Master of Exotic Planting

Chapter 4 - The marriage has become

Ma Qing and Ma Dashan are very anxious.

“Mu Master, don’t look at it, hurry to find a way to save it, I am dying!” Ma Qing could not help but rush.

“Two young masters, this Zhu Guo died very embarrassed. Ling herbs are delicate herbs, if only a small problem, perhaps Mu can still save it. Now the leaves have dried up, completely dead, let alone me, even if please Come to Sanheyuan, and also return to the sky.”

Muzi ink station got up and shook his head and sighed.

“It’s over, it’s over…” Ma Qing wanted to annihilate Wang Yuanyuan’s hopes.

His face was white and unwilling. A pair of cold scorpions, can not help but look at Zhang Xiaofan again.

“Oh yeah… I am also hurting me!” Ma Dashan was even more brave and almost shut off.

He is a famous miser, and there are only one or two grasses in the Ma family.

Losing a strain easily, it is equivalent to cutting off a piece of heart.

Now that I have lost my personal finances, my medicine has died, and my daughter-in-law has not been able to get it. How can he not feel sad?

Everything is self-defeating.

If their father and son don’t want to harm people, how can they be cleaned up by Zhang Xiaofan?

“Please, my king’s family does not welcome you!” Wang Fu once again issued a demurrage order to Ma Dashan and Ma Qing.

The face of Ma Dashan is iron and blue, roaring and turning around.

There are no words in the sentence.

Today, I came to pay homage to my relatives with a thick gift. I didn’t expect to make a fuss, and the loss was heavy. This also makes him very faceless.

Even if Wang Fu is not a guest, he has no face to stay here again.

Ma Qing was very reluctant to look at the beautiful and moving Wang Yuanyuan, and her heart was extremely unwilling.

He is a sinister villain, he can’t get it, and he doesn’t want others to get it.

“The fire ginseng sent by Zhang Xiaofan’s family is also a problem. He should also be driven away.”

Ma Qing said to Wang Fu.

There was such a bad thing in succession, and Wang Fu’s good mood was gone. He felt a little annoyed.

After listening to Ma Qing’s words, I looked at Zhang Xiaofan’s father and son with poor eyes.

Wang Yuanyuan seems to be nervous. In a short period of time, Zhang Xiaofan may not be able to change anything. This marriage is mostly yellow.

Although Zhang Xiaofan has always been very inferior, she has quietly paid attention to the hard and honest Zhang Xiaofan, who has a good impression on him.

This is also the main reason why she will promise this marriage.

It’s just that Zhang Xiaofan doesn’t know all about it.

“I said, if you can’t send a fresh fire to Wang Bobo as a birthday gift, I will have no face to look at Wang Yuanyuan.” Zhang Xiaofan is full of confidence, just now, he has added the vitality of the fire to the full value.

The body is weak.

This is because the cultivation is too low, and the vitality of Zhu Guo is reduced to 10, and the vitality of the fire ginseng is added to 100, and all the spiritual power in his body is completely consumed.

When he was manipulating, he found that the life of the grass was increased and consumed, and the spiritual power consumed was much more.

On the contrary, it is to increase or decrease the vitality of the grass, and the spiritual power consumed is ten times less.

“It’s useless to say it, you just unveil the red cloth!” Ma Qing urged.

Everyone is watching with breath, waiting for the miracle to appear.

Zhang Xiaofan smiled and unveiled the red cloth.

“Wow! I am not mistaken, the fire has really recovered!”

“It seems that the fire of the fire, just a lack of water!”

The onlookers burst into exclamations and looked at it incredibly. Many people think that Zhang Xiaofan poured water into a basin and saved the fire.

They never imagined that Zhang Xiaofan had super powers, which would make it possible to rejuvenate.

Zhang Tiezhu’s mood is like riding a roller coaster.

A hell, a paradise for a while.

The fire ginseng that had been smashed has already become alive again, and he still can’t believe his eyes. Wipe and rub, after confirming that it is true, suddenly grin.

Wang Yuanyuan’s pretty face showed a happy smile. Just now, let her squeeze a sweat, after all, it is her lifelong event.

Wang Fu’s face has also become much more beautiful.

The fake face of Ma Dashan was changed from iron blue to black and blue, which is very scary. Gloomy can drip out water.

This round of confrontation, Ma Jia lost to Zhang.

“This is impossible, I am clear…” Ma Qing was in a hurry and almost said that he had missed his mouth.

Just now he clearly made the bad, Shi Zhanhan ice palm will Zhang Xiaofan’s fire to freeze to death. How do you blink your eyes, and the original fire ginseng has returned to normal?

Is it because my cold palm is too bad, even the entry has not been reached?

Ma Qing is suspicious and his face is cloudy and uncertain.

“Wang Bobo, please check it. Are you satisfied with this pot of fire? If there is no problem, I solemnly propose to Wang Yuanyuan and choose a day to meet the door.”

Zhang Xiaofan did not go down again.

Re-shrinking his hands, fearing that if he is afraid of that, Wang Yuanyuan will be taken away by others.

Wang Yuanyuan shyly bowed his head and sneaked at him, a heart beat.

She has never seen Zhang Xiaofan so brave.

For love, Zhang Xiaofan can become particularly brave, which makes her heart sweet, very useful.

Wang Fu took over the fire, and looked carefully, very satisfied.

The smile is also reappearing on his face.

