Master of Exotic Planting

Chapter 37 - The sincerity of apology is not enough.

“What? What? What is it? It is useless to break the throat! Give it to me!” Ma Dianshi said that he was not afraid, but he was guilty.

After all, it’s a day of light.

Not only did he have his colleagues, but also many ordinary people who came to work.

When it comes to publicity, the pressure on his history will be great.

Originally, according to the idea of ​​Ma Dianshi, Zhang Xiaofan was absolutely afraid to resist. Now it seems that he underestimated the bloodiness of Zhang Xiaofan.

Two more officials rushed in.

No one dares to make trouble in the county, but no one dares to resist the official arrest.

“Put the knife down. If there is any sensation, you can go to the lobby to defend. Do you hear it? Call you to put down the knife, don’t resist, don’t be conceited!” The two officially rushed into the two official positions, holding strong.

I have already filled in the arrow and aimed at Zhang Xiaofan.

As long as the machine is pressed, the arrow will be shot and Zhang Xiaofan will be shot on the spot.

This kind of power is replaced by the military. Some of them are also available. It’s a pity that it’s a pity to throw it away, and it’s obviously more undesirable to go out and sell it to a private person.

Because this will lead to some big landlords, forming private armed forces.

At that time, it will lay a major hidden danger for national security.

In the end, these equipments were transferred to the local government to arm the servants and bureaucrats.

Zhang Xiaofan was targeted by two powerful scorpions, and he was shocked and numb.

If he continues to resist, he will really be shot.


He did not resist again, and he threw away the Emperor’s knife in his hand.

“That’s right!” The two officials slammed into the front and locked him on the spot with a chain.

This kind of iron chain is made of fine iron, the surface is rough, and the person’s arms are locked behind him, and it is impossible to break free. Their method of locking people is very professional. As long as the prisoner struggles, the chain will be plucked into the prisoner’s neck.

“Haha, this time is honest? Was it not quite arrogant?” Ma Dianshi saw that Zhang Xiaofan was locked, unable to resist again, and he was also very determined.

Ma Qing is admiring to look at his uncle, secretly in his heart.


Zhang Xiaofan’s arrogant character, his uncle’s embarrassment, made him a prisoner.

It’s really thrilling to think about it, and I don’t know where the kid got the huge fortune of a thousand gold coins. If Zhang Xiaofan bought an acre of Lingtian, after Zhangjia was in Baihua Village, he could definitely stand up against the Ma family.

The reason why the Ma family is the overlord of Longcao Township is because it controls all the Lingtian.

No matter who you want to make money, you have to look at the face of the Ma family.

Ma Dianshi went to Zhang Xiaofan and picked up the overlord knife thrown on the ground. He immediately saw that it was a good knife. Near the handle, there is a stamp of Liu Ji.

“I also said that you are not a robber. You are a source farmer. What do you do with such a good weapon? It is clearly that you want to kill and rob people. This is a crime.” Ma Dianshi’s mouth can be said.

It is his strength to buckle the scorpion and wear a sin hat.

Zhang Xiaofan, an ordinary person who is obedient and disciplined, has been shackled into a criminal by his life. It is even more evident that there is a crime.


Ma Dianshi is proud to give Zhang Xiaofan a charge and wash himself. After the result, the head of the head smashed a bit.

“Ah, what kind of dog thing, dare to beat this official?”

Ma Dianshi was mad at the back of his head, glaring at the back of his head, turning his eyes to look at the perpetrators.

He has not noticed that the atmosphere inside the house is a bit strange.

Whether it is his staff, or four senior officials, one is stunned and dare not say anything. Apparently, the character who beat him is very bullish, and this is why he has a lot of bureaucrats and servants.

Ma Dian history does not look tight, this look, the three souls scared only one soul.

“Yang, Yang Lao Daren… How come you? The younger generation was still thinking about waiting for the meeting, and went to your home to visit!” All the anger and killings of Ma Dianshi were wiped out in an instant.

Even if he ate a bear and a leopard, he would never dare to confront the old man of the county.

“If the old man does not come, I am afraid I will never see your dog officer who is mourning. I am so deliberately bullying the people. What happened to Zhang Xiaofan? You called him a robber.”

“And you, one by one, eating royal food, wearing tiger skin, letting the real mantle flow, killing people and murderers not to catch, but here is a slap in the face of the tiger. Together to bully the people who are obedient, the old man has to ask, Who gave you the courage? Who told you to do this? If you are the one who Yang Tie instructed, the old man must interrupt his leg.”

Yang Lao’s anger is unstoppable, pointing to several senior officials.

They bowed their heads one by one, shy and fearful, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

The entire Pingxian County, dare to name the name of the name of the county, the only name is the old man. As for the public to smash the legs of the county, it is even more important for Yang Laoda.

Ma Dianshi is a guilty conscience, can this kind of thing dare to alarm the county magnate?

He also wants to find the throne of the county.

If the anger of Yang Laotian can’t be settled, it is really a skunk for the county. The county must be angry and angered.

At that time, Ma Dianshi said that it was a promotion, and it would be nice to be able to keep the current history.


