Master of Exotic Planting

Chapter 96 - One pot end

“Who dares to move the official?” Luo Dianshi saw that the momentum was wrong, and immediately his face sank and screamed. “Zhang Xiaofan, don’t give you a three-point color and want to open a dyeing house. Tell you that this official is a nine-person civil servant, and you are just a nine-person civil servant. The official rank is lower than me, and the most unspeakable In the workshop, do you still want to win the official? This is not a joke!”

Luo Dianshi is not a cartilage head.

Since I turned my face, it would be better to rip my face directly with Zhang Xiaofan.

He wants to see, what is Zhang Xiaofan’s ability to take him?


Zhang Xiaofan did not pay attention to the plausible words of Luo Dianshi, and ordered Chen Hu and others to take people.

If anyone dares not, then there is no need to follow Zhang Xiaofan in the future.

He wants to be loyal and reliable, dare to dare to rush.

Instead of a gang of rudders, weak and timid old fritters.

“Whoever dares to move the official, that is the following crimes, you have to consider the consequences!” Luo Dianshi once again drunk.

At this time, Chen Hu and another dark-skinned senior official were seen, and they rushed directly to the Luo Dianshi. Take the iron chain of the person to the neck of Luo Dianshi, and suddenly he will be honest.

This dark-skinned official name, named Xiong Gang, his performance made Zhang Xiaofan very satisfied.

As long as the success of the performance is good, Zhang Xiaofan will definitely train this person.

The performance of the other two senior officials is worse. They saw Chen Hu and Xiong Gang both took Luo Dianshi, and then they followed the hands and took the dialect.

We must know that the dialect’s position in the gift room is not low, but the first clerk.

In terms of level, it is the same as Zhang Xiaofan.

“Single Zhang, why do you take me? Laozi and your official level, you do not have this power. Hurry to put Laozi.” The dialect struggled and screamed.

Zhang Xiaofan didn’t even look at him with his eyes.

As for this smuggling goods, Zhang Xiaofan was too lazy to talk nonsense with him just now.

Zhang Xiaofan glanced coldly at the two senior officials who took the dialect and had no expression on his face. He believes that as long as these two people are not stupid, do you know what this look means?

“Xiong Gang, Chen Hu, you both performed well! Every note was done once.” When Zhang Xiaofan turned to look at the other two senior officials, his face showed appreciation.

For the first time, he did not pay for the other two senior officials.

The next time the two men would dare to execute his orders immediately, they were afraid of the wolves and feared the tigers. Then you don’t have to follow Zhang Xiaofan.

“Thank you, Zhang Xianfeng! I will wait for the brain to swear, and swear to follow!” Both of them are overjoyed. Just by taking the individual, I got a small reward.

Followed by Zhang Xianfeng, the future is boundless.

The other two senior officials who did not receive the reward, regretted for a while. However, they also questioned Zhang Xiaofan’s energy and felt that Zhang Xiaofan should have no power to remember.

“Zhang Xiaofan, who do you think you are? County honor?”

“The rewards and losses are all responsible for the mortuary. You really come to open your mouth. Just give them a small gong, who is fooling?”

Luo Dianshi sneered and shouted Zhang Xiaofan’s ‘short check’.

After he was taken, he was extremely angry.

At the moment, I still have to find a way to get out of trouble, and then I will find Ma County to lead the fair.

I wanted to provoke distraction and shake the minds of several senior officials. Who knows that Chen Hu and Xiong Gang are not moving at all.

Zhang Xiaofan did not explain, but waved, “Take the two people away and put them into the county hall!” This is really moving.

The court is the place of judgment, representing majesty and the rule of law.

When it comes to the court, it is a big deal.

Luo Dianshi finally panicked at this time, knowing that Zhang Xiaofan was ironic and wanted to see him with a real chapter.

“You immediately tried to inform Ma County, and said that this official is difficult.” Luo Dianshi shouted at several people who had not been taken away.

The clerk was frightened and did not dare to move.

When Zhang Xiaofan took the people to take Luo Dianshi and the dialect, they dared to send one person and went to inform Ma County.


Zhang Xiaofan took a few men and held Luo Dianshi and dialects. Many people were attracted to the scene. The other five-room people are all curious to run out to watch.

They don’t know what happened.

At first glance, I almost scared to death. Isn’t this the history of the ceremony? On weekdays, it is a heavyweight in the county.

Now it was actually taken by Zhang Xiaofan.

This kid is simply a big devil, can’t be lawless.

Wherever people go, they will go to trouble.

Whoever sees him must be guilty.

Ma Dianshi’s face was cloudy and uncertain, and he whispered to a confidant’s hand, “I’ll go to the county office immediately, and tell my big brother!”

Before Zhang Xiaofan went to the court, he personally beat the drums.

Song’s main book hurriedly ran out to check the situation. When Zhang Xiaofan took all the first and second handles of the gift room, he could not help but be shocked.

“Zhang Xianfeng did not go to Longcao Township to run poorly, but took the two officials of the gift room. What is this?” Song asked him.

