Master of Exotic Planting

Chapter 49 - Immediately created

“Children, Ma Jia is the Longtan Tiger Cave. It is too dangerous for you to go alone. I have already passed a book to Li Zhigang’s flying pigeons. I believe that I will arrive soon. You can also have a care when you go together.”

Mother-in-law also chased it out and tried to persuade Zhang Xiaofan.

She does not want her daughter to become a widow early. And she is particularly fond of the three sons.

Because the three daughters have come over, the days are getting better every day. Zhang Xiaofan is a child, calm, wise, not unassuming, and very motivated. It is also a love for Wang Yuanyuan.

Such a good son-in-law, she is a mother-in-law, and she really likes it.

“Son, listen to everyone’s persuasion, double fists are difficult to attack four hands. You have to be a pro-family and relatives, and wait until Li Zhigang and Tan Zhi are back, it is not too late to go.” Feng also chased out and took his son’s hand.

Impulse is the devil.

Zhang Xiaofan is alone, although he has already cultivated the source, but it does not mean invincibility.

Be careful to drive the ship for thousands of years.

“French, you will listen to the advice!” Wang Yuanyuan is also anxious to tears.

Regardless of the danger, Zhang Xiaofan insisted on going out for her father and seeking justice. She was particularly moved.

She loves her husband and does not want him to have something.


Zhang Xiaofan also couldn’t bear to let his loved ones be afraid and fearful. He immediately sat down in his own yard and resumed the loss of wood.

When I go to the Ma family this time, there must be a hard battle to fight. It is necessary to maintain the peak level of the body.


After half an hour or so, the humming sound of the horse was heard outside the door, and the wheel of the carriage was rolling.

“Where is the old man?” Li Zhigang’s voice is very thick, and he jumped in and jumped straight into the horse.

“Zhi Gang wow, you can finally come back, your old man was interrupted by the horse family, so miserable…” Mother-in-law cried.

In the mind of the mother-in-law, it is obvious that Li Zhigang, the second son-in-law, has more weight.

Because Li Zhigang has a military status, he is a soldier who is a good man.

Although Zhang Xiaofan is also a source of war, he has a priestly rank, but compared with Li Zhigang, he is worse. At least in the eyes of outsiders.

“Oh ah…” Outside, Wang Fu’s other two daughters came down from the carriage and screamed into the house.

Tan Zhi came in without hesitation, and his face was deep.

It can also be seen from this point that the temperament of the big brother-in-law is the coolest. The old man was injured, as if he had little relationship with him.

“The horses of the beasts, Lao Tzu does not turn you into a meat sauce, it is difficult to eliminate the hatred of the heart!” Li Zhigang saw the horror of Wang Fu, angered the fighting house, screaming like a mad wolf, pulling the knife and rushing outside .

“Let’s go together!”

Zhang Xiaofan had been waiting impatiently. He also stood up and took the Emperor Knife and Li Zhigang side by side.

“Tan Zhi, you are going along with you, you are being beaten like this, you must help out!” Big sister Wang Xueling sadly said.

The big brother-in-law seems to have some disdain for the behavior of Li Zhigang and Zhang Xiaofan.

Pouting, “Calling and killing are all scorpions, directly carrying the old man to the county door and shouting, telling the Ma family, this is the king.”

“Where is the situation of the Ma family? How to tell! The younger brother of Ma Dashan is a master of history in the county of Tuen Mun. The Ma Dashan people have the title of being a privileged class. Are you counting on the government to help you?”

The second sister, Wang Hao, was not polite this time, and he did not mercilessly poke the false face of the big brother-in-law.

In addition to rhetoric, this person is self-righteous and has no other skills.

At the beginning, the eldest sister married Tan Zhi, and it was really blind.


Big sister Wang Xueling screamed.

Tan Zhi was reluctant to ride a horse, chasing Li Zhigang and Zhang Xiaofan.


The mansion of the Ma family, the door is closed, no different from usual. It seems very quiet.

Looking far away, like a fierce beast squatting on the land of Longcao Township, occupying this land, no one is allowed to provoke the majesty of the Ma family. Everyone living in Longcao Township must tremble under the fierceness of the Ma family and be a man with his tail.

“The horse’s beast, give me out!”

Li Zhigang’s temper is the most violent, but it is also unique to the military.

A roar, shocking all directions.

“What is it called? I was sitting here and didn’t see it?” I immediately wore an expensive brocade, moved a Taishi chair, and sat in the front yard of the Ma family.

Behind him, standing with two nieces who fanned, the tea was poured, and the waiter was very thoughtful.

In addition, the Ma family’s descendants and nursing homes are all armed with weapons.

Ma Dashan is not a fool, deliberately doing things, and the relatives of Zhang’s family have risen and rented, and Wang Fu’s legs have been interrupted. He believes that as long as Zhang Xiaofan is still bloody, he will kill the door.

Zhang Xiaofan also deliberately scanned a few eyes in the Majia compound, and did not see such a particularly powerful master ambush.

He couldn’t help but wonder, what is the reliance of Ma Dashan?

“Old animal, dare to hurt my father-in-law, I will take your dog’s life today!” Li Zhigang rushed in with a knife.

“Get it!”

The Ma Dashan people sipped and the guards in front of them rushed to the Li Zhigang.

Although these guards are not the source of the war, the repairs have basically reached the eleventh floor of the gas vein. There are even twelve layers of gas.

