Master of Marvel World

Chapter 428

Chapter 421 : Masterpiece Negotiation

Anzi Urgon still doesn’t know if the other partners are in this world.

But make a plan to live here alone.

and so.

You must not lose these companions created by your companions.

He went to the treasure house.

Take away all the props left by your companions.

Then one person left the underground tomb of Nazarick and directly used teleportation magic to come to the place where Shen He was.

As a necromancer.

Of course.

His appearance caused panic among everyone in the entire capital, because the ring that covered the magic was not taken off, and the horror and suffocating magic filled the entire sky.

Can’t see, can’t detect!

All magicians with detection capabilities were almost suffocated by the pressure of this huge magical power.

This is a monster!

Unimaginable monster!

“Shen, Mr. Shen!”

The first seat still here came to Shen He for the first time, his face extremely pale.

There is no need to confront the enemy at all.

Just looking at the monster in the sky, he was extremely sure that it was the level of the six great gods.

It might even be stronger than that!

He even doubted whether Shen He would be the opponent of this monster!


Before Shen He spoke, Ainzurgon in the sky had already spotted him.

It just flew straight in this direction.

The first seat is not enough to retreat.

Instead, the soldier commander stood beside Shen He with firm eyes.

Because it is too weak to distinguish the strength of the opponent, there is no such fear.

Anyway, whether it was the Necromancer in front of him, Shen He by his side, or even the first seat and others, they could all squeeze him to death with a single finger.

and so.

Don’t worry too much about the strength of strength.

Anzurgong stayed in this suffocating breath and came to Shen He.

He didn’t even wear a robe.

But the gray robe, which was very crude throughout his life, fully displayed the large skeleton body inside in front of everyone.

This is the first time since coming to this world to declare one’s identity in such a fair manner.

Anzurgong discovered something unexpectedly.

Shen He’s gaze didn’t show much disgust, but was very calm.


“This is not the first time we have met, Ainz.” Shen He said directly.

“…You knew it a long time ago.” Ainz Urgong was in a complicated mood.

He had actually guessed it.

If the opponent’s strength is so strong, there is no reason why he will not be able to discover his crude disguise that day.

“When I saw you that day, I was really shocked.” Shen He smiled lightly, “I didn’t expect a necromancer to appear this time.”

“That’s why you made the suggestion of teaming up with me?” Ainzurgon had already figured it out.

When Shen He saw his identity that day, he would come over on his own initiative.

“Yes.” Shen He nodded, and did not deny this. “I will not judge a person’s good or bad based on race, appearance, or other things. There is no reverence for life.”

“The result?” Ainzurgon stretched his arms. “Look at me. I am a race between life and death. Do you still think I am afraid of life?”

The undead’s indifference to life is not only in this world.

Even the original earth has such a setting.

The passivity of Ainzurgon has made him lose fear, panic, joy, and even desire, which are only human emotions.

Therefore, even if he knew that Shen Yun in front of him was stronger than him, he still came over.

Well prepared.

Even if you want to fight, you can fight with all your strength.

“Didn’t I just say it? I don’t look at the quality of the race, but the soul.” Shen He shook his head, “Speaking of which, all of the subordinates you created are the existence of the evil value exploding, even if they are No matter how relaxed my standards are, they can never say that they fear life. With this alone, the fault can only be placed on you.”

Naturally, the fault cannot be placed on Ainzurgon or his partners.

After all, who knew these NPCs would come alive.

However, Shen He could not reveal that he already knew the true identity of Anzurgong.


Ainz Urgon didn’t see Albedo again until this time.

Almost unrecognizable.

Her clothes actually covered herself tightly.

How is this possible?

“What did you do to Albedo!?”

Ainz Urgon was a little angry, but a green light flashed, and his anger was suppressed by his own passivity.

It is sorrow.

Ainzurgon thought to himself that he himself probably couldn’t even count his soul as a human being.

“Master Ainz, Albedo’s virginity is still yours.” Albedo was a little panicked, flew up and knelt at Anzurgon’s feet, “It’s just…just a point of justice. It has been revised. If Ainz-sama doesn’t like Albedo like this… then even if it is dead…”

Until this time, the rest of the crowd knew that this Albedo was actually a subordinate of the necromancer in front of him.

This Necromancer had met Shen He a long time ago, is it even possible that he had a duel?

“Stop, I don’t mean to dislike it.”

Seeing Albedo talked more and more exaggerated, Ainzurgong finally recovered the feeling of Albedo.

Justice value?

He remembers that Albedo’s justice value is negative five hundred.

“I did two things on her.” Shen He said simply, “The first thing, I turned her evil attributes into justice, and the second thing, I relieved you from being a creator. Limitations on her?”

“Restriction?” Ainzurgon didn’t quite understand.

If only the justice value has been modified, that’s okay.

The so-called justice value refers to the judgment of good and evil.

Personality will not change much.

But the restriction is lifted-

“You impose restrictions on her to like you.” Shen He said with a light smile, “I didn’t change this, but I gave her the characteristic of change. In other words, if you treat her badly, she may change her mind.”


Ainzurgong understood it.

It increases the possibility of rebellion and is no longer limited to the original setting.

“Why are you doing such a thing?” Ainzul Gong asked, “Since you can modify the settings, you can even directly change her memory and belonging.”

Just thinking about it, Ainzurgon felt a little scary.

If you can even do this.

The person in front of him is not even a player, but a GM.

There is no hope of winning at all.

