Master of Exotic Planting

Chapter 34 - The abacus is ringing

“Oh, when I talked about this, even I was almost cheated. Afterwards, the more I thought about it, the more I felt that something was wrong. Zhang Xiaofan was a poor boy in the countryside. He didn’t touch Yang Lao’s gossip. How could he climb the friendship?”

When Ma Dianshi talked about this matter, his face showed a smug expression.

Both Ma Dashan and Ma Qing are listening and looking forward to the following.

“I later thought of a way to spend money to buy a servant from Yang’s house. After careful inquiry, I realized that Zhang Xiaofan helped Yang Laojia to cure a sick grass and earned Yang. The old man had 50 gold coins. After the weather was too late, he stayed in Yangfu for one night. The matter was so simple, it was not a friendship with Yang Lao.”

When Ma Dianshi talked about this matter, there was a bit of remorse in his heart.

I knew that Zhang Xiaofan had no friendship with Yang Lao, and he was afraid of him. Directly put the white mushroom into the black, you can make a big hair.

“Oh, no wonder that the kid suddenly became very rich. I heard that I bought three pieces of Jewelry Jewelry in one go. It turned out that I made a fortune by this.” Ma Dashan people suddenly realized. “In this way, Zhang Xiaofan and Yang Laoren only made a deal, and there is no friendship.”

“Just that kid has always been very ordinary, I have never heard of knowing how to cure the grass!”

The Ma Dashan people are aware of all the villagers in Longcao Township.

Because everyone relies on renting Ling Tian from his hands to live.

Zhang Jia is a tenant farmer under his hand for many years. Not to mention Zhang Xiaofan, Zhang Tiezhu, who has been a source farmer for decades, did not have the ability to cure the grass.

“Big brother is this true? That kid really does not know how to cure the grass?” Ma Dianshi asked.

“That is true! Zhang Xiaofan and my child Ma Qing are classmates, what is his ability, Qinger is the clearest!” Ma Dashan nodded very positively.

“Uncle, I can guarantee that Zhang Xiaofan has nothing to do except boring his head. He does not say that he is treating the grass, even if the common herbs are not good.”

Ma Qing is also convinced to confirm.

This time, the last hanging heart of Ma Dianshi also fell to the ground.

“It seems that the kid is a scorpion cat who has run into a dead mouse. He has made a fortune by relying on the tricks of abduction. In this case, I only need to tell Yang Lao, that Zhang Xiaofan must not be able to take it. Earn money and spit it out.”

Ma Dianshi’s eyes were bright and his face flashed with a haze.

After many years of smuggling in the officialdom, other skills have not been learned, and the skill of conspiracy calculations has been well-rounded.

“Second brother, this time you have a shot, you must be ten, and you can put Zhang Xiaofan into a dead dog.” Ma Dashan people also know the means of their younger brother, but it is very powerful.

Turning your hand is a cloud, and covering your hand is rain.

“It is best to give Zhang Xiaofan’s Yuanwu College student status, and bring him back to the original shape!”

Ma Qing is also hateful and said.

Father and son, it is hateful to Zhang Xiaofan, and the enemy is like the sea.

“Don’t worry, this time, by giving the opportunity to give gifts to Yang Lao, I will definitely tell Zhang Xiaofan to lie to his old man, and make it clear. When the county is furious, he took him to prison and sentenced him to a felony. He has a case at the end, Yuanwu College will naturally not accept him.”

The abacus of Ma Dianshi was fine and creaking.

I think that Zhang Xiaofan’s calculations will definitely not turn over.

“Second brother, the white mushroom into the public library, how to get it out, you haven’t said it yet!” Ma Dashan people thought to help his son promote to the realm of the source.

Because Zhang Xiaofan was promoted to the realm of the source of war, the status of strength immediately pressed him to the hegemon of Longcao Township.

The excitement for him is really too big.

Looking at someone else’s family has a big break, he is naturally jealous.

I also hope to train my son to train the dragon in the adult.

“This is not difficult, just take a stalk of grass and change it. When I first reported it, I deliberately left a hand, only wrote a first-class grass, and did not specify what is the grass. Plus me In charge of the key to the public library, the head of the library is also my own, secretly transferring the white mushroom, no one will know.”

As a family history, Ma Dianshi is the leader and has a very strong power.

After Ma Qing and his son listened, they were overjoyed.

There are three plants in the Ma family. If you want to give a gift to Ma Dianshi, there are only two plants left.

One of them was taken to replace the white water mushroom, and the remaining one was given to Ma Qing for donation to the government and a bachelor’s degree.

After all, the Ma family was stimulated by Zhang Xiaofan this time, so it will be so embarrassing.

After the three people negotiated, Ma Dianshi first went back to the county. Let Ma Qing go with the wood source farmer with the three grasses to the county town the next day.

Mainly the last Zhuguo suddenly died, leaving the Majia people with a lingering fear.

I am very worried that the tragedy will repeat itself.

The remaining three strains of grass, each plant has a large purpose. There must be no leaks.

With Muzi ink, the second-level source of agricultural insurance, they are more practical.


