone, but thought that someone had sneaked into the county’s main house. So they started to call friends and greet other shadow guards to help them search together.

As everyone knows, Zhang Xiaofan has already reached the entrance of Yingge.

This is a quaint-looking pavilion.

More precisely, it looks like a stupa. Not high, only three levels. It depicts various ancient patterns, as well as ancient inscriptions.

Zhang Xiaofan is not particularly knowledgeable, but with his eyesight, he can be 200% sure that these patterns and inscriptions are not cultural products of this era. Should be older.

“These patterns all seem to be related to flowers and trees, and the content of those inscriptions is to praise the Emperor Shennong. Is the treasure terrain circled on the human skin map real?”

Zhang Xiaofan should now be located in that treasure location.

However, according to the mark on the Tibetan [interesting novel] treasure map, the real entrance is in the Yingge. And the location of the treasure is minus three floors underground.

The construction of this studio is very special.

There are only three floors on the ground and three floors below the ground.

I want to be nailed to the ground when a shuttle is nailed to the ground.

This is also one of Treasure’s common architectural solutions.

“Break into the Yingge first, and find Yuanyuan before talking.”

Zhang Xiaofan rushed to the entrance immediately. Soon, he stopped again, because he found that there were three shadow guards sitting at the entrance.

There are only two guards in other places, but there are three people here, which further illustrates the importance of Yingge.

There must be hidden treasures in it.

Otherwise, for Wang Yuanyuan alone, the Lord of Bailing County would never be so alert.

“Take these people away!”

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