They are crowded and besieged Li Zhigang. For a time, Li Zhigang is extremely difficult to break through.

However, just like the blink of an eye, Li Zhigang has already killed several people.

The blood instantly dyed the ground, a corpse with a guard, and a residual limb, which turned the front yard of Ma’s home into a purgatory on earth.

Zhang Xiaofan said nothing, but also raised the knife to the Ma Dashan people.

He directly circumvented the guards of the horses and the next.

“The old man is now a knight, will you try a finger?” Ma Dashan stood up and took the initiative to meet Zhang Xiaofan.

This old thing, no wonder dare to be so arrogant.

Silently, there is actually a higher level than the top.

I am afraid that it is the entire Ping County, and there are only a handful of those who have such knights.

“Killing you like killing pigs!” Zhang Xiaofan never believed in evil, and slashed his sword to Ma Dashan. “Dare to provoke me to be a family, it is the emperor’s nephew, and the younger brother will dare to kill.”

“Small beast, you really dare to do it?” Ma Dashan people stunned, hurried to avoid the side. It is also to draw a hidden weapon from the sleeve to resist.

However, Zhang Xiaofan’s repair was placed there, and under the roar of the knife, an arm holding a short blade was cut off on the spot.

This is also the Ma Dashan people hiding fast, otherwise it is not the arm, but the head.

“Where is the official difference? Save the man!” Ma Dashan people endured severe pain, and even fled to the backyard.

Four senior officials came out and they were lurking in the house.

Zhang Xiaofan was shocked.

When did the Ma family have such a big power? Actually, the senior officials can be mobilized, and the four players can be fully mobilized.

Tan Zhi outside is a coward.

I didn’t dare to enter the Majia Yard. I couldn’t see the situation. I lost my horse’s head.


The gate of the Ma family was closed.

Ma Dashan’s face is awkward and murderous.

“Give me these two murderers! Especially Zhang Xiaofan, life and death hurried!” Ma Dashan people’s tone is terrible. It seems that relying on it is not so simple.

There should be other snuggles.

Zhang Xiaofan finally realized the true meaning of a sentence. Ginger, it really is old and spicy.

The Ma family does not seem to have a source of war. Zhang Xiaofan has been continually facing Ma Jiaxiu’s muscles for a while and hangs the horse and father.

Now I was counted by the Ma Dashan people and immediately fell into desperation.

The repairs of these senior officials are all source warriors, and they all cultivate the source of martial arts. The strength is terrible.

To deal with one person is enough, and at the same time deal with four people, Zhang Xiaofan has no way to live.

Only the part that was killed.

“Zhigang, quick withdrawal!”

Zhang Xiaofan has already smashed his eyes at this moment, screaming at Li Zhigang and killing the guards of the Ma family.

The guards supported by the Ma family are only a dozen people.

Dealing with a source of military weapons is enough, and at the same time dealing with two, immediately only the first share.

Seeing the plane to escape, he saved his life, and saw the slow guard, becoming the soul of the two men.

Although the world is ruthless, the strength of this sentence applies at all times.

“The door is locked from the outside, what should I do?”

Zhang Xiaofan tried to open the door of the Ma family and could not pull it.

If it is just the door of an ordinary person, you can call it a piece of sawdust. However, the gates of the Ma family are wrapped in thick copper, and it is difficult to destroy them with a knife.

“You can’t escape!”

Four senior officials were killed at the same time. They are well trained, dressed in armor and have excellent weapons. And mastered the source of martial arts.

Just a trick, Zhang Xiaofan’s tyrant’s knife almost flew out.

The source of the other party’s martial arts is too powerful.

Fighting power can be broken several times.

“Three brother-in-law, I will help you escape. Remember, don’t worry about me. Rest assured, I have a military status, they dare not treat me.” Li Zhigang is a soldier, also mastered the source of martial arts.

Moreover, the combat power is only weaker than the senior officials.

We must know that the military soldiers belong to the regular army, and the senior officials are basically military soldiers who have been eliminated by the military. They are finally hired by the county as a treasure.

Li Zhigang smashed out with a knife, and the four officers were forced to retreat.

Then grab Zhang Xiaofan and throw it out at the thick wall of up to seven or eight meters behind him.

With this power, Zhang Xiaofan was able to successfully climb the wall.

There are a lot of iron thorns on it, and he has blooded his hands. He can’t take care of it.

At this moment, it is important to escape.

“Catch, don’t let Zhang Xiaofan run!” Ma Dashan’s broken arm, blood flow as a note. Some people ran over and gave him a tight stop.

Li Zhigang struggled to stop in front of the gate, and at the same time shouted “Three brothers, run fast, leave me alone!”

Already a senior official is also preparing to follow Li Zhigang’s approach and want to climb the wall to deal with Zhang Xiaofan.

At this time, it is not the time of the mother.

Zhang Xiaofan bit his teeth, tears up the wall of up to eight meters, hit two rolls on the ground, and unloaded the power of the fall.

Climb up and run.

If he is caught by a senior official, he will die.

One of the arms of Ma Dashan was cut off and he will definitely not give him a living.

“Majia, wait for me to return again, will definitely pull you out.” Zhang Xiaofan did not escape home, but fled to the mountains.

He is very intelligent and has the super power to control plants. Hiding in the mountains is his only way to live.

And you can find the grass, and it will become stronger quickly after taking it.

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