“I want to call two carriages. As a result, the court told me that all the carriages have arrangements. Then I asked them to write about the use of the carriage. It looks like there is no problem, but under the scrutiny, there are serious problems. Dereliction of duty. Invasion of public property is particularly serious. Please ask the county to preside over justice. The mice in the county officials like them must be cleaned up.

The county’s Tuen Mun is a clear sky. ”

Zhang Xiaofan simply said the situation again.

He believes that with the mind of the Song book, he can understand his intentions.

Anyway, what should be done, Zhang Xiaofan has already done. As for Yang Xianling, dare not sacrifice the killing stick, and directly remove the person, then it is not related to Zhang Xiaofan.

The eyes of Song’s main book were bright, and the county chose Zhang Xiaofan as a pioneer, and he really chose the right person.

Not only brave, but also intelligent.

Doing things seems to be impulsive, but in fact there is great wisdom.

The Luo Dian history and the dialect of the ceremony are both old fritters. Yang County ordered many times to find ways to remove the two people, but they could not grasp their handles.

I did not expect Zhang Xiaofan to solve a big problem directly to help the county.

“Zhang Xianfeng first put people into the court, I immediately went to report to the county!” Song’s main book rushed into the county and went to the county magistrate.

Luo Dianshi and dialect both have been lucky.

Waiting for Ma County to rescue them.

At this moment, both of them roared Zhang Xiaofan and said nothing.

They were also paralyzed this time and gave the handle in the hands of Zhang Xiaofan. However, even if the carriage call is violated, it should not be a big deal. With Ma County, they will support them, and they will be able to make small things small and small things.

Not long after, Yang County made a serious look into the court. Song’s main book is behind him.

The three classes of servants held water and fire sticks, all of them were present, and they were divided into two classes.

The hall was filled with heart-rending anger.

“Who is the drumming of the drums?” Yang County asked Shen Sheng.

“Zhang Xiaofan, the lower official, found that the history of the ceremony, the dialect of the two people neglected their duties, serious misconduct, there are serious violations of discipline and discipline…” Zhang Xiaofan stood up straight, loudly counted the crimes of Luo Dianshi and dialect.


The hallard was photographed heavily, and Yang County made an angry rush.

“After the check, never estimate!”

There are only a short eight words, but the weight is extremely heavy. The Luo Dian history and the dialects, which are under pressure, are white and the body is shaking uncontrollably.

Song’s main book immediately took a few talented men and went to the question of the history of the ceremony.

At this time, Ma County hurriedly rushed to the county Tuen Mun Court in a carriage.

“I have seen the county magistrate! What do you do if you don’t know the two people in the gift room?” When Ma County came in, he asked the Yangxian commander in the hall.

“Give the seat!” Yang Xianling is not angry, his face has been calm. “Ma County is just right, you can witness it together, lest anyone say that the county magistrate abused power!”


After waiting for about half an hour, the Song Master Book returned.

Good guy, actually put five people into the court. The seven officials in the courtroom were directly cleaned by a pot.

“Yu County has made an adult, and the job was investigated to investigate the violation of the courtroom. It has been found that the courthouse from top to bottom, seven officials, all of whom took power for personal gain and serious misconduct. The problem is very serious, and Jane has reached a shocking level. This is their The crimes and the corresponding evidences found, please count the county!”

According to the procedure, the Song Dynasty’s main book presented the crimes and the crimes to the Yangxian order.

Zhang Xiaofan stood by and looked at his heart. The gang of Yang Xianling was really amazing. Only half an hour later, I have already taken the crime of seven people in the courtroom.

However, it is also possible that the courtroom was caught off guard.

They are afraid that they have never dreamed of dreaming, they will be taken down and they will be fully investigated.

Violation of laws and regulations, even if it is done clean, but serious to a certain extent, can not afford to check.

“Ma County, do you want to protect these two people?” Yang Xianling did not immediately read the guilt of the two men, but suddenly turned to ask the face of the county.

“The county magistrate, you must save us!” Luo Dianshi and dialect are the people of Ma County.

At the moment, the crime was verified and the heart was in fear.

They are all crying to Ma County for help.

Ma County’s face flashed with anger, and Yang County’s heart was sinister, clearly indicating that he had deliberately given him a problem.

Promise to protect these two people, it is to get angry, if you can’t do it yourself.

If you don’t keep it, it will make other people who are loyal to him feel chilling.

“If these two people are shackled and not guilty, the county will try to protect them. If the evidence is conclusive, it will be dead.” The intelligence of Ma County is absolutely online.

This answer is very clever.

“I also asked the county to borrow those crimes and crimes to see me!” Ma County said.

“Take the past!”

Yang County ordered a sigh, and Song’s main book immediately took them to Ma County.

The atmosphere in the public hall suddenly became more and more suppressed, as if it had to be solidified.

In particular, the officials of the seven gift rooms, with tears in their eyes, are looking forward to watching Ma County.

“Hate, you can be annoyed! How do you do this kind of thing? Can you afford the salary of the royal grain that you receive every month?” Ma County was so angry that he angered the seven people in the courtroom.

I don’t know what tricks this old fox wants to play?

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