“The fire is good, the people are not bad! The danger is not chaotic, the wisdom and courage are both full, it is really impressive. This gift, my king accepted it!” Wang Fu took over the fire, and there was a deep smile in his eyes.

Appreciate the prospective son-in-law, the more satisfied you are.

Being able to marry her daughter to such a young man with responsibility, wisdom and courage is reassuring.

The misunderstandings between the two companies have also disappeared.

“This affair, I do not agree!” Ma Qing squinted, hate the channel.

“Why? I am not your daughter.” Zhang Xiaofan was completely angry. Ma Qing was too wide.

I can’t find it myself, don’t you let others swear?

“Just because you are the tenant of my family! Wang Yuanyuan is the woman I saw on Ma Qing. Who dares to marry her is to go with my horse. Zhang Xiaofan, as long as you dare to marry her, the consequences are conceited.”

Ma Qing’s threat of evil.

Fighting with Zhang Xiaofan for the failure of the beauty, Ma Qing is completely tearing his face, and wants to bully Zhang Xiaofan with his family.

Let Zhang Jiaxuan give up this marriage.

Wang Yuanyuan was anxious and angry. “You, you are shameless…you can’t control the things of our royal family!”

She couldn’t easily talk about marriage with her heart-wrenching lover. Ma Qing is a little evil and jumps out of the game. How can she not be angry if she wants to stir up her and Zhang Xiaofan’s relatives?

Seeing that Wang Yuanyuan was so protective to Zhang Xiaofan, Ma Qing only felt burned in the fire and his face became more cold.

“Zhang Tiezhu, you better advise your son!”

Ma Qing cold channel.

The Ma family controlled the Lingtian in this area, which is equivalent to the lifeline of the civilian family. Ma Qing believes that Zhang will definitely compromise and bow down and give up this marriage.

“Wang Yuanyuan, I am determined! If Ma Shaoye has nothing else, he can go.” Zhang Xiaofan’s attitude is very determined.

This gave Wang Yuanyuan a reassurance.

She looked at Zhang Xiaofan’s eyes, sparkling.

“Very good, let’s walk, you must have regrets.” Ma Qing hated to leave.

The birthday banquet was held normally, and Zhang Xiaofan and Zhang Tiezhu became the guest of the Wang family.

The two will soon be married, Zhang Tiezhu and Wang Fu are old classmates, and the two kissed each other and frequently toasted.

Zhang Xiaofan peeks at the beautiful and moving Wang Yuanyuan from time to time, and then shows a smirk.

I dreamed that I would take this pretty wife home early.

They all say that the wine is not drunk and everyone is drunk.

This is really a half-point. Zhang Xiaofan was happy in his heart, and he was accompanied by a beautiful woman. He never drunk, but he also respected the father-in-law for a few cups. Already drunk.

The relatives of the Wang family followed up and let Zhang Xiaofan toast them.

No way, Zhang Xiaofan said a toast to say hello.

When it was time to go, Zhang Xiaofan walked almost unsteadily.


Both father and son were very happy, drunk and smoked back home and entered the yard.

“Wife, we are back! I am so happy today, my son’s affair has been talked about, the Wang family did not despise our family at all. I still praise the son smart and capable. Tomorrow I will ask Mr. Feng Shui to choose a good day, then prepare Put people in the door!”

Zhang Tiezhu will squat as soon as he enters the door.

“Wow…” Zhang Xiaofan vomited at the door, he only thought his head was like a burst.

Drink too much alcohol.

Just after entering the door, Zhang Tiezhu quickly found out that something was wrong.

Feng’s face was a bitter face.

“Wife, what are you singing? The son’s affair has been talked about, you are not happy?” Zhang Tiezhu some of the two monks are puzzled.

“My son’s family has been talked about, and my heart is naturally happy. Just now Ma Dashan personally came, saying that this year is going to increase rent, and directly rose by 20%. I argued two sentences, his face is cold, saying that our family is renting. Don’t rent it, don’t rent it. It will increase by 20% every year. How can we call our family to live?”

Feng’s voice choked and kept tearing his tears.

Zhang Jia relies on farming to make money.

The rent is not low, and the harvest this year is not good. The Ma family is still going to increase rent by 20%. This is a clear indication that Zhang Jiahuo will not be given.

Listening to the mother’s crying, Zhang Xiaofan’s wine has already woken up more than half.

He did not expect the Ma family to be so vicious and act so fast.

The best way to stay away from the horse is to have a piece of Lingtian.

However, according to the regulations of the big peasant countries, civilians cannot own Lingtian. Only nobles can own Lingtian.

In other words, Zhang Xiaofan does not allow to buy Lingtian even if he has money now.

“I have to find a way to get the lowest title first.”

Even if you want to get the lowest number of monks, it is no easy task.

Either enlisted in the army, killing the enemy on the battlefield, and using the enemy’s first level in exchange for military merit. Accumulated enough military power, naturally can be sealed.

Another way is to make a big contribution to the government.

There is a deep doorway inside.

You can damage a large sum of money to the government, or you can offer a treasure of enough weight. You can also donate a grass.

In the current conditions of Zhang Xiaofan, killing the enemy is completely a death. It is extravagant to donate a large sum of money to the government. Selling the whole family is worth a few dollars.

The only way is to get a kind of spirit grass with super power, and then donate it to the government.

This is also the quickest and most effective way.

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