Ma Dianshi was so ruthless that he was in front of Yang’s boss and asked for mercy.

“Yang Laoren is angry, I am joking with Zhang Xiaofan! What are you doing? Hurry up and loose!” Ma Dianshi shouted at the four senior officials.

At this moment, the heart of Ma Dianshi must have collapsed.

He is clever and thinks that he has no relationship with Zhang Xiaofan and Yang Lao. Now I see Yang Lao’s maintenance of Zhang Xiaofan, the relationship is obviously very unusual.

At the moment, I have to turn this off before I say it.

As for dignity, face, and what is the comparison with the position?

In order to help him sit in the history of the history, Ma’s family spent a great price. If the official position is removed, he has no place to cry.

The four official officials dared to neglect, on the spot respectfully decommissioned Zhang Xiaofan’s chain, and then apologized to Zhang Xiaofan, apologize.

“Yang old man, do you see it now?” Ma Dianshi asked a smile that was more ugly than crying.

“Don’t ask the old man to be dissatisfied, you have to ask people if Zhang Xiaofan will forgive you!” Yang is still cold with a face.

The old gentleman said this, everyone looked at Zhang Xiaofan’s eyes and immediately became different.

Not simple, the relationship between the two is definitely not simple.

The official officials and servants in the field are all characters who are stalking the officialdom. They are very sensitive to the relationship between the people. Yang Laotian cares about Zhang Xiaofan’s feelings, which shows that Zhang Xiaofan’s position in Yang Lao’s mind is very important.

Ma Dianshi’s heart is ten thousand reluctant, but in order to keep his official position, his desire for survival is very strong.

“Zhang Gongshi, just Ma is wrong, I apologize to you!” Ma Dianshi, in front of so many people, apologized to Zhang Xiaofan, it is even more uncomfortable than killing him.

“I almost took me to prison, and I apologize? I don’t accept it!” Now it is Zhang Xiaofan’s turn to be proud.

Ma Dian’s history was so hot that he had already apologized and thought about it.

However, with the old man Yang, he is watching, and even if he has a big anger, he can only kneel.

Take a deep breath, press down the wrath of the sky, try to make your tone flat. “I don’t know what Zhang Gongshi wants to forgive me?” After Ma Dianshi finished, the old face burst into fever.

He felt that he was particularly embarrassed at the moment.

He apologized to a people on the ground, but he was flattering and flattering. He definitely opened the precedent of the history of the classics and succeeded in being the most embarrassing history in history.

“Apologizes must be sincere! For example, the management of Lingtian in Longcao Township, if it is handed over to Zhangjia, it is very good!” Zhang Xiaofan is definitely a big opening for the lion.

He will directly break most of the black income of the Ma family.

The entire Lingcao Township has about a thousand acres of Lingtian, and removes the ten acres of Lingtian that the Ma family has already purchased. The rest are public fields.

Majia rents to the source farmer and collects the rent of two gold coins per mu. However, if you hand it over to the government, you must deduct at least two or three silver coins per mu.

In the middle of the difference, earning is not a star and a half.

If you don’t rely on this to make money, the Ma family can’t afford ten acres of Lingtian.

“You, you can’t think about it!” Ma Dian history is like a cat stepped on the tail, very angry.

I just didn’t fight with Zhang Xiaofan.

“The attitude of Ma Ying is still very bad! I still find the county magnate, and say it.”

Zhang Xiaofan took the lifeline of Ma Dianshi, not afraid that this old boy would not follow suit.

Sure enough, the face of Ma Dianshi is inconsistent and constantly changing.

He is weighing the stakes.

Today, it was really a **** disease of eight generations. Not only did I fail to get the gold ticket in Zhang Xiaofan’s hand, but I slammed it into flames and carried myself to the fire.

If Zhang Xiaofan does not let him down, he is likely to be burned to death.

The cockroaches made by myself are blood and tears, and they have to be returned.

Ma Dianshi finally made a decision, first save the official position, and then have the opportunity to make money.

If he falls down, the management of Lingtian in Longcao Town will still change hands.

“Well, this code history promises you. You can hand over the management of Lingtian in half of Longcao Town to Zhang.” Ma Dianshi bit his teeth and hate the voice.

“What I want is all, not half!” Zhang Xiaofan did not let it go.

“Zhang Xiaofan, everyone is a local person, don’t look up and see. Advise you not to do too much, give yourself a trail.” The voice of Ma Dianshi is extremely cold.

“I only know that I can go forward without a back road! If the sincerity of the Ma Ying adults is not enough, then there is no way, only…” Zhang Xiaofan sneered.

“Count you! The history of this code promised to give all the management rights of Lingcao Township to Zhangjia.” Ma Dianshi with tears agreed with Zhang Xiaofan’s shameless conditions.

In this case, Ma’s annual loss of income is at least 200 gold coins.

“Transfer now, your character, I am credible!” Although Zhang Xiaofan is young, doing things is dripping.

Ma Dianshi was a gust of gas, his throat rolling, and he swallowed the tumbling blood.

Too bully, to get the benefits, but also to question his character.

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