“I won’t do that because I value my companions.” Shen He shook his head. “Look at my companions, my wife. I didn’t impose any settings on them that do not belong to them. This is called a companion. Although there are sometimes disagreements, this is the pleasure of companions.”


Anzi Urgon did not speak.


He was deeply impressed by this.

Because he once had a group of such companions, and this NPC who came alive, no matter how close he wanted to be, there was something in his heart that they were worried about him just because of the setting.

“What did you come to me for today?” Shen He suddenly asked, “I have been waiting for your response. That demon should have been thinking about ways to deal with me.”

The purpose of taking Albedo was also for this.

Encourage Anzi Urgon and those in the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick.

He wants to know.

The big underground grave of Nazarick, who had previously fought against the air, suddenly faced a truly powerful opponent, what kind of means would he use to write.

As a result, nothing happened until now, which made him a little disappointed.

“He tried, but he failed.” Ainzurgon said calmly, “So at the moment, after the meeting I had to play.”

“Oh? Are you going to fight me?” Shen He suddenly came to some character.

“No, I want to negotiate with you!” Ainzul said respectfully.


Shen He opened his mouth slightly, a little surprised.

Negotiation, what to talk about?

Isn’t a negotiation without the slightest strength basis just surrendering?

Is this to admit defeat? What about 300 rounds of fighting?

“Do you really stop thinking about it?”

Shen He was a little disappointed. If he surrendered so quickly, there would be no fun in the world.

“If the world is stronger, you might be able to win by strategy.” Ainzurgong shook his head. “But according to the information we have investigated, the power in this world is terribly weak on the surface, the so-called strongest team. The pitch black scripture is simply fragile and worthless. I don’t have enough time to come to Albedo again and fall into an unknown dangerous species.”

If Albedo hadn’t been caught.

In the end, he took the entire large underground tomb of Nazarick and hid.

Anyway, no matter which country they go to, they can live very smartly.

The accumulated power in the back, a little bit of looking for other players, hidden powerhouses, or waiting for new players to appear in the future.


Ainz Urgon cannot leave Albedo.

And after he said these words, Albedo, who was kneeling in front of him, was already trembling with excitement, and all expressions of excitement, infatuation, contentment, etc. were concentrated on her.

Shen He suddenly felt.

It’s just that lifting the restrictions on Albedo is unnecessary.

With this kind of emotional foundation, coupled with such a warm man’s mind, even if there are no restrictions, it is unlikely to change.

“Okay, negotiate.” Shen He suddenly sighed.

Now that this point has already been said, then indeed there is only negotiation.

He couldn’t force Ainzurgon to fight him.

“What kind of conditions are needed to let Albedo go.”

A tall throne appeared directly behind Anzi Urgon, and he sat on it like this, staring directly at Shen He with gleaming eyes.

I don’t know, I thought it was Shen He who came to surrender.

“After modifying Albedo’s justice value, she can be released at any time.”

Shen He simply took out an exaggerated throne from his backpack, slowly floating in this way, sitting in front of Anzurgon.

Can’t be compared in the pretense.

“So, you have no other conditions?” Ainz Urgon’s eyes suddenly burst into red light.

The suffocating breath became stronger and stronger.

Everyone around couldn’t help holding their breath and didn’t dare to say anything.

They have a hunch.

This time the negotiation may be a change that will directly affect the entire world.

And if the negotiation fails…

Just thinking about it, there is a feeling of falling apart.

No matter who loses or wins, they will never survive.

With this intuition.

All of them were listening to this extraordinary negotiation profusely.

“Do you know how difficult it is to increase the population of this world?” Shen He suddenly turned the topic to other aspects, “Incurable diseases, shortage of food, accidental deaths, these are all good, but some strong people , Especially if a magician like you wants to destroy tens of thousands of people on the battlefield, it is just a matter of magic.”

“I understand.” Ainzurgon nodded, “I will never do anything to kill, is that all right?”

“Not enough?” Shen He shook his head, “Albedo, I can rest assured, but your subordinates…”

“Do you want to change the settings of all of them?” Anzurgong increased his tone. “Alright, Albedo, after all, I have modified her too, but the others are definitely not possible, they are all me. My companions left to my companions.”

Ainzi Urgon now values ​​those NPCs very much.

Because they are precious existences created by their former companions.


Shen He pondered for a while, he really hadn’t thought about the meaning of those NPC characters to Anzurgong.

After hesitating for a while, I also figured it out.

After all, what he really wants to change is not those people.

But Anzurgon in front of him.

In other words, it is to prevent him from being assimilated by this body, while retaining the kindness of being a human being and the respect for life.

“It’s okay if you don’t change it, but you have to make sure that you can restrain them.” Shen He said directly, “I don’t mean that you abandon the dignity of being a strong person, but I just hope that you can think carefully when punishing the weak. It is enough to think about whether the fault of those weak should pay the price of their lives.”

“…No problem.” Ainzur nodded solemnly.

Before he came, he had thought a lot about the other party’s purpose.

For example, get their world-class props.

Or their money the secrets they travel through.

But I didn’t expect that what the other party first proposed was really just such a request.

Could it be that……

Is this the courage that a real strong person should possess?

“If we can do this, we won’t be hostile.” Shen He smiled.

He didn’t want to be hostile to Ainzurgon.

And now.

With a justice version of Albedo by his side.

Add the Chaldean deterrence.

Anzi Urgon should be able to better enjoy this trip to another world. Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter “” on Baidu to enter this site

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