The next day, Ma Qing was still very painful in disregard of the broken leg, letting the next person carry the carriage. With the only three plants left in the Ma family, they rushed to the county town of Tuen Mun with Moyuan farmers.

Shortly after Ma Qing’s departure, there was another figure of a young man who also embarked on the official road.

The eyebrows of the sword eyebrows are solid and quite handsome.

Not someone else, it is Zhang Xiaofan.

He rushed to the county town today, just to subscribe for an acre of Lingtian, only to solve this matter. After more than a month, he was able to leave his hometown with peace of mind and go to Yuanwu College in the county.

Along the way, the sun is very poisonous.

However, for Zhang Xiaofan, the source of the war, it is nothing.

“If I can have a mount!” Zhang Xiaofan really wants to have a mount.

Now it’s just going to the county seat, relying on his two legs, at least one hour or more.

This is still because his cultivation is promoted to the source of the war, this only takes one hour. If it is an ordinary person, it takes at least two or three hours.

If he arrives in the county town in the future, wouldn’t he be more troublesome if he wants to go back to his home?

If you have a mount, the time to hurry can be greatly reduced. People can also be more relaxed.

What’s more, he also wants to go out with his wife and see the wonderful world outside.

Wang Yuanyuan is so beautiful, she is especially young, and she is thrown at home alone. Zhang Xiaofan is reluctant and does not dare.

If Zhang Qing was slandered, Zhang Xiaofan had no place to cry.

Ordinary horses, Zhang Xiaofan can’t look up, he wants to conquer a source beast as a mount.

In his mind, a fierce source wolf emerged involuntarily. It is the source wolf that guards the blue dragon vine.

I almost killed Zhang Xiaofan last time.

If you can conquer it and ride around, you must be very cool.

“My wide-leaved sword grass, at most another month, can certainly be upgraded to Lingcao. When I take it, I will be promoted to a two-star source, and I will have the strength to conquer the source wolf. Don’t worry, you can only slowly squat.”

Zhang Xiaofan began to consciously practice his body and footwork.

Rather than purely rushing.


After nearly an hour, Zhang Xiaofan appeared at the gate of the city.

This time, he didn’t line up and didn’t have to rely on anyone’s face. Directly show off the new black iron waist card and take the green channel. This is a unique symbol of the privileged class. Civilians can only have a wooden waist card at most.

Even the three old people in Longcao Township also have only wooden waist cards.

This is why everyone wants to get a title.

The city guards who guarded the city gate carefully examined Zhang Xiaofan’s black iron waist card and then released it.

“Haha… really cool!”

Zhang Xiaofan looked at the queue of growing dragons, waiting in line to wait for the civilians entering the city, a sense of superiority came to life.

The treatment of the nobility is good.

One does not need to line up, and the second does not have to pay the city fee. Wherever I go, I am a grandfather.

After entering the city, Zhang Xiaofan went all the way to the county door.

He couldn’t help but feel excited. “I will soon have an acre of my own Lingtian! After that, I will never dare to look at the face of the Ma family. My children and grandchildren can benefit from it.”

After a street, Yang Lao was buying a flower pot. As soon as he looked up, he saw a figure walking through the street ahead.

He looked up and looked at it. Isn’t this the Zhang Xiaofan brother who treated his own spiritual grass last time?

The old man Yang returned the flowers and fertilizers of Shennonge.

To this end, he also had a fight with the Shennong Pavilion.

It was only a small matter, and Mr. Yang was also a reasonable person. I only ask the other party to refund the money, and there is no mention of the loss of the grass. Who knows that Shennonge shop is a big bully.

Plus, I don’t know that Mr. Yang is the old man of the county.

I heard that Mr. Yang said that their fertilizer had problems and almost killed the grass. The people at Shennong Pavilion are very angry.

The attitude was arrogant and rude, and Mr. Yang was directly driven out.

Then the next thing can be guessed with the toes. The county was furious and sent an official to seal the shop of Shennongge in Ping County, and arrested many people. This is a big trouble.

In addition, the fertilizer of Shennongge is indeed a problem.

Someone took the lead in making trouble, and other guests who had suffered losses were also returning homes and claiming.

In the end, Shennong Pavilion had a rough face and its reputation was greatly affected.

Mr. Yang Lao does not dare to use fertilizer again.

But without fertilization, the growth rate of the herb is too slow. And soon became thin and malnourished. This is more likely to get sick.

He is also looking for an opportunity to go to Longcao Township and ask Zhang Xiaofan for advice.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xiaofan actually entered the city again.

Mr. Yang Lao did not even buy the flower pot, and immediately chased Zhang Xiaofan in the back.

It is a pity that he is an old man, his legs and feet are not very good, and he walks very slowly.

I can’t catch up in the back.

It’s useless to shout the throat. There are too many pedestrians on the street. It’s very busy.

No way, Yang Laozu can only chase after him.

Zhang Xiaofan did not know that Yang Laojia was chasing after him and calling himself. He went straight to the county gate and went in the house.

Just as soon as I entered the door, hey, who is this to do? Actually lying on the stretcher, was carried by people.

Looking at it again, Zhang Xiaofan suddenly twitched his mouth. It turned out to be the young Ma Qing who was interrupted by a leg two days ago.

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