Master of Great Calamity

Chapter 105 Crazy Like a Demon

Brother Guan, before entering the Devil's Breathing Lake, I taught you a method of cultivation. Although there are many hidden dangers, it is very easy to practice. With that method, your cultivation has broken through the sixth level of Qi training, and reached the lower level of the seventh level of Qi training. The foundation of mana is barely enough. In addition to your natural supernatural power, it is already not to be underestimated, but your potential has not been fully utilized, so I prepared this pill for you. You take this pill now, and then go to guard the Lord God Come on...

Fang Yuan opened the small box, and inside was a bright yellow elixir. On the elixir, there were patterns that looked like five poisons, and the spirit rose up. The moment the small box was opened, the disciples of the immortal sect who were close even heard a faint and shrill roar. It was clearly just an elixir, but it gave people an indescribable feeling of a demon, which really made people's scalp tingle...

When all the disciples around saw such an evil pill, they subconsciously took a step back.


But Guan Ao didn't even look at it, he grabbed the pill and stuffed it into his mouth.

All the disciples stared at him blankly, looking dumbfounded.

Seeing Guan Ao frowned, all the disciples immediately looked at him with concern, wanting to hear what he had to say.

Guan Ao smacked his mouth twice and said, Bitter!

Fang Yuan laughed helplessly: Next time I will ask her to add some sugar...

Okay, then I'm going!

Guan Ao wiped his mouth and was about to charge forward.

Don't worry!

But Fang Yuan stopped him again, took out a black iron armor covered with moiré pattern, and a long and short sword inlaid in the shape of a golden dragon, and put it on the ground, pressing the ground into a hole, saying: Put it on!

Is that...

All the disciples were faintly surprised when they saw it.

They have all heard that in Xiaozhufeng’s magic weapon pavilion, there is a set of magic weapons left over from battle repairs hundreds of years ago. The two most important pieces are cloud-pattern black iron clothes and dragon-pattern golden chopping knives. Treasure's weapon...

In the past, many Xiaozhufeng disciples wanted to bring out these two magic treasures, but unfortunately, the disciples of the Magic Artifact Pavilion had a dark heart and demanded a lot of benefits, otherwise they would not give them, and they had no choice but to give up, but now, what Fang Yuan took out, could it be this thing?


Guan Ao didn't care what the other disciples thought, he picked up the iron armor with both hands and covered his body, and put the big knife in his hand.

When the disciples saw it, their eyes lit up. Guan Ao, who was already very burly, put on the iron armor, and his whole body was like an iron tower. He held the sharp sword in his palm, and he didn't have to do anything, and he naturally had a kind of majesty!


Fang Yuan looked at Guan Ao's eyes, and saw that countless bloodshot eyes had begun to appear in his eyes, so he ordered lightly.


Guan Ao agreed tremblingly, his figure suddenly sank, then he took a deep breath and jumped out suddenly.


Without using any magic power, he actually jumped a distance of more than ten feet in one step, and like an iron tower, he slammed heavily in front of the formation. On the main god's seat, even the ground was smashed into a big hole.


At this time, the surrounding black wind skeletons had already gathered around, and were biting around the golden armor talisman sacrificed by the disciples, but the golden armor talisman was mainly for defense, no matter how fierce they were, they couldn't break through the defense of this talisman for a while, so they could only pile up like a hill around them, until Guan Ao jumped forward, and immediately had a target to attack, and rushed over with a scream...


The black wind skeletons rushed forward roaring, but Guan Ao also roared at them unexpectedly.

In terms of momentum, he alone was more frightening than the roars of dozens of black wind skeletons in front of him.

Or, at this time, compared with those black wind skeletons, he is actually more like a demon...


These black wind skeletons didn't have much flesh left. Of course they couldn't fight Guan Ao with their throats, but they were very ferocious, with ghost fire in their eyes, and they all rushed towards Guan Ao. For a moment, they felt a gust of dark wind. The black wind on their bodies was almost connected into a black cloud.

Junior Brother Fang asks me to fight, then I will... fight to the death!

Guan Ao let out a wild roar at this moment, clenched the sword tightly with both hands, and swept it out fiercely.

His knife is extremely simple, without any changes, and he himself is the type who only has brute force but not many subtle moves, but the key problem is that his simple knife is too powerful...

Sweeping with one knife, it is as heavy as a mountain!


When the knife was swung, there was a sound of void explosion, and even the blade could not be seen, only an afterimage could be seen!

boom! boom! boom!

Not to mention the knife, even the blade wind torn out of the blade was like a whirlwind, directly from left to right, all the black wind skeletons that approached him were smashed into pieces, and the thick black wind on his body was also torn to pieces by this knife.

My this still a human?

The immortal disciples who surrounded Guan Ao were all taken aback.

They all gasped, terrified.

Guan Ao was originally born with supernatural power, strong and boundless, and now he is even stronger than that, and he has grown a lot higher...

This can no longer be described by brute force, if it is accurately described, it should be regarded as the power of ghosts and gods!


However, when Guan Ao shot, he opened and closed too wide, his waist and ribs immediately revealed a hole as big as a cave, and the black wind skeleton in front of him was cut down by him, but a large number of black wind skeletons rushed up from both sides, and the claws without a trace of flesh and blood were entwined with black magic breath, like a magic weapon, and scratched at Guan Ao fiercely...

This is the reason why ants kill elephants more often!

Ants can kill elephants not because they are strong enough, but because elephants have too many flaws!

Guan Ao was fierce and unreasonable at this time, dancing wildly with his sword, and countless black wind skeletons were blown away by him, but there were still many black wind skeletons surrounding him, some even hung on his body, and he couldn't shake it off, thanks to the golden armor protecting his body...

Follow Senior Brother Guan to the peak, help him protect his back!

And at this time, Fang Yuan had also flashed to Zuo Ding's position, and with the light of the sword in his palm, he silently turned a dozen of the approaching Black Wind Skeletons into pieces on the ground, and then crossed his sword in front of his chest, resisting the endless attack of monsters, and the voice resounded loudly.

The monster is killed!

Let go of the switch, idiot...

The group of disciples, while sacrificing golden armor talismans and guarding the periphery, some people sacrificed various talismans and magic weapons, and beat at the black wind skeleton wrapped around Guan Ao, as if they were swatting flies for him, and quickly swept away the skeleton hanging on Guan Ao's body, and Guan Ao felt relieved.

And a group of Little Bamboo Peak disciples followed behind Guan Ao, they didn't care about other things, they just protected Guan Ao's exposed flaws!

In this way, a strange effect was actually formed, the two phases superimposed, and the power was countless times stronger!

Kill, kill, kill, kill...

Kill a mess...

Blood flows like the sea...

The head seems to be blooming...

At this time, Guan Ao really seemed to be crazy. He swung a big knife in his hand and charged back and forth among the black wind skeletons. Wherever the big knife passed, those skeletons that looked incomparably terrifying were all smashed into pieces by him. Under this wide-open and wide-open attack, some black wind skeletons that approached him silently were also scattered by the disciples of the immortal sect behind them!

In this way, only attacking but not defending, Guan Ao's brute force was brought to the extreme!

He is like a wild dragon, rushing around, invincible!

In the end, even the disciples of Xiaozhu Peak had to run fast all the way to keep up with his figure.

Fang did you feed him just now?

Even Xiaojiao, who was guarding You Ding's seat, felt a little numb watching Guan Ao killing all directions, and couldn't help but ask.

Three-turn Crazy Demon Pill!

Fang Yuan smashed a black wind skeleton with a sword casually, and said lightly.

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